Clara Black. Harry Potter's C...

By MrsDarylDixon5094

19.1K 364 163

"Four adults and two infants sat waiting for the plane to arrive. Little did any of them know just how differ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Thank You!

Chapter 2

1.9K 36 11
By MrsDarylDixon5094

I don't own the lyrics used in the song "Riot" by three days grace. Nor do I own the video, I'll link here, in case you want to hear the full song. Harry do the disclaimer:

Harry: MrsDarylDixon5094 does not own any of the characters from J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series. She only owns the OC's Clara and Jamie Black. She also doesn't own any of the songs used in her stories. She has simply heard them and decided to use them in a chapter.

*Clara's POV*

Ten years later.

I was hanging around the apartment, waiting for my friend, Hanivila, to come over.

She's a muggle unlike me, so I unfortunately can't go to Hogwarts this year with her.

Hanivila and I have been friends since kindergarten, where I stole her juice box at snack time and she skipped me in line for kickball.

The very next day we were best friends. Life is strange, I guess.

That's a good thing, I don't really have any muggle friends, due to the strange stuff that happens when I'm really excited, mad, or scared. Hanivila. has gotten used to it over the years and has accepted it as part of the best friend package.

At the moment, I'm rocking out in my bedroom, (used to be a study until mom fixed it up for me, when I turned three) to the song "Riot" by Three Days Grace. I jump on the floor, air guitar and singing at the top of my lungs;

"Let's start a riot, a riot.

Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot, a riot

Let's start a riot."

As you probably guessed, the neighbors don't like me much. Because I'll do this even at midnight. Did I mention the stereo was on max volume?

Mom came into the room and shouted over the stereo, "Vil's here, Clara!"

I turned off the stereo and pulled Vil into my room. Mom turned around to go back to the kitchen. She was baking cookies for us and, hopefully, going to receive my Hogwarts letter.

"Hey, C.A." Vil said, cheerily. She always abbreviated my name like that. Either, C.A. for Clara, or C.B for Clara Black. She used the second one when she's mad at me. I didn't mind. It was just how Vil talks. In return, I abbreviated her name to Vil.

Hey, Vil." I said, turning to face her. She and I were total opposites, she was blonde, I was black-haired, she had curls, mine was straight, she was tanned, I was pale, She had brown eyes, I had grey, her hair was textured, mine was silky smooth, She was covered in freckles, I had none, she was a little on the shrimpy side, I was tall, She was shy, I was brave, she was artistic, I was logical, she was an open book, I was reserved, she was sweet, I was cunning.

We were the half the other needed to be a whole. Ying and Yang and all that jazz.

"I heard you all the way down at street level, and that's ten floors down." She flopped on the bed next to me.

"Yeah, the neighbors hate me." She shoved me, and chuckled.

"That's not true. You're such a helpful person to them, that't they put up with loud music blaring from your room at midnight."

"Say what you will. I don't believe it."

"So, you get into that boarding school your mom went to when she was a kid?"

"Not yet." She heard the anxiety in my tone.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get the letter."

"God, I hope so."

"I know you'll get in." She was staring at me with those dark brown orbs of hers. "You're something special. There's no way they won't let you in."

I smiled gratefully. I liked that she believed in me.

Although the phrase, "Something special", Put me on edge. Even if she is my best friend, she couldn't know about my world. Partially because I'm scared she'll abandon me.

"How's your mom holding up?" I asked to distract her from my school worries.

"She's doing alright, I guess. The doctor says she's doing remarkably well."  Vil picked at the red and gold bed sheet covers I had. What can I say? I'm a Griffindor kid. It's the house I want to be in.

I put a comforting arm around Vil's shoulders. "Don't you worry,'bout nothing. Your mom will be fine. She's a tough lady." Hanavila's mom had lung cancer, from smoking when she was a teen. She quit when she was pregnant with Hanavila, but by that point it was too late. 

"Thanks, now make me laugh."

We sat around and told jokes to each other. We'd both had a silent pact, no serious stuff once we start cracking jokes. Mom brought cookies and she stayed with us to listen to the jokes we were telling.

Then suddenly, she pulled a letter made of parchment from behind her back.

"Honey, This just came in the mail." She handed me the letter, then started bouncing on the balls of her feet. Just like a little kid. "Go on, Clara! Open it!"

"My Hogwarts letter came!" I realized what it meant when mom got so excited.

"Open it!" Vil shouted in my ear. "I'm sure you got in!"

"Ow! My eardrums!" But I rip open the letter. It read:

Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First class, Grand Sorc., chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly. Please find an enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

"Well? Did you get in?" Vil begged. I hesitated and telling her and mom, just because. Nah, I did it just to annoy her. Mom says I'm a lot like my Daddy.

"Yes! I'm in Vil! I get to go to Hogwarts!" She and I jumped up and squealed. Mom had tears in her eyes and she hugged me a little too tightly.

She said, "Your daddy would be so proud of you." 

Time Skip

Vil went home a little bit later. I was getting ready for bed later that night.

I pulled my hair away from my face and looked into the mirror. This was a part of my nightly routine. I inherited most of my Dad's features. Same facial structure, same hair, similar personality, same smirk, the only things I inherited from my mom was my eye shape, the color was dad's, and the silky quality my hair had.

Every night, I look into the mirror and try to picture him. I imagine a handsome man with grey eyes and black hair, laughing at a prank I pulled, or  smirking at mom.

I really wanted to gather my courage and ask my mom the biggest question mark in my life: Where is my dad? Whenever I tried to ask before, Mom always looked like she would start crying, and I'd lost my nerve.

Not this time. 

Before I could turn away from my mirror, mom came in to say goodnight. She teased me, "You know if you stare at your reflection long enough, it'll move and suck you into the mirror dimension."

"Yeah right, mom. I'll believe it when it happens." I answered sarcastically.

"Alright, Kiddo, bedtime."

I hopped into bed. Mom tucked me in. I turn on my stereo on and set the timer.  I gathered my courage and asked, "Mom, what happened to dad? Why isn't he here? Kids at school say he was a dumb man and abandoned you when he found out you were pregnant with me. They said it in a lot ruder way though. It isn't true right?" I was nervous. I didn't want her to say yes. I wanted her to deny it. To say dad was a good man, but something happened and he couldn't stay with us.

"No, of course that's not true! Your daddy loved you and I very much. It's just in the war against Voldemort, that I told you about, he asked me to come with you, here to America.We hoped it would keep you safe until Voldemort was beaten. Well after he was, your daddy, Sirius, was arrested on fake charges. They thought he betrayed Aunt Lilly and Uncle James, then murdered a street full of people."

"Did he do it?"

"I can't know for sure, but most likely not. It doesn't fit Sirius's personality and he loved Uncle James like he was his brother. I think he's innocent, but you can believe whatever you want."

She kissed the top of my head, turned off my lamp, and said, "Goodnight, Clara. I love you."

Before she got out the door I told her what I was thinking. "I know he's innocent. He's in Azkaban, but you're trying to get him out. I want to help."

I could have sworn, that even in the darkness, I saw my mother smile.

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