Chapter 1

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*Jamie POV*

A Year Later

The owl scratched at the window. I groaned, hoping the owl would go away and come back a few hours later. Clara had kept me up half the night with her refusal to go to sleep or be put down. All I wanted to do at the moment was lay my head down and sleep.

Of course the owl didn't go away. That would be too easy on me. 

I forced myself up. "I'm coming." I muttered, in effort to gets the owl to shut up and not wake Clara. Clara was in the bedroom with me because I lived in an apartment. Shame we don't have much muggle money. The Black fortune isn't worth much here.

The Daily Prophet had come. I opened the window and the owl perched on the ledge. I took the paper from it and paid it its money. I had to pay extra to get it delivered here. The owl nipped my finger affectionately, then flew off.

"Let's see what's going on in the good old UK." I muttered as I opened the Prophet. I was mentally preparing myself for the worst.

I gasped. The front page had a mugshot of Sirius!

I scanned the story:

On the morning of November 1st, Sirius Orion Black was taken into custody of the Ministry of Magic. Black was found on the scene of a mass muggle killing. Black is a known supporter of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and is highly dangerous. Black murdered thirteen people, twelve muggles and one wizard, with a single curse. Black is awaiting his trial in Azkaban.

No! This can't be true! Sirius hated Voldemort. His brother joined the Death Eaters and I remember how annoyed he was. The Sirius I know couldn't possibly be a Death Eater! Sirius had been framed. But by who?

I noticed an obligatory. It was for...Peter Pettigrew? Oh no! Did Voldemort get him?

Peter Pettigrew died on November 1st, 1999. Died in massacre caused by Sirius Black. Survived by his mother and best friends, Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Jamie Black.

Once again I gasped. Peter was the wizard who died in the massacre? Who next? The world's going to explode, I'm insane, James and Lilly dead? All bad thoughts, so I pushed them to the back of my mind.

Just in time for me to see the article that dragged them all back. Well the last one in particular.

The title read: Downfall of You-Know-Who; The Boy Who Lived

Is this possible? Voldemort dead? This thought alone blew my mind. If Voldemort is really gone, this means we can go back to the UK. 

I decided to finish reading the article before I packed Clara and I's stuff and headed for home.

 On October 31, 1999, the menace on society known as, You-Know-Who, met his downfall at the Potter's home in Godric Hallow. You-Know-Who entered the Potter's residence where he lost to little Harry Potter. Before You-Know-Who tried to curse little Harry, he murdered the boys parents, James and Lilly Potter. Harry was the only survivor. He will be moving into his Aunt's and Uncle's house on Privet Drive.

The picture showed the destroyed house of my brother.

I'll admit it, I started sobbing like a broken-hearted school girl. James dead, Lilly dead, Peter dead. This isn't right! They shouldn't be dead. Sirius shouldn't be in jail for a crime I know he didn't commit. I shouldn't be alone in America with Clara. I should be with Sirius in the London countryside in the house we bought together.

I looked at Clara. She was still conked out. I picked her up carefully, as to not wake her up. I crushed her close to my chest. I wasn't ever going to let anything happen to my baby. Sirius's little girl.

"Don't worry, Clara. I'll clear Daddy's name somehow. I know, Daddy didn't do it. Then you, me and your daddy, and live in the UK again. Nothing and nobody will ever hurt so long as your daddy and I are still kicking."

Clara opened her eyes and cooed, happy and content. I swear she understood every word I said.

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