My Mafia Prince Charming 《boy...

By Dragonic

434K 17.3K 1.4K

Sup, name's Sno. I live a below average life, meaning it's kinda crappy. But hey, I've got some pretty cool t... More

My Mafia Prince Charming
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 23

9.3K 394 51
By Dragonic

"Sno?". I blinked in surprise at hearing my name through my jumbled thoughts and looked up to see Andrew, the source of my confusion and troubles, smiling down at me. "You okay there? You seemed pretty spaced out." 'Of course I'm spaced out!' I thought as I smiled back with a chuckled, 'I was almost shot, you might be in the mafia, and not only would my life be in stake if that's true then so would my family's and Eileen!'. "No, no I'm fine. Me and Eileen just stayed up pretty late to work on science homework together, it wasn't easy lemme tell you.". "You sure that's it?" Andrew asked as I noticed how his smile wavered, "Now that I'm closer you just, you seemed more than just sleepy Sno. Exhausted....". I leaned back from my place on the bleachers with a chuckle and hopefully convincing grin, "I'm fine, honest! Mr. Pratt just needs to learn to lighten up, we're teens, not computers!".

Andrew didn't seemed convinced, but it let it go. For now with my luck. Eileen and I have been trying to go on the internet to look up mafias, but we didn't look for long. Who the hell knows that they're not like the government? They could be keeping track of what I look up since I'm dating Andrew! "Hey Sno, you sure you're okay?" "Of course I am! Why?" "Well, I kept asking you if you wanted to go on another date, but you didn't even seem to notice.". Was it really that obvious? "I....I guess I'm just really shaken up..." I said honestly. Immediately I noticed how he straightened and moved closer tk me out of concern, "Is something wrong? What happened?" "My ex came....came to my house drunk, god, he was smashed Andrew, I, I didn't even have a chance to try and talk to him, he, he had me and Eileen at gun point Saturday...". I could practically feel him stiffen, "God Sno, fuck, are both of you okay? Did, did he hurt you in any way? If he has Sno I swear to god he won't get away with it!" "No," I assured him with a head shake, "We're both fine. It was just pretty scary, especially with Lily upstairs...I was lucky my parents had an errand to run..."

I wasn't sure how honest I should be though. I wasn't sure if I should tell him he was the biggest reason Lucas showed up. If I should tell him what he had told us, ask him if being him really was a threat to me and my loved ones. Was I entirely sure myself if he really was and it was just Lucas' drunk crazy ramblings? 'This is all just so fucked up....' I thought to myself as I physically sighed and slouched exhausted while Andrew held me by my shoulders. "Did he say anything to you? Threatened you?" Andrew pressed on. "...He was just drunk....drunk and crazy, nothing outside of the gun threat...." I said in half truth. I don't think I'm ready just yet, not until I at least have and inkling to what the he is exactly going on. Andrew didn't seem to believe completely, but seemed hesitant to pry in like he didn't want to upset me. "Honest, hey, weren't you talking about a date?" I asked in hopes of steering the conversation to a different direction.

It looked like he knew what I was doing but thankfully he went with it and gave me nod. "Yeah, I was thinking we could just order in at my place and have a movie night, you said something about really liking black and white movies." "Yeah," I agreed with a nod and forcing myself to smile, "That sounds great. Chinese?" "Chinese sounds good, we can do it Friday so we can watch a movie marathon." Andrew suggested with a smile. God, he was so good to me, too good I thought to myself sometimes. I really did like him, he was perfect. It was hard to believe that he could be the reason for all this crazy stuff with Lucas, why the hell would he be? Then again, those strange calls. But, that could be his business, nothing important. I could just ask him about his family on our date, prepare myself mentally for it. But planning it was so much easier than doing it. God, HOW was I going to be able to get the courage for it? I was given a goodbye kiss on my cheek and have one in return, getting up myself and heading towards my own class, jumping when I suddenly felt a weight lay on my back, "Did you ask him?!" "No, I didn't! Who would ask something like randomly?!"

"I would!" "That's because you're nuts!" I reminded with a huff as I started to walk to our class again. "This is very important though!" Eileen whined, slouching as she lugged her feet behind her as if she had an anvil on her back weighing her down. "I know it's important, I was there when we were held at gunpoint." I reminded with an annoyed huff, this girl is going to be the end of me before a bullet will be! "I looked up Alexander King and there's nothing, not even a Facebook account that he would have signed up at thirteen then barely use after that!" "Truely and utterly shocking.". I barely dodged her hand and went to my locker as put in the combination, "Maybe it's all just a fluke, he was drunk afterall-" I suggested. Just as I opened my locker however a envelope fell out, gliding down to rest in front of my feet. "What the hell is that?" "I don't know." I replied, bending.and grabbing it. It didn't have anything on it, no to or from to distinguish it. Sharing a look with Eileen I opened it and looked at the mysterious letter, Eileen reading over my shoulder.

DoNt LOoK foR aNswErS yoU wILl reGReT

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