Blindfold (Book One)

Por airplanelover52

14.5K 534 204

Jim Parsons Fanfiction 'Blindfold' is book one of 'Time & Time Again' fanfiction duology. The story of Amelie... Más

1. Lost and Saved
2. Connection
3. What If...
4. Two Sides
5. Reason
6. Lonely
7. Alternative
8. Question
9. Motives
10. Unbelief
11. Faithless
12. Memories
13. Blindfold
14. Deal
15. Unexpected
16. Chance
18. United
19. Journey
20. Amistad
21. Avow
22. Unknown Similarity
23. Commence
24. Hidden
25. Disclose
26. Sparkle
27. Words
28. Decision
29. Devise
30. Jaunt
31. Place of New Beginnings
32. Locked
33. Reality
34. Bond
35. After
36. Unforeseen
37. Taken
38. Seek
39. Black & White

17. Amoureuse

307 15 7
Por airplanelover52

Amelie's POV

We've been in the airplane for 7 hours and 45 minutes now. Jim is sleeping soundlessly. He looks beautiful when he sleeps, like an angel. I look at him for a few seconds, all wrapped in his blanket, his eyes softly closed, his breathing soft and steady, his hair messy, his head delicately resting on the pillow, and his lips; his perfect, soft lips, slightly parted. I desire kissing those lips, to just simply get lost, cuddle with him.

I sigh, and turn back to the TV in front of me. I chose to watch The Big Bang Theory while Jim slept. I am watching The Parking Spot Escalation from Season 6. I absolutely love this episode, makes me laugh like crazy.

"Your threats are empty. Nothing can move me," says Sheldon.

I try to contain my laughter to avoid waking Jim up, as Howard tries to run over Sheldon, who's writing equations in his parking spot. I laugh in silence again, all this time to prevent waking Jim up, but then I get a little pissed off, since they turn the lights on, and Jim wakes up anyways.

"Good morning," he says.

"Good morning," I reply.

He smiles at me, and brings his seat back to normal. Then, the flight attendant starts talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to gladly inform you that breakfast will be served in a few moments."

"Oooo, breakfast," says Jim, rubbing his hands together.

The TBBT episode is still not over, but I turn it off anyways, since Jim is awake now.

"You were watching The Big Bang Theory?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I was."

"Aww, that is so sweet of you."

"What? I always watch it...ALWAYS!" I say.

"Really?" asks Jim, a little surprised.

"OF COURSE! I don't know why you are surprised about this."

He shrugs. "I don't know...never mind," he says, laughing.

The flight attendant reaches us, handing us the breakfast. She gives us some freshly baked bread, butter, fruit, and an omelette.

"Yummy," I say. I take a bite, tasting the flavors of the bread and butter with fruit. Suddenly, I feel the nose of the plane go down, and the engines lose a little bit of power. "Ooooooo," I say. "We are descending."

"Really? How do you know?" asks Jim.

"Because I felt the nose of the plane go down, and the engines lost a little bit power."

Jim claps his hands in excitement. "I can't wait to land! This will be so much fun, and it is just the beginning."

"I know! We need to go for crêpes!"

"Yes we do."

Jim and I talk and talk, laugh and laugh like always. I look out the window, and see that we are getting closer and closer to the ground. There is absolutely no clouds in the sky, and I can see the entire city.

"Oh my god! Jim look!!"

Jim leans over and looks out the window. "WOWW! This is gorgeous!"

Jim and I are looking at the Eiffel Tower from the plane. I feel excitement and happiness rushing all over me. I can't wait to explore Europe with my best friend.

The plane gets closer and closer to the ground. I can see the runway through the window. The plane gives a left turn, and aligns itself with the runway. It goes down and down and down, until I finally see the runway beneath us. The plane smoothly touches down. What a great landing.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Paris, France. The local time is 6:47 am and the temperature is 64 degrees F. For your safety, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the..."

"Paris Paris Paris" I say with excitement.

"Ahhhh this will be amazing!" squeaks Jim.

"On behalf of American Airlines, we'd like to thank you for flying with us. We are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!" finishes the flight attendant.

The plane keeps taxing for a few minutes, until it reaches the gate. Jim and I take out things and quickly shoot out of the plane. We walk and walk and walk. We pass through customs, then head over to the baggage claim area, pick up our luggage, and go outside to get a taxi.

A taxi finally parks in front of us, and the driver shoots out of the car, helping us with the luggage.

"Bonjour," he says.

"Bonjour," I reply. I look at Jim, and he has a huge smile on his face. I smile back at him, and get in the car.

"Parlez-vous français ?" asks the man, as he gets in the car.

"Oui. Je parle français, mais il ne parle pas français," I reply.

"Ohh. Parfait. Oú allez-vous ?" he asks.

The man is asking where are we going, and I reply that we are going to the hotel Napoleon. "Pouvez-vous nous prendre à l'hôtel Napoléon, s'il vous plaît ?"

"Oui oui," he says, starting to drive.

I look at Jim, and realize that the smile doesn't leave his face.

"Incredible," he says. "Absolutely incredible."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

"Oú est-ce que vous venez?" asks the man.

"What did he say?" asks Jim.

"He is asking where we are coming from."

"Ohhh," says Jim.

"Nous venons des États-Unis," I reply.

"Ahhh! Alors, l'homme qui est assis à côté de vous est Jim Parsons ?!" he asks.

"Oui oui c'est lui," I reply. The man asked if Jim Parsons is sitting next to me, and I answered that he is.

"J'aime la Théorie du Big Bang," he says.

"Hey, Jim," I say. "The man says he loves The Big Bang Theory."

"Oh oh...M-merrrrrci," tries Jim.

I laugh a little, and then Jim laughs, too. "Nice," I say.

"Ohhhhh really," says Jim in a sarcastic tone.

"Vous êtes sa copine ?" asks the man.

"Ohh...non non non. Jim est mon meilleur ami seulement." The man asked if I am Jim's girlfriend, and as always, I painfully answered that he is just my best friend.

"Ahhh, ton ami seulement ?" he asks.


"Hmmm...Il est ton ami seulement, mais vous êtes amoureuse avec lui," he says.

I think about it for a moment. Do you think Jim might understand what the man and I are talking about?...No I don't really think so. "Oui," I reply, after pausing for a few moments. "Je suis très amoureuse avec lui."

Jim's POV

I have absolutely no idea what Amelie and the man are speaking about. The only thing I can definitely say is that her French is impeccable. How? I have no idea. It's not like she uses it every single day.

We arrive at the hotel several minutes later. I can see the Arc de Triomphe from the hotel, it is beautiful.

"Merci," says Amelie, as the man helps us with the luggage. "Wow! This is beautiful."

"It truly IS amazing," I say with a smile on my face.

We get in the hotel. It is very antique, Paris styled, surely the type of hotel you would expect staying in when you're visiting the city.

"Bonjour," says the man at the lobby.

"Bonjour," starts Amelie. "Nous avons une reservation a nom de Jim Parsons pour deux chambres."

I stare at them confused. "What is going on?" I finally ask.

"Ohh...I just said that we have a reservation at your name for two rooms," she responds.

"Oh oh oh. Got it," I say, smiling.

"Oui oui. Ses chambres sont prête," says the man. "Voici les clés. Ses chambres sont le 245 et le 247. C'est un plaisir servir a toi, monsieur Parsons et mademoiselle Jones."

"Merci," says Amelie.

"Le petit-déjeuner est serve de sept heures jusqu'a dix heures et demie."

"Oui. Merci beaucoup," speaks Amelie. What the hell are they talking about?

"Merci a toi. Bonne journée."

"Toi aussi."

Amelie waves goodbye and then starts walking to the elevators.

"Umm..." I start, with a small chuckle. "Can you translate?"

Amelie laughs. "Sure. The man said that it is a pleasure to serve us. Breakfast is served from 7:00 am to 10:30 am, and that we have a great day."

"Ohh...perfect. Thank you for translating, Ams."

"No problem," she says with a smile on her face. "Here are your keys."

I take them and smile at her. The elevator gets here. It is a very old fashioned elevator, in which you have to close the metal doors when you're in. I click the button to floor number two. Once we reach the second floor, we walk to our rooms.

"See you here in 15 minutes?" I ask.

"Sure," says Amelie. "Sounds great."

"Awesome," I say. "This will be an amazing day."

"Yes, it will. See ya later, Jim," she says.

I smile at her, and she gets into her room, which is next to mine. I get into my room, and grab my phone. It is approximately 2:00 am in Houston, but my mom still wanted me to let her know when I got to the hotel...yes, like a little child.

"Hi, mom," I say, as she picks up.

"Sweetie! Are you there already?"

"Yes, yes. I am at the hotel already."

"I am glad, I am glad," she says. "We will miss you, but have fun okay? And take care."

"Sure sure, mom. Thank you."

"Well I am going to sleep again. Thank you for letting me know you arrived."

"No problem," I say. "Sleep tight."

"Thank you, sweetie. I love you."

"Me, too. Good bye."

I hang up, and leave my phone on the table. The hotel room is really nice. It is very antique and French stylish. I need to ask Amelie what she thinks about this because I am sure she might be going crazy with all of these stuff...she adores them.

I turn around to go to the bathroom, but before I can, my phone starts ringing. I think it is Amelie, but when I pick it up, to my surprise, it's Simon.

"Hey, buddy," I say, as I pick up. "What are you doing up?"

"Oh I simply couldn't sleep, and I was going to ask you what tea you would drink for this."

"Ahh...I take chamomile and honey."

"Great! Thank you," he says. "How are you doing in France?"

"Awesome! We just arrived at the hotel, it is beautiful."

"What about Amelie's French, the one she never wants to speak for us."

I laugh. "It is incredible, IN-CREDIBLE. You would never think she is American, I am still trying to process that," I say.

Simon laughs, and then continues, "She has to speak French and Spanish for us someday."

"Well I still haven't heard her Spanish, but I bet it's this good."

"Yeah yeah, of course."

There is a pause for a moment, as I think what I am about to say next, because...this is it...this is the decision I've made...and I'll do it. "Simon," I continue. I feel each and every single part of my body weakening, as the words flash through my mind.

"Yes, Jim?"


"What?" asks Simon.

"I'm going to tell her."

"WHAT?!" shouts Simon. I bring the phone apart from my ear, as his shouting hurts me. "Jimmmmm! That is great news! About time, don't you think?"

"Well...well...yeah, but I am still incredibly terrified, Simon."

"Of course you are, but when you tell her you will finally realize that it is the best thing you could've done," he says.

"Are you sure?"

"Hundred percent," he replies.

"Okay, man. Thank you very much. I should leave you since I am going to meet her outside the room in five minutes," I say, looking at my watch.

"Sure, sure. Hey..." he says, making a small pause. "You HAVE to call me when you're alone to tell me everything okay, Parsons?"

"Yes, yes," I say.

"Okay. Enjoy your trip. Goodbye."

"Bye," I say.

I hang up, leave the phone on the table, and finally go to the bathroom. As, I go out, I realize that it is time to meet Amelie outside her room. I walk out of my room and...

Amelie's POV

I see Jim walking out of his room, as I am standing outside my room.

"Ready?" I say.

"Ready," he replies.

I smile at him, and he smiles back. His smile makes my legs weaken, he is way to perfect.

We go down the elevator, and then out the hotel.

"What should we do first?" he asks.

"Crêpes," I reply rapidly.

"Yeeessss! I love your way of thinking."

"I remember that the ones at Trocadero are the best," I say.

"Do you know how to get to Trocadero?" he asks.

"Of course," I say. "Paris is my city."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I successfully take us to Trocadero, the place with the most beautiful and perfect view of the Eiffel Tower.

"Oh my god," says Jim. "This is gorgeous. I didn't remember how wonderful this view is."

"It IS gorgeous," I say, not taking my eyes off the tower. "I didn't remember it this clearly either."

"Come on," he says, taking his phone. I get closer to him, and he snaps a selfie of us in the middle of Trocadero with the Eiffel Tower behind.

"HAH," I say. "We should take at least one picture everywhere we go, do you like that?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Wonderful."

I smile, and he smiles back, not moving the arm that is wrapped around my neck.

"So," he says. "What are the best crêpes?"

"The ones down there." I point to a small waffle and crêpe cart down from Trocadero, near the Eiffel Tower.

"Wonderful, let's go."

Jim moves his arm and lets me walk before him. "Thank you," I say, as he lets me go first.

We walk down of Trocadero and over to the crêpe store.

"Bonjour," I say.

"Bonjour," says the lady.

"What would you like?" I ask Jim.

"Nutella," he says, clapping his hands.

"Je voudrais deux crêpes au Nutella, s'il vous plaît," I say.

"Oui. Six euros quarante-quatre, s'il vous plaît."

I hand her six euros and forty-four cents. We carefully watch the lady preparing the crêpes, how she adds tons and tons of delicious Nutella.

"Voilà," she says, handing them to me.

"Merci," I say. "Bonne journée."

"Toi, aussi. Au revoir."

"Au revoir."

Jim and I start walking away from the store, and he takes out his phone again.

"Picture!" he says.

I smile and he snaps a shot of us with the crêpes un our hand.

"Hahaha," I laugh.

"For Insta," says Jim.

He quickly posts the picture and then takes a bite of his crêpe. "Damn it damn it damn it damn it!!!" he says. "This is way too good to be true!"

I laugh. "It is isn't it?"

"Yes yes yes! I will eat one of this every single day I'm here."

"Ooooo me too."

We both laugh and start walking towards the Eiffel Tower.

"Should we go up?" asks Jim, taking a bite of his crêpe.

"Of course!!" I say. "All the way up."

Jim claps his hands, almost dropping his delicious treat to the floor, and we both start to laugh.

As soon as we get to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, we buy our tickets and go in the elevator...up up up up up.

"OH MY GOD!" I say, as we stand in front of the mesh. "THIS IS AMAZING!"

"It is!! You've never been here?" asks Jim.

"No!" I cry. "When I came to Paris it was closed because of strong winds. I never imagined it being this beautiful."

"Wow, it is gorgeous, amazing!!...Come on, lets take a picture."

We pose, and he snaps another picture, then puts his phone away. There is a moment of silence, as we admire the view. Then, I turn to look at Jim, and realize that he was staring at me, his lips gently curled in a smile and his eyes shining with the light of the sun, but turned away.

"Ams," he starts. I can sense that he is a little nervous, though I don't understand why.

Jim's POV

I feel like I am dying, as I decide this is the time where...I will tell Amelie how I feel. I give up, I can't take hiding this feeling anymore, I want us to be something else...Well I hope this doesn't ruin the trip, our friendship. I am terrified...and I've never been this much in my entire life.

"Yes?" she says, as I don't talk.

Can I do this? Can I do this? "I-I-I...ummm." The words can't come out of my mouth.

I am in love with you. I am in love with you. Say that, I think, the letters flashing across my mind.

"Youuu...what?" she asks, a little curiosly.

My hands start shaking, and I stick them in my pants' pockets, looking down to the floor. Drops of sweat are starting to go down my neck and back. Can I do this?

"Jim?" she asks again.

Can I? I think about it for a millisecond, which felt like an hour....No...No...I definitely can't.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I say. "I just wanted to show you that the Arc de Triomphe is over there, but I couldn't remember the name of the monument."

"Ohh....HAHAH," laughs Amelie. "Don't worry, Jim. Show me."

I bring her over to the other side of the tower and point to the Arc.

"Can you see it?" I ask.

It takes her a few seconds to answer, as she looks for it. "Ohhhh, yes yes yes!!! Wow! It is beautiful!!"

"It is," I say, smiling. I can feel my body, starting to calm down, and I bring my hands out of my pockets.

We talk and talk for a few more minutes, then we finally decide to go down the beautiful tower, and walk over to Champs-Elysées.

As we arrive to Champs-Elysées, we take another picture and start walking forward. The street is massive, full of people, and stores. The people stare and whisper, as I walk past them. I've taken several pictures today, in the Eiffel Tower, in Trocadero,

"Oh my GOOOD!!!" says a young lady, about twenty years old. "IT IS JIM PARSONS!!"

"Hi!" I say with a smile on my face. I love my fans, and love to make them feel loved.

"Oh my!!! Can I take a picture with you, please?" she says.

"Of course of course."

I pose for the picture and Amelie takes it.

"Here you go," she says, handing the phone to the girl.

"You are Amelie right?" she asks.

"Yes yes, that's me," responds Amelie.

"Wow! I am meeting Jim, and his best friend. Awesome!"

Best friend. If those words could just me something more.

"Jim oh my god. Thank you so so so so much! I am a huge fan of you and your show!!! Thank you for visiting Paris, and thank you so much for taking a picture with me."

"Oh you're so sweet. Thank you," I say.

"It was very nice meeting you."

"And you, too."

"Bonne jounée," she says, and walks away, a smile on her face.

"What did she say?" I ask to Amelie, confused.

"She said 'have a good day'."

"Ooohhhh. Thanks," I reply.

We keep walking forward. Every store is beautiful, French-styled. I love it. My eyes are looking all around. Paris is an amazing city, no doubt, but it's even better when you're with your best friend.

There is silence for a moment. The only thing that is heard is the sounds of the cars, the chatter of the other people, and the noises of the city. Then...Amelie suddenly stops, and slowly turns to look at me. She has a hand on her mouth, and her eyes are showing extreme excitement and happiness.

"LADURÉE!!!" she squeaks, excitedly, in a French accent.

"What?" I ask confused. Why the hell is she talking to me in French?

"Ladurée!!!" she says again, pointing at a mint-green store next to us. I turn my head to where she is pointing and see a huge store that sells...macaroons, tons and tons and tons of macaroons. Amelie ADOORESSS macaroons, so now I understand why she reacted the way she did.

"Lets go!!!" I say, clapping my hands.

We enter the store to find a gorgeous, very elegant place with some tables, and a massive macaroon buffet, in which you order the ones you want. The store is, of course, crowded and the line to order is huge. We make the line. Of course we take a picture, and after several minutes it is our turn.

"Bonjour mademoiselle. What can I get for you?" says a man with a French accent.

"Ummm....I would like a box with sixteen macaroons."

The man takes an elegant, mint-green box from a bottom shelf. "Ok, which ones?"

Amelie thinks about it for a second. Then she starts, "Give me one of each chocolate one, and then one of espresso and one of pistachio."

"Parfait," says the man, suddenly switching from English to French.

He serves the sixteen macaroons and then comes to me. I order one exactly the same as Amelie, and then we pay.

"Merci," we say in harmony, as we go out the store, her French, obviously better than mine.

"Oh my! This is deliciousssssss!" she says, as we walk through Champs-Elysées again.

"It is!!! And the store is really cool."

"It is right?" she says. "You know, when I came here several—

But I don't know what happened when she came here several years ago because she suddenly stopped...stopped everything, her walking, her speaking, her blinking. I stop walking too and look at her.

"Ams? Are you okay?"

She shakes her head. "Look who's there," she says, not taking her eyes off the person, object, I don't know.

I look over to where she is looking. I feel a rush of anger, as I see who it is...and WHO IT IS!

"Oh my!" I say. "Is that?..."

Amelie nods.

"And is he with?..."

Amelie nods again. Unbelievable.

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