By RKClose

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Red Night and the Vampire Files series are available on most retailers. Amazon, Apple, Nook, Kobo, Google Pla... More

Reviews for RED NIGHT 8/4/2015

Wattpad Block Party-Winter Edition-2

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By RKClose

  An interview with Adam Blackwell


RED NIGHT ~ A Modern Tale with Bite

By RK Close

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Adam Blackwell, lead male protagonist from the 'Vampire Files Trilogy'.

RK: Adam, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join the party and of course for agreeing to this interview.

Adam: The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for inviting me.

RK: To be honest the decision to invite you was entirely up to my readers. You were their number one choice. You're very popular with female readers, it seems. Even though we are almost through book two of the trilogy, they still want to know more about you.

I'd like to give new readers a little feedback on you before we go much further. Adam is roughly five-hundred-twelve years old and originally from northern England. He is a vampire by circumstance—not by choice. Adam has cropped dark brown-almost black hair, is six-foot-four and I would guess your weight around 220 pounds. Am I close?

Adam: You're doing brilliantly so far. I don't believe my presence will be necessary for this interview.

RK: *laughs* Of course you're needed. It's you my readers long to hear from.

I would describe your physique as athletic—broad shoulders, narrow waist. You have the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I'm assuming this is a preternatural characteristic—something to do with your vampirism?

Adam: Yes, I'm unable to discuss the science that might be involved but my eyes were brown prior to my first-death.

RK: I suspect that my readers are intrigued by you because you're a bit evasive and don't always volunteer information about yourself or your past. I've known you to outright sidestep or ignore questions about both. Would you agree with that statement?

Adam: Ah, my dear RK, you do not waste time or mince words. Yes, I enjoy my privacy. I've walked the Earth for too many lifetimes. There are things in my past that I would rather have remain in the past. Let the dead rest, as they say.

RK: Fare enough. I've collected questions from my eager readers.

Do you ever drink men's blood now that you know how Sam feels about you drinking women's blood?

RK Close: I believe she is referring to the fact that you can sense Samantha's emotions after sharing your blood, in order to save her life. And because of this you must know she's jealous when you must feed on random woman.

Adam: Ah. Yes, I've noticed that it makes her irritable but I don't believe drinking from men rather than women would make her feel any better about the situation. If she should consider providing for my needs, I'd gladly refrain from using others for survival. Since meeting, Samantha, all others have merely been a source of food—nothing more.

Adam, you were in love before. Do you find yourself comparing Sam to Katherine (your wife who was murdered almost 500 years ago)? Do you still love her (Katherine)?

Adam: Katherine was my childhood friend and my first—everything. She will always hold a special place in my heart. Samantha is totally and uniquely her own person and the first I've had feelings for since losing Katherine. Five-hundred years is a long time to be alone. It's possible to be in the company of others but still find yourself alone. But there is no comparison to be made.

Where does Adam foresee his relationship with Sam going. He's a vampire and she is mortal. Sam doesn't strike me as wanting to become part of the vampire community. If she stays with him, she will miss out on ever having a family. She will grow old and he will not. These are problems he must have considered. How will he address them?

Adam: I will be content to stand by her side throughout her mortal life, if that is what she desires. I would not have chosen this life for myself but then again, I would never have met Samantha, if I was not immortal.

These questions are better suited for Samantha. These are her choices to make. She must know the limitations should she choose to be with me. Obviously, everything would be easier were she to consider an immortal life. When she kissed death, I could think of nothing but saving her. In my mind, she absolutely had to go on.

Hey Adam what will you do if Sam chooses Alex over you (oh don't you hiss at me! I'm just curious! Will you let her leave with him or will you fight?

Adam: I've considered killing him, many times. I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. He can give her certain mortal experiences that I can't. This is only one of the many reasons I'd rather he was dead. But she cares for him and his death would cause her pain. My heart says that I'd destroy anyone who tried to take her from me but if it was her choice, I might reconsider. I really can't say for sure but I do fantasize about killing the Hunter quite often.

And will you ever force Sam into things she doesn't want to do (no no no...I'm not talking about THOSE things...Gosh you perverted vampire! I mean things like...Never drinking coffee...Maybe....)?

Adam: I'm not perverted but I am a man, after all. Possibly, if it is for her own good. But I would consider it very carefully. Samantha is not the type of woman to allow anyone to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. By doing so, I risk destroying any feelings she may have for me. That's not something I care to jeopardize for my selfish desires. Besides, she can be dangerous without her coffee.

Well Sam is definitely a trouble magnet. What will you do to keep her away from danger?

Adam: That is a full-time job and require a high level of skills. She does attract trouble and men--like puppies. It will not be easy but I won't let her down again, even if it kills me.

All of us know that if Sam wasn't a private detective, none of these things would have happened so are you going to let her continue her job?

Adam: Do you not know this woman? Do you think she will allow me or anyone else to tell her what she can and can't do? She will do as she pleases and I will be there to cover her ass and keep her alive.

And when are you planning on inviting her to live with you in your penthouse?

Adam: Samantha is an old-fashioned girl. She has certain ideas about what's acceptable in a relationship and what is not. She does not believe in casual sex and therefore inviting her to live with me without a proper proposal is out of the question. Her physical desires may battle her mental ideas of propriety and self-respect but if I was to be the one to caused her to stumble, I believe she would be lost to me. This is why I backed off from my pursuits to seduce her. She is special and demands to be treated with respect. Encouraging her to lower her defenses and her morals will only work against me in the end. And I won't risk losing her over my physical lusts. I plan to win all of her—heart, mind and body.

And the last one...What does Sam taste like? Tell me something about 'the time she asked you to bite her' incident?

Adam: Ah. That is difficult to explain. You would have to understand aspects of addiction to grasp the complexity of desire that overwhelms vampires and blocks out all other thought or reason. Imagine your most favorite dessert. Now multiply that by fifty. Could you resist it when it is right in front of you? Can you imagine the euphoria that would overcome you? Could you take one bite and then walk away? That is how Samantha's blood calls to me.

Adam do you fear killing the woman you love?

Adam: Yes, but I'm careful not to allow myself to be a danger to her. I won't allow myself to be around her unless I've fed my blood lust beforehand. And I have years of practice.

Is it possible? Yes, but I can't foresee any circumstance that would create that dangerous situation. But the possibility is forever in the corners of my mind.

Okay, so I have a question for Adam. I want to know how he feels about Sam. Obviously, he has strong feelings for her, but I want to know how he feels about falling for her. Considering it's not exactly something he does often :) Does that make sense?

Adam: I didn't believe I was capable of feeling anything, anymore. At first, I was merely intrigued by her. But stopping to take a closer look was my undoing. Everything about her drew me in. Her hair, her skin, her spirit—her bravery. Every aspect of her essence calls to me as a man and a vampire. What surprised me most was her virtue and honor in this day and age. That was something that I had forgotten and believed was lost in modern society but there she was. Meeting her has brought me back to the man I once was. As I've said earlier, I plan to win her heart or die trying.

I'd like to ask Adam about where he grew up.

Adam: I was born Adam Blackwell, in the spring of 1503. I'm from the region of Blackburn, England. I was born the son of a Lord and became heir to his lands and title upon his death in 1536. I was married to Katherine Hansford, my father's ward, just before his passing. Katherine, Zachariah (another of my father's wards) and myself were raised together and were as close as any siblings.

Katherine was brutally murdered along with ten servants in 1537. I died the first-death and became a vampire under private circumstances in that same year but I won't go into that at this time.

RK Close: Thank you, Adam. I feel you've been quite frank with us and I appreciate your candor. We do understand that you are a highly private individual, so we truly respect your responses. Now, feel free to mingle and enjoy the party. It's happening every day for the month of February. Please refrain from biting our guests. Warm blood is in the large punch bowl marked 'Bloody-Mary'. Help yourself and please be our guest.

'Never believe the illusion that I am human, Samantha. My very nature desires to take advantage of you, in every way imaginable.' 


I truly hope you enjoyed this interview with Adam Blackwell from my novel RED NIGHT & RED MOON. RED NIGHT is the first book in the 'Vampire Files Trilogy', is now published and available on AMAZON.

RED MOON, the second book is almost complete and I hope that it will be released later in 2016.

I'm honored to be included in @KellyAnneBlounts #WattpadBlockParty – Winter Edition 2! I hope you are enjoying the many talented authors who are being featured in this party. If you'd like to know more about me or just connect—reach out!

I'd love to hear from you.

RK Close

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