Don't Look Back (Sequel to Th...

By MermaidPearl

44K 1.7K 90

The sequel to The Alpha's Mate. You might have to read the first book to really understand, but if you don't... More

Don't Look Back (Sequel to The Alpha's Mate)
Chapter two
Happy Fathers Day!!!!!
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
*Little Rant*
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not another chapter
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Obviously, not another chapter.
The Truth

Chapter Four

1.7K 84 3
By MermaidPearl

Hello! I told you I'd start writing away so I am. I hope I post this up fast enough. But here it is! I hope you like it!


After about four hours of running, I finally heard running water. Even thought I was exhausted, I picked up my pace and followed the sound of running water. I sprinted through the trees and ran through a bush that was covering my view of wherever the water was.

After walking out from behind the bush, there, was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. It was a waterfall, with a lake at the bottom, where I'm standing now. It was surrounded by a thick layer of trees, so it was hard to see. I sniffed, but didn't smell any other wolf or human. I actually didn't smell anything besides the water, trees, fish, and squirrels.

Deciding it was safe, I shifted back into human form and sat down, folding my pants legs up and letting my feet soak in the water. I giggled quietly, the fish kept biting my toes and it tickled.

I set the duffle bag right next to me and I took out the map and pen. I put a star where I was and wrote down the word that this place brought to mind. Don't ask me why, I'm not sure. But next to the star I wrote -My new hideout/home.

I put the map away and opened my journal to write more.

'Dear diary,  

Same day, about four hours later. So I told you I'd explain, so here it goes. Not to long ago, I thought I lived a normal life. With a normal family of my mom, two brothers, and me. I had a best friend, Sammy. All that changed because of a stupid boy.-'

My wolf growled at me calling him a stupid boy, but I ignored her and carried on writing.

'- Anyways, he is apparently my mate. Sammy is a witch, and I knew that. But this boy, Brandon, is a werewolf, and my mate. Sammy lied to me, and didn't tell me I was his mate. My whole family lied to me, because my own brothers are werewolves! They never told me! My mother was a mermaid, and my dad never left me. So now I find out I'm a Werewolf-Mermaid hybrid and I couldn't take it. I ran away. I didn't reject him technically, but I left him. But now I am in the middle of nowhere and found a waterfall, lake place nobody knows of and its so beautiful. I feel so at home. I know I have to leave soon, but I'll enjoy this while it lasts. Until next time,  


I set my book in the bag and decided to go for a swim. So without stripping off my clothes, I just dove in.

It just felt so magical my legs changing into my tail. I could swim freely, without a care in the world. But sadly, that's not my life.

It feels like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I will never be able to go without caring about if he will be coming for me, looking for me. I just need to keep moving. Change my name even. But for now, I'll just enjoy this feeling, for the short time it lasts.

I swam and swam in this pond for hours. Finally I decided I wasted enough time, and had to get a move on. I waited for my tail to dry, packed my bag, and shifted into my wolf. I picked up the duffle bag in my mouth, and took off running.

I didn't pass by too many human settlements the next few hours, but when I did, I decided instead of going around, I could shift back and take a shortcut through the towns.

I did although stop at a restaurant or small cafe every time I stopped, like I told myself a while ago, I am not hunting those poor innocent creatures.

After passing through the towns, which mind you, didn't take long at all, I made it back into the forest and without looking around for anyone, I shifted.

Big mistake.

"I knew it!" Someone shouted happily. "Werewolves are real!"

I spun around as quickly as I could to face whoever this was, and put a face to the voice. And there I saw her, a little girl who looked to be about ten years old. She had red hair, that had small curls. She also had purple-green eyes, that really stood out. I tilted my head to the side curiously, and just stared at her, and waited for her to continue speaking.

"Everybody always makes fun of me because I believe in werewolves, and vampires, and things like that. Oh, but don't worry, I won't tell. I'm actually an orphan. I don't have anyone to tell." She laughed humorlessly.

I lifted my nose into the air and sniffed, not knowing why. But my wolf in the back of my head was just telling me to check. I faintly smelled something, something.. not normal. In the back of my mind, my wolf was jumping for joy, while she just left me confused.

'Adopt her.' She encouraged.


'Adopt her!' She yelled.

'Why? I mean, she's a sweet girl but why should I?'

She stayed silent.

I groaned inwardly at her silence, she's never silent. Especially in the middle of our conversations.

'Talk to me, please.' I begged.


'Please! What is so special about this girl?'

Nothing, nothing but whimpering.

'Fine!' I yelled.

I ignored her happy howls, and focused my attention back on the girl, who was staring back at intensely. Knowing I had to some time or another, I shifted. She gasped, and looked me right in the eye.

"How did you do that?" She asked.

"Well it's just-"

"Shouldn't your clothes have ripped or something?"

I stared at her, in shock and confusion. She just saw a giant wolf turn into a human right before her very eyes, and she's curious about how the clothes didn't rip? I couldn't help it.

I laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed even more.

I rolled around on the forest floor, clutching my stomach and gasping for air. The girl didn't seem to pleased with me. She actually looked very mad that I was laughing at her comment. In her defense, she never saw a werewolf before, but it was just too funny.

After about ten minutes of that, she finally got tired of me.

"Are you done yet!" She snapped.

Wow, for a little girl she sure has got some fire in her. I whipped my eyes, and calmed myself down. "Yeah, yeah. I'm just about done."

I finally calmed myself down enough, and sat next to her. I looked at her curiously and asked. "What's your name?"

She smiled up at me and replied. "I'm Stacie."

"Well it's nice to meet you Stacie. I'm Chris. So, how do you like me so far?"

"I like you a lot, even though I barely know you. Why?"

"Because I was wondering if maybe, you wanted me to, adopt you. What do you think about that?"

She looked up at me and smiled a huge smile, "I'd love that."


Hey! Woe, didn't see that coming, did you? Its ok, neither did I. :) Thanks for being patient and waiting!!!!!! Love y'all!


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