The Very Best

By Supernatural_Awkward

168 12 5

Kaya has a perfect life. Loving family and amazing friends. Maybe even a shot at love. But when an unlikely f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

15 1 4
By Supernatural_Awkward

Above is Matt (Daddy), played by David Beckham. He even has a camera. Enjoy!

In the morning, I woke up with a headache, but nearly screamed in excitement, remembering the day before. Shoving Ian's shoulder, I almost knocked him off the edge of the bed. He awoke with a start, groaning and muttering obscenities. My hair was curly and knotted, but I didn't care. My family was set to arrive that day and the dads told me I had to be ready when they arrived. I took a quick shower, dressed in my new, gray sweater and a pair of high waisted, skinny jeans. After quickly running a comb through my hair, I hurried into my room to find Ian asleep again. His heavy snores were almost endearing, but I had stuff to do. I decided to be gentle and shook his shoulder. Apparently, he hadn't again fallen into a deep sleep, so he woke up fairly easily.

"Ian," I whispered.
"I'm awake," he mumbled, opening his eyes slightly.
"Good, because we have a lot to do," I replied, sitting down beside him.
"Like what?"
"Like Christmas shopping and other pre-Thanksgiving dinner things."
He groaned but pulled himself up into a sitting position. "Can I run home first and change?" I nodded.
"Meet you here in an hour?"
"Do you think I'd let you drive alone again?" He asked rhetorically.
"My car. I'm driving," I told him blatantly. He muttered something about how he'd known it would go to my head, before driving his car down the block to his house.

I took the given time to dry my hair and curl it well instead of the mess it was before. To avoid my normal train wreck-ness, I managed to do a little bit of makeup, and lace up my high tops. Just before there came a knock at the front door, I had pulled on my windbreaker and strung the necklace I had been given. I swung the front door open to reveal Ian, hair still damp, but better combed.

"Be safe," the dads called from the kitchen. "Love you!" I called back, closing the door. I dialed the code into the garage key pad and opened the garage door. Ian climbed into the passenger seat.
"This is awesome," he commented. "The seat heaters even work in here!"
"It's a Thanksgiving miracle!" I replied. He laughed at the thought and buckled up. I pulled the car out of the driveway and we drove down the coffee shop. Nate was working the front counter.

"Ky," he exclaimed. "Are you okay? We heard about the accident."
"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, brushing away the concerns. "I got off lucky."
"Well, thank god you did," he replied. "By the way, Happy Birthday! What can I get you guys? On the house."

After we had ordered and thanked him generously, we continued on our merry way. We made a first stop at a gift shop to pick out something for Ian's mom. She was very into figurines, like angels or statues. Finally, I convinced Ian that his mother would love a statue engraved with a poem, addressed to "Mom." We went next to a vintage shop downtown and found an antique set of baseball cards to give my Dad. He had always been into baseball and had instilled the love of the sport in my heart when I was a child.

By the time we had found the cards, we were nearly out of time to do anything, due to the Dads texting like crazy for me to pick up the forgotten groceries, needed to cook Thanksgiving dinner that night. We stopped at the grocery store. Ian pushed the cart and I loaded it chock full of necessities. When we had reached the bottom of our list, we decided to head back. Upon our arrival, we unloaded the trunk of my car and, much to my appreciation, Ian said that he couldn't be much help at his house and could stay to help at mine. We were set with the task of making the stuffing and salad. I chopped up the vegetables, while he cooked the stuffing on the stove. After I finished tossing the salad, I was handed a recipe for holiday cookies. Dad was hurriedly trying to cook the turkey, while Daddy was working on the yams and the pie.

We worked in a frenzy, until Ian had to hurry home to get ready for Thanksgiving at his house. I decided I should probably do the same. I touched up my makeup, brushed out my hair, straightened my clothing, and hurried to clean up the house. It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door. Our house guests had arrived.

As usual, my Grandma Mae and Aunt Dani were bickering before they even walked through the door.
"I just find it difficult to believe that you think that shirt is appropriate," Grandma Mae said.
I examined my Aunt's clothing choice. A low necked sweater. It was a fairly conservative outfit choice, but my grandmother was picky. Grandma Mae's eyes set on mine.
"Kaya!" She exclaimed. She hurried to my side. "My poor baby. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," I said blandly. She didn't look impressed with my answer.
"I can't believe you got in a car crash. What happened?" I winced at the bluntness of her words.
"Patch of black ice," I said darkly, remembering the incident. "The car flipped into a field. I hit my head. Can't remember the rest." This seemed to concern her even more.
"Were you watching the road?" She asked critically. My attention was drawn to Daddy entering the room. I sighed in relief, knowing she would turn her attention to him instead of me. He stood behind me, hands on my shoulders. The man was about a head taller than me. He balanced his chin right on my head, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and crossing them in front of me protectively.

"She's a very safe driver, Mae," Daddy growled, trying very hard to be polite. Despite his efforts, my grandmother just ignored the statement. I rolled my eyes, unsurprised. Grandma Mae had never really accepted my dads' relationship. She told Dad that she had, but the lie was evident every time she came to our house. It was frustrating, but to be expected. She was a religious, God-fearing woman from a time era where two guys being gay and falling in love was despicable and adopting a child was unheard of. It seemed strange to me that anyone could judge two people being in love. But everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Dad and I weren't much use in the kitchen when it came down to the last part of the cooking, so we took refuge away from the noise in my room, watching the game on my laptop.
"I always knew it would pay off to get you a laptop," he remarked.
"Thank god you did," I agreed.
"They're terrifying, aren't they?" Dad said.
I nodded. We had planted them in front of the TV watching a holiday special that would be over too soon, giving my family a break. Daddy was in the kitchen, finishing everything up and was most likely rejoicing at the quiet.

We sat down around the table at about seven. As was usual for Thanksgiving, my grandmother said grace. My dads weren't the religious type, but it wasn't a battle worth fighting or one that anyone sitting around the table wanted to engage in with Grandma Mae. We spoke lightly, no one really saying much. Finally, my Aunt spoke. "That's a nice necklace," she said. "Where did you get it?"
"It was a gift," I replied meekly.
"Good job," she complimented my Dad. I didn't correct her.
"It wasn't from us," Dad replied quietly. He wasn't angry or sad, he was just afraid of the reactions we would receive.
"Then who?" My Grandmother asked.
"Kaya's birth father," Daddy intervened. "His sister worked at the hospital and called him after the accident. It was a family heirloom."
Nobody spoke for quite a long time. I could tell everyone sincerely regretted saying a word, due to the uncomfortable quiet.
"How about that pie?" My grandfather spoke up. Dad nodded and rose from the table to get it off of the kitchen counter. He brought back the pumpkin pie, along with a container of whip cream.

"Oh, I just remembered," my Grandmother exclaimed. "Your presents from us!"
"You shouldn't have," I said honestly.
She scoffed, "Of course we would get you a gift!"
From my Aunt Dani, I unwrapped a red, long sleeved shirt and a book on writing college essays. I had always been super close with my Aunt. She was kind of like the mom I didn't have. She always came over to help me whenever there was a formal event at school or anything of that sort. Next, I tore the wrapping paper off of a package of twinkly lights to hang in my room, and new softball cleats.

Once I had opened their presents, my extended family went home- leaving us to clean up the mess. I swept up the kitchen and below the table, while my dads busied themselves by washing dishes and attempting to stuff the fridge. Ian came through the front door not long after they drove away.
"Hi, Matt. Dan," he acknowledged my dads.
"Hello," Dad called from the kitchen as he dried the dishes.
He helped me to sweep the crumbs from the table onto the dust pan.
"What would you do without me?" He said dramatically.
"Probably just make more mess when cleaning up," I replied honestly. He laughed, knowing the truth behind my words. Once we had managed to clean everything up for the night, the four of us dispersed between the two love seats. Ian sat down beside me.

"It's a good thing you're here, Ian," Daddy said.
"Yeah?" Ian asked.
My dads shared a look. I looked at Ian in question. He shrugged.
"You're a part of this family." My heart swelled with pride. Ian had always been a key factor in our house. We've been thinking," Dad began, not moving his eyes from Daddy's.
Daddy grinned. "We want to adopt another baby."
I screamed in excitement. Ian looked overjoyed. "Really?" They nodded. "This is amazing!"
"Congratulations," Ian said, smiling ear to ear. "Have you found someone?"
Dad nodded enthusiastically. "The mom's name is Keira. The baby is due in six months. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know the gender, but we asked her to find out so we could plan accordingly."
We cheered excitedly before settling back down to think about it all.

"I should probably head home," Ian said eventually. I nodded and walked him to the door. I waved goodbye and closed the door behind him. Sighing heavily, I got dressed for bed and said goodnight to my parents. Crawling into bed, I thought about Mark. I had only met him once, but somehow it had left a lasting impression. I made a resolution to call him in the morning.

I closed my eyes and felt sleep take over, thinking of the man I had only just met right before I drifted.

Thanks for reading! Let me know down in the comments what you think the baby's gender should be and/or names! Hope you liked it!

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