Finding Lou

By LaurelRogers

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Louis Tomlinson. You know him as the adorable, hilarious, cheeky and sweet heart throb of the boyband One Dir... More

Finding Lou


443 10 10
By LaurelRogers

Louis' POV

*Tuesday September 15, 2009*

Tomorrow it will have been a week since that awful day. Ever since last Friday Eleanor and I have been killing ourselves trying to figure out what to write our song about or even any lyrics. It's crazy how difficult it's been! You'd think it was easy but no. Very hard. I've also been a bit happier since we've been working on the project. I've even taken her advice and began singing more. I also haven't cut since then. But that doesn't mean that school's any better. I'm still teased and tripped in the halls. But not severely since last Wednesday. I've only had to go to the nurse for pain medicine also which for me is quite the achievement. I thank her thoroughly every day for her help, care, and concern for me. I truly do appreciate her. A lot. My pain's gotten a lot better. I can actually walk without groaning from each step. Just as I suspected my parents haven't even noticed that I've been hurt. As usual...


It's the end of the school day and as I walked out of the building I realized something.

Nobody's hurt me physically today. Just some rude comments here and there but even those weren't very frequent. This is strange. I smiled a bit but couldn't help but feel suspicious. This never happens. I need to keep an eye out...

I'm going to work with Eleanor on our project today at her house but I have to wait until tonight since she has work.

I began my walk home. I unfortunately have yet to receive my car back. Luckily different mums of my sisters' friends have taken them to and from school for the past few days since it was hard on them to walk so far each day and hard on me as I'm still recovering.

As I walked down the street humming a song I started to feel strange. Like I was being watched or stalked. I looked behind me. Nobody. I sighed and continued walking. It's nothing Lou. I assured myself. I began walking a bit faster. I was almost home and it looked like a big storm was coming soon anyways. Only one more block...I whispered as I walked by an alley near my house. As I walked by I was suddenly and harshly pulled into the alley. I tried to scream but was cut off by someone putting their hand over my mouth. I bit it. It did nothing this time. The person threw me on the ground and I looked up to see five people standing above me including Stanley, Lucas, and Troy.

Oh dear God...

I stood to my feet and tried to make a run for it but when I was at the mouth of the alley someone pulled my legs out from under me and I fell to the ground with a horrifying Thud. They then pulled me back, my body being scrapped harshly against the concrete, and dropped my legs painfully in the middle of the circle again. I could do nothing. I was powerless. I got on my bum and tried to scotch backwards away from them but it was no use. Stanley yanked me up by my collar and gave me a hard jab to the stomach. I grabbed my stomach in pain and he dropped me harshly to the ground. Now I truly was powerless.

I tried to scream but one of the guys I didn't recognize put their boot clad foot over my mouth causing pain to erupt in my jaw.

"Don't you dare scream." He spit in my face.

I nodded and he removed his foot. They began to punch and kick me everywhere calling me names and teasing me. Most were uncomprehendable but the ones I understood hurt a lot...

This is becoming too common...

But this time they changed it up a bit. Lucas harshly picked me up and pinned me against a wall and held a knife in front of my face. My eyes widened in pure terror as I tried to escape his grasp. But it was no use. He took the knife and started at the top of my chest and brought it slowly down the center ripping my shirt in half and causing me to cry out in pain against his hand that muffled my voice. He then dropped me to the ground. I looked down and saw that I was loosing a lot of blood through the deep chest wound. Tears began to fall from my eyes. I've felt pain. I've felt a lot of pain. But never as excruciating as this.

"Aw did we make wittle Wouis cwy?" Troy taunted causing laughter to erupt.

One of the guys I still didn't recognize then took out a gun.

I gulped. This is the scariest moment of my life I think.

As I was still sat up against the wall in utter pain and terror I heard the terrifying cock of the gun. I tried to back up but it was to no use since I was against the brick wall. I closed my eyes and prayed this was a dream.

It wasn't.

It felt like hours but was only a few seconds before I heard the deadening ring of a gun shot and felt a searing pain in my left shoulder. My eyes shot open and I cried out in pain. I held my shoulder and more tears fell. They all just laughed. I closed my eyes and pain and again heard the cock of the gun.

This is it. I thought to myself.

They surely will kill me now.

I then again heard the ring of the gunshot and didn't feel pain in my chest as I had expected but my left thigh began to scream out I pain. I too screamed out in pain.  My eyes again shot open but I wished they hadn't. I saw Lucas holding a metal baseball bat hitting it tauntingly against his hand. I then saw him raise it and heard a loud bang followed by an immense throbbing in my head. I fell forward onto the ground landing on my chest and hitting my head causing even more pain.

Just like last week everything began to go in slow motion. They grabbed their weapons and ran out of the alley ad out of sight.

They left me here to die. I thought to myself.

I have never been in so much pain in all my lifetime.

I looked at the front of the alley and through my blurry and rapidly fading vision could see someone at the front.

"Louis!?" They screamed but to me it sounded far away and whispered.

I felt raindrops starting to fall.

"Eleanor..."I whispered

Then my head dropped and everything went black.

Possibly forever...


Eleanor's POV

*Same day*

Today Louis was supposed to work on the project at my house. It was going to be tonight as I had work straight after school but I got a call and they asked me to come in tonight instead. I tried to call Louis and ask if we could meet earlier but I didn't get an answer. By the time I'd called five times without an answer I decided something was up. I left my house and began walking to his house to make sure he was okay. 

As I neared  his house I heard a gunshot, a scream, then another gunshot. I considered walking back home since I was now terrified but noticed a storm was coming and it would be quicker to get to his house than to go back home. I began walking faster but was shocked to see five guys run out of the alley near his house. As they ran I could faintly make out one of their faces.


But why? It can't be! Can it?

As I walked by the alley I took a quick glance in to see a body on the ground surrounded by blood and groaning in pain.

But not just any body.


"Louis!?" I screamed

Raindrops started to fall heavily.

He lifted his head and whispered something but I couldn't understand it was so weak. It was like he was just moving his lips.

His eyes then closed and his head dropped to the ground.

"Oh my Gosh!"

I ran over to him as quick as I could. I rolled his limp body over and saw he had a massive cut that ran all the way down his chest. I then noticed that his left shoulder and left thigh were bleeding heavily and that he had many many cuts and bruises all over his body including a massive gash on the back of his head. But that wasn't the worst thing. His chest wasn't rising and falling. I felt his pulse. Nothing.

I didn't have the time nor the strength to carry him all the way to the hospital or even to call an ambulance. I didn't have his home phone number so I decided to carry him to his house since it was so close.  

I picked up his limp and heavy body not even caring that he was getting blood all over my favorite outfit. When I reached the house I knocked on the door and after a few seconds his eldest sister opened the door.

"Yes?... Oh my God!" she shouted after seeing Louis.


Lottie's POV

After school today my friend Matthew's mum was supposed to pick us up but since he had to leave early after becoming ill we had to find someone else to pick us up. We didn't want to bother Louis with it. He has enough troubles. So when we saw Nurse Campbell picking her son up we politely asked her and she agreed.

When we got home Louis wasn't' there. We were worried. So Nurse Campbell stayed with us while we waited for Louis to come home. After about an hour there was a knock at the door.

"I got it!" I shouted hoping it was Louis. But he'd have a key...

I opened the door to see a girl I didn't recognize.

"Yes?..." Then I looked down and noticed that not only was she covered in blood but she held a bloodied body.

My brother.

"Oh my God!" I shouted.

"Can I come in?"

"Y-Yes of course!" I stuttered in shock as I lead her to the living room.

She set him on the sofa and all of my sisters, Nurse Campbell, and her son ran to view the scene.

"What happened!?" Felicity asked tears in her eyes.

"Tell us on the way. We need to get him to hospital! Everyone in my car! Now!" Nurse Campbell instructed.

We obeyed and she picked Louis up and set him on the far back seat while the rest of us squeezed in the middle row and the passenger side.

On the way, after she introduced herself,  Eleanor explained how she found him and how he had no pulse and wasn't breathing. She also explained how she didn't think she had time to call an ambulance.

I honestly thought that that was extremely stupid of her but I kept quiet. I just watched Louis over the back of my seat to make sure he was okay.


We finally made it to the hospital and they took him in to surgery immediately. We all cried and waited in the waiting room.

The saddest thing is that mum and dad wouldn't even care if he died...


Louis' POV

I opened my eyes.

"Where am I?" I whispered.

I had no injuries and was in a place of all white.

Am I dead?

Suddenly I saw an angel who took me by the hand and led me through some gigantic pearly white gates. My clothes then magically changed into an all white suit.

The angel lead me  to a place with two thrones. I bowed immediately without even thinking about it. I was in the presence of God.

"Louis William Tomlinson." He said making me look up.

I then began to walk towards him. He shock my hand and I smiled but then I heard a loud voice yell


And I began to fade away.

"I believe your time here is done." God said.

"No! Please! I don't want to go back!" I screamed fading even faster.

"I'm sorry Louis. But you must. I'll see you in a few decades. And don't stop singing." He said.

After that I faded completely away and everything went black.


Eleanor's  POV

As we waited Nurse Campbell explained to me how this wasn't the first time she'd brought him here but she wouldn't tell me why.

After we'd waited for about six hours a very tired looking doctor came in and we stood up as we were the only ones in the waiting room.

"How is he?" Nurse Campbell asked.

"Not great. He's alive but just barely. We lost him for about five minutes during the surgery."

I gasped and cried harder. He actually died for five minutes.

"So what's the damage?" Nurse Campbell asked.

"Well we removed the bullets from his shoulder and thigh and stitched up the major cuts and bruises including his head and chest. He also has a severely bruised jaw and a couple broken ribs. He might wake up eventually but we don't know when and when he does we don't know what his condition will be. He could have memory loss or even be paralyzed."

"What do you mean might wake up?" Lottie asked worried.

"I mean Louis' in a coma right now."

We all gasped and cried harder.

"Can we see him?" I asked

"Yes but don't make too much noise or touch him and you can only visit for a few minutes."

We followed him to Louis' room then he left us alone.

There he was. Laying completely motionless, his eyes closed and covered in bandages. We all broke down at the sight.

All too soon  the doctor returned and told us we had to leave.

We all said goodbye and walked out to Nurse Campbell's car. She drove me to my house then took the others home before returning to her home.

I went to my room and just cried.

My mum came up and asked me what happened and I told her.

Then she left me some dinner and left my room.

I just wish I knew why they did it...


Felicity's POV

After Nurse Campbell dropped us off we all made a quick dinner of Ramen noodles and cried together in Lottie's room soon falling asleep to the sound of our parents' fighting.

They wouldn't care about what happened even if they knew...

But all I could think was why did they do this to my brother? 



that was long!

I actually combined two chapters and added some stuff.

I don't think I'll be updating tomorrow but you never know...

Thank you for 100 reads! It means a lot!






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