The Virginity Pact

De prettywhenIcry_

36.1K 1.3K 831

"True love and betrayal. Revenge and more revenge. A heroine with an impossible goal. If only Mozart had live... Mai multe

1 - the city that never sleeps
2 - deal or no deal
3 - insider/outsider
5 - escort me not
6 - playing both sides
7 - the haves and have nots
8 - path of success
9 - It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
10 - yellow brick road
11 - fashions not forever
12 - V for Vendetta
13 - bad girls do it well
14 - what a tangled web we weave
15 - can't keep a secret
16 - Christmas time in the city
17 - God save the Queen
18 - eighteen candles
19 - kiss and tell
20 - this little lie of mine
21 - playa playa
22 - Harperella
23 - when the clock strikes 12
24 - pretty little liar
25 - brunch and beratings
26 - double, double toil and trouble
27 - faking it

4 - the brady brunch

1.6K 64 11
De prettywhenIcry_

Is there really anything better than a lazy Sunday? Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, scrambling an egg or two. Yeah right, we Upper East Siders don't do lazy. Breakfast is brunch, and it comes with champagne, a dress code, and 100 of our closest friends and enemies.


A hearty laugh escapes Holden's lips as he passes the joint to the pretty, thin girl draped across his lap.

She grasps it between her dainty fingers and he watches her plump pink lips pucker as she takes a hit. She stares at him as she blows out the smoke, a sensual look in her eyes, and he smiles, shaking his head. She smiles back, and when she's done she passes the blunt to Jake.

He thanks her and wraps his arm around the other girl who sits beside him.

What was her name again?

Neither could remember.

Holden was not preparing for the brunch that would be taking place downstairs in less than 2 hours. Instead, he had just screwed 2 beautiful girls, and invited his best friend over to smoke some weed.

He had invited Jake over a little earlier, to assist him in his endeavors with the lovely young women, but to his surprise, Jake declined.

He would not cheat on Lydia. Not again, anyway.

Most of the time, Holden doesn't even know the status of Lydia and Jake's relationship. They seemed like the Upper East Side's young Brangelina, but he was so close to the both of them, he could clearly see the damage.

He allowed the girls to stay, but only for the blunt. Afterwards, he'd get showered, dressed, and head downstairs.

Holden doesn't get high nearly as much as Jake--he was more of a scotch or whiskey guy--but he thought maybe it'd help him get through the brunch.

The Annabelle was the newest hotel owned by the Frasier's, and his father and uncle wanted to have a brunch to showcase its 1 year success.

To his family, it was a big deal. But Holden, after almost 18 years, didn't care about brunches or balls or much of anything anymore.

He did, however, have more ambition than Jake, who's top priorities were always sex and drugs.

"Lydia isn't going to like this," Holden chuckles.

Jake shrugs. He knows Lydia doesn't like when he smokes. And she certainly wouldn't appreciate him hanging around half naked girls.

"She doesn't have to know," he replies with a laugh.

Suddenly the elevator dings, and strolling out into the suite comes a handsome young man in a suit.

Holden tenses at the sight of him, and stands quickly, pushing the girl off him and onto the couch. His blood begins to boil, and his jaw clenches, though the person has yet to say anything.

He takes a few steps in, examining the scene before him with a smirk.

"Hello, cousin," he greets.

"Girls, you can go," Holden dismisses them sternly.

The girls slowly stand up and stretch, angering Holden who wants them gone immediately.

"Now," he asserts, voice louder. The girls scramble for their clothes, slipping them on within seconds.

Jake stands and grabs his jacket, knowing the rocky relationship between Holden and his cousin, and shocked to see him here.

"I'll see you later, man," Jake informs Holden on his way out.

"Jake," the young man nods in acknowledgement as he passes him.

"Tyler," Jake acknowledges back, before stepping into the elevator behind the girls and making his way to the first floor.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Holden growls.

"I came for brunch, of course. Is that how you greet your family, Holden? I can see you haven't matured much. And you may want to open a window," Tyler says, making his way to the cupboard to pour himself a small morning glass of liquor.

Holden's anger grows more by the second.

Though Tyler is only a few months older than Holden, already 18 and in college, he is more mature by definition. The son of his uncle, who co-owned the Frasier's business with his father, Tyler was Holden's first cousin, and they absolutely despised each other.

Tyler had been attending boarding school in Boston since the 10th grade. When he graduated last year, he stayed in Massachusetts to attend Harvard, majoring in business.

Even though Holden's father owned 65% of the company, while Tyler's father only owned 35%, Tyler wanted to remain a perfect candidate to run his portion of the business once it was passed down to him in the future.

Holden couldn't care less. He didn't see the point in going to college or preparing for the future, knowing the larger portion of the company was just going to fall in his lap whenever his father died or retired.

"How long are you staying?" Holden grumbled, wishing he would reply, "I'm not! I'm on my way out now!"

"As long as it takes," Tyler replies vaguely taking a sip of scotch.

Holden took notice that Tyler had poured himself a glass of not just any, but his favorite scotch, annoying him even further.

"As long as what takes?" He asks, his voice rising, not in the mood for ridiculous riddles.

Tyler ignores Holden completely, plopping down on the couch and turning the tv to a college football game.

Holden exhales loudly through his nose, and marches to his bathroom, slamming the door behind him and starting the shower.


Monday, I "spiced up" my school uniform with burgundy knee socks, a Chanel headband, and a pearl necklace, conforming myself to the uniform of Lydia's private army.

I didn't want to. I felt like a complete idiot being another look alike, but apparently the rest of the girls in school admired it, because to them I'm oh-so-lucky to be apart of Lydia's clique.

But, I'm at the bottom of the barrel, meaning while the girls enjoyed their lunch in their usual courtyard spot, I was sent to run out and get everyone's frappuccinos.

My hazing was not yet over, as proclaimed by Lydia; standard hazing lasted as long she said it did. Needless to say, the girl who had been on the bottom before me, was happy for me to fill her shoes.

Tuesday, I wore cream colored knee socks. And though I was allowed to attend reservations at Serendipity, I had to sit at the table beside the rest of the girls.

Wednesday was no different than Monday. I was still making coffee runs and being ignored for the most part.

Thursday was no different than Tuesday. By then I was still sitting within ear shot of Lydia and the others, but not with them. They gushed about what Lydia should wear to the Frasier's brunch on Sunday, while drinking their frozen hot chocolates--Serendipity's delicious signature. I was only spoken to towards the end of lunch when Lydia asked if I was attending brunch. I nodded and Lydia declared shopping after school.

My heart dropped to my stomach as I thought of an excuse for not being able to come. I knew if I told her I had work after school as a maid at the Frasier's hotel, she would shun me right then and there, and I could kiss the Hamilton Ball goodbye.

Lydia soon rescheduled to Friday after school, because she apparently forgot she had something to do, relieving me greatly.

Friday, I spent $130 on a dress I found while at a shop in SoHo. I knew from our shared AP Lit and AP Stat classes that Lydia was intelligent, but she spoke eloquently and intellectually even when discussing fabric prints and textures.

It wasn't an unbearable 2 hours like I expected, but I would've much rather spent it alone in Central Park. Or maybe studying.

I exhale loudly and everyone's eyes turn to me.

"Don't be nervous," Aunt Lindsey smiles. "All you have to do is sit, eat and smile."

I nod, feeling a little better. I knew Aunt Lindsey would be parading me around, introducing me to anyone and everyone.

Normally, I'd object, but I was supposed to be getting myself out there and letting everyone know who I am.

Invites to the Hamilton Ball weren't about who was graduating as valedictorian, or who was graduating with the most volunteer hours. It was just one big popularity contest to get the Hamilton's more publicity for their corporation.

And what better way to do that than to award the cities biggest it-girl $500,000 for the new cosmetic line she wanted to start? Or page 6's favorite cover boy money to attend MIT?

We enter the hotel that I was now familiar with, from the lobby to every toilet on the 5th floor.

But to my family, this was my first time being here.

"This is a really nice hotel," I comment truthfully as I look around as if I've never been here.

"Indeed," Derek nods. "Personally I favor it over their other hotels."

We make our way to one of the banquet rooms, where at least 70 people sit already, sipping orange juice from champagne glasses, plates filled with fresh fruits and warm breads.

My eyes land on Holden, who stands across the room looking bored. His eyes connect with mine and I give him a small smile, but he doesn't return it. Instead he turns away and grabs an apple from the table.

My eyebrows furrow at his unanticipated attitude.

What did I do?

"Vincent!" Aunt Lindsey exclaims and I see Holden's father nearing us. My eyes widen and I begin to walk away, thinking I could sneak off.

For some odd reason, I truly believed I could attend the Frasier's brunch while networking myself, and manage to completely steer clear of Mr. Frasier himself.

"Lindsey, Derek, Elijah," he greets. "And...Harper?" I stop in my tracks, freezing but not facing him.

"Harper come over here; don't be rude," Aunt Lindsey demands.

Slowly I turn around and I catch a hint of confusion in Vincent's eyes.

"Vincent this is my niece I've told you about. She's staying with us until the summer for school. She goes to Lockwood with Holden."

Vincent's mouth opens slightly as if he's getting ready to speak.

"It's nice to meet you," I cut him off, in a rush not to let the whole, "Oh yes, she works for me, didn't you know?" thing slip.

Surprisingly, Mr. Frasier plays along, telling me, "Likewise," but not before giving me a look.

"Elijah, Harper, you two go on," Derek directs.

We nod, walking off to where Lydia, Jake, and some of the girls sit at a round table, clinking glasses of orange juice.


Holden had disappeared for a good 20 minutes, taking a walk to clear his head. He knew he had to come back, of course.

He steps into The Annabelle, where Tyler seems to appear out of thin air in front of him.

Trying to ignore him, Holden steps to the side to move around him, but Tyler moves to thwart his actions.

Rolling his eyes and exhaling loudly, Holden forces himself to make eye contact with his cousin.

"What?" He barks, causing one of the women from the front desk to look at him. She quickly looks away when he makes eye contact with her.

Tyler smirks.

"Lower your voice, cousin," he says calmly. "Your eyes are still pretty red you know," he informs with a chuckle. Then his face takes on a look of false care, as he takes a step closer and examines Holden's face with furrowed eyebrows. "And so is your cheek, actually."

Blood boiling, Holden shoves Tyler, who stumbles back a few steps. When Holden begins stomping towards him, Tyler holds his hands up in defense.

"Easy, Holden. You don't want to ruin brunch and give your father yet another reason to be angry, do you? I mean from the looks of your face, it seems he also has noticed your...intoxicated state."

Holden's jaw clenches, along with his fists, but Tyler just laughs as he smoothes out his crisp, white collared shirt. He takes a few steps towards Holden, so that they're only inches apart.

Holden, with flaring nostrils, heeds Tyler's warning and keeps his hands to himself.

"Listen, you're father may own the larger portion of the company, but I'm still blood, and you're slipping through the cracks, Hold. I mean, weed and threesomes right before our fathers' big brunch? Really? On top of that, ivy week is coming up. I go to Harvard, and which school are you thinking about going to again?"

Tyler pauses to let Holden respond, but not having an answer, he doesn't.

"That's what I thought," he continues. "You're a fuck up, Holden. I know it, my dad knows it, your father knows it. And once they realize how truly incapable you are, even as you finish up high school, I'll be given the larger portion of the company, and you'll get the smaller percent. Or better yet, you'll be left with nothing."

Tyler steps back, eyeing Holden one last time before he walks away, ready to make his debut to brunch.

Holden stands for a few seconds, thinking about his cousins words before slumping down in one of the lobby's armchairs in anger and frustration.


"No. Effing. Way," Lydia scoffs as her eyes land on the figure in the doorway.

"Is that...Tyler?" Elijah asks aloud. "I thought he was living in Cambridge for college?"

Jake stays quiet, not telling his friends that he saw him arrive earlier, knowing he'd have to come clean to Lydia.

They watch as Tyler begins greeting people with a smile, shaking their hands and chatting them up.

"Who's Tyler?" Harper asks, feeling left out of the loop.

"He's Holden's gorgeous older cousin," Becca responds. "His dad co-owns the business with Holden's dad. He went to boarding school in Massachusetts for high school, so we only ever saw him for big events or during the summer."

"Holden must be so pissed," Lydia laughs dryly.

"Why would he be pissed?" Harper questions.

Lydia rolls her eyes and turns to her.

"They hate each other. Always have. We don't really know why. They're just always doing petty things to try and one-up the other. I think Tyler is just jealous that Holden's going to get the larger part of the company from his dad."

Harper eyes Holden as he walks into the room, a frustrated look on his face. She realizes it must not be anything she's done, but the return of his cousin that's put him in a bad mood.

Harper stands snd approaches Holden, everyone's eyes following her as she does so.

"Hey," Harper greets.

Holden looks at her, his usual smile vanished.

"Hey," he responds in an irritated tone.

"Are you okay?" Harper asks, hating to see anyone ever upset. "Your face is a little red--"

"Im fine," Holden responds sternly and walks around her, going to sit at the table she had just come from.

Harper stands for a few seconds, brushing off his attitude. Suddenly, Tyler approaches her, but she doesn't seem to notice, still wrapped up in her thoughts.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help but witness my cousins poor social skills," Tyler says to her, flashing a smile. "I'd like to apologize on his behalf, I don't think he's feeling well.

"Oh, um it's really fine," Harper says, not wanting to anger Holden for fraternizing with his cousin. She still needed him, after all.

"I gotta get back to my seat," she informs.

"Where are you sitting?"

Harper motions to the table in the back of the room near the window, where everyone, now including Holden, sits.

"I'll walk you over, that's where I was headed, anyway."

Harper nods, walking towards the table with Tyler, avoiding eye contact with everyone, who's eyes she can feel on her.

"I don't believe I've seen you before?" Tyler says in more of a question.

"I just started school at Lockwood. I'm Elijah's cousin," she informs.

Tyler nods as they reach the table. Harper sits back in her place, which is now beside Holden, who's eyes rest on her. Everyone else's attention has averted to Tyler.

"Hey, guys," he greets with a smile.

The gang greets him back, all of them either liking Tyler or having indifferent feelings towards him. The only one that really despised him was his own blood--Holden.

"How's Harvard?" Lydia asks him.

"Great. Are you still thinking about going to Yale?"

Harper's heart skips a beat and she looks at Lydia listening closely for her answer.

"Yes," she chirps excitedly. "I can't wait for Ivy week."

"I'm sure you'll do great," Tyler smiles.

The famous Ivy week was something Harper had just learned about from a letter sent home to the students. A week in which the Ivy League schools' representing alumni attend a mixer hosted at the school, where the students try to win them over in hopes of getting a good word in to their choice of college.

Harper turns to Holden, eyeing him in slight panic. How could she stay fake-friends with Lydia while she was trying to steal the blue and white rug from under her feet?

"How the hell is that supposed to work?" Harper whisper yells in Holden's ear as the rest of the table laughs and listens to some story Tyler tells.

"Oh yeah," Holden says quietly so only Harper can hear him. His face scrunches up as if remembering something. He takes a sip of champagne and turns to look at Harper with a sympathetic face. "I didn't really think about that."


Dun, dun, dun.

Ivy week isn't in the next chapter, but it's coming up, so just some slight foreshadowing.

Comment what you think about this chapter especially regarding Tyler returns oh snap.


Hope you liked this xx vote & comment

Also I love the name for this chapter I think it's so cute.

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