Dramione One Shots

Autorstwa Tedfy1359

44.5K 852 376

Just some songfic/oneshots about the wonderfulness of Dramione :) I don't have time to write an ongoing Drami... Więcej

Because of You
If Tomorrow Never Comes

Heart Vacancy

5.4K 119 47
Autorstwa Tedfy1359

I do not own any of the characters, places, magic or any of the Harry Potterness. I would love to own them, especially Draco ;) However, the belong to the wonderful JK Rowling who I love loads for creating the HP series and the magic. The song doesn't belong to me either, that belongs to The Wanted. The pictures don't belong to me either.


Heart Vacancy - The Wanted


I hear your heart, cry for love.

But you won’t let me make it right.

You were hurt, but I decided,

That you were worth the fight

Draco peeked out of his Head Boy Room and looked out into the Common Room that he shared with the Head Girl - Hermione Granger. To say he was shocked at becoming Head Boy was an understatement. McGonagall must've been off her rocker to crown him that. However, he still had brilliant grades which came second to Hermione. McGonagall had warned him that his behaviour must improve drastically, so not wanting to cross the line, Draco Malfoy had a complete change of character.  

He had awoken to loud THUMP that had come from the Common Room. Scared it was a burglar who'd steal his designer clothes - or worse, Peeves who'd throw dungbombs at his designer clothes, Draco decided to investigate.

Looking out, he saw Hermione Granger crashed out on the floor. He climbed down the stairs and squatted down next to Hermione. Her face was pale with silver tear tracks staining her cheeks. She had fainted. That's when Draco noticed the empty bottle of Firewhisky in her right hand and the pool of blood her head was lying in.

He pitied the girl that was collapsed on the floor. Her heart was broken. A heart so young and pure was ripped and stomped on. Draco could read it in her eyes when she was awake. The reason why she was like this - he did not know. He only had a suspicion that it was because of one Ronald Weasley, but it was only a suspicion. He couldn't act on something that may not be true. She was hurt and seeing her in this pitiful state, his own heart craved to help her.

Every night, you lock up.

You won’t let me come inside.

But the look, in your eyes.

Says that I could turn the tide.

Draco picked Hermione up gently and she hung limp like a rag doll in his arms. Carefully he placed her on the sofa and took his shirt of to use as a bandage for her poorly head. He then sat on the arm of the sofa and stroked Hermione's tangled curls as he waited for her to gain consciousness and replayed the memories in his head.

 He remembered the first night of her miseries clearly. She had come running to the common room, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. She had run straight to her room and locked it. Then, there were load bangs from inside. Draco tried to intervene, to get her attention. He called for her but she just ignored him. Not even Alohomora would work on her door so he was unable to do anything.

Later on, in the middle of the night, he awoke to see a numb Hermione sitting in the common room in front of the fire drinking a steaming mug of hot chocolate. He was tired but he could stay up. The next day was a weekend anyway. So, he crept down to the common room and sat on the sofa next to her. They both sat in silence for a while and stared into the ember flames licking at the wood.

It was after a while that Hermione interrupted the silence. "What do you want Draco?" she sighed.

"You looked upset."

"Hmmm," she mumbled as the tears started to roll down again. Seeing this, Draco started to panic. He didn't know how to make depressed people feel better. Hesitantly, he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her towards him. She burrowed her head between his shoulder and neck and whispered a quite and incoherent "thank you".

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Draco mumbled into her hair.

She lifted her head to look at him. "It's nothing," she sighed however her eyes told her a different story. Comfort seemed the only thing he was able to give her at the moment.

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart.

I can tell you can fit one more.

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart.

I don’t care who was there before.

Hermione stirred causing a sigh of relief to escape from Draco's lips. She'd be up soon. While reminiscing on the memories, Draco wondered why she had never told him the reason why she was so upset. There had been many more incidents like the one at midnight in the common room and every time Draco asked what had happened, Hermione would close up. 

'Why though?' Draco thought. They'd been good friends. Ever since they had to share the common room, they declared a truce and were civil towards each other. Hermione had rubbed of on Draco as they spent a lot of time together and soon they were 'friends'. But that didn't end the bickering. 

Yet, when Hermione went into her depressed state, Draco seemed to attach himself more to this misery dwelling girl. He felt the urge to do something to amend things. She was deteriorating in so many ways. This war hero had to make a recovery otherwise she'd never be the same.

But what could he do when he didn't know the reason behind her weeping heart. She needed to open up to him. She needed to hand her heart to him and reveal the secrets it held. But could she do that? Would she do that?

I, hear your heart cry for love,

Then you act like there’s no room,

Room for me, or anyone.

“Don’t disturb” is all I see.

Close the door, turn the key.

On everything that we could be.

If loneliness would move out,
I’d fill the vacancy.

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart.

"Draco?" came a strangled whisper, which breathed onto his hand. Draco looked down and gazed into Hermione's caramel orbs. Her eyes were so expressive - they were the windows to her soul. Draco could read the gratitude she felt towards him, the pain her injuries and the Firewhiskey and caused in her head and the mourning of heartache. Before he could read the story behind the heartache, Hermione closed her eyes and looked away, destroying the connection.

"You ok?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, I guess. My head hurts a little."

Waving his wand, Draco muttered some healing spells and stopped the bleeding on her head. Touching her head tentatively as she sat up, Hermione detected an article of clothing covering the injured patch. Removing it from around her head, Hermione vanished the blood on Draco's top and handed it back to him while exchanging thanks.


"Draco..." she mimicked, a small smile pulling the corner of her lips.

"Please tell me."

"Tell you what?" she asked feigning innocence while looking into the depth of the flames in the blazing fire.

"Hermione, don't act stupid with me. I can see through your little act. You know what I'm talking about."

Sighing, Hermione wrung her hands in her lap while staring at them. Then looking up at Draco, she asked, "Is there any point in asking though, Draco?" while the spark of light delimitated in her eyes. 

This ain’t the Heartbreak Hotel,

Even though I know it well.

Those no shows, they sure tell,

In the way you hold yourself.

"Hermione..." Draco trailed off getting upset and irritated by the girl. Sighing, he gently slid down the armrest and onto the sofa while budging Hermione along. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and brought her close. Leaning down so that his lips were next to her ear, he whispered, "I know you heart is broken."

Hermione broke away from the close proximity between them at his words and launched herself onto the other end of the sofa. She then ended up cradling her head in her arms and groaning in pain due to the sudden action. Looking up at him, her eyes darkened and she hissed, "You don't know anything Draco."

Shocked by her sudden change in character, Draco became wary. "You're somewhat right," he said slowly. "But the mistake in your sentence is that you shouldn't have used 'don't' but instead 'hardly'. I hardly know anything. I know your heart is broken Hermione. I can read it in your eyes," he said, slowly extending his arm to cradle her jaw in his hand. She softened at his touch. "They're filled with hurt, misery and the affection you still hold. I can read your body language. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you hold yourself. They've all changed. I can see that. The only thing I don't know is why."

He leaned forward and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her towards him and onto his lap. Then he embraced her, her head leaning on his chest while his chin rested on top of her curly locks. He'd gotten better at comforting Draco realised as Hermione melted in his arms. 

Don’t you fret, should you get,

Another cancellation.

Give me a chance I’d make a,

Permanent reservation.

"You don't need to know why, Draco," she murmured.

"Yes I do, Hermione. I want to help you. I hate seeing you in this miserable state. It hurts me to watch you not caring about you life anymore. You used to be so energetic and strong. Now you've just crumpled. I can't stand it, Hermione. It's killing me too..."

"Draco. Please, don't," Hermione whispered.

"Don't what?" Draco questioned.

"Don't fill me with false hope," she sighed.

"I'm not Hermione. I meant it. I want to help you. I want to help you get out of this state and return to your normal self. I want to be there for you."

She started to sob as memories of the past month flew through her head. "I wish I could believe you Draco," she whispered, her voice hoarse.

"What makes you not believe me?"

"You won't stay. No one else has. They all left. Sure, some were there initially but they left after a while. People won't be there for you forever. I've learnt that the hard way," she cried.

"But I'm not like the others."

She snorted, creating a very horrible sound from the mix of a snort and sob. "Oh, and how can you justify that?"

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,

I can tell you can fit one more.

Open up make a brand new start,

I don’t care who’s stayed before.

Draco sighed. The girl was in a hysteria stage.

"It's not something I can justify now. It's something you'll see in the long run."

"Exactly!" Hermione snapped. "Then I grow attached to whatever may grow between us and then you'll leave, leave me heartbroken."

"I'd never do that," Draco said softly.

"And how do I know that?"

"Hermione, listen close ok. We were never friends before right? And now this year, we've grown so close. I mean look at how we're sitting now!" Hermione chuckled lightly. "I decided to give a chance in the truce we made and decided to extend it. And look where we are. I hated you then, and if I didn't think there was anything worth fighting for in this friendship, would I have stayed? No." Hermione looked up at him, her eyes glistening with a small glint of happiness. However, that small amount created a huge change since her eyes were usually foreshadowed with misery. "You were worth it, Hermione. That's why I took the leap between hate and love." 

Hermione gave him a watery smile, yet a genuine smile, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into his neck.

I hear your heart call for love,

Then you act like there’s no room.

Room for me, or anyone, 

“Don’t disturb” is all I see.

Close the door, turn the key,

On everything that we could be.

If loneliness would move out,
I’d fill the vacancy.

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart.

"Thank you Draco. You're right. I'm sorry for pushing you away. Thinking back, you're the only one who's been here for me during this time. And I pushed you away. I thought I was going to end up hurt if I let you in. I'm just too worried. My life's just turned and I can't seem to turn it back around. I want help, but I can't find the courage to go to anyone. Everything is just so difficult now. I've lost the faith to hold onto."

"You just need to talk to someone. Hermione, tell me what's wrong please. It will make you feel better. You can share your problem and I will help you, I promise."

Sighing, Hermione dug herself deeper into his embrace. "I would Draco, but I can't. It's too painful. Maybe in due time, just not now please."

When I, talk to you, on the phone,

Listen close.

"It's ok, Hermione. I understand." He really did. He remembered how after the war, he couldn't talk to anyone about it. Not even his closest friends who tried to help him. He pushed them away becuase he didn't think they'd give him the support and in the end, the ended up abandoning him. Hermione shouldn't suffer that. He'd experienced it, she didn't have to go through it too.

"Really? Aren't you frustrated?" she asked, pulling her head away to look at him in the eyes questioningly. 

"Nope. Like I said, I understand," he replied smiling.

"What do you mean you understand?" she asked, one eyebrow cocked.

"You'll find that out another day. But anyway, I just wanted to say that I understand you might not want to speak about it now, maybe never, but just hold onto something ok. It will give you hope to get out of this. I don't mind if you don't want to tell me. Just return to your normal old self please. Be happy like you were before these problems emerged. Go back to being the smart, know-it-all Hermione Granger that everyone knows and loves." Draco thew her a dazzling teeth smile.

Hermione laughed and smacked him lightly.

I hear your heart call for love

Then you act like there’s no room.

Room for me, or anyone,

“Don’t disturb” is all I see.

Close the door, turn the key,

On everything that we could be.

If loneliness would move out, 

I’d fill the vacancy.

She then looked back into his eyes, seriousness removing the happiness that was just moments ago in them.

"But what can I hold onto to give me hope?" she asked.

"You can hold onto me," Draco whispered, his eyes wary. He didn't want to be rejected. Not after this much effort. A spark of fear ignited in his stomach as the butterflies provoked it to grow.

A smile grew on Hermione's face, getting bigger and bigger and subdued the flutters in Draco's stomach. Her liquid caramel eyes welled with emotion. "How will I get hope from holding onto you in here?" she asked pointing to her heart.

Draco's eyes became tender as he held out a hand for her. "You will get hope from knowing that I will always be there to catch you, to be there for you through the ups and down and knowing that I'll never leave you," he whispered, resting his forehead against hers.

Hermione bit her lip to prevent the happy tears from spilling and the happy grin from erupting. She gently slid her hand into his open palm and stared at how they fit perfectly - her hand was small enough to fit into his and his were big enough to envelope hers. Slowly she looked up to Draco's expectant eyes. Leaning forward, she quickly pecked his lips, catching him by surprise. She looked back at the shocked Draco before a giggle escaped from her curved upward lips. She placed her head back into his neck and breathed contently as his arms tightened around her.

Her heart beat a little louder and stronger. The hope was in it once again.

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart,

In your heart, in your heart, in your heart. (O-o-oh.)


What do you think? Personally, I don't think it's great. It was easier to imagine this scene than to write it down. Anyway, please comment (that especially - it gives me motivation), vote or fan. I'd like to know what you think.

Next song - Because Of You by Kelly Clarkson

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