spider-man imagines

By graphicmalik

32.2K 516 172

peter parker / the amazing spider-man imagines bc he cute and writing them makes me feel all warm and fuzzy i... More

shut up ♡
peter cheats
peter cheats (part 2)
smut? hehe
I choose you
holy sh*t
nightmare or real life
where to find me

first date

1.8K 59 10
By graphicmalik

"dad? who's here?" I walk downstairs curiously, wondering who my dad could possibly be talking to.

he turns around at the sound of my voice, revealing an extremely uncomfortable Peter Parker in the doorway.

[a wild peter parker outside of its natural habitat hA]

Peter smiles in relief when we make eye contact, and I quickly descend the rest of the stairs to reach him.

"be careful-"

"dad. I don't need this lecture. please." I cut him off.

"well, I just want to make sure you stay safe."

"I'm sure you've already scared Pete enough." I roll my eyes. he sighs, shaking his head. "bye!" I grab Peter's sleeve and pull him out the door, closing it behind me.

he smiles shyly, then pulls flowers out from behind his back where he'd been hiding them. "I brought some flowers."

he pinches the top off of one and puts it behind my ear, his knuckles skimming across my cheek.

I feel heat rising to my face, and I know I'm blushing. "thank you." I smile.

"just something pretty for someone pretty." he smiles again, then opens the passenger side door of his car for me.

I smile to myself as he walks to the other side, and I can feel his eyes on me as he starts the car.

eventually I can't help but glance at him, and his face turns red instantly. I laugh, and he blushes harder as he starts driving.


"where are we Peter?" I giggle as he tugs my hand again, dragging me along behind him.

"you'll see!" he laughs.

I can practically see the little spark dancing in his eyes that drew me to him so long ago. I feel him stop, and he gently wraps an arm around me so I stop as well.

"are we there?" I hear him take a deep breath as if he's nervous, and my heart jumps. "Pete? is everything-"

his lips press against mine softly, and I feel him step closer, wrapping an arm around my back and letting the other one cup my cheek. I kiss him back, my heartbeat going insanely fast.

he smiles into my lips, and on a whim I lift my hands to run them through his soft hair.

"yes, we're here." he sighs, resting his forehead against mine as I blush fiercely.

I take off his makeshift blindfold to look around a bit, and it's clear that we're at a carnival. "come on." he smiles again, interlacing his fingers in mine and leading once more.

for the next hour or so we walk around the fairgrounds, hands locked together.

he continually points out some of the lamest, geekiest things I've ever seen, and I find myself watching his face often.

the way he lights up at these little things is adorable, and I find that I'm content to go wherever he wants.

after a little longer we find ourselves surrounded by games, and I pull him over to one. "come on, I'm gonna win you something."

"you don't have to do that." he laughs, and I pout.

"I'm still going to."

several attempts later, I remain empty handed. "all right. this one is it, I can feel it."

Peter struggles to stop laughing, trying and failing to keep a straight face. "okay. you got this." he giggles, unable to stay sobered for long.

my first two tries are unsuccessful, and soon I'm on my last chance. I throw the ball at the target, and before I can blink the target falls.

I frown with confusion, then see a slim web-like substance trailing away from the target all the way to somewhere behind me.

turning around, I follow the web all the way to peters wrist. he smiles sheepishly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I glare at him, then turn around to accept the prize. we walk away from the stand, and I pull him aside out of the crowd.

"are you... what the fuck just happened? are you... spiderman?!" I whisper-yell at him, and he grins mischievously.

"you're cute when you're angry."

"Peter! I'm serious!"

he throws an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close, leaning over to whisper in my ear. "yes, I'm spiderman. but shhhh, it's a secret." he smiles widely as I look at him in awe.



so I finally pulled my shit together and updated, hopefully it doesn't suck too bad.

as always, feel free to leave requests, I do check my comments so I'll see it.

bye for now :)


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