It's Just Life

By tumblrbxlieber

4.8K 86 15

Robbie and Cat are meant for each other. They like each other alot and make the ultimate sacrifice for each o... More

It's Just Sweet Starts <3
It's Just Another Day!
It's Just To Venice!
It's Just An Accident
It's Just Old Friends
It's Just Too Late For A Worthless Apology
It's Just My Savior Here To Rescue Me....
It Was Just An Accident
It's Just A Bump In The Road
It Wasn't Meant To Be
Author's Note (A/N)
Author's Note (A/N)
I Love You Robbie
Tori's New Guy

It's Just A Party

222 5 0
By tumblrbxlieber


Robbie's P.O.V 

I closed my bedroom door gently, and turned off the hallway light. I felt around for the banister, and tip toed down the stairs, very careful not to wake my parents. Cat and I were sneaking out to this party that starts at 2am, and ends at 5am. I grabbed my keys off the table, and made my way outside to my car.

I started the car, and drove off towards Cat's house. She was waiting outside for me, when I got there. 

I drove down the road to pick up Tori and Andre, whom would be riding with Cat, and I. And Beck and Jade together. 

--- AT THE PARTY ---

Cat stumbled over to me, and put her arms around my neck. I think she was unsober. Her breath smelled of liquor. Tori walked over to us. ''Hey guys.'' 

Cat's eyes widened, and took her arms from around my neck. She threw herself onto Tori, as she tried not to fall over.

''Uh, Cat. You okay?'' Tori asked, whilst holding onto Cat's waist, so she didn't fall.

''Never better, Tori.'' Cat replied, resting her head on Tori's shoulder. ''Im gonna take her out to the car, and stay with her. You guys can come out when you're ready.'' I told Tori. 

I picked Cat up, bridal style. Considering she was light as a feather. I carried her outside, and put her in the passenger seat. She quickly fell asleep. 

--- NEXT DAY --- 

I knew it was wrong to take Cat to that party, knowing there'd be trouble. Her mom wants to see me today, about what happened last night. Cat's mom is usually very nice, but I'm still a little nervous because I know she'll be disappointed in me. 

I slowly walked up to Cat's front door, and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Cat's mom opened the door. ''Hello Robbie.'' she greeted. ''Hi, Mrs Valentine'' I said, handing her the flowers I bought as an ''Im sorry'' gift. 

She led me inside to the kitchen, and we both sat down. ''Robbie.'' she began. I sat tight, and prepared myself for a long lecture. ''I actually am not as disappointed in you as you may think I am, but I'm also not very happy either. I really like you Robbie, and I think you are perfect for Cat, but I don't like the idea of you disobeying me, and taking her to that party. Right now, Cat is upstairs suffering with a severe headache. I'm not that upset, but please don't let this happen again, Robbie.'' she had a disappointed look on her face. I nodded. 

''Can I go see her?'' I asked, nervously. She nodded. 

I gave her a small smile, and quickly walked upstairs towards Cat's room.I knocked softly on her door. 

''Come in.'' a hoarse Cat replied. 

Just the sound of her voice made me feel terrible. I opened the door, to see a very pale Cat Valentine lying on her bed, with an icepack on her head. 

I closed the door behind me, and walked over to her bed. I sat besides her, and placed her hand in mine. ''Cat, I'm sorry about all of this.'' I pleaded.

''Robbie. It isn't your fault. My drink was spiked. I would've never drank it if I knew it was alchohol. Don't blame yourself Robbie.'' she told me, looking into my eyes. ''Well, who would've spiked your drink? You're so nice to everyone, so why would someone intentionally try to hurt you?'' I asked. 

Cat had a worried look on her face, like she knew something. She was also struggling to look me in the eyes. 

''R-Robbie.'' she studdered. ''My ex boyfriend Ryder was at the party, and when you weren't looking, he kissed me. And I saw him put something in my drink, but he told me it was candy, and it was good.'' A tear fell from her eye. 

I felt anger start to rise inside of me. I never really lost my cool this easily, but I'm enraged. I stormed out of Cat's house, and raced down to the police station to press charges on Ryder. 

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