It's Just Sweet Starts <3

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''Cat, darling. Wake up. It's time for school.'' my mom gently shook me until I was awake. She smiled at me, then left the room. I got off my bed, and walked over to my closet.

I picked out a nice pink dress and laid it on my bed. I went to go take a shower and brush my teeth. After I was done, I took my dress and slipped it on. I reached into my dresser and picked out a few rings and a necklace. I moved to my mirror to do my makeup. By the time I was done, It was 7:45. I had to be to school by 8, and time was ticking.

I quickly ran downstairs to grab my backpack and say goodbye to my mom. I rushed out the door without eating breakfast. Robbie was already outside waiting for me. ''Sorry, Robbie. I made us both late.'' I said, kissing him on the cheek. ''It's okay, sweetheart.'' Robbie was so sweet. I was very lucky to have him. He sped off down the road, towards Hollywood Arts. We quickly arrived, since I didn't live very far from the school. Robbie pulled into a parking space.

I quickly got out and waited for him. As I was standing there, I had noticed that Robbie had gotten a new car. I can't believe I didn't notice it this morning. ''Wait, Robbie. You got a new car!'' I exclaimed. ''Yes, I did. I was waiting for you to notice.'' Robbie replied as he tossed his keys into his other hand. It was a super nice Midnight Blue BMW. It was very shiny and clean. I liked his old car, but now I love this one! I grabbed his hand, and we walked towards the entrance. Robbie held the door for me, and I walked inside. I slipped my fingers through his, and we both walked over to Tori's locker, where the rest of the gang was. I checked my pink PearPhone. It was 7:53. Robbie really did drive like maniac. He doesn't think so, but he does.

''Hey, LilRed.'' Andre said, refering to my shortness, and red hair. ''Hi, you guys!'' I spoke. Tori grabbed her books and closed her locker. Jade stood next to Beck, sipping on her cup of coffee from Jet Brew.

''Time for Sikowitz's class. He's a strange dude.'' Tori noted. I sort of giggled. We all walked off to Sikowitz's classroom. We entered the room and took our normal seats.

I sat next to Robbie. I started to feel a little woozy. I knew it was very bad for me to skip breakfast because of my medical condition, but I had no choice. I was running late, and you get thrown out of Hollywood Arts for being late too many times.

Sikowitz finally bursed through the door, coconut in hand. ''GoodMorning, class!'' He spoke at a high tone. I quickly zoned out, knowing I wouldn't really get called on today. Towards the end of class, I started to feel dizzy. I think I'm going to faint. I hope not in front of the entire class. I think my face was going pale, because everyone was staring at me and asking was I okay. After a few more classes, it was free period.

We all sat in the library for that just to hang out. I had told Robbie earlier that I felt dizzy and tired. I rested my head on his shoulder. ''Cat, sweetheart. I don't want you to go to sleep if you're dizzy.'' Robbie told me. I sighed and picked my head up. Everyone talked and stuff, but I didn't.

''Sweetheart, do you want to go to the nurse?'' Robbie asked. I shook my head and looked at my phone. ''Are you sure, Cat? You don't look so well.'' Tori pointed out. ''I'm sure.'' I said quietly. Free period was eventually over, and we had lunch.

I know my sickness came from not eating breakfast, but now I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat. After lunch, had two more classes, then the day was over. Robbie and I said our goodbyes to our friends. We had plans since it was a Friday night, so everyone was rushing home to get ready. Robbie and I walked outside to his car and got in. Halfway down the road, Robbie broke the silence. ''Cat, if you're not feeling well, we can always reschedule.'' he told me.

I really didn't feel well, but I didn't want to ruin everyone's night. ''No, Robbie, I'm going to go. You can pick me up at 8.'' Robbie pulled into my driveway. I pulled my keys out of my bag and kissed Robbie on the cheek. ''See you at 8.'' I got out of the car and walked to the front door. Robbie waited for me to get inside. I opened the door and walked inside. I gave Robbie a smile before closing the door. I was greeted by my mom. ''Cat! Sweetie, are you okay?! You look somewhat pale.'' my mom cupped my face in her hands. I tossed my keys and bag on the table by the door. ''Mom, I'm fine.'' I replied. I walked upstairs to my room to get ready for tonight.

It's Just LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora