
By PhlucyLouise

472 16 12

Deception is surviving the world of zombies now they have taken over. Her and Cameron, her accomplis and newl... More

Chapter 1: A whole LOT of issues!
Chapter 3: Holly's breakdown

Chapter 2: Unlucky

84 3 5
By PhlucyLouise

                       Blood covered the floor, walls and ceiling. I looked at my feet. It wasn't a puddle i had walked into, It had been blood. Cameron looked bewildered and I could guess that the look on my face mirrored his but it a more disgusted way then he chose to show. We had only just left the room for a second and all hell had broken loose.

I had a feeling this was Holly's doing. Than that feeling turned to dread as when in the corner I saw a boy, he looked six maybe younger and was crouching over something small and bloody. Cameron made a move to take a closer look at the boy. When i saw Holly and the others hiding behind "the box".

I knew instantly what and who the danger was. Cameron on the other hand did not.

                The boy spun around, blood on his face and disgusting black ooze covered his whole body. He smelt of rot and his limbs didn't look like they worked properly at all. Cameron was still unaware of the issue and went to put a hand on the boy's shoulder. I pulled him back, before the zombie had time to hurt him but that didn't mean we weren't still in danger.

               I pulled out my dagger from my front pocket and held it out infront of me. I studyed my opponent closely. He was small, probably my chest height. His left leg looked almost ripped off, he looked like he had killed people twice his size from the amount of blood that covered him.

              He advanced towards me. Making it easy er to determine his weak spot. If i stabbed him just under the groin, but still on the leg, ripping downwards I'd have a clear advantage of him being unable to move, giving me more hope at decapitation. Cameron let go of my arm and whimpered behind me. I was aware of him but i didn't take my eyes off my opponent. I flinched to the side a bit, trying to make the first move. All the boy was doing was standing there staring at me. If it wasn't for the fact i knew zombies had a lack of intelligence i would have sworn he was debating on whether or not he should leave.

             At my flinch he twitched his eye, like in a furious rage he couldn't tame. I sprang to my other side in a swift and graceful movemeant, making it fast and hard to see. The zombie boy looked at me and spat out a handful of oozy blood, grinding his teeth together. There was a momeant of silence, where the only thing you could hear was the sqwirming and sloshing of blood drooling down his mouth, making every second of standing there waiting for him to move a traumatic one.

           Finely he runs forward, grabbing my leg i couldn't get to his groin without cutting myself or getting hurt in the process. The zombie boy opened his mouth to take a bite at me. That would NOT have been a good thing. I shook my leg, trying to get him off. He didn't want to move, so getting my knife i cut at his hands making him let go quickly. I than tyred a chance at pinning him, using my weight to get him to stay still as i stabbed him. I got my knife in the spot i wanted and pulled. The zombie yelled out in pain as i did so, pulling harder and stronger i didn't stop until his leg had completely come off.

            It squirmed and squeeled beneath me. His teeth opening and closeing over and over again in blind rage, hoping to bite me. Getting the knife in his mouth, i watched him lock his mouth around it. His mouth bled all over my hands. I didn't think anything else of it as I plunged my dagger into his throat deeper and deeper.

         Cameron grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. Still holding the dagger, as he did so, I ripped his throat out without the intention of doing that in the first place. It sqwirmed a little bit more for a bit and was silent as it finely went to rest on a bloody heap on the floor.

          From the commotion behind me I guessed someone had alerted the adults. I took my eyes away from the zombie and took in my environment. The adults stood at the door gasping. I wasn't sure how much they had seen, nor did i care but the fact my father was there mouth wide open and an expression that says, "how the hell did she do that?!?" made me feel a little better inside about what i had just made myself do.

           The kids had all run up to them, blood covering each child, head to toe. Looking at them gave me chills. The looks on their faces and the looks of those of them who wish they had never been born, made me wish the wold had gone to the dogs and everyone was at peace. Wishing things like that will get me no where though. Something you just have to accept. 

        Cameron held my dagger in his hand. He must have taken it off me. Blood everywhere meantthat either someone was killed, other than a zombie, or A LOT of someone's were badly injured. My father, in front of all the adults and still looking as dumbfounded as i felt, blinked rapidly for what seemed like ages. It looked as though, not only for him, he was trying to stomach the fact i was stronger and more prepared than he thought i would be. I could tell he was scared. Not for the fact i could have died, no, he was scared i could just as easily get rid of him like i did the zombie boy.

      Looking for something smart or really any thing to say he took a step forward, "Were you bitten?" He asked.

     I had a feeling he didn't say it out of concern. He was saying it and hoping i was bitten, that way he could permanently get rid of the threat he was posed with. I didn't blame him, it was survival of the fittest and between both of us i was defiantly the fittest. I looked at my hands, than looked at Cameron who shook his head.

      "Good." Was all he said. Although i knew he didn't mean it. He turned to the adults, " Check them all out, If they've been bitten, chuck them outside."

      My aunt gasped, "You expect us to 'chuck out' our children like used tissues!"

      Her daughter, Matilda, looked at her, tears forming in her eyes. Matilda looked badly beaten up, it would have been no surprise to me if she had been bitten.

      Dad slapped her. "Don't talk back to me! If you want to live you do as i say! If she' been bitten chuck the little devil out! Better yet, destroy her. We don't need any more problems here!"

           With that, he left the room, leaving the adults to see which children had been unfortunate and those who had just escaped death by a hair. I didn't wait to see who, i left with Cameron traling behind me.

                                              *                                      *                                     * 

            Days went by before everyone seemed to click into acting like them normal selves. Almost everyone. Our twelve had now turned to nine children. Among those who had to die was Bazel. From all the rumours what had happened was, Bazel had opened the door, leading outside to prove he was brave when the zombie boy had appeared out of no where biting both Bazel and Matilda. They both ran down to everyone with the zombie following close behind. They lead him straight to the heart of the basemeant. The part where everyone slept, the part where every child would have been. Without sounding mean, what they did was rather selfish. Some of the children down there were smaller and didn't know how to defend themselves. They also were the ones to perish. The zombie boy than grabbed gabby, my cousin of seven, and was tearing into her as we walked into the room.

      The mums and dads who did loved their children cried for days. Those who weren't mourning the loss of a loved one were on alert, twenty-four-seven. No one slept, fed or let their guard down, even a little, in fear that a friend or family member may turn on them.

      Everyone steered clear of me, except Cameron who kept an annoyingly close distance between us, much to my delight. Holly hadn't bothered me, i started to wonder how far i could push her, just for revenge, when i decided keeping a safe distance, as to not cause trouble, would be a good idea. My father had even pulled me aside to thank and congratulate me - on my mothers behalf - but i didn't need his affection. I didn't need to be congratulated. I felt horrible, zombie or not i don't think you'd ever get over your first kill.

    Cameron tried to cheer me up. He brought me blankets, food and water of his own accord and sat there and made me eat when i didn't want to. He told me a few jokes which i halfheartedly rolled my eyes to. The shock and the pain of my aunts losing their children had done it for me. I knew i couldn't get attached to anyone and i thought Cameron knew that too.

           "Hey i got it!" Cameron chuckled. "How about 'Zombielle the zombie killer'? Or How about 'Zombarelle the zombie slicer?'"

     I hadn't listened to him for days. I had only just noticed his efforts to help. I didn't have anything to say to him, i didn't think there were words to describe how i felt.

          "Maybe 'The Zombie-nateor'?" He smiled to himself. "I like that! Or Zn for short?"

      I found a piece of paper and had begun folding it into a paper crane.

"Why are you doing that?" Cameron asked.

     I ignored him.

"Can you answer?" He said asking yet another question.

             I rolled my eyes, "What do you want from me?"

     His answer was slow, infact i didn't expect him to answer but he did. Not that i was grateful.

"Companionship. You help me, i help you" He shrugged.

    I snickered in an half mad way, "I think i've done more for you than you for me. Seeing as thats the case why don't you just go away. You saw me back there with that zombie kid, i don't need you do i?"

    Retorical yes. Did he answer...Ugh... yes.

    Cameron looked generally hurt, not that i minded, it was what i was intending, "Well maybe yes but i didn't know he was there... i wasn't ready... I-I -I didn't have a knife... I wasn't sure what you were going to do..."

            Whether it was night or day was beyond me. I wasn't sure how long i had slept but Cameron was still there, sleeping like a baby. Even as i stood up, i didn't wake him. I was beginning to think having him around would be annoying but he was a necessity i needed to keep with me to survive.that isn't because i can't do what i need for myself but if i had to leave and fend for myself, it would be nice to have an accomplyse to keep guard as i slept. That would save me the risk of not getting attacked while i slept and was a good enough reason to keep him around, without the thought of anything more popping up in my mind.

          Holly looked at me and i thought for a moment she was going to come at me again, until she narrowed her eyes and turned away. I was confused but relieved and thought dweling on it would would turn out to be a massive mistake. Tragedy was all around us with no chance to escape. What was everyone to do? I, for one, didn't want to stay another moment in this place but the reality was, i HAD no where else to go. I would either get eaten and turned if i dared to leave or go insane and be an even more danger to everyone else than a zombie would.

           I had recently started eating a lot more than usual. I wasn't sure if it was the shock or if i was generally hungry and couldn't contnue ignoring it. I walked over to "the box" while still deep in thought. I put my hand in to feel for food. Food had been piling up for days, it was at the brim by now. No one had touched it. I grabbed out a can. Baked beans. That would be great, if i could open it. I sighed. I grabbed the next thing. Baby food. Apple and Apricot. I shrugged, that would do, i didn't eat much.

       Millie tugged at my tattered grey top. I almost threw a punch at the figure, as at that time i had no idea what it was tugging at me.

    "Please, can i have it?" She asked politely.

       I looked at her. Millie, seven years, blonde hair, green eyes, looking very starved and on the verge of dying she was no more of a threat than a fly did a frog. I couldn't just leave someone that halpless after all i didn't just kill that zombie for myself but also for everyone else. I guess at that time i realised i was a hero and sometimes heros had to step down and let the little guy have a bone. I sighed and for the second time gave my food to someone else but this time i was glad about it.

      She smiled at me or attempted, than ran and hid under a broken arm chair. I looked again at "The box" again and found more baby food. Mushed up carrots. I let it go. I wasn't going to eat in peace. Everyone now started to come up for food. Not wanted to get hurt, i picked up a chip packet and left, munching on them as i did so. The chances were high of getting hurt when it came to food. I wasn't going to be the one to get hurt this time.

     I returned to Cameron, my sleeping accomplise. I sat down next to him, his head rolled onto my lap so i gently started to pat it. Like you would a pet or a dog you have grown fond of. Not that i was fond of his company. I was sure without his help i would have been just fine but for the time being its something i have to put up with. I think i finelly learnt i think to much. I literally think to much. Which is a good side of me i supose but isn't all that great at entertaining people. Not that i cared about enertaining people at all anymore. 

   After a while everyone came into the same room i was in, to watch the affection i was showing Cameron. They weren't used to me giving someone else this attention. I hadn't really bonded with anyone since gettiong here and thats not my fault but them seeing me do that with him thats a bad thing! People can NOT see this! I didn't want them to think i was some love struck child! BECAUSE I WASN'T!

    Using a little bit of fource, i nudged my elbow into his arm to wake him up but he didn't get up. So insted of nudging him again, i pushed him off. Cameron alarmed at my sudden movement shot up like a dart and got in a stance to protect himself.

        I couldn't contain myself, i started to laugh. My laughter filled the whole room. It had been ages since anyone had laughed and meant it. I generally couldn't stop. His shock was just too funny, that or i had gone mad from starvation. Cameron smiled and looked around the room, I saw other people were too. Those who weren't smiling were looking to see everyone listening in and smiling themselves. To them it seemed like a present something that only comes on special occasions and no ones celebrated anything since coming here.

      And thats when it happened. All around us everyone was smiling and laughing, just to hear themselves do it. After so long the room was filled with children smiling and laughing. Lifting all of our spirits and giving us hope that one day life who turn into the wonderful thing it used to be. Even little Millie had come out from under her chair and was laughing with us, her laughter as inoccent as a childs could be. Holly also joined in and with much bitchy joy as i could possibly force upon her laugh i realised, she laughed like a pig! It made everything bad go away like that life wasn't filled with zombies. That we all weren't going to die if we weren't careful. Infact we all were going to die sometime. A zombie was here and killed just the other day!

      WAIT! Why the hell are we laughing for! I instantly stopped at that thought but everyone else was. Cameron had noticed me stopping and i couldn't help but look at him so grimly. He understod too, only he didn't stop laughing. He was, like everyone else, trying to escape from reality and i didn't want to rain on everyones perayed but well, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!

      As if my thoughts were read, my father stepped out of the adults room. He looked at everyone, trying to stare them down. The only problem to his plan was. Everyone was facing me and had their backs to HIM. He narrowed his eyes at me and i could tell what he was thinking.

      "SILENCE!" He shouted so loud that even the man on the moon could hear him. Everyone immediatly stopped laughing and turned to face my father, who shook his head at them.

      "Can you all not see, we are in crisis!" He yelled at everyone. " What ever ideas you're brewing up, whatever plans you have are all USELESS! Laughing and smiling isn't going to help... "

      Blah... blah.... blah... Already i could see Millie slinking back to her lounge chair and cowering there, to hide from my fathers authority. I would too, if it weren't for the fact that i HAVE a spine.

        "And further more! Don't ever abandon your family in times of need! Like now, we ALL need each other! To survive!.." He yelled.

      I swear he loves hearing his own voice sometimes.

        "We need to watch each others back. We need to not form tiny alliences..."

     Okay, thats enough now. We all know your paranoid. No need to embarress yourself, old man. I have to shut him up.

        "Shh!" Millie said, suprising everyone. I take back all the mean things i thought about her in that single second.

     My father looked at her, furiously rather than suprised. From his face he thought I had had something to do with it.

       "Child, your speaking out of turn." He frowned.

    My old opinions on her were about to reapear when she suddenly said out of no where, "I hate you"

Millie's mom stepped out from the crowd of adutls. Staring her daughter down with the force of a million men, She grinded her teeth. "BE a good girl and take that back!"

      Millie shook her head with tears in her eyes.

      Millies mom gasped and turned to my father. "She's corrupted! Your  devil child has corrupted my sweet inoccent Millie!"

    My father smiled. A smile that said "I win" and turned to Cameron, Millie and I. I knew what he was going to say before the words even left his lips. I could tell by the reaction from his face as soon as Millies mom had said those words, we were in the dog house and we were never aloud back. Clearing his throat he turned to the other adults.

    "This influence my daughter has on your children will stop now! For i, your loyal leader, has had enough! Deception, Cameron and Millie, you are now banished! You have an hour to gather your stuff and say goodbye to your sanity! STARTING NOW!" He shouted with so much authority a puppy may have dropped dead just listening.

     Millie's mom's face went white as snow as she realised the sort of fate she had unitentionally inflicted on her daughter. Rushing up and hugging her daughter she looked at my father as if he was to say, "Only kidding, im not an arse hole the kid can stay" but unfortunaly for her, he's an arse hole.

    "No, not Millie! She's SEVEN! She couldn't help it! Please let her stay!" She cried to him.

  My father scoffed at her to say his descision still stands and with that arse-holey thing he did, he left the room. I know i keep saying it but he's an arse hole. ARSE HOLE! arse hole! arse hole!

  Cameron turned to me. His face so grim i had to look away. Obviously this has screwed him up pretty bad. Leaving me alone for once in the whole time he had started talking to me, he faced the wall and sat there doing nothing in particular. Holly looked at me... SYMPATHETICALLY! I wanted to shoot her the meanest look i ever could but he faced stopped me. She generally did look sorry for me and she wanted me to go to her. Signalling me with her hand i moved over to her, much to my suprise i didn't think i would.

    Following her into a tiny room, with no one in there i shuddered, This is Holly, this might as well be the end of me. Going to the far corner of the room she moved a lounge chair away to reveal a tiny hole big enough to fit, maybe, seven people inside. Like a panic room within a panic room. Dropping inside she covers it up and it suddenly dawned on me, no one else knew of this place.

     I looked over at Holly, she didn't look deadly, she didn't even look mad. What she was doing stunned me. She was crying.




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