Ms. Fife r⃠u⃠i⃠n⃠e⃠d⃠ SAVED...

Galing kay Uuuuuuuh

68 3 0

Meet Jess Benson. She is what most people would call a nerd. Her one and only friend, Autumn, have been livin... Higit pa

Roxy the Bossy.
Brotha Brotha!


10 0 0
Galing kay Uuuuuuuh

Read then you'll know who this cutie is. (The weird thing is I found this AFTER I made her description)

Autumns Quote of The Chapter

I never understood why they say girls are catty. Honestly, mostly every girl in here [highschool] is a bitch.

I was halfway home when I realized I didn't want to go home yet. So I went to the park instead. It's nearly halfway from my house so I just sat on swing, thinking.

Math is one of the classes I have an A in (I think)

Will one quiz grade effect me to much? Cuz (does using cuz annoy you? I could write because but I know I say cuz more than Bcuz.) I really don't want to say another word to that douche pickle.

Although my mom would kill me if I got a 0 on a quiz. And this could be quite literal unfortunately.

See here's the thing. If she's pissed, which is quite often, she'll use whatever she's holding against you- well me.

If she's reading the newspaper, it'll be just a bunch of whacks with a rolled up paper, but if she's eating with a knife, you'll probably have scars after that.

It has happened quite a bit before.

I could fight back, I really could. Before my dad left, he had me take personal defense classes. Not many, but some. Enough that if I needed to, I could easily push the attacker to the ground and let me run. But if there's more than one person, I may be screwed.


If I'm at the park, I might as well slide and swing.

So I start kicking forward and back to get my swing higher and higher. I feel my hair wildly flying behind me and my stomach drop each moment of the highest point. I feel so free, and I can't help but grin.

~yes this is a pointless swing scene.~

I go higher and higher, faster and faster. When I was little, while most kids tried to have the swing do a complete circle, I was always the terrified one of going halfway and then stopping in midair, then falling and cracking my head on the swing bar.

I'm not as scared now, because I don't think it's possible.

I keep swinging, until I start to get dizzy. I don't know WHY I get dizzy on swings, but I do.



"1!!!!!" I jump off the swing and land in an awkward crouch. I'm pretty sure the mulch here gave me a splinter.

I never understood why they put mulch in playgrounds. I heard it like cushioned your falling, but you are literally putting chips of wood for kids to run around on. And I don't know bout anyone else, but splinters are more painful than falling.

I then got up and brushed off all the wood chunks. I was about to leave when I saw the monkey bars.

How can you see monkey bars and NOT want to try them. At my 5 0" hight I can't touch the ground, so that means I have to actually try. So I swung from the first bar to the next, and kept going. I was almost there when someone startled me, causing me to fall in my ass. 

"What are you, 5?" I look over and see Joey.

"Are you stalking me? Because if you are I seriously will get a restraining order." I look him dead in the eyes. He just rolls his.

"No, why would I want to stalk someone as boring as you?" I just ignore him and get up. "You left your lunchbox behind the shopping carts." He then holds out a familiar looking Big Bang Theory metal tin. I flush from embarrassment and take the thing.

I was really into that show a few years ago.

"The shows ok, but they put to many laugh tracks in moments that there shouldn't be any." He says, and I shrug.

"I haven't seen the show in almost two years. It's an old lunch box." I take the box and shove it in my bag, which I left by the swing.

I wasn't scared of being robbed because 1. Who would want to steal school supplies? And 2. I'm the only one in the park right now. Well I was... But I would know if somebody looks at my stuff.

(But my taste of music IS YOUR FACE! {hehe guess what I'm listening to}) (if you guessed Fruit Salad from the wiggles YOUR WRONG!)

"So, shitty stalker Sherlock, when do you wanna meet up for that project?" I ask. He is not amused by the addition to his long nickname.

"What if YOU do MY paper, and give it to me?" He asked, completely ignoring the question.

"Well how about no. (Then he waddled away, waddle waddle) Because, then what about my paper?" I'm really getting pissed with this dude.

"I can do it." I just shake my head.

"Aw come on, Benson, don't you trust me?" He asked in a teasing tone, and gave me one of his most charming smiles.

"Nope. Not one bit." I reply without hesitation. His charming façade wilts into a more pissed one.

"Then how about we just, you know, not do it?" I shake my head again.

"As a wise, wise man once said, inspiring thousands, leading many to success, JUST. DO IT! So why, shitty stalker Sherlock, should we not listen to the advice of the wise Shia LeBeuf?" I dramatically put my hand on my heart, and threw the other in the air, as if I was some very bad actor in a romantic comedy. I managed to make him laugh, but he tried to cover it up with a scoff.

He failed.

"If your SO insistent, *insert my roll of the eyes* tomorrow after school?" He asks. Now HE rolls his eyes.

"We'll see. No promises, but a definite maybe. Ok Shitty Stalker Sherlock?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

"Alright. Which reminds me, since your nickname for me is 'Shitty Stalker Sherlock' I'll call you 'Babbling Basic Bitch'" he smirks, and I *once again* glare with all my might. "It's only fair!" As he says that, he turns and leaves. I huff in annoyance, gather my school stuff rather harshly, and storm home, in a slow way.

But, once I see my house, something surprises me, like A LOT more than if I won the lottery or something.

There were 2 cars in my driveway.

And the second car WASN'T unfamiliar to me.

-Joey Smith-

"A-And then, I-I found h-h-him kissing s-someone else!" My little sister (younger than me by 14 months) was bawling over her boy- ex-boyfriend.

And this ex-boyfriend probably will wake up without a dick tomorrow.

I already have my scissors ready.

Layla, who's in 9th grade, just found her 2-year boyfriend making out with her 'best friend'. While I thought 7th grade was to young for a boyfriend, I saw the love in their eyes as they looked at each other. And I warned him if he hurt her, he would probably never be able to have kids.

Well I warned him and I am going to-

"JOEY!" I abruptly look at my sister. "Promise me you won't hurt him." I clench my jaw.


"PROMISE ME." She demands.

"I don't think-"

"PROMISE!" I sigh in defeat.

"I promise." I mumble.

I guess he will be able to have kids, unfortunately.

Just as I finish my promise, my six year old little sister comes bolting in the dining room.

"JOEY!" She tackles me in a hug, and I pretend to fall over.

"Woah!" She's sitting on my stomach, and her hair is in pigtails.

Also, she has about 20 pounds of makeup on her face, and wearing a Cinderella dress up dress.

And the makeup. Looked. Horrible.

The lipstick went a good centimeter farther than her lip line, she had -I suppose blush?- the color of hot pink layered about 20-30 times on her cheeks, and some dark blue eyeshadow all the way up to her eyebrows. Her eyebrows were shaded purple, and she had some glitter on her forehead.

"Joey! Joey! Guess what! Guess what!" She keeps pestering me.

"What?" She then leaps up.

"Zoey and Elli did my makeup! They said they'll make me look like a PRINCESS!" Zoey and Elli are my 10 year old sisters, they are identical twins. She zoomed around the room giggling. She then leaped into Layla's lap.

I have six sisters, by the way. Did I mention that?

I'm the oldest sibling, and the only boy. I'm 16. Then there is Layla, 14, McKenzie, 12, then Zoey and Elli, both 10, (ugh thinking of names is difficult) Mary, who's 9, and last, but certainly not least, Ally, who's 6.

Layla is 14 going on 21. She had a boyfriend (probably won't have a problem getting another.) , wears makeup, and carries around a Michael Cohrs bag everywhere. Most of this is to my disapproval.

McKenzie is 12, and a tomboy. She's into the band T-shirts and prefers beanies over purses. She's a straight A student and loves to ride her skateboard.

Zoey and Elli are basically the stereotypical identical twins. They enjoy dressing the same and tricking people that they are each other, talking at the same time to confuse you, and total pranksters.

Mary is a sweet girl who basically has an old soul in her body. Her favorite things to do is watch the news, read the paper and eat Cheerios. She likes to help out where she can.

And lastly Ally. She's a bundle of energy. And to be frank, I'm surprised the twins got her to sit still long enough to put on makeup. She's always climbing around the house, and she's in 1st grade.

And where are my parents? Well, while I'm here watching my siblings, they're taking vacations and traveling for work. They come home for a few days once every two months. Give or take.

So I took the guardian role, and sign the report cards, decide if they can go out with friends, and hire the babysitter if I'm going out.

I'm basically the mom and dad.

Layla will watch them if I need to go out, but only if I pay her. I would hired a babysitter for the mornings, because I go to school before the younger ones, but I send them to latchkey in the morning instead. It's easier to do that.

My parents are lawyers. We have more money then we know what to do with, yet my parents are cheap for their kids. Layla and I despise them, McKenzie is unsure, and the others are to young to realize that our parents aren't here when we need them.

We have a personal driver, and that's only because I can't drive yet. I have a permit, but I don't have my license. If I had one, my parents wouldn't 'waste there hard earned money on something we don't need'.

"ZOEY! ELLIE! GET IN HERE!" I yell. Our house is pretty big, so if you want to be heard, you gotta yell.

The two identical twins came into the room, looking a bit guilty.

"~hi Joey~" they say simultaneously. I raise an eyebrow, and after thirty seconds of silence, Elli is the first to crack.

"We wanted to be a makeup artists!" She blurted, and Zoey nudged her. Layla giggles and Ally leaps off her lap and tackles Elli in a hug.

"Ally, get off!" Elli groaned as Zoey laughed at the situation in front of her. And then McKenzie enters. Ally gets off of Elli, and quickly hugs McKenzie.

"Who gave Ally sugar?" I ask the four older girls here. They all shrug, so I yell for Mary. She comes in about a minute later.

"Did you give Ally sugar?" She nods.

"I was reading the politics section of the paper, and she wouldn't stop asking for candy, so I gave her a sugar daddy to quiet her up." She responds. "I was just checking in on the presidential candidates of 2016, and I couldn't focus." Ally then leaps off of Elli and back to me.

"Joey! Joey!" She's jumping in excitement, and I can't help but laugh at it.

"What?" I ask.

"In school, we had M&Ms to practice adding and stuff, and then we were aloud to EAT THEM! Unless you had an allergy to them. But she already knew that I didn't have allergies so I could eat them. But the person next to me couldn't, and so he was very sad. But then Ms. Shute gave him a gold star sticker so he got happier. And then..." Ally kept babbling and some of the girls started to leave. I look at the time and decide it's a good idea to start dinner.

"Tacos tonight!" I yell, letting the girls know what's for dinner. Ally is the only one who doesn't like tacos, but she is a really REALLY picky eater, she usually eats chicken nuggets for dinner.

As I'm cooking, my mind wanders to Jessica. Anger flares through my veins. She thinks I can't last in HER shoes? Does she know how hard it is to look after 6 younger sisters, being the opposite gender? No! She has it easy, she said she had 1 older brother on the first day of school. 1! And I have 6. I don't know what's so 'tough' about her life, but it can't be worse than being a parent for six. Now yes, I love them, but they are hard to handle sometimes.

I finish cooking the beef, and then I put that out, along with taco shells, lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes. Mary likes the tomatoes. No body else does though...

"DINNER!" As soon as the word leaves my lips, a bunch of footsteps were hear throughout the house, all heading for here. So I quickly grabbed my food and escorted the room.












"JOEY!" All 6 girls voices called out, demanding me to come back in there.

I sigh and walk in there, seeing the twins shoving each other to get a taco shell, Mary trying to finish hers up, with Ally latched on her arm asking for her nuggets, and Layla and McKenzie fighting over the spoon in the cheese.

"YO!" I yell. They all look at me. "Sit down." Everyone goes and sits down, and I go over and make 4 tacos and a plate of chicken nuggets, since Mary has hers taco.

Putting 3 plates on one arm and 2 in the other, I give each girl her order. They all instantly quiet down when they get their food.

They do this every night. I always hope someone will figure it out, but it somehow never works.

I sigh and continue with my taco. I'm about halfway done when either Elli or Zoey ask;

"What's for dessert?" This question, catching all of the girls attention, causes 12 eyes on me.

"Leftover cookies from last night." I smirked, knowing perfectly well they all had one or two after school, meaning there were none left. They all looked guilty, and Ally burst into tears.

"I-I just wanted a s-snack!" She bawled. She ran over to McKenzie, and cried on her shoulder.

"~sorry Joey...~" everyone but Ally apologized. She was still crying on McKenzies shoulder.

"I know. That's why I hid 7 last night, so we could still have some tonight." I got up and took a ziplock bag out of the bread drawer. Sure enough, 7 were there. I looked back over and the girls were grinning widely -even Ally, who needs to wipe her nose- and eager for their cookies.

I gave each girl a cookie, and I take the broken one. Might as well, it's still a cookie just not as pretty as the others.

I'm about to take it out of the bag, when I look down and see Ally tapping on my arm. She looks at me and offers her non-broken cookie for mine.

I smile, how sweet!

I'm about to take it, when she quickly shoves it in her mouth with a big grin on her face. I put down my cookie, and look at her in disbelief. She then giggles, and some crumbs come flying out of her mouth. The second she swallows the cookie, I pick her up and start tickling her. She starts giggling really hard and her face turns red. You can tell, because Zoey and Elli washed off the makeup. She still had a blue and purple tint above her eyebrows though.

"RAAAAAAWR! YOU ALL BETTER HIDE!" Everyone except Layla squeals and makes a run to hide somewhere. If I say that, it basically means that it's a surprise hide and go seek game.

I look at Layla and give her puppy eyes. She gives in and goes to hide somewhere. Layla THINKS she's too old to play this, but I can tell she still enjoys the childish antics.

About twenty seconds later I yell in the deepest voice possible:

"FEE FI FO FUM: WHERE OH WHERE ARE THE LITTLE ONES?" I then begin to wander around the house looking for hints on where they could be. When we play ultimate, where they have 4 minutes to hide, they make traps, like pillows under a blanket, or leaving a door slightly ajar. Or leaving a previously off light on.

Once they set a paint bucket on a door, and when I walked in the room, next thing you know I looked like a smurf.

I don't even know WHERE they got the paint...

Anyways, I first look in the living room. They usually never hide here, but you never know. I look under the table and chairs, and behind the couches. Not a sign of life. Well, except a little spider, but I just crushed it with my foot.

I then go and look in the game room. This is McKenzies favorite place to hide. There's a lot of cool gadgets to mess with while you wait, like a puzzle where you make the irregular shape into a square. I look around, under the air hockey and foosball table, and I look in the closet. I'm about to leave the room when I saw the pile of blankets that had been there all week, breath. Either someone was there, or we somehow created life.

"I need to bring up some blankets." I say rather loudly, knowing she knows I'm here. I go over and scoop up a few blankets along with McKenzie, in bridal style. She laughs and I carry her upstairs and plop her on the couch. "I need to find the others now." She nods, and unlocks her phone. I then go to the waiting room. It basically has a bunch of couches and tables, with a television and magazines. I wander around, when some blonde hair catches my attention. Slightly pealing out behind the couch, I go over and see Layla reading a teen vogue magazine. I poke her forehead.

"Laaaaaaaaaaylaaaaaaaa I fouuuuund youuuuuuu!" I tell her in a sing-song voice, as I help her up. She rolls her eyes but can't help but smile.

"Go sit with McKenzie as I look for the others." She nods and I go looking for the younger ones.

Ally nearly always hides in her room.

If you find one of the twins, the other is guaranteed to be in the other room.

And Mary is always the person who changes rooms when you enter one close to them. She always wins.

I decide to look for the six year old.

I go upstairs to Ally's room, and as soon as I enter I see teddy bears, pink, sparkles, barbies, a play makeup set, more pink, Disney Princess themed bed, little clothes, a play house, even MORE pink, and a pile of random stuffed animals in the corner making a little giggly noise.

"Hmmmmm.... Where.... Could.... She be?" I slowly make my way over to the pile of stuffed animals, and when I'm right in front of it, I quickly swoop down and pick her up. She's giggling like a maniac now, and I smile. "Here she is!"I then carry her to the other girls.

"I got an Ally!" I tell the three in a cheery tone. I then place her next to Layla and go look for the twins or Mary.

I'll go to the basement. That has a lot of hiding spots. 

Step.. Step... Step...

After going down to the basement, I look in the common area. There's a heap of clothes over there, a closet, a couch with some room behind it, and a few corners with a plant and stuff in front of it.


I looked behind the couch, and no one was there.

Pile of clothes? No.

Behind the chair? No.

Behind a plant? Yes.

In the clo- WAIT!

I scurry back to behind the plant to see Zoey dying of laughter. I move the plant, and she moves out from behind it.

"Elli hid in a different room this time." She tells me. I raise an eyebrow. Then, while still looking at Zoey, I open the closet and out comes the other twin. Elli is giggling and Zoey is still full-on laughing. I throw Elli over my right shoulder, and Zoey on my other.

They are still laughing when I lug them upstairs, to the room with all the other girls.

Last to look for is Mary.

"Ok girls. Ready to corner Mary?" They all nod eagerly, except Layla, who once again looks like she thinks she's too old for this. I whisper them a game plan, then we split. I go to the kitchen, and everyone goes to a different room. I position my self so I'm right by the kitchen doorway, but out of sight if she comes running down the hall.

After thirty seconds I hear someone running this way.




As soon as the girl comes running in, I quickly pull her into a hug. Sure enough, it's Mary with a silly smile on her face.

"Got youuuu!" We both smile and find the others.

~sorta a cliff hanger? Idk man.~

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