The Bet he Lost

By storyteller227

2.8K 172 50

She wasn't the ideal glorious girl that fits his standards. She was beautiful yes, but that wasn't enough. H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

353 26 14
By storyteller227

"My alone feels so good, I'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude."

― Warsan Shire

Hind was glad she didn't get fired the other day, because of that she made sure she comes early the following day.

Today she was the first to come, it wasn't even 7 am yet, the office was still empty. She switched her computer on and she started working.

10 minutes later she heard footsteps indicating that someone has arrived.

As she turned to see who has come, her eyes settled on no other eyes than her boss's.

She immediately turned away engaging herself with her work.

He walked to his office in silence not uttering a word to her.

He was surprised to learn someone was already at the office this early, usually people start coming after 7:30.

As he sat in his office debating whether to have the interview he was supposed to have with her the day before that was cut short due to his cousin's presence.

He picked his phone and he asked her to come to his office.

Hind didn't know why he asked for her to come to his office again.

She walked to his office, knocked on his door, she didn't hear a reply, but she opened the door he was expecting her to come anyways.

"Alssalam allikum." She greeted him.

He didn't even bother to reply.

His eyes were fixed on the screen this time, and with his hands he motioned her to sit.

She sat down waiting for him to talk.

Few minutes had past, they might've been seconds for all she knows.

He finally spoke.

"So, Hind." His eyes made an eye contact with her for millisecond before his gaze was drifted to something else.

She waited impatiently for him to continue talking.

"You need to fill out these papers." He handed the papers.

As he looked through her papers it didn't mention if she was single or married, he hoped that she was, he looked at her hands as she took the papers, there is no ring. Shit.

Maybe she is but she's not wearing it? He hoped that's the case.

In his head he cursed his stupid cousin and the stupid bet he agreed on.

"Give them to Maha when you're done filling them." He added.

He decided it was too late for an interview now, as her paper states almost everything he would like to know about her background. Not her relationship status though.

He dismissed her and went back to work.

He didn't pay a single glance to her face, he was truly not interested, if she wasn't married he would propose to her, he hoped she would deny him, but who is he kidding here, not accepting him wasn't something he really considered because of his status as a person, he's a great catch after all

He was not one bit curious about her, she looked like any spoiled girl he had came across.

He didn't need to know her to know that, the way she walked says it all, she looked confident too confident.

Hind went straight to her desk to fill out the forms and as soon as she finished she handed them back to Maha, she didn't know why he personally called her to give her these forms as he could've sent them to her.

The day went smoothly after that.

A week had passed and nothing interesting happened in Hind's life her days were almost similar.

It was Thursday the last day of the week before the weekend.

She saw the same guy whom she had seen in her boss's office.

As he passed her he stopped for a second he looked at her with a smirk on his face but quickly continued his pace to the office.

She didn't understand what he meant by his looks and didn't bother thinking about it either.

Mayed entered his cousin's office without knocking.

As he expected his cousin to be, he was drowned in his work.

"Just saw your future  wife." He teased.

Mohammed forgot about it, he huffed. As days went by he truly thought his cousin has forgotten about the matter.

"She's pretty." Mayed added. Looking at his cousin.

"What do you want Mayed?" He asked looking at his cousin.

"Nothing man, just came to free you from your misery, we're going to the farm today." He winked.

"I'm not miserable." Mohammed said.

"Anyhow, yalla lets go." He stood up.

Mohammed wanted to say no but he knew his cousin wouldn't leave until he goes with him.

"Fine." Mohammed closed the folder he was working on and he left with him.

They sat around the bonfire, some were playing cards others were barbecuing Mohammed was sitting by himself after playing one round with his friends.

Mayed came and he sat next to him.

"Mona has been asking about you" Mayed said.

Mohammed didn't reply, he simply didn't care.

"I told her you're getting married, you should've seen the look on her face." Mayed laughed.

"You told her what?" Mohammed angrily said.

"Hey look I didn't lie." Mayed raised his hands in defense.

"You are, aren't you?" Mayed teased.

Mohammed huffed annoyed.

"She might be already married you know?" he told his cousin.

Mayed stayed quiet for few seconds before picking his phone he started typing.

Few minutes later Mayed looked at his cousin with a devilish smile.

"She is not." Mayed said.

"and how do you exactly know?" Mohammed probed him.

"Fatma." He simply said.

"Of course" Mohammed sneered.

Fatma is a girl who works in Mohammed's office.

"So when are you going to propose to her?" Mayed asked.

"Don't you think you took it a bit too far this time?" Mohammed looked at his cousin.

Mayed shook his head.

"No, beside you knew the terms before agreeing, so why are you chickening out now?"

"I'm not." Mohammed firmly said.

"Then when's the wedding?" Mayed asked.


I just wanted to clarify one thing, arranged marriages are very common in this region, a girl doesn't have to be forced to marry the guy of course, but that's how it goes here, the guy should propose to the girl's family.

Anyways, please don't forget to vote and comment.

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