DEAL? {Brad simpson Fanfic)

By tradleykisses

69.3K 2K 192

Ava Denver is an average 19 year old girl from London. Ava is a current model working in a modelling agency f... More

•|Chapter 1|•
•|Chapter 2|•
•|Chapter 3|•
•|Chapter 4|•
•|Chapter 5|•
•|Chapter 6|•
•|Chapter 7|•
•|Chapter 8|•
•|Chapter 9|•
•|Chapter 10|•
•|Chapter 11|•
•|Chapter 12|•
•|Chapter 13|•
•|Chapter 15|•
•|Chapter 16|•
•|Chapter 17|•
•|Chapter 18|•
•|Chapter 19|•
•|Chapter 20|•
•|Chapter 21|•
•|Chapter 22|•
•|Chapter 23|•
•|Chapter 24|•
•|Chapter 25|•
•|Chapter 26|•
•|Chapter 27|•
•|Chapter 28|•
•|Chapter 29|•
•|Chapter 30|•
•|Chapter 31|•
•|Chapter 32|•
•|Chapter 33|•
•|Chapter 34|•
•|Chapter 35|•

•|Chapter 14|•

1.7K 50 8
By tradleykisses

Message from Amber:
'Hey girl:) we still going shopping today?:))))'

Message to Amber:
'Yeah but I need to get ready come round at like 2:30 :)'

Message from Amber:
'See ya then x'

I sighed and got off from the couch spilling my hot chocolate everywhere
"Fuck!!" I shouted in pain due to the burning of hot cocoa on my skin through my sweats
I quickly pulled my sweats down as they where burning me to see the tops of my thighs all red and starting to blister, walking around my apartment in my undies I found a mop to clean up the mess. I start picking up the glass that had smashed when there was a knock at the door
"Who is it?" I asked quickly shoving the glass into my hands cutting myself as I did so
"OUCH!!" I yelled out in pain dropping the glass again and holding my bleeding hand
"Ava are you alright??" The voice of brad said on the other side of the door
"I'm fine" I said running over to the tap running my hand under the cold water wincing in pain
"It doesn't sound like it, I'm coming in" before I could shout "no I'm half naked" the door opened and brad came rushing into the kitchen
"Oh erm okay?" He said awkwardly looking away as I blushed
"I tried to tell you not to come in"
"What happened why is there blood and glass on the floor?" He asked looking over to where I broke my glass.
"I broke my cup" I stopped the tap and got some sweats out of the laundry basket, yes they are in need of a wash but I'm not going to stand here half naked infront of brad.
"So do you make a habit of walking around half naked?" He smirked
"It's my home I can do what I want" I shrugged
"You should probably get you're hand seen to it looks deep" he said taking my wrist allowing him to examine my hand
"I'll put a plaster on it all will be well"
"Ava a plaster won't help that,come on and i bring you to the hospital"
"I'm not going to the hospital it's only a small cut" I laughed
"Ava" brad warned
"Ugh fine" I rolled my eyes and put my shoes on following brad out of my apartment, locking my door behind me.
"Ava Denver" the nurse called
I stood up brad mirroring my moves
"Will I come with you?"
I laughed
"I've a small cut brad I'm not dying"
He chuckled and followed me behind the curtain, I sat on the bed and allowed the nurse to examine my hand
"It's quite deep and you seem to have some glass stuck in there too" she said going over to a tray getting a tweezer
"This might hurt, maybe you're boyfriend won't mind if you squeezed his hand?"
My face flushed red
"Oh she's not my girlfriend she's just my friend" he smiled and took my free hand in his
Friendzoned much...
As the nurse took out the glass brads hand was going white with me squeezing it so hard, to be quite honest brad was probably in more pain than me.
"That should be all the glass you're going to need stitches, wait here I won't be a moment" she smiled then left.
"My hand" brad whined shaking his hand
"Stop being a baby I just had glass stuck in mine" i chuckled
"I wonder would a plaster fix that" he laughed
"Shut up" I giggled slightly pushing him with my shoulder
"What made you come around mine anyways?" I asked
"I just wanted to see you" he smiled
My heart fluttered at the fact he'd actually wanna see me.
"Before I go back home to Cerina" he added
Way to shit on my parade.
"Is she coming to L.A with us?" I asked, I feel so awkward talking about his girlfriend.It makes me want to get the glass back and stab myself in the heart.
"Nah I asked joe but he's not having it, but it will still be great atleast I have you" I smiled "and the boys" he added
Fuck sake brad atleast make me feel like the only girl in the world for 1 moment please!
"Yeah I can't wait! Actually what time is it I'm supposed to be going shopping with Amber?"
"It's 2:00, can I come?"
"Can you text her and tell her I'm in the hospital and I'll be home soon" I asked brad handing him my phone
"I'll call her wait a minute" he left the room and I was alone.

I always hated hospitals they remind me of when I was 8 and my mum was diagnosed with cancer and she got really sick and we had Christmas in the hospital, then New Years she died. I didn't know I was crying until brad came back and asked me what was wrong
"It's nothing " I lied wiping my tears away
Where the fuck is this nurse??
"Tell me" he pushed
"It's just a memory is coming back to me that's all"
"What kind of memory?"
"It's nothing brad please leave it!" I said harshly
"I'm back"
Oh now she shows up!
After a long day of me and brad silencing eachother, me and Amber running around shops i was exhausted, having a bandage on my hand was annoying as hell.
Brad had dropped Amber off and I was left alone with him driving to my apartment.
We where still silencing eachother and it was getting quite annoying, but I'm never one to break the silence mainly because I'm socially awkward...
"Where here" brad spoke parking his car outside my apartment block
"Thanks" I uttered rushing to get out of his car
The bastard locked the doors?
"Brad open the god damn door!"
"Not until you tell me why you where crying?"
"You're being stupid it was none of you're business anyways!"
"I care Ava and if you're upset I want to know"
I scoffed
"Care? If you really cared why did you lead me into thinking you liked me then get a girlfriend?!"
Brad sighed and sat back in his seat
"Thought so"
"Now open the door now!"
Brad unlocked the door with no explanation whatsoever, I grabbed my shopping then looked back at him then got out slamming the door behind me.
I'm no doctor so I've no idea what they use to take out glass haha,
Because this is a short book I don't know whether to make a sequel when it's finished or just leave it..?

Also hope everyone had a great new year!!

Btw Tristan followed me on New Year's Eve out of nowhere!!

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