•|Chapter 7|•

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Waking up to the sound of banging and shouting outside of the hotel room I got up rubbing my eyes and made my way outside to see what all the chaos was about
"Guys let me out it's not funny" the voice of Connor said inside a large travel bag
"Payback davey" James said holding his stomach from laughing so much
"What's going on here?" I asked sleepily
"BREAKFAST!!" Brad shouted causing James and tris to laugh
"You're not funny brad" Connors muffled voice said
"Seriously" I asked resting my head against the door frame
"A couple of weeks back Connor put brad in a bin and left him at the back of the hotel so we put Connor inside this travel bag" Tristan stated causally shrugging
"How did you get him inside that?" I giggled
"When he was sleeping we tied his hands and legs together so he's in fetus position so it was quite easy since he's small" James laughed
"Can you let me out now" Connor asked
"Your so mean" I laughed going over to open the travel bag to see connor tied up in a polka dot girls onsie
"What are you wearing" I laughed
"Guyssss" Connor groaned
James took a photo of Connor then practically fell to the ground in laughter
"This is fucking hilarious" brad said holding his knees
I untied Connor and let him get out of the bag and stretch
"I'm well getting you back for this!" Connor said in annoyance
"Guys what the hell is going on!" Joe said angrily
"Whoops there it is" brad muttered quietly making me stifle a laugh
"The guys put me into a girls onsie and put me in this travel case"
"Fuck sake boys" joe laughed
"It's 6am!"
"Sorry joe" Tristan laughed
"It's okay but it must not happen again! Go back into your rooms" joe warned and went back Into his own room
"See you later" James said Connor following along
"You coming?" Tristan asked brad
"I'll follow you in"
Tristan nodded and walked down the corridor
"I assume you want to come in so" I said cheekily
"Your assumptions are incorrect actually" he smirked "I just wanted to know if your still on for tonight?"
I looked up with my head tilted to the side pretending that I'm actually thinking while rubbing my imaginary beard
"Hmmm I think tonight's my date with matt Healy sorry" I joked
"Oh must of got you mixed up with Zoe dechanel, sorry for getting your hopes up" he played along
"Nah mate you didn't" I laughed
"No seriously though are you?"
"Of course idiot" I giggled
"Great! So I'll see you at 8?"
"Sounds great!"
Me and brad stood there awkwardly for a second
"I best get back to tris"
"See you later" closing the door I checked the time
I decided I'd take a shower to kill time.
It's 4:50pm and I've Been sat in the hotel room all day because the boys had some radio interview and a photoshoot so you can probably tell I'd be very bored considering nobody else came along on this tour,
Scrolling through my phone I thought I'd text Ryan
Message to Ryan:
'Heyyy boii just want to see how you are it feels like forever since we talked!! Btw I have a date with brad tonight ;) xox'

Message from Ryan:
'AVAAA BABES! OMG it feels like so long how are you!! you HAVE to tell me all the deets!!
Hows the tour going? Xoxo'

Message to Ryan:
'Tour is so fun we are in and out of hotel rooms on and off the tour bus yeah it's great!! Don't worry I'll tell you everything ;)) xox'

Message from Ryan:
'Hey can I ask you a question bby? Xoxox'

Message to Ryan:
'Yeah anything? Xoxox'

Message from Ryan:
'Do you actually like brad or are you just in this for the money..? Xoxox'

I stared blankly at my phone
Do I like brad or am I just in this for the money??
I mean brad is such a great guy he's  cute and sweet, kind and caring and I can honestly go on forever!
But he deserves better than me..?
I mean I wouldn't be here right now if joe hadn't of made a deal with me, brad wouldn't even know me.

Message to Ryan:
'I have to go I'll text you later ly lots! Xoxox'
Maybe I'm here for a reason.
Actually liked this chapter :)

Okay so we all heard about Paris and I just want to pass my respect to those in need or affected by the tragedy in any way, please stay safe everyone❤️
Also I pass along my condolences to those who lost people my heart is with you all❤️

DEAL? {Brad simpson Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang