Hey Mr.Prick. It's NOT a plea...

By Dark-Shadow

1.8M 28.1K 2.1K

(Watty Awards Finalist - Trailer Inside ) Rose Evan's is the daughter of the U.S. top company's man. What hap... More

Hey mr. prick ~1~
Hey mr. prick ~2~
Hey mr. prick ~3~
Hey mr. prick ~4~
Hey mr. prick ~6~
Hey mr. prick ~7~
Hey mr. prick ~8~
Hey mr. prick ~9~
Hey mr. prick ~10~
Hey mr. prick ~11~
Hey mr. prick ~12~
Hey mr. prick ~13~
Hey mr. prick ~14~
Hey mr. prick ~15~
Hey mr. prick ~16~
Hey mr. prick ~17~
Hey mr. prick ~18~
Hey mr. prick ~19~
Hey mr. prick ~20~
Hey mr. prick ~21~
Hey mr. prick ~22~
Hey mr. prick ~23~
Hey mr. prick ~24~
Hey mr. prick ~25~
Hey mr. prick ~26~
Hey mr. prick ~27~
Hey mr. prick ~28~
Hey mr. prick ~29~
Hey mr. prick ~30~
Hey mr. prick ~31~
Hey mr. prick ~32~
Hey mr. prick ~33~
Hey mr. prick ~34~ (Epilogue)

Hey mr. prick ~5~

61.6K 1K 91
By Dark-Shadow



I turned around to look at him. Is he seriously trying to have a serious conversation?! I swear if he’s going to tell me that he wants to work things out I’ll hit him with a heel, my 3inch high heel to be exact.

“What?” I asked agitated.

“I have a photo shoot tomorrow and my parents think it’s a good idea for both of us to go...”

“And what if I don’t want to?” I cut him off.

“Then I’ll have to drag you there myself, now won’t I?” He made his way towards the front door of the house. 

“You should be lucky that you’re marrying the hottest man of the year.” He said over his shoulder.

“Guess what, the year is coming to an end!” I shouted back.

Seriously? This guy is so conceited. Hasn’t he ever hear of ladies first? Where does he think he’s going? I haven’t finished yelling! Poof, he’s gone.

“Well, who needs a man with a hot body but no brains and with a big ego?” I mumbled.  I trudge towards my room and slammed the door shut.  This day has just been crazy, really I am so tired. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts; I quickly bolted straight up and said come in to whoever was at the door. It opened slowly and I came face to face with Xavier. He closed the door behind him and walked forward, towards me. He sat at the end of the bed, looked deep in thought, HA-HA that’s funny he didn’t have a mind to think with! I waited for him to start speaking but he didn’t say anything, so I decided to break the silence.

“So, what are you doing here?” I asked, searching for his eyes.

“Uh I came here to say … Uh” he scratched the back of his head “our parents want us to...to...Live together” he finally said, well not said, he choked it out to be exact.

“WHAT?” I screeched “I will not live with someone like you” I pointed a finger at him accusingly, I stood up and walked on to the balcony. There was a slight breeze. I felt someone approaching, standing next to me and I knew that it was Xavier.

“Look, I’m sorry. I don’t want this either but I have to. It’s the only way that I could save the company that my dad spent so much time to build. I know it’s not fair, it’s not fair for either of us.”

“Uhuh well I’m going to speak to my parents no way in hell am I going to live with you” He sighed. Deep down I knew it was pointless. I didn’t want to give up though! Neither should he! Who knew he was human? But wait did he say to save his father’s company? Why does he care about the company? I get its nice when the money is rolling in but does he plan on taking over the company? Wait if our companies become one…and he works there…and I have to, even if we’re not together we’ll still have to see each other! Oh, my God.

“Why do you want to save the company? Don’t you want something else other than living something your parents want you to?” I asked confused.

“Well I’m the eldest son. The wisest of us all” He said and I snorted “Anyways, I know what’s best for the company and I know what happens there, so my dad wants to give it to me and I can’t let my father down.” He ended with a small smile. Awe isn’t that cute?! For someone who fell for that bullshit.

“But why does he want you to get married?” I asked still utterly confused.

“Due to my father aging and having problems with handling the company it got a little out of hand and we lost money. It’s the same for you because The Richards are competing against you and you lost money, and a hell of a lot of it. So to sort things out both of our parents agreed that joining both companies would solve the problem, and of course the only choice they had was us. But my father also wanted me to, you know...” He said.

“Know what?!”

“Well my way with girls...” He saw my expression and his turned into a full-fledged smirk.

OKAY why the hell didn’t dad tell me about this? Well actually I think I didn’t let them have time to speak since I’ve been avoiding then but, I’m still mad. But then I thought about something, he said being the eldest, so he has siblings or what?

“You said being the oldest?” I asked.

“Yea I have a brother, Shane he’s 19 years old, like you and I have a baby sister she’s five, Hayley” he replied looking at me, straight into my eyes. I hid a blush, as best I could, I turned to look up at the sky.

“You said that your younger brother is 19. If that’s so, how old are you?” I looked at him.

“I’m 21 turning, 22 in November” he said swiftly.

“Oh.” was all I could come up with, smooth Rose real smooth, maybe this ass wasn’t that much of an ass after all…naw. 

“I’ve got to go, I’ll pick you up at 11:00 A.M. and wear something fashionable, my father probably told the whole world, so the paparazzi will go crazy on you and I, don’t want to be seen with a woman who dresses like this!” He pointed to my plain white shirt and jeans. “Oh and don’t go embarrassing me please, and just because I had this so called friendly talk with you means it changes anything, cause it doesn’t” he smirked and made his exit with that remark.

I cursed the moment that I thought he could be sweet, oh praise the jerk returns.

That is it! “Out of my room!” I roared.

“Oh don’t you look cute when you’re angry but, I’ve been with hotter and better woman, don’t forget to wear something that belongs to this year!” he yelled and stepped out of my room. I was fuming; can this guy be that much of an A-whole?

I threw my heels on the floor and headed straight for the washroom to get ready for bed. I’m not going to live with you! No one’s going to make me. Marriage or no marriage. Tomorrow’s going to be a nightmare. I hate you Williams.








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