Hacked IInto my heart ( daves...

By erisolshipper

22.9K 1.2K 1.9K

DaveXSollux (Applebees) Sollux's parents died when he was young, leaving him and his adopted sister, Aradia... More

1: Where Did I Go Wrong?
2: Just One More
3: Friends?
4: So This Is Him...
5: Dirk You Ass
7: Spin the Faygo
8: Never Speak Of This
9: Bro
10: Mistake
11: Presents and Suspicion
12: Skating With Him
13: Mistletoes
14: Awkward
16: Privacy
17: Let Me Love You
18: Evidence
19: JUST1C3

15: Lies

766 50 83
By erisolshipper

Daves POV:

It's a new year.
New me.
New shit.
New everything.

I never go through with resolutions though. They always go downhill fast.
Although, I may do one this year and finally move out!

Dirk gave me a second present after and gave me a few hundred bucks for Christmas.

I was counting up the money when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I said, quickly putting it away.

"IIt2 me."

"Come on in." I stood, putting the money back up in my closet.
The door opened, revealing Sollux. He was smiling, "Diirk wanted me two come get you. He 2aiid he ha2 another 2urprii2e."

"Really?" I tilted my head. Is Dirk on drugs or something?

"Yeah! Come on!" He pulled me out of the room.
He led me to the living room, where Dirk was standing.

"Um... What?" I asked, looking at him.

"Look behind you Dave." He smirks.

I looked behind me and- HOLY SHIT WE HAVE AN ACTUAL TV NOW!

"Oh my fucking God..does.. Does it have real channels?! What about Netflix?! Oh my god, do you know how badly I love been wanting to go and fucking 'Nerflix and Chill' ?!?! Holy fucking shit, I need to catch up on all of the fucking shows. Maybe keep up with the Kardashians? Nah, that show is so fucking stupid.. Maybe watch some good ol' SpongeBob. Yeah, Spongebobs a cool dude. And now you, Dirk, can finally have your brony get together parties on piece with the Zahhaks. Have fun with your friendship is magic or whatever. But when I'm here, this tv is fucking mine. Like holy shit. Yeah, I'm still gonna use the tv in my room to play games and shit.. But this glorious f-Erm... Whatever inch tv this is, is mine for strictly watching things. Not porn.. Well, maybe, but strictly for watching shows. Holy shit, has the Walking Dead ended? Oh my god, there's a DVR!!! I CAN RECORD EVERYTHING-"

"DAVE!" Both Dirk and Sollux shouted at me.


"You're rambling about getting a fucking tv. Jesus Christ, what the fuck Dave?" Dirk gave me a strange look, shaking his head. "You're a fucking weirdo."

"Oh IM the weirdo??"

"Guy2, calm the fuck down. Dave, iit2 only a tv. Diirk, relax. He obviiou2ly 2eem2 to have a fetii2h for televii2iion."

"Ah yes." I put a hand over my chest, 'swooning'.
"My lovely TV fetish. Oh please fuck me in the middle of the night tv. I can't wait to lick across your screen and open you up to see your wires of all colors. Oh please show me a good time~" I traced my finger along the side of the tv.

I think they have both lost faith in me, due to both of them face palming with a loud groan.

"Okay, I'm leaving before this gets any weirder.. Also, the tv is from the Lalondes. They wished us Merry Christmas and a Happy Fucking New Year. " Dirk said and quickly absconded to the room.

"Well that wa2 weiird.." Sollux said, looking at me.

"Soooo~" I strode over to his side, draping my arm over his shoulder. "Would you like to Netflix and Chill~?"

"What the fuck doe2 that mean?"
Oh great, he doesn't know.

"Wait!" Dirk yelled, coming back out.
"Turn the tv onto LOLAR NEWS! Terezi said something important was on there. It should be time for it."

"Uh.." I picked up the remote and pressed the power button.
"What channel is LOLAR?"

"I think... Channel four or 13?" Dirk sat on the couch.
"II2nt iit 413?"

"Fuck it, I'll try all three." I pressed them as it turned out to be 413.

It was on commercial so we all waited for a few minutes until the news came back on the air. There was a woman and man on screen.

"Good afternoon an welcome back from the break. Our next top story is the sudden disappearance of a criminal on the run. Authorities say that only a while ago, before Christmas, they were chasing two trolls. A male and female.
They were known for robbing over twenty banks." The screen cut to a shaky video feed of two people running.

"The one on the right was the female, her name: Aradia Megido,"
An image of a girl popped up on screen. It looked like an ID photo or sometbing.

"The male was able to escape but police are still looking for him. Officials only have small descriptions from the night he was chased. He was wearing a sweater, which appeared to be a greenish-yellow, glasses, bi-colored shoes and more than two horns. Blood samples were taken from the scene where he was shot at by police. Drops of the criminals blood was found on the street he was being chased. He's a mustard blood.
He was last seen turning right onto Wayward Street. 
A search has been going on but still no sign of this troll. A warning to all on this street or near this neighborhood, if this description is of any help to find this criminal, please call this toll free hotline on the bottom of the screen. Help bring this man to justice. Now to Jeffery for sports-"
I turned off the tv.


Both Dirk and I looked at each other before turning to Sollux, who took steps back until he was against the wall.

"I knew it.." Dirk growled under his breath. "That's how he had that fucking bullet! He was running from the police!!" Dirk pointed at him. "I can't believe we brought a fucking criminal into this house!!"

"Dirk, calm down-" I put my hand on his shoulder, but he swatted it away.

"Don't tell me to calm down! It's people like him that are the reason why Bro is dead!! Sure, he might not be a murderer but he's still a criminal!!"

"P-Plea2e.. IIm 2orry for lyiing, two the both of you.. But plea2e don't turn me iin! IIve enjoyed every 2econd of being here wiith you guy2! Plu2, II have Nothiing left out there! They kiilled my 2ii2ter and II have no other family! My parent2 diied when we were young and II wa2 only tryiing two look out for her!
II diidnt want any of thii2 two happen!" Sollux pleaded, out of breath when he finished.

Dirk shook his head. "I won't turn you in... But you're out of this house by midnight, got it?" He stormed off into his room, slamming the door.

I looked at Sollux.
"Dave, II-"

"So.. Me and you.. Us! Was that just a lie? Do you even feel the same for me like I do for you?! Was it just your sick way of gaining my trust or whatever bullshit?!"

"What? No! Dave IIm 2orry II-"

"Please just..." I put my hand up when he tried walking towards me. "...shut up... I need to think...."
I walked to my bedroom and closed the door.

"Dave!" He knocked on my door. "Plea2e let me iin! Ju2t let me explain my2elf!"

"What is there to explain Sollux?!" I yelled.

I finally find someone again who seems to be decent, but they've just given me lies..

And it sucks because..
I actually really love him..

What the fuck even am I saying?!
What even is love?

Let's see.. Before I found out who he really is..

Did I like him?
Did I want to protect him?
Did I want to hug him all the time?
Did I want to kiss him?
Want to do the frick frack?
Hold his hand?
Just be next to him?
And did I feel safe with him? Feel like I can share all me secrets with him?

The answer to all..

Even now, I'm mad at him.. But I do want to be with him...

"Dave... Dave! You got quiiet! Talk to m-Ah!" He fell face down first when I opened the door. He quickly stood as I shut the door behind him.

I pushed him against the door, taking off my shades to look him straight in the eyes.
"Who are you.." I whispered.

He stared back into my eyes, with the most confused look ever.

"Who. Are. You? No bullshit.. Tell me exactly who you are, everything... right now.."

He looked down and sighed. He spoke when he made eye contact with me again.

"...The giirl on 2creen wa2 my adoptive 2ii2ter, Aradiia Megiido. We were both trouble maker2.. Our parent2 diied when we were young, but before they diied.. They told me two take care of her iin anyway II could.." He stopped to take a breath then continued.

"We never went iinto a fo2ter home.. We were 2cared of them, 2o we hiid together for a2 long a2 II can remember.. Pretty 2oon, we re2orted to 2tealiing thiing2.. 2mall thiing2 like gum or chiip2 from a liiquor 2tore.. A2 we 2tartes growiing up, we 2tarted to 2teal more and biigger thiing2. Both iin value and 2iize.. Fiive or 2o year2 ago, we 2tarted robbiing bank2.. II have magniifiicent 2kiill2 iin hackiing, 2o goiing iinto a bank 2y2tem wa2 no problem.. My 2ii2ter wanted two go biigger and 2tart actually goiing IINTO the bank2 two take thiing2.. That niight you and Diirk found me on the 2treet.. We were iin a bank.. The police found u2 2o we made a run for iit.. 2he wa2 2hot and kiilled iin the proce22 of iit all.. But 2he told me two keep goiing.. 2o II Diid.. But II got 2hot and.. Here II am now..
My name, well.. Full name ii2 2olluxander Captor.. 2ollux for 2hort..
IIm eiighteen human year2 old. 2peciie2, obviiou2ly a mu2tard blooded troll.. My favoriite color2 are blue and red.. II liike viideo game2, and bee2.. II hate my lii2p, but II gue22 iit2 okay? II don't know..
But II do know that II never wanted to hurt the guy that IIve became iincrediibly clo2e to.. The guy that II never really wanted two liie too, but II had to.. The guy that IIm iin love wiith and iit hurt2 me wor2e than that bullet Diid.."
He was crying now.

I didn't know I was crying either until he used his finger to wipe a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Dave, II really do love you.. II know you probably don't beliieve me but II do.. II don't want two 2teal anymore.. II never wanted two iin the fiir2t place.. IIt ju2t 2eemed liike the only optiion-"
I cut him off with a kiss.

His lips were still soft, and soon moved back against mine.
I closed my eyes, just trying to relax myself for a moment, even if it was just for a second..

When I pulled away, he put his forehead to mine. "Plea2e don't make me go.." He shakily said.

"It's not my choice.. Dirk wants you gone.."

"Can't you change hii2 miind?" He whimpered, his lip starting to quiver as more tears came to his eyes.

I shook my head, cupping his cheek in my right hand. "I'm sorry.. There's nothing I can do, Sollux.." I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks again.

I hugged Sollux tightly, burying my face into his shoulder.
He did the same to mine, trying to hide his sobs.

"IIm 2o 2orry for lyiing two you.."
"It's okay.. I don't give a shit anymore about what you did- wait.."

I pulled away and looked to my closet.

"What? What ii2 iit?" He put his hand in my shoulder.

"I have an idea.." I walked to my closet, opening it until I saw the jar of money sitting right there.

"Go pack your bags, babe. We're leaving tonight.."

Well, looks like I'll be living out sooner than I thought..

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