Prison Chic #1st book of the...

By RedNos

578K 12.5K 1.9K

#26 in Action on 7/3/2016 Joanna Blake is a reckless girl who wished to be normal all her twenty-one years bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Frienship... Forever?
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A dark, dark Past
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
I Guess I'm Stuck With You
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Death.. and Love
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- part 1
Chapter 26- part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Loyalty is... hard to get
Over and over, your son.
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Final Chapter 55 (Part 1)
Final Chapter 55 (Part 2)
BONUS Ending

Chapter 36

7.1K 163 35
By RedNos

I dedicated this chap to my friend LOVERANO. She is awesome and she’s writing her first story ever “Abducted”. Check it out please and show her support. Plus the story is really something.

Now on to MY story.. LOL.

BTW: since I wrote this so quickly you might find a few mistakes here and there, please ignore it, I’ll edit as soon as I can. Love ya.

Have fun.

“Hey, Slinky, you dog!” one of the men said enthusiastically and slapped Hank’s back playfully, well, maybe for him, but for hank it hurt.

Hank smiled warily, he was getting these responses ever since the big break out.

“Can you believe this man?” the man who just slapped him turned to his much shorted and rounder friend, “he had a girl in his cell all this time and he never shared!” the two men laughed and looked at him.

“Yeah.” Hank said, not sure how to respond.

“And everyone thought you were a loser too. Up top, man!” the man beamed at him and raised his hand for a high five. Hank slowly raised his hand tapped the other man’s raised palm.

“Hank Morales.” One of the guards bellowed behind them and Hank was relieved. He was getting comments about how he was a “lucky bastard” and a “man who had his gigs” all the time now. It was unnerving taking about Joanna like this.

As he waved for the two happy men goodbye and followed the guard, he thought about his situation. Ever since Joanna and Julian ran away, he thought he would be dead by now, but no, he was becoming quite the champion around here. The man who had a girl in his cell. Hank blushed at the thought.

“You have a visitor.” The guard informed him as they walked through the corridors.

Hank was both excited and scared at the same time. Who would visit him now?

“Hank!” Isaac beamed once Hank got inside the visitor who relaxed instantly. “Thank God, it’s you.” Hank muttered and sat opposite to him. “How are you?” he asked the free man.

“Great!” Isaac beamed before he looked sympathetically, “Everything alright with you?”

Hank smiled and shook his head, “More than alright. It’s terrifyingly ok.” He chuckled.

“What? How come?” Isaac asked.

“Well, apparently having a girl in your cell is a good thing around here.” Hank said in a low voice, his eyes gleaming mischievously. Isaac’s eyes widened with surprise before his expression became softer.

“Man, if only Julian could hear you right now.” Isaac’s smile widened at the mortified look that crossed Hank’s face at the mention of Julian. “You wouldn’t tell him I said that, would you?” Hank asked hopefully and Isaac chuckled, shaking his head in denial. “No way.”

“How’s he? How are they?” Hank’s voice became more serious as he whispered the questioned, eyeing the room around him warily.

“Fine, at the moment.” Isaac said with relatively low voice. “She asked me to come here and check up on you.”

Hank’s eyes widened at the thought of Joanna worrying about him. She was such a good friend. “Oh.” He only said.

“Look, I can’t tell you anything yet. Well, not here anyway.” Isaac said, mirroring his friend’s action and eying the visitor’s room. “But I need you to know that they are after Julian as well.”

Hank looked surprised for a moment before realization struck. “No way. How could they know about the…” he trailed off and Isaac knew he was talking about the Zelda project. Hank leaned further on the table and whispered, “The only people who knew about it are us three and the man who, you know, who Julian killed.”

“I know. But maybe he told someone before he died.” Isaac whispered back.

“That’s really unlikely. Do you know how valuable this program is? Anyone who knew about it would want it.” Hank hissed. “But Julian doesn’t have it anyway.” Hank proclaimed softly. He remembered the day they got arrested when Julian destroyed the Zelda rather easily. All the three hard years of procreating it was turned into a waste in a flash.

Hank shuddered at the memory.

“I think he is planning to remake it. You know, trade it for her” Isaac said.

“There’s no way he could do it in short time. It took us three freaking years.” Hank exasperated in a low voice.

“I know, but now he knew exactly what it is. He’ll only have to remake it. No need for creating new data. Just remembering the old ones.” Isaac said like it was oh-so-simple.

“Remember?” Hank exclaimed. “It has been four years!” he said and scrunched his eyes close, “He can’t do it, not alone.”

“Well I can’t help him with it because I don’t know shit about your shenanigans. And neither do you.”

“I might be able to…”

“NO!” Isaac bellowed and noticed one of the guards tense with alarm. He nodded apologetically before he leaned forward and whispered, “You can’t jeopardies your safety here. You know what will happen if the guards knew about you, or the mafia for that matter?” he watched as Hank looked away, his face stubborn.

“I must do something.” Hank said with determination. “I can. I know I can help him.”

“Is that it? Or is it just the thrill of going back and do what you loved doing?” Isaac asked angrily and Hank snapped his head around to glare at him.

“You don’t believe that I just want to help my friends. If this could be a chance for Joa…” Hank stopped and looked around again before he whispered, “If I can help her out in anyway, then I wound cower and stay back.” He said and leaned back on his chair, “Hell, I’m in prison anyway.” He smiled wickedly and Isaac had to blink couple of times in surprise. Wow, Hank did change.

Isaac smiled warmly at his friend and stood up, “well, then I can’t stop you.” He announced, looking down at him.

“Nop. You can’t.” Hank said and folded his arms above him and laid his head on his hands, beaming at Isaac.

“You are a very good friend.” Isaac said.

“So are you.” Hank smiled warmly and stood up as one of the guards approach him.

“Just try to be discreet about it.” Isaac said finally and turned to leave.

“I’ll do what I can.” Hank mumbled mostly to himself, watching his friend’s back as he left the visitor room.

“Hello, officer.” Joanna flashed her silly almost-girly smile at the police man who was positioned on an inspection point. They have successfully passed all gazillion ones and this one was the last one before they reached Carson. And they were not about to screw this one up.

“Hi there, ma’am.” The officer seemed like he liked what he saw and Joanna suppressed a laugh when she felt the man next to her fidget.

“Where are you folks heading too?” The officer asked, his smile pasted on his face.

“Oh, to Carson City, then we are probably going to head to Florida.” Joanna said and patted her lashes sweetly at him.

“Oh, a road trip with your…” the officer said and jerked his chin toward Julian who was faking sleep on the passenger seat next to her.

“My husband.” She beamed. “We wanted to do it since we were in college.” She continued her absolutely made-up story.

“I’m sure it wasn’t easy with all the search point we’ve sat up for you.” The policeman joked and Joanna giggled. “It caringly wasn’t. Those rogues couldn’t choose better timing for their outrageous stunts.” She shook her head disapprovingly and the officer nodded.

“Well, have a safe trip ma’am.” He beamed finally and stepped away from her opened window.

“I sure will. Thanks officer.” Joanna said flirtingly, and hit the drive, moving away from the last inspection point. She wanted to squeal in joy. That was the longest she’d been in a car and she couldn’t be happier to stay on solid ground for a while.

“Well, look at you all sweet and seductive.” Julian pinched her side and Joanna giggled. “Julian! I’m driving, keep your hands to your self.” She admonished playfully.

“So we are rogues, ha?” Julian chuckled.

“Oh, the worst kind.” Joanna smiled darkly before they both erupted in laughter.

“Look, Carson!” Julian said and pointed at the line lights that spread across the horizon. A city lights.

“At last.” Joanna breathed. “Can I have the phone?” she asked but held her hand out for it anyway.

“Why?” Julain asked.

“I need to tell Mark. He must be freaking out.”

“Oh, right. Be quick.” Julian said and handed her the phone.

Joanna punched in a number and Kevin’s voice came, “Hello?”

“Kevin it’s me.” Joanna said and heard the bug guy curse softly. “where the hell are you?” he snapped at her and Joanna couldn’t help but smile at Kevin’s don’t-give-me-shit voice.

“I’m far away. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to say where.” She said, looking at Julian who nodded approvingly. Kevin was silent for a moment. It sounded like he was moving. “How are you?” Joanna asked, feeling guilty for involving him and everyone else, including the man who was sitting next to her.

“I’m find, kid.” He said. “I hope you are, too.”

“I am, I promise.” Joanna said quickly, trying desperately to assure him. “Do you have Mark’s number?” Joanna asked and saw Julian’s eyes widen as he mouthed to her, “This is not Mark?” she ignored him.

“He’s with me. Here, talk to him.” He told her and Joanna’s heart suddenly skipped a beat. For Mark to risk his safety and come here meant he was so worried.

“JO! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN??” Joanna flinched at Marks shouting on the other side.

“I’m sorr…”

“Don’t you fucking ‘I’m sorry’ me, Joanna. You really fucked my nerves up!” he yelled again and Joanna took a deep breath and tried again, “Mark, being out of prison doesn’t really give me the privilege of calling whoever I want whenever I want. I’m sorry, ok!”

Joanna heard mark exhale loudly in relief. “Shit, Jo, I really thought they had you.” He said.

“I know I’m really sorry.” Joanna said softly and saw Julian next to her motioning with his hand for her to finish the call.

“Mark, I can’t talk for long, but I assure you I’m fine right now. I’m far away and I have a place to stay.” She explained quickly.

“Where?” Mark asked.

“I… I can’t say. Not now. I promise once everything calm down I’ll give you all the details, ok?”

“Fuck.” Mark muttered and Joanna felt really bad. She always felt like this. “Ok. What about that guy who ran away with you? Is he with you still?” he asked and she looked at Julian and smiled. “Surprisingly yes.” She said and Julian frowned in confusion.

“Ok, make sure he’s trustable.” He said.

“He is, Mark. I promise.” Joanna chuckled.

“Well, if he can make you laugh like this, he sure is something.” Mark said playfully. Good, old Mark was back.

“Yeah.” Joanna said. “Please take care of yourself, Mark.”

“I love you cousin. Make sure you survive.”

“Ok, love you too.” Joanna said finally before she hung the phone up and exhaled in relief.

“You love who too?” Julian asked, annoyance obvious in his voice.

“Mark!” Joanna said quickly scowling at him. “Hmmmm.” Julian said and looked ahead and Joanna couldn’t help but smile. He was jealous.

Joanna looked back at the phone in her hand and dialed another number quickly.

“Hey! Who are you calling now?” Julian snapped, all sulking Julian disappeared.

“Hello. Aldo, it’s me.” Joanna said to the phone and Julian’s eyes widened.

“Yes I’m fine. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to call you sooner…. No please don’t be worried…. Yes, I’ll make sure to call you if anything happened…” Julian heard muffled sounds coming out of the phone as Aldo said something to Joanna before she smiled and nodded, “Yes, thanks. Please be careful… and Aldo…” Joanna suddenly said, “Tell Fernando that I remember him…. Bye.” And with that, she finished the call.

“You just went on and called him?” Julian said with wide eyes.

“I don’t need your permission, pretty boy.” Joanna said and tossed the phone towards him and suppressed the laugh when she saw his eyes widen even more.

“You are one difficult woman, Joanna Cage!” Julian said and shook his head. he looked at her face and was surprised when he saw ten dark emotions run through her face. “What’s wrong?” he asked quickly.

Joanna looked at him quickly, eyes wide. She didn’t think he saw her mood swing. “Umm… well, now that we are out and we don’t really need to use that name again… could you use Blake instead.” She said softly, looking forward at the black road.

Julian frowned at the realization. “Because it’s your mother’s last name?” he said more like a statement and less like a question. Joanna nodded anyway.

“Can I ask you something?” he pushed, knowing that it wasn’t really appropriate but that never stopped his curiosity, “How come your mom’s last name is Cage and not Banneno? Considering her father is Aldo?”

Joanna looked at him sideways before she breathed and smiled, “Curious as ever.” Julian smiled at that.

“Well, my theory is, my mother didn’t want to be know by her father name because he wasn’t the perfect father. He told me that he threw her out when she refused to leave my dad and stay with him. So, she took her mother’s last name, which is really weird, considering her mother left her when she was young.” Joanna explained.

“Her mother? You mean your cousin’s grandmother.”

“Yup, Martha Cage. Mark told me she left her earlier husband and married his grandfather, William Clark. They had untei Pam who’s three years younger than my… umm… mom.” Joanna scrunched her nose at the last word. “So there you have it.” She said finally.


“For what?”

“For sharing?”

“Oh.” She said, “Maybe next time you’d share some?” she raised one eyebrow questionably and Julian chuckled, “Yeah maybe.”

As the lights got closer, the ride got comfortably silent. Julian was scribbling something on the notepad Isaac put for them in the small bag. Joanna was focusing on her driving. No need to draw anymore unwanted attention now that they were finally here.

“Yes, right there.” Julian instructed, pointing to a side road on their right. They saw a small apartment building at the end of the street. The area seemed new and dark in the night.

“I’ll go out first, I’ll check the mail box. If I find the keys, I’ll signal for you to come.” Julian said to Joanna and started getting out of the car. “Be careful.” Joanna said quickly, surprised by her own worried tone when Julian turned and winked at her before he closed the car door.

She watched his back as he walked slowly and warily toward the collection of mailboxes in front of the building. She looked around just to make sure no one was watching. She watched as Julian got a small piece of metal that twinkled in the night by the car’s lights and he looked around one last time before he waved for her to come.

Joanna breathed out and opened the car door. Sliding out slowly and looking around again, it was over obsession, but they couldn’t help it. They were prison breaker for crying out loud!

“Nice place.” Joanna said, looking away from the small building and back to Julian who stood at the entrance.

“Trust Jefferson to invest in good properties.” He smiled widely and opened the door for her.

“Thanks.” Joanna mumbled and got inside, Julian followed. “I’m really sorry.” She said suddenly and Julian halted.

“Are we going back to this again.” He asked admonishingly.

“No, I’m just..” Joanna said and turned around quickly to look at him. She saw his eyes narrowing angrily. They were standing in front of the stairs in the small empty lobby. “I just can’t help feeling this way.” she whispered.

“You don’t have to feel guilty for me. I want to be with you. I want to be the one who help you. Why can’t you get over this.”

“Shit, I know.” Joanna muttered. “I’m sorry. It’s just that… well, mark was always the one who took care of me and I always pushed him away.” She tried to explain but Julian’s expression got harder.

“I am not Mark.” He said softly, but anger wasn’t missing his tone, “I’m Julian. Your Julian.” He said and stepped closer to her. “I won’t let you push me away. Ever.” He said and brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “I love you.” He whispered, “I want you safe. I want you safe with me.”

Joanna was mesmerized by his words. Trust this man to persuade her through her darkest times. She nodded quickly under his touch, “Ok.”

“Good girl. Now let’s go up I’m exhausted.” Julian said and pulled her to him as they walked slowly and up the stairs until they reached the second floor.

“This should be it.” Julian said softly and inserted the key inside the keyhole. It turned and clicked, indicating that the door was open. “Lady’s first.”

Joanna rolled her eyes and stepped inside. It was dark before Julian came behind her and fetched the light switch. When he found it he switched it up and they both squinted at the blinding light that shined the room. After a moment when their eyes adjusted to the light they found out they were in the living room.

The apartment was furnished.

“Wow.” Joanna breathed.

“Yeah, pretty neat, huh?” Julian said and stepped further inside inspecting the room. There was a small kitchen adjoined with the living area. It was also prepared. “I haven’t seen something like this in four years.” Julian said, his eyes gleaming like a small child.

Joanna smiled at his enthusiasm. And walked inside with him. “I’m hungry.” She said and walked to the kitchen, circling around the small island and to the fridge.

“Oh my god!” Joanna squealed with Joy when she saw the fridge filled with groceries.

Julian chuckled behind her. “Trust Isaac to perfect the job. He must’ve paid someone to do all this.”

“I’m starving.” Joanna said and grabbed the vegetables shelves. A huge smile spread across her face when she saw small pile of red apples in there. She grabbed one and took a bite and moaned at the sweet taste. She almost forgot the man behind her.

“Wow, that’s hot.” Ofcoarse Julian wouldn’t let her not notice him for long. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, nuzzling her hair then her neck.

“Julian! I’m eating.” Joanna laughed through the food in her mouth.

“You can eat like this. But quickly before I get a hold of your sweet, sweet mouth.” He threatened huskily and Joanna chuckled, taking quick bites from the apple before Julian could distract her further.

“You know what I want to find.”

“What?” Joanna said as she swallowed the last bite and turned her head to look at him over her shoulder.

“The bedroom.” Julian said wickedly and released her. so soon he grabbed her arm and started dragging her inside the house. Suddenly Joanna felt self-conscious. They never did it so openly; it was always in the shower rooms hidden in one of the small cubicles.

But now…..

“Wait.” Joanna said feeling the blood pooling in her cheeks.

“No way.” Julian said childishly and opened one of the doors. It was the bathroom. He frowned and turned to try the other door.

“I’m not sure I am ready for this.” She decided to say and Julian stopped suddenly and turned to face her. “Ready for what, Ana? It’s not our first time, you know.” He wiggled his brows stupidly and even that he managed to make it look hot.

“I… I know.” Joanna stuttered, looking anywhere but his face. “But you never… saw it all.” She looked up at him between he lashes and saw something fire in his glassy blue eyes.

“I know.” Julian hissed, “And baby I want to see everything. I want to explore everything even if I had to tie you down.” He said finally, his eyes gleaming wickedly and pulled her inside the room, which turned out to be the bedroom.

A queen size bed was centering the room. A wardrobe and a dresser were at one side and a small drawers chest was on the other side of the bed.

Joanna’s heart was pounding rapidly and furiously. She hasn’t been with a man she loved ever like this. Damn it, why was it so hard to let go.

Julian released her hand and turned to look at her. Joanna was surprised to see his expression soft, understanding even. “It’s ok if you don’t want to.” He said and she could hear the restrain in his voice.

“No, I want to, but..”

“Trust me.” Julian said and extended his hand to her. She looked at it for a moment. Did she trust him? Could she trust anyone really?

Suddenly she threw herself at him, grabbing his head between her hands and pulling him down for a kiss. That was her answer.

“Come.” Julian said and she complied easily.

I love this man. I trust this man, is what Joanna was thinking that time.

P.S. to readers:

I know I know it’s been long and I was the fastest writer, LOL, but please understand my situation. Trust me, being back with the family, precisely my beloved mother, is not an easy task. Time vanish quickly and the mood is just *&F#4Y%$.

So yeah.

This is a small and cute chappy for you awesome people. Thanks for all the support and lovely comments. I need more O..O *greedy* LOL.

So please don’t get bored of waiting, I promise I’ll do my best to finish the next of this awesome story. Just be patient with me and I’ll pour you with chapters.

And please keep voting like you always awesomely do. I’ll need all the support I can get. Plus it makes me feel bad for keeping you waiting so long.



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