Pain For Love

By HoodiniClown

70K 2.4K 728

Evan. Or poor Evan. You're chilling after a day of video games with your friends in your regular Canadian hom... More

Mr. Canada
Passing By
Hooter at Hooters
Doctor Vanoss
Keep Me Safe
Waking Up
Hello There
Singing Loud
Shots Fired
Wake Me Up
No More Tears


4.8K 172 36
By HoodiniClown

Vanoss's POV:

I sat there in my chair. Not moving at all. I wasn't even sobbing anymore. I was just sitting there with my head in my hands. After Smith ran back I didn't know what to do. What were they doing with Delirious? It hurt him thats all I know. I finally got the nerve to go ask one of the nurses about Delirious. "Excuse me." "Yes." "May I see Jonathan Dennis?" The nurse looked down at her book. "Uh. No. Not at this moment." "Why?" "Well, they're sorta fixing him." "Sorta?" I snapped. "Look. You cannot go back there. Only doctor's can." "But he is in pain and I want to know whats happening to him." "I'm sorry sir but you can't." "Then when can I?" The nurse turned around to look at another one at a computer. She just shrugged. The nurse turned back around. "We don't know." "Can you at least give me a condition?" The nurse looked back into her book. "He is in a pretty bad condition. Lots of bleeding from chest. With a very deep wound in the chest. Oh, speaking of that, the police are here to ask you some questions about your friend." She said smiling. Fucking ho-bag. I walked over and sat back down. Actually I had to use the bathroom. I looked around and noticed a men's restroom. I quickly ran in and did my business. While I washed my hands I saw how I looked in the mirror. My eyes were starting to turn a pink. My cheeks were red. The bruise on my face was lightening up but it still hurt. I turned on the water and splashed some on my face. I quickly washed my hands. Grabbing some paper towels as I dried my hands. I quickly ran out of the bathroom. My stomach gurgled. For some reason I really didn't feel like eating, but I needed to. I walked around the waiting room to find a vending machine. I put in a dollar for a bag of Doritos. I put my hand in the grab the fallen bag. I started eating them as I walked back to the chair I was sitting in. As I was eating a woman came in with a police uniform on. She had a small conversation with the nurse I talked to. The nurse looked over at me and pointed. The officer nodded and walked my way. She sat down beside me. "Are you Evan?" I nodded. "Oh dear. I'm so sorry about your friend's condition." She said as she wrapped her arms around me giving me a warm hug. "Thank you. So far you are the only other person here who cares other than Doctor Smith." Her face saddened. "Aww. Thats a shame." She said frowning. "So Evan, I have a few questions for you about you and Jon's situation." "Okay." She pulled out a notepad and a pen. "What happened?" I explained to her about how I was kidnapped in Canada. How I was treated with those men and about the other girls still there. I told her how horrible it was. Then I told her how I was transported here and why. I told her how Delirious came and pretty much saved my life. I told her about Delirious and I's relationship and how we know each other. I told her about what happened to him at hooters. I told her about what happened to him after I fell asleep and the "boss" came to our house- I mean his. She scribbled down almost every time I spoke. Once she looked up at me I saw her cheeks puffy. She was crying. "Oh whats wrong?" I asked scooting over to her. "Its just sad how people get treated and the law can't stop it. We definitely need to stop that sex slave thing. And the things you and Jonathan have been through for only what? 15 hours? You two are really great for each other. You two need to stick together. It almost seems as you two are like a really cute couple." She said laughing. "I'm sorry. That might not be your roll." She said slightly punching me in the arm. "I don't even know that yet. But yet I seem to be falling for him." I said slowly looking over at the officer. "Awww." She said. I felt my face warm up. "But I don't know..." I stammered. She rubbed my shoulder. "Its okay. I didn't either at your age. But when you find the right one you'll know." She said smiling. "Oh man!" "What?" "I never introduced myself." She chuckled. I slightly laughed. Still not feeling good. "I'm Officer Amber. Or Amber James." "James?" "Yes. Also the last name of Malinda." She said holding up her hand. Showing a shinning gold ring. "Aww. Thats so sweet. How long?" I asked looking at the ring. "In a few weeks its our 3rd year anniversary!" She almost squealed. "Thats wonderful!" I said with an almost smile on my face. "And when she purposed it was so wonderful. And the ring is so sweet. It says 'My other side'." I couldn't help but "Awww. I hope you two are really happy." "We are. Yes people judged but we didn't care. And Evan, even though you're internet famous you and Jonathan can still ya know..." Amber winked at me. My face got hot again. She lightly laughed. "Oh, I better go. Here is my number because I really wanna help you and Jon through this. Okay?" "Okay." I said grabbing the slip of paper. "See ya." "Bye." I sat back into the chair. After I finished the bag of Doritos I felt pretty satisfied. Then I felt like something punched my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and into one of the stalls. Puking up everything I just ate. Since it was only chips. Some random liquid came out with the chips. After I was done I stood up and flushed the toilet wiping my face on my sleeve. I walked out of the stall with a hurting stomach. It felt too empty. Should I try eating something again? I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom once again. When I walked out I saw Doctor Smith walk out from behind the swinging doors. He saw me and gestured me to come to him. I walked over to him. He looked at me. "Okay Evan you can go see Jonathan now. But he hasn't woken up since the procedure. He is in good shape but he hasn't opened his eyes once we're stitched him back up." He gave me a sad look. "Evan, stay strong okay? And I wanna have a look see at your bruise here. Okay?" "Okay." I said. I walked back to room 5B. I took a deep breath. I imagine they took off Delirious's mask. So this'd be the first time I'd see his face. I slowly opened the door. Once I shut the door and turned around I felt like melting. In a good and bad way. There lie Delirious on the hospital bed pale as a ghost. I was able to see his face though. His short brown hair reaching the very top of his forehead. His wonderful blue eyes. Well eye. His other eye was still patched up. I noticed he had 3 different piercings on his right ear. I looked at his eyes again. He had huge bags under them. Then I saw he amazing jaw line. Very strong. I looked at his cheeks. Perfect for pecking. Then I saw his lips. Full and beautiful. But a very light shade of grey. Matching the rest of his face. They were perfect for smooching. I walked over to him. His chest rising and falling ever so slightly. I pulled up a small chair that looked like one of the chairs in the waiting room. I sat down. His right hand was over his stomach. As his left one was by his side. I grabbed his right hand. Feeling a shock when I did. A good shock. A nervous shock. I just stared and admired him. Why would he hide this? This is a master piece. While I was staring at him I heard the door knob turn. I turned around and saw Doctor Smith shutting the door. "Sorry." He whispered. "Okay. Can you hop up on this bed please." He asked while moving curtains back to show a whole different area that looked just like Delirious's. I got up and slowly let go of Delirious's hand.  I walked over to the bed that Smith told me to sit on. I hopped on. He grabbed my chin making me move all directions. He slightly pushed his hand against my cheek. "Does this hurt?" "Yes just a bit." "Now if I pushed on it more do you think it'll hurt even more?" I shrugged. "Go ahead." Smith pushed a bit harder on my cheek. "Ouch." I said in the surprise of pain flowing through my cheek. "Okay, so thats a small problem. Here Evan, I want you to lie down on this heating pad for a while and see if you feel better okay?" I nodded as Smith grabbed a pillow case looking thing that had a cord attached to it. He plugged it in and put it on the bed pillow. He hit the switch making it go a green color. "Now when it starts cooling and you wake up. The switch will blink red because it cools off when it is over heated." I nodded. "Okay." I said laying down. "And I'll wake you up if anything happens to Jon okay?" "Okay." I said sleepily. "Oh, Smith." "Yes?" "Do all the doctors the helped Delirious think we were meant for each other. Because even a police officer did." Smith just laughed. "Only if you knew Evan. Only if you knew. And why don't you call him by his real name? I mean you've met each other face to face now." He chuckled and asked. "Well, I don't know. Maybe I'm not used to it yet." Smith turned around and looked at me. "You better get used to it." He said winking at me. I felt my face get hot. "Why?" "Because its all of the doctor's orders." He said with a smug look on his face. I felt my face heat up even more. "So you guys do don't you?" "I don't know. Do we?" He asked. "It seems like it." "Okay then." He said smiling. "Now get your beauty sleep. Because I don't think Jon wants to see you all tired." I rolled my eyes. "Ey, I know love when I see it Evan." Then Smith walked out. "Wait. What?!" I slightly laughed. I laid back down getting one more glance at Delirious. I yawned a monstrous yawn and slowly felt my eye lids get heavier. "Goodnight Delirious..." I mumbled before falling asleep. 


No cliffhanger. xD At least I don't think. Anyhoo. I'll update soon. Stay EXTRAORDINARY mah bitches (●'ω`●)

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