Love & Basketball: Alessia an...

By lmfaobrit

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Alessia is a girl that love basketball. When one day a new boy comes and catches Alessia eye. Will she choose... More

Chapter 1: Intoduction
Chapter 2: Stephen
Chapter 3: The Big Game!
Chapter 4: The Stalker
Chapter 5: The Hospital
Chapter 7: Moving In
Chapter 8: The Big Reveal (Pt.1)
Chapter 9: The Big Reveal (Pt.2)

Chapter 6: Breaking Up?

76 1 0
By lmfaobrit

                            ~Bree's P.O.V~
Bree: Landon who's this girl on your phone?
Landon: What are you talking about?
Bree: This slut right here (pointing to the phone) Tori.
Landon: Its just some random girl off Instagram.
Bree: Uhhhmmmm
Landon: Hey I just saw it just like you.
Bree: Okay whatever.
Landon: Bree...Bree!!
Bree: (slams door and go down stairs)

Man I'm so mad right now! I just want to punch the wall! I hope Landon isn't cheating on me because if he is than he might not see tomorrow! Who does this Tori person thinks she is texting my man!

Landon: Bree listen to me.
Bree: I'm listening! (crosses arms)
Landon: Don't stress over this, she's just a random girl on Instagram who decided to dm (direct message) me. I get this all the time, its nothing new. Plus you probably get random guys messaging you.
Bree: First I know it nothing new and I know that there no need for her to message you. Since you wanna man up, tell her that you have a girlfriend.
Landon: Okay (texts Tori). Look I did it (points to phone)
Bree: If she text back tell me!
Landon: Okay I will.

                           ~Alessia's P.O.V~
Today was boring, there's nothing to do. Everyone is busy today so I'm stuck at home.

Jane: Hey honey, what you doing?
Alessia: Nothing just being bored.
Jane: Well we can go shopping or something.
Alessia: Yea that sounds good. I'm going to get ready.
Jane: Okay meet me at the car in 30 mins.
Alessia: Okay.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. I put on my pink hotline bling sweater, my light blue jeans, my pink Uggs, and had my hair down in curls. I walked to the car and my mom and I went to the mall.

                             ~At the Mall~
Jane: So... What store do you want to go in first.
Alessia: Ummmm... Victoria Secret.
Jane: Okay, I need something fancy for your father.
Alessia: Ewww mom! (Laughs)

It felt good just spending time with my mom. We just talked and laughed  all day, it was one of best days ever. Soon later we went home and chilled. My mom and I were just watching tv and eating dinner. Later that night I decided to call Ashely since I haven't talked to her in a while.

                 ~Phone Conversation~
Alessia: Hey, what's up?
Ashely: Oh nothing, just chillen.
Alessia: Oh okay.
Ashely: Have you seen what's happening on Instagram?
Alessia: No what happening!
Ashely: This random girl goes around messaging girls boyfriends trying to flirt with them.
Alessia: What a slut.
Ashely: I know right.
Alessia: Well I have to go, so talk to you later.
Ashely: Okay talk to you later.

                            ~Bree's P.O.V~
Landon: What did I do?
Landon: No I'm not, what are you talking about?
Bree: Tori sent me screenshots and everything! (Shows phone)
Landon: Bree clam down, I didn't text her. That isn't even my username, my username is MrLandonX not MrLandonX__ so that proves that I didn't text her.
Bree: You could've changed it. (wipes tears)
Landon: Bree please believe me!
Bree: I think it's best you went home now. (points to door)
Landon: Okay, but always remember I will always love you. (kisses Bree's forehead)

                               ~? P.O.V~
?: Hahahaha my plan is working. Soon Bree and Landon will break up, thanks to you Tori.
Tori: No problem boss.
?: Next is Ashely and I can't wait. Hahahah (evil laugh)

Who's Tori? Tori knows the mystery person? Bree and Landon breaking up? What's going to happen to Ashely? Wait to find out.

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