Finding Lou

By LaurelRogers

11.4K 303 183

Louis Tomlinson. You know him as the adorable, hilarious, cheeky and sweet heart throb of the boyband One Dir... More

Finding Lou


506 14 7
By LaurelRogers

I wasn't going to update today but I realized what the next chapter is and got excited! So this is almost a filler but at the same time very important to the story. Enjoy!


*Wednesday, September 9, 2009*

*One week later*

Eleanor's POV

Over the past week Louis and I have become pretty good friends. Although he still won't tell me why he always has bruises and such all over his body. He also refuses to tell me about his home life or let me visit his home. Honestly I'm a bit worried about him. I still haven't asked him about Hannah. I mean what do I say? "Hey Lou. Did you kill your ex-girlfriend?" I feel as though that with him it's a very touchy subject and that he'll tell me when he's ready and trusts me enough. He still follows me to Drama and is considered part of the class though he has yet to participate in any of the activities and still sits in the back. Right now I'm headed to Drama but I don't see him anywhere. Unfortunately we have no classes together apart from Drama. I've actually come to like Hall Cross Academy. But I always feel as though something is not right. I always see people picking on or hurting someone. I don't know if it's the same person or different everyday but I do know that I want nothing to do with it. I'm a shy person who avoids confrontation at all costs so I always just walk past it. I tried asking Louis about it one day but he just blanked out for a second then changed the subject.


I decided I should make my way over to class before I'm late. He'll show up eventually or maybe he's already there. I walked over some kids hurting someone as usual and made my way to the auditorium just as the bell rang. I saw that I was pretty much the only here apart from Sarah whom I sometimes talk with. I made my way over to her. Just as I sat down everyone ran in at the same time.


I looked around. Still no sign of Louis. Oh well.

"Okay students. I see that you all decided to come to class today. Let's start with some warm up exercises then I'll assign your project." Mr. Thomas announced making some groans escape.

So far in Drama all we've done is talk about the art of Drama, do some exercises in warm up, and act out old plays. So I'm actually kind glad to be getting a project.


After about fifteen minutes of the exercises Louis still wasn't here. I guess he decided to skip class? We finally finished the exercises then did a few lines from an old play. Just as we were finished up the back door opened and in walked Louis looking a mix of emotions including  stunned,  pained, angry, tired, weak, and hurt.  I motioned for him to join Sarah and I but as usual he sat in the back. As he walked to his chair I noticed that he was limping.  I hope he's okay. Maybe he just fell down the stairs?

"Well Mr. Tomlinson. Nice of you to join us." Mr. Thomas said causing a few whispers and snickers from the other students.

"S-sorry Sir...Won't happen a-again." Louis said in a weak voice from the back of the room.

"It better not." Mr. Thomas said nodding.

No punishment?! Lucky! Maybe since he never does anything in class anyways...

"Okay class so your project will be to, with a partner of your choice, write and preform an original song to the class."

Groans filled the room.

"It will be due in two weeks on September 23rd.  I want to see your vocal skills since we will be preforming a musical this year. Don't even ask what it is as it is to remain a secret until this project is finished. Any questions?"

For the next five minutes Mr. Thomas answered questions and explained the rules and such. He then told us to find our partners. Sarah apologized as she was taken by another one of her friends. So I have no partner.

Well this is awkward...

Should I ask Louis?

My question was soon answered by Mr. Thomas.

"Oh and Mr. Tomlinson. You will be participating in this project." He announced. More snickers, whispers, and giggles were heard.

Louis groaned a bit then replied quietly.


I guess I found my partner. I stood up and walked to the back.

"Hey Lou! Want to be partners?"


Louis' POV

"Hey Lou! Want to be partners?" Eleanor asked

I opened my eyes since they were closed and said

"Sure." very quietly since I was still in a lot of pain and feeling very weak. I'm actually really glad I have to do the project. I've been wanting to find a way to get back into Drama more...

Why am I so weak?

Let me explain why I was forty five minutes late for Drama class...


It was nearly time for Drama class so I grabbed my stuff that I needed out of my locker and began walking through the garden to avoid people. Luckily today, my  science teacher let us out fifteen minutes early since there was nothing to really do today. I'll meet Eleanor in Drama.

I actually enjoy watching Drama class. I don't do anything but it's still nice to watch. I almost feel at home there. Eleanor and I have become good friends. Though I have yet to tell her about my private home life. I will when I'm ready and trust her enough. I remember one day she questioned me about why there was always someone being beat up at this school. Luckily I changed the subject. What if she knew that someone was me? She might not speak to me anymore...

I began walking across the garden when suddenly I was tripped. I fell onto the grass ignoring the laughter. This happens everyday so I just groaned, grabbed my stuff, and started to stand when I was suddenly punched back down.

I looked up and saw Stanley staring at me with an evil smirk. I grabbed my face where he'd punched me and tried to fight back but was restrained by Lucas who held my arms behind my back. I tried to kick and scream my way out of this but my screams were soon muffled by a hand. Troy. Another of my former friends turned worst enemy. I bit his hand and he pulled away immediately yelping in pain. I smirked a bit.

"What do you want from me!?" I yelled

"Revenge." Stanley gave the same answer as always.

He then kicked my legs out from under me so I was on my knees. Yup he certainly has the upper hand here...

"Louis Tomlinson. Mr. Popular. Had it all. Now look at you. Louis Tomlinson. Murderer and liar. How's it feel on the bottom?"

I gave him a stern and determined look though I was absolutely terrified.

"What are you talking about?" I said through gritted teeth.

"You. You always got all the ladies. All the teachers loved you. You were  Mr. Popular. You had the prettiest girlfriend, all the friends, and I was left in the dust. I always lived in your shadow. When I finally got a pretty girlfriend. Got something that was yours. You took it away. You killed it!" Stanley said angrily.

I  gave him an angry look.

"First of all, She. Was. Not. Your. Girlfriend! She was mine! And second of all, I did not kill her! " I screamed earning a hard slap to the face.

People were beginning to gather around us.

"Aw Louis! Cut the shit! We all know you killed her! We all know she was my girlfriend! She broke up with you that night so you killed her! No on believes your story so give it up already!" Stanley yelled right in my face.

"I will not stop defending my girlfriend!" I yelled

"She wasn't yours!" Lucas screamed after Stanley slapped me again.

"She was up until that night. She broke up right before the truck came! So she was technically still mine apart from maybe thirty seconds! You just want someone to take your grief out on!" I yelled determined.

He just stared at me fuming then he calmed down and laughed a bit. I stared at him. Was he going mad?

"You know Louis. We could've have you arrested for murder but we didn't. You should appreciate and thank us." He said making everyone laugh.

"I didn't kill her!"

He ignored that and continued.

"I have one more year to make your life hell. To break you more than before. To hurt you more than before. One last year for revenge. I'm going to make you feel how I felt. You're going to be more lonely than before. You're not even going to be able to walk by the end of the year." He spit in my face words dripping with venom.

He then proceeded to kick me in the gut earning a loud and pained groan from me and laughter from everyone else.

He continued to kick and punch me all over my body and soon others joined. I couldn't even fight back. I was getting weaker by the second.  So many people kicked, punched, and slapped me while I lay defenseless on the dirty grass of the garden crying out in pain. I could feel the blood pouring from my body with each connection they made with my skin. And what made it worse someone I assume, my eye sight was blurry by this point, brought a knife. I started feeling something cold and sharp run across my skin. More blood. I then began coughing up blood.

Just. Lovely.

They were all yelling things that I was in far too much pain and too weak to understand.

Finally I could faintly hear the bell ring. I received one last hard blow to the head and then everything went in slow motion. I felt myself drifting further and further from reality while I saw everyone scatter away quickly. Well in my mind rather slowly. As they ran away I could faintly make out that they all gave me on more rude remark and kick. I just lay on the ground groaning in excruciating pain. More than usual. I was left alone. As usual. Just as my eyes were starting to close I noticed a blurry figure running at me. (though it was still in slow motion in my mind)

Then everything stopped completely.

Everything was silent.

Everything was still.

Then everything went black.


I woke up in the nurse's office. Nothing new there...

I groaned in pain and she turned around.

"Aw You're finally awake!" the nurse said with a soft smile.

"Yeah... W -what h-happened?" I questioned beginning to sit up but groaned in pain again.

She ran over and made me lay down again.

"You should lay down for a bit and hold this to your head." she instructed handing me an ice pack.

I did as told and sighed from the relief that the ice pack gave to my head. I then looked down to see that my pants and shirt had been removed and I was covered in bandages.

"S-so what... did ...happen?" I asked again.

she sighed then told me how she saw me getting beat up again and how by the time she got to me the bell had already rung and they had all dispersed. She arrived just as I blacked out. That's when I remembered it all. She came to me and brought me to her office where she removed my clothes and cleaned and bandaged me up.


"So how long... was I out t-this time?" I questioned with a small smile after she had finished her explanation.

You see the nurse is the only person who knows exactly what goes on with me and my old friends. The only one that believes me about the car crash. Well her and Mr. Thomas.  But I made her promise not to tell or call anyone. I'm too scared of being hurt more and I know they have dirt on me and it's true. They could put me in prison...

She argues with me about it every time but has agreed to it. Mr. Thomas hasn't seen it first hand except for the first day of grade 11 so  he can't really say anything.  The nurse is actually who brought me to the hospital all those times. She always helps me. For the most part.

"About forty minutes." she answered my previous question snapping me out of my memories.

I looked at the clock on her wall: 12:35. That should be about right. We got out of class at 11:40. The bell rings at 11:55 and that's when I blacked out.

"So what's the d-damage?" I questioned smiling a bit.

"Fairly bad concussion, major cuts from the knife, a large gash on your head, and a few bruised ribs are the main ones. But you're also covered in bruises and cuts and scrapes.

I laughed a bit.

"If I get any more concussions I'll have b-brain damage!" I joked.

She didn't joke. She gave me a stern look.

"Louis. That's very true and has already started to damage your brain."

I gave her a questioning look. Sure I've had a lot of concussions this past year but that many?

"Haven't you noticed your grades slipping and how you're always tired?" she continued.

She was right...

"S-so am I going back to... c-class?" I asked changing the subject.

She laughed a bit.

"It's up to you."

"I think I'll at least...I'll at lest... try." I said

"Okay. I'll give you a note. Just rest here for a few minutes."

Everything I said I've had to whisper because of all the pain. I can barely move. Maybe I shouldn't go back...

"All done!" she announced after five minutes.

She gave me the note then helped me get dressed in a new uniform that she had extra since mine was all bloody. Then she helped me out the door and I walked to Drama class. It completely wore me out. I'm so weak. So when I got into the auditorium I, as usual, sat in the back then I  just closed my eyes with my head against the back of the chair while I listened to Mr. Thomas' instructions on the new project.  Luckily she hadn't seen my cutting scars...


And that brings us to now. For the rest of class, which was only five minutes, I stayed in the same position with my eyes closed. Eleanor questioned me about my injuries but I told her I fell down the stairs. Let's just say she's pretty gullible...

Soon the bell rang signaling lunch. Eleanor got up to leave but I told her I'd join her. I have to give the note to Mr. Thomas. I rested in my chair until everyone left. While they were leaving I heard whispering and laughing at me but I didn't really care. It was going on the whole class.

I waited about another minute after they left then got ready to get up and bring the note down to him. But when I opened my eyes I saw he was already standing in front of me. I jumped a bit then yelped from the pain it caused. I didn't say anything. I just gave him the note. I don't know what it says but I assume it's something about Stanley knocking me out and being very badly hurt because after he read it he looked at me with great sympathy.

"How long has this been going on?" he questioned

"Since the of...grade...eleven." I'd begun stuttering again since the pain medicine she gave me had begun to wear off. Now I was weaker than ever.

"In my class?!"

I nodded.

He began to storm out of the room.

"W-Where are you...going?!" I yelled

He turned back to me.

"To tell the authorities and punish them!"

"No please don't!"

"Why not!?"

"Because that'll...just make it...worse."


"They'll tell the...cops that I killed...Hannah." I whispered 

"Then I'll tell the school! Someone needs to know!"

"Please don't! You and nurse... Campbell are the only...ones who believe me when...I...when I...say that it was a car...crash."

His face softened at this.

"Okay. But if I see it happen first hand I will call someone."

"Thank you." I whispered.

He began walking towards the door. When he reached the door he turned around and added.

"Oh and Mr. Tomlinson. It's good to see you back in Drama." then he left.

I smiled to myself and very carefully stood and grabbed my things. I then began a very painful walk to lunch where I sat with Eleanor and we talked about the project a bit.


By the time lunch was nearly over I was in excruciating pain.

"Louis are you okay?" Eleanor finally asked.

"Y-Yeah... I just lay down." I said

She helped me lay down on the bench in the garden.

"Do you need to go back to the nurse?" she questioned worried.

"N-No..."I groaned loudly in pain. "I...I'm f-fine." I groaned again.

"No you're not! We're going to the nurse!"

I groaned but agreed. I really did need to. I was going to actually. But I was going to hold out  until lunch was over then go alone...

She threw our rubbish away then helped me up and helped me to the nurse's office while everyone was laughing.

When we finally reached her office the bell rang. I turned to Eleanor.

"Go c-class." I said.

"What?! And leave you!?" She questioned surprised I'd let her leave.

"Y-yes...I'll be...fine. She'll just...give me...medicine..., I'll rest a-a bit and then go home."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I' on...Friday."

"What Friday? But today is Wednesday!"

" think I'll be...a-at school t...tomorrow?" I laughed

She laughed too. and the bell rang again.

"Okay. Get well soon and rest up!"  She said then ran down the hall to her class.

I'm glad I had that excuse. I don't want her to know about Hannah or how this happens everyday. I'm just worried about my sisters. I guess I'll get one of their friend's mum to drive them home. Again. I'll just stay at home tomorrow. I can't go to school anyways after today. I'll just rest and listen to my parents' lovely yelling while they don't even notice me in the house.

I was feeling extremely weak at this point after the long walk and all the talking and such over the past couple of hours. To make things worse just as I as about to knock on her office door I was tripped and fell to the ground. Hard.

They called me some name I didn't understand and walked away. Now I was in a lot of pain. Way more than before. To make matters even worse (yes it's possible) when I fell I hit the back of my head on the linoleum floor. Hard. I grabbed the door and somehow managed to stand. I held onto the door for support.  I then knocked  and after what seemed like hours but was really only a few seconds the door was opened.

I couldn't take it any longer. The weakness and pain just took over. When the door was opened I just fell face down at her feet causing even more pain to my ribs. I also hit my head on the ground again. She gasped and bent down to look in my eyes.

"Oh my gosh Louis!"

"I...I...c-can't...take*cough* any-anymore."

Then everything, for the second time today, went black.


Nurse Campbell's POV

I was sitting at my desk doing some paperwork when I heard some faint talking outside my door. I ignored it and continued. After another minute there was a thud which, I again, ignored. Another minute later there was a knock at my door. I groaned and quickly stood and went towards the door. I opened it and someone just fell at my feet. Louis Tomlinson. I gasped and bent down so I was at his level.

"Oh my gosh Louis!"

"I...I...c-can't...take*cough* any-anymore." He whispered then his eyes closed.

He looked almost worse than before. His head wound had reopened and he had another smaller one on the back of his head. He looked so weak and fragile. I checked his pulse. It was there but very weak. I carefully picked his limp body up and brought him to the doctor table I have in my office.

What do I do!? I would take him to hospital but I'm only authorized to do that if the patient is still unconscious three hours after school and that's only happened with Louis. Well also Stanley once from something Louis did but I called his mum to take him leaving out how it happened.    I've never had something this serious. Well I have. In fact it was Louis. But nothing this surprising. I thought he was doing better. I sighed looking at his mangled unmoving body. This kid's been through way too much. Those kids treat him so bad but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. He has a point with his worries but if this continues...

I've really come to love Louis. He comes in almost every day. He's so sweet. I wish he would start preforming again. He was so good! He was the reason I went to the shows though he didn't know the obviously. Before last year he'd only come in my office maybe two times and only for headache medicine. Things sure have changed... The worst days of my career are when I have to take the poor boy to hospital. I've had to do it about five times in the past year. One time he was in a week long coma. One of the worst weeks of my life. It's amazing the damage just a couple of boys can do. The sad thing is that they all used to be best mates. I remember it too. They were inseparable! And his home life is almost worse. I'm the only one he's even told a little bit about it. His poor sisters. He's been through too much...

After a couple more minutes of thinking and bandaging and re bandaging, I knew what I could do to make him  feel at least a bit better. He's going to kill me but it's all I can think of. The only thing is I have to leave my office to get the supplies. I don't want him waking up before then...I got it! I put a cloth with ether over his nose to ensure he stayed asleep. It's safe. I won't be gone long anyways. I grabbed my purse, shut and locked the door, then left to go to Tesco.


I bought the stuff then went back to the school. I went into my office. Luckily he was still out. He really is going to hate this...I carefully removed all of his clothes then set him carefully in the tub. Yes I have a tub in the bathroom of my office. I am a nurse. You never know! I sighed when I saw a few more bruises on his body. I cringed a bit when I saw his cutting scars. Yes I know about them. He doesn't know that I do though. But I'm a nurse! Of course I've noticed! I want to confront him on it but I never get the chance. I don't really want to either. I'm hoping that he'll quit on his own. It makes me really sad though. It's almost disappointing...

I opened the first bag and started pouring it on his battered and bruised body.

Louis' getting an ice bath.


Louis' POV

I groaned and opened my eyes. Then I screamed. I was freezing!

I turned my head slightly and saw the nurse starring and slightly smirking at me.

I then noticed that I was in a tub full of ice.

"W-what d-did" I questioned.

She laughed a bit.

"Well you passed out at my feet and I didn't know what to do so I put you in an ice bath to help you feel a bit better."

"Now that you m-mention it body does feel a... bit ...better..."



"I put a cloth with ether over your face and went to Tesco."

"How...long...was I o-out!?"

She sighed.

"About four hours."

I looked at the clock: 5:00.

"You stayed school with me!?"

"Of course."


she nodded.

I was then silent for a minute. The ice was uncomfortable and freezing but it did help. I then realized something else rather alarming.

"Y-you took all...all my c-clothes off!?" I nearly screamed.

She laughed then nodded.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

She noticed.

"Don't worry. it's legal." She laughed. I let out a light laugh as well.

"But seriously. You got hurt everywhere and I don't think you want to go home in wet boxers anyways do you?" she asked

I shook my head. She then gave me my clothes back all cleaned and folded.

"You w-washed them?!"

She nodded.


"So when do I go home?" I questioned after another minute.

"In about five minutes you can get out."

I nodded and lay back in the tub and just rested with my eyes shut.

After five more minutes she clapped her hands together and told me it was time. She helped me stand up keeping her gaze...up and handed me a towel helping me to a chair where I sat and tried to dry off and warm up. She went back into the bathroom and drained the tub. Most had melted by this time. She then came back, helped me dressed, and helped me out to her car. She then drove me home and against my protests came in and helped me to my room. Luckily my parents were at the bar. My sisters were all waiting in the living room for me so when we knocked Lottie answered the door. When I was in my room the nurse and my sisters helped me change into more comfortable clothes and get into bed. Once I was settled she told them what happened a bit and told them what to do and how to care for me if I needed it leaving some pain medicine. She then insisted that she make us dinner so they left me alone and went downstairs where they made dinner. They came up to my room to eat I think since when I woke from a little nap my sisters were all sitting in my room with empty plates and I had a full one on my bedside table. I'm not sure what the food was but it was amazing.

"Where'd... she... go?" I finally questioned regarding the nurse.

"She left saying she had to take care of her husband and children. She wishes you well." Felicity explained.

I nodded and finished my food. I'll thank her on Friday.

If it wasn't for her I don't know where I'd be.

Then I saw it was late so I kissed them goodnight and they left to go to bed wishing me well.

I then immediately fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


Well that was long...


I wrote this last night but my phone wouldn't publish it but luckily it still had part of it left so I retyped  it on the internet. But then I kept adding and adding and adding! I think this is one of my longest chapters ever. Maybe the longest. This was done over a two day period! Took me forever so I hope you like it! haha. Just kidding but seriously...


I'll update at least on Tuesday since this was so long!

Please tell me what you think!






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