Regona City: Tempest (BK3)

By voif1d

217K 14.5K 3.1K

Given the chance to return to Regona, Sahara takes it. Times, however, have changed. Lithium City has stumble... More

The Calm
The Return
A New City
A Fleeting Moment
Unwanted Reunion
Double Trouble
Just Like Old Days
A Moment Together
A Troubling Question
A Seed Planted
A Forced Hand
An Offer of Help
Decision Point
A City Awakes
A Phantom Intrudes
Gain and Loss
A Sacrifice Made
No Boundaries (final)
Author's Note


4K 420 107
By voif1d

Dust swirled across the bleak landscape. Not a rock or plant were in sight. The sun beat without mercy, as though wanting to make sure that no life returned to the outside. Yet, inside the bubble that surrounded Regona the temperature was pleasant.

On the edge of the city, by wheat fields, a processions stood in silence around a mound of dirt freshly dug up only to be thrown back in the hole it had previously created.

Standing around it, a small group gazed at the spot.

The twins were next to each other. Both wore suits and bowties. Sunglasses covered their eyes as they gazed down at the ground. Orion came next. He, too, wore a suit, minus the bowtie. His sunglasses were not as dark and so showed the somewhat intrigued look currently in his eyes. He cocked his head to the side as he stared at the pile of dirt, as though considering something.

Alegra was next to him. Her hair was neatly braided. She wore a fashionable black dress and a large floppy black sunhat on her head. Her sunglasses added to her look, making her stand out in the group and seeming more like an idol than anything. In front of her stood Naomi. She was dressed in the same fashion as Alegra, looking like a little twin. She sniffed, momentarily breaking the silence. In one hand she clutched a bouquet of colorful flowers while in the other was a delicate silk handkerchief. The latter was used to dramatically dab her dry eyes.

Beside them stood Noah. He leaned on a shovel. The dust on his white shirt gave away that he had been the one to dig. His tie was loosened and black jacket lay on the ground behind him where he had deposited to work. His hair, for once, was a normal brown. However, if one looked closely the streaks of green could be made out.

Next to him, looking utterly bewildered, was Paige. She was somewhat out of place in her casual jeans and shirt, giving the impression that perhaps she had not been informed of this event in a timely manner.

Then came none other than the leader of the Falcons. The gentle breeze tugged at her hair as she, too, was silent, eyes on the mound. Like the others she wore black, however, there were no sunglasses covering her eyes. She was chewing her bottom lip, as though keeping herself from saying something. When another sniffle came from Naomi, Sahara leaned into the person next to her.

With his arm snaked around her shoulder, Terrell stood close. Like Alegra, he stood out without trying. The suit he wore complemented his dark hair. Sunglasses covered his eyes but did little to hide the bored expression. A pocket bulged from which a carton of strawberry milk peeked out. A lollipop was stuck in his mouth. He reached in and pulled it out with a pop.

"I think..." he began.

All eyes turned to him.

"Shh," Reagan told him angrily.

Terrell sighed.

A solemn silence resumed and Naomi walked forward. She placed the flowers on the mound, letting out another sniff as she did so. Standing, she turned to the group.

"We should say something," came the announcement.

Noah's eyebrows rose.

"I'll do it." Reagan took a step forward as Naomi walked back to take her place by Alegra. The younger twin cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming today. It's much appreciated." He glanced at the mound of dirt. "I know he would appreciate it."

Naomi nodded in agreement, dabbing her eyes again.

"Perhaps we should take this moment to each say something about our favorite memory," Reagan continued. "I know that mine was when on a cold a dreary day..."

A snicker came from Noah, earning him a glare from Naomi.

"I can't take this anymore!" Terrell exclaimed. His arm disappeared from around Sahara and he pulled his tie loose. A button from his shirt came undone in the process.

"Terrell, would you please not selfishly..." Reagan began.

"It's a cat for goodness sakes. A cat!" Terrell glared. His tie went over his head and he bunched it up in a hand. The sunglasses were taken off and dropped to the ground. "I have better things to do." He turned to leave.

The twins exchanged glances before they sprang into action. They grabbed Terrell, one on each side before he could go.

"The service is not yet over," Reagan informed him as the twins turned Terrell back to the mound.

Naomi marched over. She stood, one hand went to her hip. "If this was your funeral Mo would have come!" she informed Terrell as she waved her handkerchief around.

"He's a cat!" Terrell repeated as he and the little girl exchanged glares.

"He was a Falcon!" Naomi argued.

"One that died bravely," Reagan agreed.

"You mean one that was squashed when you decided to crash land and demolish my house?" Terrell accused.

Alegra had jumped forward and clamped her hands over Naomi's ears. She was too late.

"You killed Mo!" Naomi turned to Reagan. "You killed Mo?" she repeated.

Sahara bit her lip, knowing that it was completely inappropriate to laugh at this moment. However, it was getting harder not to.

"Well, the secret is out." Orion let out a sigh. He removed his sunglasses, folded them, and put them in his pocket.

"Yes," Alegra glared at Terrell. "It is."

Terrell shrugged.

"Murderer!" Naomi pointed a demanding finger at Reagan.

"Hey, Arden was flying too," Reagan defended himself.

"Death!" The handkerchief was thrown into the air and Naomi sprang forward.

Letting out a high pitched scream, Reagan jumped behind Sahara, using her as a line of defense. When Naomi got around, he headed for his next target, Noah. All Noah did was raise the shovel and Reagan instantly changed directions to Orion.

"Well, this," Paige noted.

Terrell's bracelet buzzed. He glanced down only to groan. "Seriously? Can't they leave me alone?"

"Nope. The crew just loves you too much," Noah informed him.

"I only need Sahara's love!"

"What if she dumps you?"

Terrell's eyes narrowed. "Why would she do that?"

Noah shrugged. "You can be a douche..."

Sahara nodded in agreement.

"What?" Terrell asked, eyes wide.

"Ahhh!" Reagan ran by, Naomi in pursuit.

"Naomi, honey. If you really need to kill him, please do it in the field. It's easier to clean up!" Alegra called after her.

Orion walked over and took the shovel from Noah. "I'll start digging," he informed the princess who nodded.

"Hey!" Reagan protested.

"You will be missed." Arden informed him.

"You don't sound upset at all!"

Sahara giggled as she watched. A hand swung her around. She found herself staring at Terrell.

"You wouldn't dump me, would you?" His eyes searched hers.

Sahara's eyebrows rose. " depends..."

Terrell's face fell.

"Of course not," she quickly assured him.

A smile returned. "Good." Terrell tugged her closer. "Because that would be a real problem." He tipped her chin up. "See..." he leaned down, lips coming closer, "I think I've found my forever." His lips met hers.

Sahara's own lips pulled into a smile as she returned the kiss just as passionately as it was given. Me too, she thought. Me too.

"Ewe!" Naomi declared.

Sahara realized the Falcon's had all stopped to watch. She didn't care.

"Alright, I think that's the signal to leave." Arden grabbed his twin and pushed him toward the city. "Let's call it a day."

"Food!" Naomi squealed as she ran ahead.

"Guess it is time to eat." Alegra tipped her hat back somewhat. Paige hurried after the twins. Orion rested the shovel on his shoulders and followed. On the way he grabbed a hesitating Noah and pulled him along.

"Shall we?" Terrell asked as he pulled away.

Sahara nodded.

Terrell's bracelet buzzed again. He glanced down at it, scowled, and then hit the answer button.

A handsome face, similar to his own, popped up.

"Relly!" a delighted Rayne exclaimed. "You picked up!" The eyes caught sight of Sahara. "Ah. You're there too..."

Sahara responded with a smile and a wave.

"What do you want?" Terrell asked gruffly.

A pout was given in response. "Is that the way to talk to your own flesh and blood? The man who saved your life? You're dearest and closest friend in the city. The one who opened a path to a world beyond and let you be with the..." He eyed Sahara, "Person you insist you like."

"Love," Terrell corrected.

"Sure," Rayne drawled. "The point is, we have a lot of missed time to make up. All those brotherly bonding moments we missed out on and–"

"I'm hanging up."


Terrell's hand stopped inches from the off button. Ahead, the twins were poking each other while Naomi was running in circles and chanting the word food over and over again. Alegra looked like she couldn't care less as she tipped her head back and delicately shielded her already protected eyes from the sun

Rayne peered at Terrell, face serious. "Let's hang out some time, okay?"

A scowl.


Sahara jabbed her boyfriend in the ribs.

"Owe!" he rubbed the spot and turned to glare.

Raising her eyebrows, Sahara nodded at the hologram of the older brother. "Be nice," she mouthed.

"Fine," Terrell muttered.

A smile split across Rayne's face. "Relly!" he exclaimed. "I never thought I'd see the day when you actually–" His face disappeared as Terrell's hand slammed on the off button.

He grimaced. "Why do we have to be related?"

"I actually think he's quite nice." Sahara slipped her hand in his.

"You think everyone's nice." Terrell pulled her close and then snaked his hand around her shoulder. "I can't believe I said yes..." He groaned.

"It'll do you good to spend some time with your brother."

The two began to follow the other Falcon members who had paused to wait. They didn't made it very far when something caught Sahara's ears.


Her eyes narrowed and she shot a glance back at the mound. No, she shook her head. I'm hearing things...


Terrell froze. In front of him, the others had also come to a slow halt.

Looks were exchanged.

Arden scratched his head. "Was that...?"


Naomi was the first to act. She turned and sprinted for the mound. "Mo!" she screamed.

Arden punched his brother's shoulder. "You said he was dead!"

"He wasn't breathing!" Reagan defended himself.

The twins sprinted after Naomi.

"Bring the shovel!" Arden yelled.

Orion hurried toward the spot where Naomi and the twins had already began digging with their hands.

"Guess they could use help," Noah went to join them.

Alegra glanced down at her dress.

"They have enough people, right?" Paige asked uncertainly.

Alegra nodded in agreement, yet the two walked toward the mound anyway.

"I can't believe you buried him alive!" Arden yelled at his twin as they continued to dig.

"Murderer!" Naomi screamed.

"He looked dead!" Reagan repeated.

Terrell calmly pulled out the carton of strawberry milk. Sahara chuckled as she watched the scene and even Terrell grinned as he pulled her closer.

"Dig carefully or you might injure him!" Naomi warned.

"Just how deep is this thing?" Arden complained.

"But he was already..." Reagan froze in the middle of digging. "Zombie cat," he whispered. "Zombie cat!" he yelled.

Arden whacked him over the head.

"Mo!" Naomi called. "Hang on, we'll get you out."

"Is it just me or are they all insane?" Terrell whispered in Sahara's ear.

Her face split into a grin. "Aren't we all?"

Terrell didn't reply, eyes on the unfolding scene. A box was pulled out and pried open, a bewildered cat jumped free. Cheers erupted, followed by laughter from the group that was now covered in dirt.

"Idiot, every last one," Terrell declared fondly while he held Sahara in one arm and strawberry milk in the other.

"Yeah," Sahara agreed. She snuggled closer. "And I love every one of them."

"But not as much as me."

Sahara hesitated. Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Well..."

Terrell stiffened. "Wait...what?"

Ducking away from him, Sahara turned and playfully stuck out a tongue. Behind her, Naomi squealed as Orion smudged dirt on her cheek.

"Hey!" Terrell protested.

Laughing, the fifth Omega turned and sprinted to the rest of the Falcon's, Terrell in close pursuit. Laughter echoed across the field. A lone carton of strawberry milk remained behind, forgotten as the Falcons headed for the city. Suddenly, even the dust and the heat outside of the bubble didn't look as unforgiving anymore.

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