Even the Stars they Burn

By flawlesstwist

1.7K 38 12

Her job was to make them say, "This has been One Direction." And she succeeded but what happens when everyt... More

Even the Stars they Burn
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note.
Chapter 7 (after my long hiatus!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

59 1 0
By flawlesstwist

Chapter 12

The last concert…..

But first, WOOOOOHHHHHHH! I’m finally in Paris, France, I have dreamt of this day ever since I was young. Everything comes falling to perfect pieces except Ally and mom are not here with me. Would they be proud of me? Would they even like what I did?

I know that mom and Ally are probably disappointed in me. Why did I bring One Direction to the bottom and that sort of stuff. They would bug me about it if they were here. I truly miss them but I don’t think I can bare getting a sermon about this. We only have one life, why not make the most of it?

I got out of my room in our hotel suite and got out to see the view of the Eiffel Tower. This is beautiful. I’d love to freeze this moment and keep living in this moment. I wish we could do that to life. It would be simpler and easier.

“Enjoying the view?” Harry asked as he hugged me from behind and placed his chin on my shoulder blade.

“Yes,” I whispered, still mesmerized with the view in front of me.

“Do you wonder why our last concert is held at Paris?” he asked behind me.

“Harry, you’re not supposed to say that words. No. Why?” I asked him as I tried to look at his face which was still on my shoulder blade.

“You love Paris ever since and we thought that it’d be nice to dedicate our last concert to you,” he said with amusement.

“You didn’t have to,” I said with concern.

“But we wanted to. You made us happy. You made 3/5 fall for you. I guess it’s fair,” Harry mumbled as he leaned his forehead on my neck while still hugging me.


Who knew that last concerts would be the most emotional one? Their concert is almost over. They’re just having they’re speeches for the fans.

“Thank you for riding with us through this journey. It’s sad how we had to end but we love you guys,” Zayn spoke through the microphone, almost teary-eyed.

“If it weren’t for you guys, we wouldn’t be One Direction so thank you all so much for the support you have given us. It’s time to end One Direction,” Liam said sadly.

“I remember how we felt when we didn’t win The X Factor. This feeling was a lot worse. We will miss you guys. If it weren’t for all your support, we wouldn’t reach our dreams,” Harry said with a tear wanting to escape his eyes.

“I don’t what to say. I love you guys and we’ll always be One Direction in your hearts,” Niall said before breaking down into a sob.

“Thank you for all your massive support. It hurts to see that the five of us are heading in different ways but it will happen someday anyway. You will always be a big part of our life,” Louis said before hugging Niall and crying.

“This has been One Direction. Til next time,” they chorused. Now, even I am crying. What mess did I just create?

We all went backstage for the last party. It wasn’t really much of a party since each one of us is devastated with One Direction ending. It was too good to be true.

I entered the door and I never thought that there I’d say Ally and mom very much alive. They weren’t dead?

“Mom? Ally?” I questioned as soon as I realized.

“It is us my dear sister Steffy,” Ally said before patting my head.

“But I thought you were dead?” I asked. Confusion dawned upon me.

“Who said we were dead?” mom asked with an eyebrow raised.

“But then ….” I stuttered, realizing all the shit I just made.

“Are you happy now that you got One Direction disbanded?” Ally asked with hurt in her tone.

“You what?!” Louis asked with hurt in his tone.

“I can explain,” I breathed out.

“Explain,” mom ordered.

Then, I explained everything to them. They’ll hate me after this, no doubt in that. I know it was stupid and selfish but I made actions before I could even know about the truth. I was stupid.

Before I could even hear their feedbacks, I ran away. I ran away from everything. That’s what I always do. I’m too scared to face the problem so I act like I didn’t know it existed even if it would backfire at me in the end. I am so stupid.

I continued running away. I know that no one followed me since they all hated me now. I don’t know where I’m going. I just wanna die.

Who am I anyway? I lost myself when I believed that Ally and mom died. I lost myself when I made that decision. I killed Julia Nicole Montero and replaced her with this heartless Steffany Adams. How could’ve I been so blind? Why haven’t I realized it before?

Can I ever bring Julia back? Will I ever kill Steff?

I stopped running when I realized that there were two cross roads ahead of me. One is going to the forest and one is going to the city. I chose the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.

It did make the difference.

I continued running then it rained really hard all of a sudden. I couldn’t see clearly as of the moment. Then, the next thing I saw was lights of a truck and felt my whole body get thrown really hard far away as I crashed into the truck.

Even the stars they burn, some even fall to the earth.

I am once a star shining brightly up there. I was once a carefree child who knew nothing about this world. I was once the girl named Julia Nicole Montero. The girl who never took life seriously but I killed her. I killed that innocent little me. I killed myself and turned into this heartless girl that only now I’ve realized. I was so blind and shallow that I lost myself out there.

I made a big mess. I made girls suicide, depressed and unhappy from all over the world. I ruined a very good friendship. I made lots employees lose their jobs. I trusted the media even if I knew deep inside me that they are lying. I am such an evil person.

Is this how I’m supposed to feel with 3 million euros? Is it even worth it?

Now, Steffany Adams has to die too. She caused too much trouble. It’s time for her to go along with Julia.

Good bye, world.

This is the end of me. The end of everything.


So, how was it? I am sorry for not updating. I was busy with school stuff and dramas in life. Now, I finally have the time!

I am so disappointed to be announcing that this is indeed the last chapter of Even The Stars They Burn. Hence, that’s why I’ve put this under Short Story.

If I get votes and comments, I will write an epilogue that will satisfy you guys. Also, I will be posting my last words when I get the chance again.




I had to type it three times BECAUSE I REALLY WANNA WRITE THAT PART. x)

Stay beautiful~

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