Perfectly Flawed (re-writing)

By booklovertash

1.7M 41.7K 3.2K

#4 in General Fiction- Alex has not had the easiest life. After losing the love of his life he was forced to... More

Perfectly Flawed
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Bonus Chapter
Major changes

Chapter 4

22.7K 665 22
By booklovertash

Chapter 4

Friday was here and Alex was rushing to get everything ready for this afternoon. The restaurant was booked, he had someone to take care of Aiden, so all Alex really needed to do was get ready and be there on time.

"Alex you are acting like a teenager going out on their first date." Alex glared at Andria while she laughed.

"Will you shut it already? I need to make sure everything is ready for Aiden before I leave." Alex ran his fingers through his hair wondering why he even agreed to this. He knew how much work was involved whenever he went out which was hardly ever.

"Alex everything is going to be ok. Your brother can take care of Aiden, he has three kids of his own." Alex knew Andria was right, but that didn't stop his worry. What parent didn't worry when they left their child at home while they went out. It was very rarely that he left Aiden by himself, not since he was little and Alex was scared how he was going to react considering he would be out most of the night.

"I know that, but I haven't left Aiden alone since he was a baby and I am scared how he is going to act. Plus I will miss him." Andria sighed knowing that Alex was overreacting again, he always overreacted when it came to Aiden. She understood where he was coming from, but the man needed to learn to have some fun.

"Alex take a deep breath." Andria placed her hands on his shoulders. Alex took a few deep breathes and felt himself calming down again. Alex stepped away from Andria's hands closing his eyes rubbing his temples knowing that he needed to stop stressing himself out over nothing when everything was going to be perfectly fine.

"Everything will be fine." Alex opened his eyes and saw Andria nodding her head with a knowing look. Alex looked at the clock sitting behind her desk and saw that it was time to go home and get ready. Alex was lucky that today had been a slow day meaning he wasn't busy running around like a chicken with no head.

Luck was on Alex's side today as there was hardly any traffic home even in peak hour in Sydney. He got out his car to pick up Aiden smiling at how early he was today unlike most days where he was late.

Even the ladies at the day-care were surprised when they saw Alex Costa walk in almost 40 minutes early.

"You finished early." Amanda asked as Aiden ran up to his father.

"Yeah, there was no traffic today, plus I got out of work a little earlier." Alex said as he picked up his son.

"Daddy." Alex smiled brightly at his name. Every time he heard those words come from Aiden's lips it lifted and brightened his day that he felt like he was made of Gods light.

"How was school buddy?" Alex ruffled his hair as Aiden started chatting happily about his day. Alex grabbed all of Aiden's belongings before waving goodbye to the day-care ladies goodbye as he left to head back home.

When they both arrived at home Aiden ran inside while Alex grabbed all their stuff from the car. He walked inside to find Aiden already taking out all of his toys. With a sigh he unpacked Aiden's bag while starting on dinner.

"Daddy come play." Alex looked over at Aiden with a smile as he stirred the sauce for dinner.

"In a second Aiden. Let Daddy finish dinner then I can come and play." Alex couldn't help, but chuckle when Aiden huffed stomping his little foot into the floor before walking away. Alex finished cooking dinner and went to play with Aiden before he had to leave.

"Daddy watch." Aiden played with a plane while Alex was playing with the car. After playing with his son for a few hours Alex went upstairs to run an early bath for Aiden who was happily trailing behind him. When the bath was ready Alex undressed Aiden who was eager to jump into the bath that was full of bubbles. Alex sat on the toilet seat as he watched Aiden playing with his bath toys and couldn't help, but smile as he watched Aiden.

Looking into his son's eyes he couldn't help, but be reminded of his mother. They both shared the same blue eyes he would give anything to see them on her smiling face again. Alex wished that Aiden would grow up knowing his mother and it broke his heart knowing that Aiden may never get to experience the love that comes from a mother.

"Aiden you ready to get out?" Aiden looked at his father then back to the bath which was starting to get cold. He nodded his little head lifting up his arms to be taken out. Alex grabbed Aiden fluffy blue towel warping it around him as he carried Aiden to his room. Aiden stood in the middle of the room as his father collected his clothes for bed time.

"Come here Aiden." Alex sat on the bed and dressed him in his blue Thomas the tank engine pyjamas.

"Alright Aiden lets go downstairs." As they both walked downstairs the doorbell rang and Alex smiled with the fact that Damien came early so he could get ready.

"Uncle Dam." Aiden shouted trying to jump from Alex's arms into Damien's when they both answered the door. Damien chuckled at the hyper boy as he took him from his brother as he stepped into his house.

"Thanks for coming." Damien looked at his brother to see he hadn't even started to get ready.

"You better start getting ready Alex. Don't worry I got little man here." Damien tickled Aiden's stomach causing the child to erupt into giggles.

"Ok." Alex rushed upstairs to take a shower and get ready for this date he wasn't really looking forwards to. He had to admit Andria's friend was the perfect assistant for Philip. When he first saw the scrawny kid he had his doubts, but the moment he started working he could see why the kid was amazing.

After his shower Alex got dressed in black pants and a blue button down shirt. He rolled up his sleeves grabbing a jacket from his closet.

Damien was sitting on the lounge watching as Aiden played with his cars. Looking around the house he knew if his mother or sister were here they would go off their heads at the state the house was in. There wasn't dirty clothes or dishes around the place, but toys were scattered from one end of the house to the other and Damien wasn't sure he wanted to see what upstairs looked like.

Damien knew his brother was trying his best, but it still hurt to think about the fact that his younger brother doesn't know what the definition of fun is anymore. Everyone noticed a change in Alex after Aiden was born. He became more serious and more closed off to everyone else.

Within the first few months he didn't talk to anyone until we forced our way over here. Damien remembered when mum walked in and almost cried when she saw Alex sitting on the couch surrounded by clothes, bottles and nappies. With Aiden in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other. He remembered his mother taking Aiden while he took Alex into a nice cold shower. After that Alex became better, but still struggled during the first few months of Aiden's life especially when he had to go back to work.

"Damien, dinner has been cooked. Aiden hasn't had anything to eat yet so if you could give him dinner and a bottle of milk before he goes to bed." Damien looked at his younger brother who was coming down the stairs while putting on his watch.

"Alex come here you dag." Alex walked over to his brother who rolled down his sleeves while fixing up his hair.

"You need a haircut man." Alex rolled his eyes while his brother fixed him up like a mother hen.

"You're just as bad as mum." Alex took a step away from his brother before fixing up his hair the way he liked it.

"Alright so Aiden's bed time is around 7:30 normally he hasn't been going to bed so just put him in his room and close the door until he goes to sleep. Make sure he keep his door open once he has gone to sleep because he sometimes likes to get up during the night and jump into my bed." Damien smiled at his brother as Alex went off ticking his mental checklist of things he needed to tell his brother.

"Also make sure that he eats his dinner. If he doesn't want it I have some dinner from last night that you can heat up. The spare bedroom has been set up so you know where it is and help yourself to anything." Alex quickly went into the kitchen and made up Aiden's bottle before putting it back into the fridge.

"Ok if anything goes wrong just give me a ring. If Aiden doesn't want to go to bed just ring me and I will talk to him. That should be everything." Alex looked over at Aiden who was happily playing with his toys like usual, however that didn't stop him from stressing. Since the day Aiden had been born he had always been the one to put him to sleep every night and this will be the first time he hasn't been there to put Aiden to bed.

"Alex stop stressing, Aiden will be fine tonight." Alex let out a deep breath and Damien struggled to keep his laughter in at Alex's unneeded stress.

"You promise to ring if anything goes wrong." Damien put a hand on his younger brother.

"Yes, now go and have fun before you end up late." Alex went over to Aiden and crouched down to his level.

"Aiden daddy is going to go now. Now you be a good boy for Uncle Damien and when you wake I will be home." Alex kissed his little boy before standing up.

"Ok I am going to go." Alex walked towards the front door while Damien picked up Aiden. Before getting in his car Alex glanced one last time at Aiden.

"Alex leave before I drive you there myself." Alex nodded his head before getting into his car and driving away.

Alex got stuck in traffic on the way to the restaurant and he hoped that he wasn't late. He pulled up to the restaurant and gave his keys to the valet. He straightened up his shirt trying to calm his nerves down. He walked up to the door taking a deep breath before pushing it open.

"Hello and welcome to Chanute. Do you have a table booked?" Alex smiled at the women while looking around to see if his date was here.

"Yes, under Alex Costa." The women went through her reservation book until she came across his name.

"Are you waiting for anyone Mr Costa or would you like to go through?" Alex looked around and had no idea who he was looking for. He forgot to look up the women on Facebook before coming over so he at least knew who he was looking for.

"Has a women asked for a table with Costa yet." The women shook her head and he let out a deep breath.

"I will just wait here until my date comes." The women left Alex as he stood off to the side waiting for his date. After 5 minutes his date still hadn't arrived sighing Alex took a seat and watched as couples came in, but still no sign of his date. After half an hour Alex was about to leave and ring Andrea about this Susan not arriving when a women walked into the restaurant flustered and looked like a women on a mission.

"Excuse me miss you don't happen to be Susan do you?" The stunning women before him laughed and shook her head causing her blonde hair to swell around her.

"Nope, looks like we have both been stood up tonight." Alex chuckled and held out his hand.

"I'm Alex Costa." The women took his hand giving it a shake.

"Emilia Clark, yes like the actor from Game of Thrones." Alex laughed, his brother had told him about the show, but he hadn't had a chance to watch it yet.

"Well considering we have been both stood up this evening would you like to join me for dinner?" Alex asked and was surprised himself that he was for the first time in a long time seeking out fun.

"Sure why not, but let's go somewhere else. I heard they were playing live music in the pub just down the road you game." Alex didn't mind live music and he didn't mind where they went as long as there was food.

"You lead the way and I'll follow." Alex opened the door for Emilia and they both walked side by side down the road.

"So Alex tell me what do you do for a living." Emilia asked as they walked down the road to where the live music was playing. As they passed a street light Alex noted Emilia's green eyes that held many secrets and playful mischief.

"I work at Braxton's marketing firm. I work as a marketing director so I sell companies pitches that our production and creative teams come up with. I work with the CEO a lot so I guess I am one spot under him." Emilia nodded her head knowing he probably lived in a penthouse overlooking the harbour with erotic women coming in and out of his bedroom all the time with the way he looked.

"Well my job isn't as fancy as yours. I own a coffee shop with mum in north Sydney." The stopped outside the pub where a live band couldn't be heard playing on the inside.

"Shall we." Alex gestured as he held the door open. Emilia smiled as she stepped inside taking off her coat and finding a table where they both could sit at.

"It isn't fancy, but they have great music and good food." She stated knowing he was most likely used to lavish dinners out every night.

"This is fine, just because I make a lot of money doesn't mean I live like it." Emilia blushed and she looked at the menu at what to order.

"So let me know what you want and I'll go pay." Emilia nodded her head already knowing what she wanted, so she told Alex and he was surprised when she ordered a beer with her meal. Once Alex had left to go to the bar and order drinks and food Emilia leaned back and listened to the music wondering how the hell someone would be able to stand up the man she was dinning with tonight.

Alex came back with two beer and placed them on the table before siting down.

"Okay so 20 questions. How old are you?" Emilia asked as she sipped on her drink.

"24 you?" He replied.

"23." Emilia sat back thinking of a question to ask Alex.

"Do you have any siblings and you can't ask the same question back until next round." Alex nodded his head taking a sip of his drink as h band played in the background.

"I have an older sister and older brother. My brother has three children and my sister has two." Their food had arrived and Alex had ordered stake while Emilia ordered chicken.

"The baby of the family, bet you got spoiled." Alex laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Not spoiled, but I still get treated like the baby in the family. So question for you who was your date tonight?" Alex smiled as he cut into his steak. He noted the way Emilia took in everything around her and had this young glow to her that made him feel so much older than what he was.

"Some jackass my brother knew. Should have listened to him. I have bad taste when it comes to picking out men." Alex laughed and so did Emilia. They both finished up there food and the waiter bought them both more drink over as they went back and forth laughing and asking each other questions.

"Okay I have a question for you Mr Alex. You have any children or ex-wives." Emilia leaned forward and so did Alex.

"Yes I have a son he's 3 and a half." Alex pulled out his phone and realised this was the first time all night he had even thought about or looked at his phone. Emilia was surprised she was just joking around, but she still leaned forward and look at the adorable little boy smiling on his phone who looked so much like his father.

"He is adorable. If you don't mind me asking what happened to his mother." Alex sighed and took another sip of his beer.

"She passed away during child birth." Emilia reached across the table and Gave Alex's hand a squeeze and gave him a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." Alex waved his hand right as his phone rang and his brother' name lit up on the screen.

"Sorry I need to take this." Emilia waved her hand knowing it was probably something with his son.

"Hello is everything alright?" He asked and he could here Aiden giggling in the background.

"Hey Alex, we have a slight problem at home." Damien said as he rubbed his neck watching his cheeky nephew who was sitting on the couch with an innocent smile.

"What is the problem, do I need to leave?" Alex became worried wondering what the hell was going on at home this late at night.

"No, no everything is under control, but Aiden may or may not have gotten into the shaving cream that was in your room and your suits may or may not need a good dry cleaning." Alex groaned as he started going off at Damien in raid fast Spanish.

Emilia was watching as Aiden started speaking in rapid fire in what sounded like Spanish waving his spare arm around the place. She didn't understand Spanish, but she sure knew that Alex at some stage was swearing at whoever was on the other end. By the time Alex got off the phone he was ready to kill his brother for falling asleep for an hour leaving Aiden still wide awake.

"Sorry about that." Alex ran his fingers through his hair knowing he was going to have to deal with Aiden when he gets home.

"So what happened?" Emilia asked and she laughed when Alex told her the story.

"It's not funny." Alex said even though he did find it funny to some extent.

"It is hilarious Alex." Alex smiled as he watched Emilia laugh and her blonde hair swishing around her stunning face as she laughed not caring how loud she was. Once Emilia calmed down she took a sip of her drink trying to calm herself again.

"So was that Spanish you were speaking?" Emilia asked hoping he could speak it again because it sounded sexy as hell.

"Yeah both my parents are from South America so I grew up listening to them talk Spanish all the time." Emilia wished that her family had a cultural background unfortunately for her they were Australian.

"I wish I could speak another language." Alex smiled softly at Emilia as they both fell into silence for the first time since they had arrived.

"I could teach you a few words if you wanted?" Alex looked over at Emilia who was smiling. So Alex spent the next few hours drinking and teaching Emilia a few phrases as they laughed and both enjoyed themselves.

"So how about we meet up for coffee sometime this week?" Emilia looked over at Alex as they grabbed their jackets and they both got up to leave and it was late in the evening.

"I would like that." Alex gave Emilia his number while smiling to himself.

"I have to look at my schedule this week, but I will give you a call and we can arrange something. I had a great night." Even though Emilia had an amazing time she knew he couldn't be calling her back. She knew that she was just one of the many women to spend time in his company and she was glad because she had the best night in her life.

"Ok I will be waiting." They both bid each other farewell before going off in there different directions.

As Alex got into his car he realised he hadn't laughed that much since Aiden's mother Maria. When he arrived home it was well past one in the morning and he was surprised to see his brother still up waiting watching what looked like Doctor Who on tv.

"How was it?" Nosey bastard Alex thought as he put in car keys away.

"So Susan never showed up at the restaurant, but another women was there and her date seemed to have ditched her so we both went to the pub and listened to live music." Damien was hoping from more from his brother and sighed knowing he wouldn't be getting answers. He wasn't surprised when Alex sad his date didn't show up. Andria had a wonderful track record of setting Alex up on horrible dates just because she could.

"Was Aiden good for you?" Alex went into the fridge grabbing two beers before passing one to his brother even though he had already had a few throughout his evening.

"Yep aside from the shaving cream incident." Alex chuckled not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry.

"How bad are the suits?" Damien sighed taking a sip of his beer.

"Not too bad. They might need to go to the dry cleaners. Aiden said he wanted to be like daddy. It was everywhere. I had to change your bed sheets as well." Alex cringed not liking the fact that his brother was in his room. That's the one place he doesn't let anyone into, including his family.

"Thanks, but next time please don't go into my room." Damien nodded his head sipping on is beer.

"So you going out with her again?" Alex smiled while nodding his head.

"I told her I would ring her and we could meet up for coffee or something." Damien laughed almost spilling his beer all over the couch.

"Alex that is basically another way of saying I don't want to see you again." Alex shook his head while Damien laughed at how out of the dating game his brother is.

"Well I was being serious." Damien stopped laughing and pretended to wipe away fake tears.

"Well then she will get a shock when you give her a ring." Damien chucked finishing off the last of his drink.

"Keep laughing, ha, ha so funny Damien. Also are you going to mum's tomorrow? I promised her I would visit with Aiden."

"No, but I wouldn't mind coming over and seeing mum and dad." Both men sat in the lounge room talking before they both left for bed.

Alex entered his room and wasn't surprised when he saw Aiden curled up in a small ball on his bed with his teddy. Alex smiled as he changed slipping into bed with his sleeping son and crashed the moment his head hit the pillow.


So the changes are starting to be made. I am changing Emilia's story and the way she is making her act more her age so the fun version of Alex. So for my old readers watch out for the new chapters and my new readers just beware that some chapter ahead wont make sense due to these new changes, but enjoy.

I also changed the last Chapter a little so Andria doesn't know Emilia and set Alex up on another date with a women named Susan.  

So from chapter 4 onwards will be new changes to the story so keep and eye out for new chapters being added. 

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