Broken Pieces

By Discov3r

1.7M 41.2K 6.2K

Seth Woods is your typical 18 year old trying to make his Senior year of high school count. Seth is moody, po... More

Broken Pieces
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note
Chapter 31

Chapter 3

78K 1.5K 269
By Discov3r

It wasn't just me who made Lacey nervous, to be honest it seemed like everyone made her nervous. Whenever someone touched, or was close enough to touch Lacey, she would flinch and fidget more. They were small things to notice, but if you're a complete creeper like me, you'd be quick to catch on. It was weird though because it seemed like a reflex - to immediately flinch back.

Yes I've watched her all day, but I mean do you blame me? When you start to like someone, you want to be with them 24/7. Okay, yes its pretty freaky but ugh at this point I don't care. If Emilee saw me at this point, I would be screwed.

Screwed with embarrassment. Embarrassed that my younger sister probably caught me watching Lacey like a lost little puppy. Hard to believe I'm 18.

"Seth, I'm going over Shane's." Emilee pants as she runs to the car. I look over at Emilee as I open the divers side door to my car.

"Is Noah picking you up?" I ask as I scan over the parking lot.

Emilee shakes her head. "No, we're walking to his house. I'll be home after dinner."

"Be safe!" I holler as Emilee runs back over to Shane. I sigh when they hold hands, walking off with each other.

I find Shane a great kid, his parents are fun and cool as well, but the thought of my 15 year old sister dating? It annoys the crap out of me. Not to mention Shane's practically the only kid Emilee talks to. Besides the exception of my Parents friends kids we always hang out with. It's just Emilee's so innocent and sweet and not ready to date. Unlike me, Emilee has potential and a big future planned for her. I don't want- no need- her throwing it away over some boy. I guess I just worry about her.

"And where do you think you're going?" I turn around to look at my Mom.

"Playing basketball."

She sighs but waves me off. "Don't be out for too long, you have homework." I then wave her off and walk out the porch and into the backyard.

I remember when I was little and my Mom found out she was pregnant with Emilee, we moved out of the small apartment and to this bigger house. Ever since I was little my Dad is always building something in the backyard whether it be an ice hockey rink in the winter, the basketball court, a tree house, sand box, and just anything he could get his hands on. It's nice, I've always enjoyed spending my time outside with my family. I could say I'm more of a home bug.

Growing up Emilee and I were taught to be social and friendly kids. We'd always have a cookout with family friends and just hang out with people any day we were free. Even though I've been taught to be friendly, I'm not going to lie, I hate people. People piss me off and annoy me, besides my two friends and family but anyone from those people I can't stand.

But then there was Lacey. Most girls at my school are your typical sluts and miss know-it-all's. I guess that's what you get for living in such a small town where everyone is so clingy. So, maybe that's why I'm so attracted to Lacey. She's different. She's quiet, different, and mysterious. She's definitely something. I'm attracted to Lacey in the most unhealthiest way possible.

"Lily, stay close." I groan when the basketball hits me in the face as I was too busy staring at the wooden gate that barriers from my yard and Lacey's.

"Play twinkle, twinkle little star." I hear Lily's voice plead.

"How about Ever The Same?" Out of curiosity, I throw the basketball down on the grass, and walk over to the gate. I crease my eyebrows when I start to hear guitar strings. "We were drawn from the weeds, we were brave like soldiers." My eyes nearly fall out when I hear Lacey sing. I can't help myself as I quietly open the gate and lean on it, watching Lacey sing and play on the guitar for Lily while Lily dances around the backyard.

I was captivated by her angelic voice and especially by how relaxing she seemed, like nothing could be bothered. My fingers twitch when a piece of her long brunette hair falls in her eyes but Lacey just closes her eyes and keeps on singing and playing. My God is she perfect. Her long and boney fingers play one final cord before she opens her eyes and grins at Lily and then her gorgeous gray eyes meet mine. I give her a grin but she just stands up quickly.

"I didn't know you played." I say as I push off the gate and walk over to where she was standing. "Sorry for snooping around." I apologize. Lacey just looks up at me, my eyes trapped in her gray eyes that seemed to have specks of blue in them. They were gorgeous. I quickly shake my head and chuckle lightly. "You were amazing."

"Thank you." Lacey whispers as she looks down at the guitar in her hands.

"Hi!" Lily chirps beside me, I look down and smile at the little girl.

"Hi Lily." I greet.

Lily looks up at me and tilts her head to the side. "Do you want to dance with me?" She questions. I grin and pick her up, walking over to the little area Lily was dancing before. "Lacey! Play another song!" Lily demands, I chuckle and dance with her.

And it went on like that, Lacey singing and playing the guitar, and Lily and I dancing. I would tease Lily now and then and tickle her and she would giggle and tell me to stop. It was fun.

Lily is a sweet and carefree little 5 year old. She was adorable as well. Lily would say something rude to be funny but then immediately apologize; she was a good kid who believed in manners. Lily also mentioned that they lived in Mass before but they needed to move into a bigger house with their Dad. She never mentioned anything about her mother but I didn't question her any farther about it as we continued to dance.

"Seth! It's time to come in!" My Mom yells from my backyard.

I glance down at Lily. "And that is my cue." I gently put Lily down and high five her. "Bye, Lacey!" I call out as I walk over the gate, waving to Lacey.

"Bye." She mumbles as she gives me a small wave. I glance once more at the two before shutting the gate and walking into the house.

I glare at my mom as I watch her hop around the kitchen. "Why don't you just put on your leg?" I question.

"I'm too lazy."

Before I was even born my Mom got diagnosed with bone cancer of some sort and to stop the cancer from spreading, the doctors sadly had to cut off her leg from the knee cap and down so  now she wears a prosthetic leg. But her leg has never stopped her from being the best mom anyone could ask for.

Our family is different but that's what makes everything ten times better.


"You going to Pat's party tonight?" Keith asks as he lights his cigarette.

I shrug and lean against a tree, crossing my arms over my chest. "All depends if I'm up for it."

Ryan flicks his cigarette on the floor, stomping on it. "Damn, she's hot." He suddenly sighs. Keith and I follow his graze. Lacey.

Now Ryan's statement was definitely not a lie but it made my blood boil. I love Ryan but he's your typical man whore, always out partying and slamming any girl he could get his hands on. Ryan is a man who only cares about his feelings and his feelings only, doesn't care about the girls he's screwing as long as they get the job done. Ryan had his eyes set on Lacey.

Keith on the other hand was nothing like Ryan, he likes to have girlfriends and be faithful to them. Keith is in an two year relationship with his girlfriend, Shay. Keith can be your typical asshole but he means no harm. Not to mention he's the quieter one out of the group, sure he steals in the quick dirty jokes but he keeps to himself most of the time.

I've known these two since the first grade, we hung out at the basketball court and immediately clicked. So since then its been history.

"What? Is she your next victim?" Keith questions.

Ryan snorts. "Nah man, I tried talking to her the other day, not a word. I don't want to be screwing a girl who won't be screaming my name." I roll my eyes, typical Ryan, but I let out a small sigh of relief.

"So you're coming right?" Keith asks again.

I chuckle. "I don't know, man. If I'm up to the mood to party and get drunk then sure but if not then no." I answer.

Ryan punches my shoulder and I glare at him. "Stop being a bitch!" He yells as he walks over to Addie, his on and off again slut.

"Hey Seth." I look away from Ryan to Addie. She was wrapped in Keith's arms.

"Hey Shay." I greet with a smile. The bell suddenly rings and Keith drops his cigarette and steps on it.

"Hey man I'll meet you in science." Keith calls over his shoulder. I nod my head and push off the tree, hiking my backpack higher on my shoulder. I follow everyone else into the school, I quickly stop at my locker where I grab my books, and walk to the science wing.

I was your average B student, sure I may have some C's but I was pretty serious about my schoolwork. As for college, I really don't want to go because well I have no idea what to go for, even if this is my Senior year of high school. Nothing interests me to be honest and the only hobby I enjoy is sports and working at the car garage. I would apply for auto body repair at BU and BC but yet again I could care less about college.

I immediately smirk when I see the chair next to Lacey is empty, I take the seat, and Lacey looks over at me. I smile at her and she just gives me a small smile and faces towards the board. I linger my stare on her for a couple seconds longer than needed but I soon face forward. Ryan and Keith later come in and we make small talk while we wait for the teacher to come in.


I glare at Emilee.

"What?" She whines. "I'm just saying instead of following Lacey around like a little puppy, ask her out."

"You know it's not that easy." I grumble.

Emilee gives me a look. "I thought anything is easy for Seth Woods?"

"That's Ryan's logo." I correct.

Emilee rolls her eyes and passes me the basketball. "Still, why not grow a pair?"

"Hey! Watch it!" I exclaim as I shoot the basketball and it goes in with a 'swoosh'.

"I'm just saying, where's my cocky older brother?" She asks with an eyebrow up.

I roll my eyes and bounce the basketball to her. "Why are we even talking about this again?"

"Because I know you like her." She replies as she effortlessly throws the basketball in the hoop. I grab the bouncing basketball and do a quick lay-up.

"Whatever." I mumble, wanting to drop it.

Emilee sends me a smirk but then does a lay-up herself. "You're doing it again."

"What again?" I snap.

"Dropping the subject and being the moody ass you are."

Emilee is the biggest observer in the world and it's one thing that bothers me about her. She stays in the shadows and observes things that people really don't notice. She attacks it with you and takes you by surprise, it's rather annoying. Once she knows it she won't stop bothering you about it. I love my sister to death and all but seriously a man needs his privacy time to time but again with Emilee there is no privacy.

"Sorry, I don't want to talk about it." I grunt as I throw the basketball from the 3 point line.

"And why not?"

I roll my eyes and blow out air. "Emilee, drop it." I demand.

"I wouldn't go to Pat's party tonight!" Emilee yells over her shoulder as she starts walking towards the house.

"And why not?!"

"Wouldn't want to party with another girl, would ya?" Emilee says with a wink and then disappears into the house. I groan and chuck the basketball at the wooden gate.

Goddamn it, Emilee.

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