Bad Decisions - (Book 1) COMP...

By Emmalovesari

3.2K 274 11

Ariana Grande was living in Australia but then got found on youtube so she move to Los Angeles and met Roshon... More

The start of something new
This could be love
Ex boyfriends :(
In the studio
I still love you
I'm sorry
The kiss
Everyone's together again
Date night
where am I
I wanna go home
We miss you
Why are you here (Part 1)
Why are you here (Part 2)
Mysterious stranger
Finding out
What are you up to- Part 1
What are you up to - part 2
The reception
Noah Brooks
The surprise
Where's Noah
Back to normal
My Wedding Day
Its up
New story

What's up with Luke?

55 6 0
By Emmalovesari


The boys separately took each of us girls to a different place. Jai took me to a beach and it was really beautiful. He then took me up on a mountain after a little while and we watched over the ocean while we talked. "Babe I have something I wanna show you" he said before kissing my lips. "What is it" I asked. "Wait for it" he said smiling. Suddenly I saw fireworks going over to ocean and it was so beautiful. "Oh my god Jai did you plan this" I asked surprised. "You bet" he smirked. "There's just one last thing that I need to to though" he said as he grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes. "Babe you honestly mean the world to me, I was an idiot for cheating on you and after I lost you I didn't expect to get you back. I cried for weeks maybe even months because of how much I missed you. When I found out you moved to America I thought that was it and I would never get to see you again. But I manned up and chased after you because I didn't want to let you go, I just love you so much Ariana" he said which made me teary. He then pulled out a little box from his pocket and opened it where I saw a ring. "This is a promise ring and I would really love it if you could wear it for me" he said with the cutest smile. "Of course Jai, I would love to wear it" I replied. He put the ring on my finger and I hugged him very tightly. "I love you Ariana" he said. "I love you too"

When we had arrived back at my house, I ran upstairs and Jai followed behind chasing me. "Come here" he yelled. "No Jai please don't throw me in the pool" I yelled back. I ran into my room and in the closet. I heard Jai come in and he slowly walked around the room. I hope he doesn't find me. Just then the door opened, revealing him as he smirked, he picked me up and ran downstairs towards the back door. "Jai put me down please I'm sorry" I yelled. "Nope this is pay back for calling me ugly" he said. "I was joking your not ugly your hot" I said trying to change his mind. "Say I love Jai with all my heart and he is a sexy beast" I laughed. "Why" I replied. "Because if you don't your going in the water" I gulped. "Okay. I love Jai with all my heart and he is a sexy beast" he looked disappointed. Then before I knew it I was in the water. "Hey what was that for, I said it" I said crossing my arms. "You didn't say it loud enough" he chuckled. "Come on I'll help you out" he said reaching his arm for me to grab it, I held it tight and pulled him in. "Hey that's not nice" he said. "Oh I'm sorry" I said splashing him. Soon it became a splash fest then he grabbed me and pulled me close to him. He smiled and looked me in the eyes before kissing me.

Next morning

I was currently sitting down eating breakfast while all the others were still in bed. My mum came down about 20 minutes after I got up. "Good morning sweetie, your up early" she said as she walked over to the fridge. "Yeah I know, I couldn't sleep" I replied. "Oh okay, well what's th...)" she stopped and stared at the ring on my finger. "Oh my god are you engaged" she yelled. "No mum this is a promise ring" I said. "Oh honey that's so cute he must really love you" she said smiling. "Yeah, I really love him too" I replied. Just then I felt arms wrapped around me and turned to see Luke. "Good morning Luke" I said. "Good morning beautiful" he replied still holding me. "Are you okay" I asked. "Yeah I guess, your really warm and comfortable" he said snuggling into me. "Just don't let Jai catch you" I said hoping he wouldn't come down here.

2 days later

Luke has been acting really weird these last couple of days and I feel like he's flirting with me. That's probably because he is and it's so weird. He keeps asking me if I want anything and he cuddles up to me and gives me complements all the time. I think Jai has noticed as well because he keeps giving Luke dirty looks. I decided to go upstairs and get away from all this. I walked into my room where I found a note on my side of the bed. It said to Ariana on the front, so I opened it up and read it.

To Ariana.

I wanna take you somewhere tomorrow, please give the note back saying no if you don't want to but I really wanna know you a little better and I would really love if you could come with me. We leave at 11:30am just come to my room when your ready. Make sure to dress nice, not too fancy but not to casual

Love Luke xxx

Okay something is definitely up with that boy but I would love to go with him and see what he's up to. I walked back downstairs and saw him in the kitchen. I approached him and as soon as he saw me, he had a huge smile. I smiled back and I could tell he was a little nervous. "I got the note and I would love to come with you tomorrow" I said and he was so happy. He pulled me in for a hug which I accepted then pulled away about 10 seconds later. "Thank you so much I really wanna get to know you, your a really sweet girl and funny and of course beautiful" he blushed and so did I. "That's okay, I'm gonna go to bed now but I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled and walked back upstairs to my room.

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