A Little More Difficult (Hybr...

By Thegirlwhohasnofire_

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*COMPLETED* -All chapters edited- Harry and Louis, two boys with a hell of a lot more in store for them than... More

A Little More Difficult
Chapter One. (1.)
Chapter Two. (2.)
Chapter Three. (3.)
Chapter four. (4.)
Character Outline.
Chapter Five. (5.)
Chapter Six. (6.)
Chapter Seven. (7.)
Chapter Eight (8.)
Chapter Nine. (9.)
Chapter Ten. (10.)
Chapter Eleven. (11.)
Chapter Twelve. (12.)
Chapter Fourteen. (14.)
Chapter Fifteen. (15.) MATURE.
Chapter Sixteen. (16.)
Chapter Seventeen. (17.)
Chapter Eighteen. (18.)
Chapter Nineteen. (19.)
Chapter Twenty. (20.)
Chapter Twenty One. (21.)
Chapter Twenty Two. (22.)
Chapter Twenty Three. (23.)
Chapter Twenty Four. (24.)

Chapter Thirteen. (13.)

2.4K 111 29
By Thegirlwhohasnofire_

                        Harry's Point of View

          I stared as I watched Louis do the unthinkable. Little, innocent and small Louis did what I never thought he'd do.

           I stared with shock as Louis grabbed the collar of Sally's beige coat and pinned her against the wall. He looked at her, fire burning in his eyes. Canines extended in Sally's teeth as she shifted into demon form easily. Long and white, the new teeth gleamed as she let out a fierce growl. "Let go of me, foolish child." Her voice took a tone deeper, and her eyes were violently shaking, and I could see the shade of brown in human form, quickly turn to pitch black.

            I was too shocked as a soundless scream caught in my throat. I could do nothing but stare as I looked at Louis and Sally, feet away from me.

        "Never." Louis growled out. Is this the wrong time to find his voice sexy? As I stared at his mouth as the word came out, I was shocked to see cat like fangs extending, much like Sally's. "You worthless demon."

           How... what? My eyes bugged out as I tried to speak. Nothing came out as I opened my mouth to shout at him to back up. The shock of all the actions were playing through my mind as I tried to understand. I thought Louis was part cat, but if he has canines... No one can pin a demon, no one. Not even another demon has that strength. Not because Sally is a powerful one...

                My thought were cut off short by their voices once again. 

             "What did you say to me?" Sally was noticeably getting angrier than before, more than I've ever seen her. Stupid move... I thought. fuck. No one should challenge a demon, ever. It's automatically a fight, almost always, unless they are the kinder, tamer species of breeds, where they are nicer and MADE for human and gifted people contact...

            "I said," Louis was getting sassy, grabbing her jacket in a more strict and tight hold and banging her back against the wall so hard that her head bounced and cracked the wall, "Never, you worthless demon." The vemon in his voice was extensive, enough hatred to kill millions.

              Oh shit.

                             Louis' Point of View

          "I said," I was getting angrier and angrier by the second, the vemon in my voice dripping. "Never. you worthless demon."

            I could feel my canines extended, and I know for a fact my tail was going to change soon, along with my ears. I could feel the change in me happening. I took a more secure and tight hold onto Sally's leather jacket, and lifted her up a few centimeters from the ground, closer to my face. "I'll kill you before you ever touch him, you weak and stupid bitch." I know Harry didn't hear my words, and the action was too fast for him to see, but I knew she heard. I could see her demon form coming into place, er eyes shifting and changing colour, demon form arising, fangs elongating. I slammed her back against the wall so hard that her head hit it too, bouncing back and leaving a small hole in the wall, and a large crack. She let out a gasp of surprise. 

          I was too focused on fiercely glaring into her black as coal eyes to feel her longer than normal nails claw at my hands, attempting to get them off. Adrenaline pumped in my blood as I felt my heart through my hands. I knew at the time my canines were extended and my hair looked puffier, I could feel my tail poking out of my shirt, and it was as stiff as a rod, hair on end and straight at the sky. I was too infuriated to do much more than growl. I also new I was no longer my cat-hybrid form. I was worse. I was angry, I was furious.

         "I bet you think I don't know about you, you cunt bag. I know all about you. I know you're a demon, I've seen you with Harry before. You never knew, did you? I know all about your kind. You're supposedly a ruthless killer, strong and powerful. But you were a runt, weren't you? You weren't allowed in any wars against the angels, were you? Too weak, too spineless, so you got sent to be a teacher for the gifted. You didn't know that Harry would be it, but you knew they would be powerful and strong, more than you. So you tried to limit him, didn't you, you worthless bitch? You made him seem weak, less than you, and he didn't know he could kill you. You never taught him, so he doesn't know how to kill a demon." I whispered harshly. I knew Harry could hear. I looked at him out of my perpetual vision, the shock on his face mixed with confusion. Was this the wrong time, in my fury of anger, to think he looked utterly adorable. I turned back to Sally at the same moment, glaring at Sally again. "Luckily... I do. And I'll end you." I gave a slight smile. 

              "How did you know?" For once, Sally looked scared. In the corner of my eye, I could see Harry looked like he was in dis-belief. I could see why, not only was I angry, pissed... no, FURIOUS, but Sally, a demon, was scared. Demons don't get scared easily, at all, and if they are, they know a threat is present. 

                 "I just do." I answered in a growl. "I also know..." I whispered the rest, spitting the words. "you're scared of me. Good, you should be."

               Anger was swimming in her eyes. Next thing I knew, the smirk was wiped off my face as I was pushed backwards. I felt a weigh pressed against my stomach as my breath was cut short, hands locking around my throat. "Try and stop me from getting what I want, Tomlinson." Her smirk was wide as she made me loose my breath. It was my turn to claw at her hands and fingers, and managed to get a good grip on them, and pried them off. I felt all the weight suddenly leave my body as she got off and lifted me up by my ears. I felt a growl build up in her chest as she lifted me up. "I'm going to kill you after I kill him." There was a spark in her eyes, and I knew that Harry hadn't heard her words, but I certainly had. I saw her muscles tense up and seconds later, she jumped towards Harry. As she landed on him, he let out an "oomf" of surprise. I heard a scream of pain, a scream of pain from Harry... MY Harry, and that's when I lost it.

              A growl built up in my chest, and I could only see red. It tainted my vision as I could see Sally chocking him, whispering, "you should have listened to me, you are never going to amount up to anything, you useless Pyro bastard. I hope you die, and I hope I'm the one to kill you." Another scream emitted from Harry and cut off with a gurgle, and that's when I lost it. I growled, feeling the skin I once had turn to fur, course and tough. I felt all my bones crack as I let out a squeak. The pain didn't effect me, I was too angry. Right now, the kitten was letting out it's claws. The kitten was taking it's true form.

            A lion.

          And what do most Lions do when the one they love is in danger? They pounce and attack. And that's what I did.  I let out a fierce growl that shook the house, a rumble in my chest so fierce that even Sally turned around to look at me. I'm sure she was surprised to see a lion-form in the house. 

           I jumped on her, rolling around the carpeted floor, not even attempting to stop the fierce growls coming out of my mouth. My hands, which now were more like claws than anything, scrapped and dug into her body. I was seeing red, and I was at the point where I was done with trying not to hurt her in fear of what would happen. She wanted to hurt Harry. Hurt MY Harry. She wanted to hurt him, my baby, my Harry. Mine. The thought of that alone made red turn into fire and I felt the adrenaline pump more in my veins. I started going wild, thrashing and clawing, biting and punching, kicking and snarling, wanting nothing more than to kill her for trying to hurt my Harry. MY HARRY. 

               Her blood, black in demon form, slowly was turning red, meaning I was weakening her to the point where she was no longer able to produce energy to shift. The anger was in her eyes still, but she was bloody and bruised, almost in hysterics with the sight of my anger. AS SE SHOULD BE, I thought happily. There was something about this that made me smile, and call me masochistic and sadistic, but this made me feel better knowing I was weakening her. I kept going, but as her energy went down, so did my adrenaline. I clawed until I couldn't anymore. 

              And next thing I knew, there was no weight under me, nothing but air of where she used to be. As she left, so did any reminisce of her being her, including her blood. "She teleported out," I whispered, sighing loudly. I was relieved but at the same time, angrily. "Fucking coward."

                 As I turned to look at Harry, I felt my claws and canines retract and my ears turn back into one of a cat. My tail was already puffed back in from when I pounced, but I felt it once again turn into a cat again. Harry's face was one of confusion. There were also other emotions, like anger, fury, rage, confusion once more, concern, shock. But when our eyes met, all those angry emotions left, and all that was there was love, concern, shock, and confusion.

                 I took a step towards him, and I swear I saw him flinch. Something in his body shifted as a sort of attack mode came up around him, a barrier.... a barrier from me. And it kind of hurt. But I could see why... after what he saw me just do, I'd be that way too, but I can't say it didn't hurt.

                "Baby..." I lowered my voice, "Don't be scared of me. I love you so much, sweetheart. I promise. Come 'ere." I took another step and this time he didn't flinch, but walked up to me with open arms. 

               I didn't say anything, but just held him close. He was shorter than me, due to scrunching down a little, so I grabbed his cheeks and made him look at me. "I'll never hurt you."

                  He mumbled a noise of agreement and snugged into my chest deeper, his curly hair tickling my neck. "I'm guessing you want an explanation?" Once again, a mumble was made. "Yeah..."

                   "Well, uh, basically... I've always known that I wasn't JUST a cat hybrid, but I was more and... I figured out that when I get angry enough to kill, I will turn into a more advanced form.. a lion. And.. I've only ever gotten that angry once, now twice. I just... fuck, I don't... I saw her choking you and I left so helpless and I got so angry and I kept remembering how she--" He cut off my half-angry ramble with a kiss. 

                   "We'll think about it tomorrow, and I'll ask my questions, too, okay, lovely? It's okay. Right now, let's just watch a movie... Let's get our mind off of it, okay, sweetheart?" 

                  The nicknames and the fact that he was so calm about all of this, and accepted this about me so easily made my heart flutter. "I love you," I said as I led him to the couch.

                   "I love you more, baby, now let's watch that movie, 'eh?" Harry chuckled as I blushed and nodded gleefully. "Let's forget." I sighed out with a kiss to the lips from him. And so, we tried.

This was a twist! Believe it or not, this was almost the opposite or what I was originally going to do, but I was so lost in writing it that I forgot what I was planning to do, and wrote this.

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