People Change | Draco Malfoy...

By -Ambivalence

688K 18.7K 19.3K

He was falling for you. Now he understood why they called it 'falling' in love. Like falling off a broomstick... More

People Change
Author's Note
Christmas With The Malfoys

The Wedding

16.1K 522 172
By -Ambivalence

A/N: What's this? A new part? Well, this book recently hit 10K and I wanna celebrate! And a wedding is a perfect excuse.

I dedicate this to all of you, for reading People Change. The votes and coments always make me so happy! Thank you all so much!

I'd just like to add that my writing style has changed slightly and this isn't very good, but I hope you still like it.


The big day had finally arrived. Months of detailed planning and stress had been leading up to this very moment. Your wedding.
You were marrying Draco.

It was to take place at Hogwarts, in the Great Hall, of course. It had never even crossed your mind to have it anywhere else, the Great Hall just held so many special memories. And now it would hold another.


Hermione, your maid of honour, was desperately trying to calm you down. Not that you had any regrets, just a very bad case of nerves. What if you tripped? "Do you need a Calming Draught, Y/N." She asked, soothingly.

"No, no. I'll be fine." You assured her, as Ginny finished your hair. You looked in the mirror and smiled, as you saw how different your reflection was from what you were used to seeing.

"It's time to go." Luna told you, gesturing to your dad, who was standing by the door. Somehow, you managed to stand up and walk out of the door, without stumbling.

You entered the Great Hall, taking a deep breath. It was filled with the smiling familiar faces of yours and Draco's friends and family. All of their eyes were on you, as your dad walked you up the aisle, whilst you smiled and clutched a bouquet of red roses, like Draco had given you many years ago.

Molly, Narcissa, your mum and McGonagall all held tissues, wiping their eyes. Bill and Andromeda were sat with the children, who seemed awestruck, as you walked past them.

Ginny, Luna, Fleur, Hermione were behind you, wearing matching dresses of Gryffindor scarlet. The decor was deep red and emerald, to symbolise the unity of Slytherin and Gryffindor houses, the unity between you and Draco.


The way his face lit up, seeing you walk in, wearing a beautiful white dress. Nothing else mattered apart from the two of you in that moment and he was all you could focus on.

Ron, Neville, Harry and George stood with him, all grinning widely, wearing matching suits. George gave you a reassuring grin, which you returned, feeling much more confident, after seeing Draco. You were marrying the love of your life and that was enough to put you at ease.

The ceremony was also perfect. Kingsley married the two of you. You said your vows, as everyone listened in silence. You had tears of happiness running down your face. Then, Draco said his.

"Y/N, so long I have been waiting for this day. And it was all worth it, every single second. You are beautiful, caring, passionate, brave; a true Gryffindor. And most importantly, you are the love of my life." He said, his gaze not once leaving yours.

He placed the ring on your finger and multicoloured sparks began to fly. "You may now kiss the bride." Kingsley declared. Draco swept you off of your feet and kissed you, but as your husband this time, which made it feel a thousand times more magical. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." Kingsley announced, as everyone cheered.

"I love you, Malfoy." Draco whispered, still holding you close to him. "I love you too, Malfoy." You giggled.


The reception was full of fun. Everyone was eating, laughing and smiling. Wow, it was hard to think that five years ago many of these people, and you, had fought for the future of magic in this same room.

Eventually, it was time for your first dance. Draco pulled you onto the dance floor and led you, staring at you lovingly the whole time. He slowly spun you around and then the song sadly came to an end.

But it meant that now everyone else could join in! Seeing all of your friends and family so overjoyed was the best. You danced with little Victoire and Teddy, thinking about how amazing it all was that things had turned out this way.

Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, George, Neville and Luna all gave speechs, leaving you very emotional. Thank Godric that you had remembered to put a Water Resistant Charm in your makeup.

Then, you cut the cake with Draco, which was stunningly decorated by Molly. And it tasted great!


However, the most magical day of your life had to come to an end. And it did, so very late into the night. Or maybe it was the early hours of the morning. Either way, you had been savouring every moment, unlike Seamus Finnigan, who had drunk way too much Firewhiskey and had kissed Lavender Brown, who had squealed and blushed.

You and Draco apparated to your new, shared home and grabbed your suitcases, preparing for a spellbinding honeymoon.


A/N: Now, this really is the end of People Change. Unless I decide to do a Christmas one shot...

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