Trip To Oblivion (Jaeson/Mark...

By Coconut_Kid

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Mark was the stubborn snow that lingered on the sides of the sidewalk and Jaebum was the sun that slowly melt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

471 34 52
By Coconut_Kid

Note: All the text that's written like this -(.....)- means flashbacks of Mark and Jackson's past.Enjoy!


  In another life

I would make you stay 

So I don't have to say

You were the one that got away

The one that got away  

Maybe it's the sudden enormous guilt he feels or the constant nagging in the back of his head by that annoying voice known as your consciousness that Jackson actually wakes up next morning at the crack of dawn and makes the decision to walk five blocks down to the self defense club.(Or maybe it's just the lack of alcohol in his system,fucking up his train of thought).

Either way,he feels like a corpse walking down the street with his cap turned backwards to hide his greasy hair and his black shades secured over his drowsy eyes. There are,surprisingly,a lot of people around him and a few cars passing by(his head calendar says it's Monday and that explains a lot of things since,unlike him,some people actually go to work willingly),and he drags one foot slowly after another and curses the crack in the concrete when he trips on it.

The club opens at seven and he's not startled to hear voices coming from the inside when it's already eight o'clock in the morning.Yes,It took him half an hour to drag his lifeless body through five blocks and now he's questioning himself why he even bothered with it in the first place.

He walks in through double doors and the voices get louder with each step he takes.The first thing his tired eyes catch Is the group of kids,teenagers,and he vaguely remembers some of them when he actually used to stick around back in the day.For a moment,he goes back in time,and sees himself learning new moves and trying to perfect the old ones but before the memory gets out of hand,he shakes his head abruptly and runs his hands down his face.

''Excuse me,do you need something?''

Jackson looks up and raises his eyebrow at the man,slightly taller than him and slightly older,with a matching snapback over his head and a frown on his lips.Jackson smirks faintly,taking a few steps forward,because clearly,this is the new employee that Jinyoung has mentioned and he doesn't know who the hell Jackson is.

''Just came to check if everything's in order.''He pulls his hands out of his pocket to adjust his jacket and feels a bit of satisfaction when the employees eyebrows knit in confusion.His gaze lingers a bit longer on the two moles under the man's eyebrow and he bits the inside of his cheek subtly.

''I'm not following...who are you again?''His voice is deep,Jackson notes,and full of confusion as he tells the kids to continue their ministration of the 'underside take down'.It's the wrong technique, Jackson also notices,but he doesn't say anything as he turns his full attention to the male standing before him with that same expression on his face.

''I could ask you the same thing.''Jackson plays dense and fights the urge to grin because the way that stranger's mouth open and closes and then forms a tight line is just too priceless.

''I asked you first.''His voice is stern and annoyed so Jackson finally settles with a small chuckle and pulls his hand out for a handshake.

''Wang Jackson,current owner of this shit hole.''

Stranger's face goes from annoyed,to shocked in a matter of seconds and Jackson is really trying to keep his facial expression in check.This is more fun than he imagined it to be.A warm hand touches his cold one and Jackson is startled by the unfamiliar tingling that he feels in his nerve endings but shakes it off without much thought.

''I'm sorry,'' the dark haired male says in a rush,giving his hand a firm squeeze which Jackson returns with equal force,'' Im Jaebum,I'm new here.''He smiles and Jackson's smirk falls flat,the temperature in his body rising slowly.He quickly disconnects their hands ,running a hand through his hair when he raises his cap to adjust it.Jaebum laughs awkwardly,the sound of it buzzing in Jackson's ears suddenly so close and so clear that he has to take a step back.Luckily Jaebum fails to notice it.

''Holy shit,what an awesome way to meet your boss,right?''Jaebum asks with a goofy grin on his lips,his eyes crinkling at the corners and Jackson-Well Jackson has to look away because his head Is starting to throb intensely and his throat itches for something,anything,to make the situation more bearable.

''So,how long have you been working here?''Jaebum's question is light and Jackson swallows,very aware of the warmth on his palm and the drip of sweat that rolls down his neck.He takes of his jacket,dropping it over the bench.

He clears his throat before answering,''I helped my dad since I was sixteen,but legally began working when I turned eighteen,''He casts a look at the group of kids that are still doing the same sloppy technique and he itches to stop them and make it right.Plus, he really needs an excuse to stop the silly conversation from going in the wrong direction.

''Everybody,stop.''He shouts and the gym falls into a silence,all eyes fixed on him,including Jaebum's.

''You're teaching them wrong.''Jackson points out briefly and doesn't stick around to see that the annoyed look is back on Jaebum's face.He goes to the pair of kids that were the closest and pulls the boy by his arm to stand closer to him.

''First,your posture is totally wrong,''The boy stares at him,unsure of what to say or what to do,''You need to bend your knees more,see?''Jackson says,demonstrating the right position.''You,with glasses,come here.And take those off you'll brake them,fuck,don't you kids know nothing about safety?''The boy looks like he's about to shit in his pants for a moment but does as he is told non the less and comes towards the pair.

''Put your right hand on his shoulder and your left leg between his legs.You are the attacker,''Jackson explains and watches with sharp eyes as the boy does so.

''Good.Now you,''he addresses the other boy,''Take him by his elbow,and twist your right leg behind his left-yeah just like that,''Jackson nods approvingly and glances back at Jaebum who looks deep in though,his cheeks flushed lightly and tips of his ears also red.Jackson brings his attention back to the boys who look more then slightly uncomfortable in the given position.

''You,four eyes,are the victim.''The boy opens his mouth at the rude nickname but shakes his head and turns back to look at his opponent,deciding it's best to just let it slide.

''Use your upper body strength to push his body on the ground and twist his ankle with your foot,like this.''Jackson pushes the boy away halfheartedly so he can demonstrate and in one swift movement he has the other boy pinned to the ground with a painful groan escaping his lips.Other kids widen their eyes as the kid below lets another huff of air.

''I think that's enoug-''Jaebum tries to say but Jackson shuts him up with a sharp,piercing gaze.

''You got it,kid?''The boy nods,still slightly star struck,and Jackson's smile is a satisfied one,''Good.Now you try.''


He is about a foot out of the room when a voice shouts his name.It feels slightly weird,hearing his name being called with an unfamiliar tone of voice,but he turns around and just as he predicted,Jaebum is running towards him.

''Wow,seriously?''Jaebum says,only slightly out of breath,''You could've just stopped the first time I yelled out your name you know.''He straightens up,fixing his tank top and Jackson doesn't follow the curve of Jaebum's collarbone with his eyes.He doesn't.

''Well,where's the fun in that?''He smirks and puts his hands back in his jean pockets,titling his head up slightly,because Jaebum is taller for a few inches and Jackson,well,he's used to people being taller than him.

-(''What's up shorty.''Mark grins and ruffles Jackson's hair,placing a bag of Thai food on their kitchen table.Jackson slaps Mark's hand away and narrows his gaze.

''Fuck off Tuan,''He tries to run his fingers through his hair to put it back in its 'messy but not too messy of a hairstyle',because apparently,they don't own a fucking comb,''You're like two inches taller than me,big deal.''Mark chuckles,placing the steaming food on the table,pushing away the containers that are probably going to stay there forgotten until Jackson's mom comes around and scolds them both for making a pig sty out of their house.

''Are you getting annoyed?''He pokes Jackson's face with a chopstick before he digs them into bean paste noodles.Jackson feels the tips of his ears grow hot because he hates,absolutely hates,when someone picks on him cause of his height.It doesn't matter that the person is Mark and that he loves him.

''I hate you.''He mumbles,but his voice is weak and he stuffs his mouth with egg rolls before he can say anything else.Mark looks at him quizzically and drops the chopsticks in the plate.He pulls his chair closer to Jackson's,their knees touching under the table,their hands brushing and Jackson wants to pull away or tell him to go away,but he can't.Not when Mark lowers his head and plants a small kiss on the corner of his lips.

''I'm sorry.''Mark whispers,close to Jackson's ear,but more into his messy hair ,placing a kiss there as well.Jackson makes a mistake of looking into those dark eyes that hold genuine repentance and he knows that he won't be able to stay mad for long.Not that he wanted to anyway.

He nods his head curtly,patting Mark's cheek affectionately before kissing him on the lips softly,''I know you are.''

Mark smiles and Jackson feels a pang of guilt because Mark's obviously tired and there are dark circles under his eyes and Jackson is probably acting like a spoiled brat.He shakes of the negative feelings and pulls Mark in for another kiss by the back of his neck,this time more open,more lustful,more desperate.

He sighs against the older male's lips when their tongues meet halfway,but he pulls away seconds later,small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

''You taste like noodles and my rolls are getting cold.''Jackson says and Mark only chuckle,taking his chopsticks again,because Mark knows how much Jackson hates his food cold.)-

Jackson fixes his gaze at the male before him and begs his mind to focus and get out of the past.The past that was once so perfect and promising,but now it's just what it is.Past.

''Anything you wanted,or you just like running after your bosses.''He tries to make a joke but it feels unnatural and weird and he suddenly wishes that he brought a small bottle of soju with himself to wash out the bitter taste from his mouth.You know,fighting fire with fire.

Jaebum's stare is blank for a moment and Jackson seriously thinks about turning around and walking away when a flash of realization hits Jaebum.

''Oh yeah,I was wondering if you'd like to go out and have a coffee with me?''He says and despite his efforts to sound confident  he still ends up looking rather nervous that Jackson almost feels sorry for him.Almost.

He arches one of his eyebrows and gives a flustered male pointed look.

''You don't have to of course.''Jaebum waves his hands quickly in defense,''But I thought that you could like,I don't know,teach me some more about that technique since I obviously lack some skill.''

''Yeah,you lack a lot.''Jackson repeats like a parrot because he doesn't know what else to say.It's been a long time( almost a year),since he went on a date.He wants to slap himself over and over mentally because this isn't meant to be a date but more like a boss and employee going to coffee to discuss the employees lack of skill.Right?Right.

Jaebum waits for him to say something but he's obviously anxious,judging by the way he fiddles with the loose thread of his thank top.

''I can't decide if this silence is a good silence or a bad silence.''Jaebum says with a warm smile breaking onto his lips and Jackson just stares for a moment,dumbfounded,because he didn't know that a person's teeth could be that white.He snaps out of his daze quickly and coughs awkwardly,his throat still aching.

''It's an okay silence,''Jackson fights the sudden urge to smile,because Jaebum's smiles are strangely contagious.''Lead the way.''


The coffee shop is too hot for his liking and smells to much like artificial coffee flavor(too much sugar,almost no coffee).Jaebum squirms in his seat and thanks the teenage male who brings their orders with a smile and an overly cheerful 'Enjoy your drinks!'.Jackson stares down at the pale brown liquid and wonders how the hell does someone call this a coffee.

''It's tasty,''Jaebum smacks his lips together and his tongue pokes out to lick the white foam at the corner of his mouth.(And once again,Jackson doesn't follow the motion with his eyes)

''Is your any good?''He asks Jackson who quickly adverts his gaze back to the creamy liquid and for a strange reason he actually nods and lies.

''Yeah,it's good.''

''You didn't taste it yet.''Jaebum points out.

Well shit,Jackson thinks.

''I've had it before.''Another lie slips past his lips and Jaebum believes him easily,nodding his head with a smile.Jackson notes that the new employee sure likes to smile a lot.

Awkward silence lingers in the air between them heavily and Jackson wants to become one with the chair he's sitting on.He can handle almost everything-Jinyoung's nagging,Youngjae puking over his shoes,his mother's scolding,but awkward silence,with that he can't deal.

''Um,thank you for stepping in today.I guess.''Jaebum slurps his drink,and Jackson is dumbfounded,because Jaebum is almost finished with the coffee when he hadn't even taken a sip of it.

''No biggie.''

The awkwardness is back again and it's crawling against Jackson's skin like a colony of ants that he just wants to shake off but isn't able to.He looks up at Jaebum from under his thick lashes to see the other male licking the end of his straw ungracefully,his dark eyes jumping to every corner of the room.For a moment,Jackson wonders if Jaebum may be high.

''Would you mind,like,showing me some more moves?''Jaebum asks as he pays for both of their drinks even though Jackson's stayed untouched on the table.Jackson is a penny away from saying something along the lines of 'Hell no,I'm not your private sensei or some shit',but then he sees that slightly lost look in Jaebum's eyes and-

''Yeah,why not.''He coughs again because his voice brakes on the last syllable and Jaebum grins so wide,Jackson feels his face might brake.

''Awesome,thank you.''

Jackson doesn't bother replying.

They step outside and the sun is shining so brightly,Jackson feels his eyes sting.He places his sunglasses over them again(because he isn't that douchebag with sunglasses indoors),and rubs his temples subtly.

They walk side by side and Jackson wants to ask Jaebum where he lives but bites the inside of his cheek instead;He doesn't want to know that.

''You don't really like coffee,do you?''Jaebum asks out of the blue,peering down at the male beside him and Jackson shakes his head,accelerating his pace.Jaebum chuckles and catches up to Jackson  again and Jackson doesn't look at his blinding grin secretly one more time.He doesn't.


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