Chapter 4

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''The key is in legs,''Jackson says about a week later when Jaebum and him are left alone in the self defense club after the evening practice.Jackson hoped that the taller male would eventually drop the idea of 'tutoring',but to his dismay Jaebum only kept pressing the matter further.It had gotten to the point where Jaebum wouldn't say 'Hello' when he greeted him,but 'Hey,can you teach me more moves?'-and Jackson was starting to get irritated.

It became obvious that he won't be able to avoid the dark haired male forever and he decided that confronting the problem would be his best solution.That's why they are here now,a foot distance between them,barefeet and slightly sweaty from the warm up.

Jaebum nods his head curtly,waiting for further instructions.

''You need to bend your legs,like this,''Jackson demonstrates and Jaebum mimics his movements like a mirror,''Your dominant arm,in my case my right arm,comes up over your shoulder,'' and he does the exact thing he tells,only this time Jaebum doesn't move.Jackson continues.

''My left hand comes around your waist like this...''Jackson trails off when he places his hand on Jaebum's hip,which brings them into a slightly uncomfortable position(at least for Jackson).He swallows thickly,trying to focus on the lecture rather than the soft cotton of Jaebum's black tank top and the heat of Jaebum's body radiating onto his palm.He flickers his eyes to Jaebum's and he regrets his action when a pair of soft,dark eyes meet his own.

For a moment he just stops and forgets.

Forgets that they are still in a public building and that someone could enter anytime,forgets that Jaebum is a worker and he is the boss,forgets that he didn't have physical contact with another male this intimately for almost a year and he almost forgets about a mess of red hair and cheerful smile and instead focuses on two moles and strands of black hair that fall into Jaebum's eye.

It may be his mind playing nasty tricks on him,but Jackson thinks that Jaebum actually leans in,his lips parted,his eyes narrowed and dark.So,so dark.

Jackson swallows again,his Adam's apple bobbing and his throat burns out of habit to be filled with something bitter,something strong.Something that'll make him forget everything,completely.

''And then what?''Jaebum asks,his voice low and disastrous,sending an unwanted shiver down Jackson's spine.It's an opening,Jackson knows it well-he can take it,if he wants it (and maybe he really does want to lean in and have a small taste of the forbidden fruit but he doesn't.He can't.At least not when there's still a picture of a smilling Mark craved deep into his memory).

That particular realization hits him hard,like a punch in the gut,and he locks his ankle tightly behind Jaebum,flipping the older male over,onto the ground, caging the lean,masculine body with his own.

Jaebum lets out a small groan that shakes Jackson to the core and looks up at his attacker through his thick black fringe.There's a mix of confusion and embarrassment in Jaebum's black orbs and Jackson looks away for a second,taking a deep breath and only hopes that Jaebum can't feel his hands trembling.

The new position isn't anything less intimate,with Jackson's knee between Jaebum's legs,his weight pushing Jaebum further into the laminated floor and his hands,one on the side of Jaebum's head and the other one on Jaebum's solid torso.

He clears his throat slowly,''Did you get that,or do I need to repeat it?''He asks,voice a little bit colder,a little bit emotionless and hopes with his whole heart that he doesn't have to go through this thing again.

Jaebum blinks once,and then he blinks again like he is trying to bring himself back in reality.He shakes his head frantically,eyes slightly wider than they used to be,''N-No.''He stutters and Jackson fights the sudden urge to run his fingers through Jaebum's hair because,damn,it looks really soft and shiny from his point of view.

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