One Direction's Assistant

By BluePie

21.6K 172 146

*Harry fic* Cassie got the job of a lifetime - working with the groups on the X Factor. The ones who favoured... More

Chapter 1 - Thinking Back
Chapter 2 - How They Met
Chapter 3 - ...Mistake
Chapter 5 - The Song
Chapter 6 - The Devil In A Red Cap
Chapter 7 - Too Much To Take
Chapter 8 - The Letter
Chapter 9 - No Escaping Them
Chapter 10 - Surprise
Chapter 11 - Home

Chapter 4 - Visitors

1.7K 12 9
By BluePie

A normal day in the One Direction (& Cassie) house isn’t complete without a large mess in the kitchen, just from breakfast, the television blazing without anybody watching it and, as previewed earlier, the lads hitting each other with pillows. Oh, and on a good day you might get a glimpse of half-naked Harry.

There’s never even an “Oops I forgot!” from Harry, he just wanders in wearing only his underwear and nobody says a thing! I remember after a few weeks in the X Factor house I became prepared for a sight such as, and would firstly ask wether or not Harry has dressed or not. Someone would have to yell at him, “Harry put some pants on!”

Anyway, as it was a normal Saturday in our house, Harry was wearing nothing but his boxer shorts.

“Harry you’d better get dressed soon, the girls are coming round later,” I had told him over breakfast – by which I mean whilst we were eating coco pops in the living room.

Two hours later, though, and Harry is still wearing just his underpants.

The other boys were already washed and dressed and everything. Zayn and Liam are off out shopping later and Louis is waiting to go out with his girlfriend, Gwen.

“Really, Harry, what will people think?” I said when I found him lying on the beanbags watching Homes Under The Hammer. He only laughed at me, without looking up; so I threw a large couch cushion his way.

At that second the doorbell rang and I jumped.

“Oh God! Harry!” I snarled, “GO GET DRESSED,” I say as I push him up the stairs. I make sure he’s out of view before opening the front door.

“Surprise!” says, to my surprise, the bequiffed Aiden Grimshaw, standing on the doorstep with his amazing smile and signature scarf.

“Wow! Hey, Aiden!” I squeal and fling my arms around him. Within seconds of being in the house Louis, who had come running down the stairs with only one shoe on after hearing his voice, attacks him. Zayn, Liam and Niall are not far behind. Niall still had his guitar strung over his back and half of Liam’s hair is still unbrushed.

Harry also wanders back down the stairs, shouting joyously “Hey, It’s Aiden! What you doing here?”

And Harry is still in just his underpants.

Aiden doesn’t even look concerned about Harry’s appearance and replies with his cheeky grin, “Just wanted to visit my good friends…and Cassie” he adds a cute pout after that remark and I can’t help but smile.

“Hey, you can come shopping with us, later!” Zayn suggests a few minutes later when we’re all (minus Harry, who I had forced upstairs for a second time) sat in the lounge.

“Yeah, yeah, that’d be great! Need a new cardigan, methinks.”

The doorbell rings unexpectedly, and it is at that moment I remember the girls. I jump up from the couch, climb over the back of if and open the door, arms wide to greet them.

Olivia and Sofia didn’t much mind me leaving our apartment. It was rather cramped, and I suppose they’d prefer it now without a seventeen-year-old living with two twenty-year-olds. I’d just needed a place to stay last year and my aunt practically forced Sofia to let me move in.

Though it was great living with them. We were like best friends, despite the age gap and Sofia being my cousin. But after I got the job on X Factor the girls didn’t know what to think. Would I move out? Would I leave them to pay rent all by themselves?

I didn’t. Our apartment wasn’t far from the studios so I didn’t need to rent a new place. I continued to live there and come back home late every Saturday and Sunday night with fresh backstage gossip to satisfy their X Factor obsessions.

One person in particular that Sofia had become truly obsessed with was sat in the same room in which she was now stood.

Aiden Grimshaw.

I’m sure that the first thing she saw when she walked through the door was that quiff. However, instead of breaking down and having some sort of fit she calmly announces to the room, “Hi, guys,” and then runs past them and into the kitchen. Olivia and I follow.

We find her stood by the sink, drowning herself with glasses of water,

“You could’ve told me he was here!” she hisses between breaths.

“I didn’t know myself!” I argue back.

“But this is great!” Olivia interrupts. Sofia and I just stare at her. “Well…it is! Sofia’s been waiting for a chance like this for ages!” which is actually true.

I had tried to get her a tour of backstage one night, but failed miserably and she was devastated. Furthermore, that was the night where Aiden was voted off, so she had lost her chance entirely.

 “Yeah! Go for it!” I say to Sofia who is slowly melting as Aiden’s laugh rings around the house.

“NO!” she hisses again, and Olivia and I end up having to push her through the door and practically throw her onto the couch next to him.

“Sorry about that, guys,” I say to the room as I fall into a beanbag beside Niall. “Anyway, girls, this is Aiden. Aiden, this is Olivia and Sofia, my old roommates.”

“And Sofia’s her cousin,” Olivia chimes, pointing at the frozen Sofia.

Aiden turns to her and smiles, then notices the peculiar band t-shirt she’s wearing. I don’t recognise the logo at all, but Aiden seemed to and launched into conversation with Sofia about the band in question.

The rest of us don’t pay much attention to them, instead we start throwing food packets and crumbs at Louis, aiming to land them in his perfect hair.

“Stop it! Gwen’ll be here any minute!” he yells, rushing upstairs to the bathroom.

Sure enough it was only a couple of minutes until the doorbell rang for the third time today and Gwen is stood there, ready for a posh dinner with her boyfriend, with a big black car waiting behind her.

“Hey, Gwen!” I say as she walks through the door, her long, shiny blonde hair tucked away beneath a red cap.

“Morning, guys!” she calls in her high and happy voice. “Where’s Louis?”

Louis then comes galloping down the stairs, landing with a ‘thump’ in the hall and then casually sliding through the doorframe, “Hey,” he smiles.

Louis and Gwen leave promptly, and not soon after Zayn and Liam decide they should head off to do their shopping.

“You coming, Aiden?” Liam questions, standing by the door putting his jacket on. That’s when everyone else suddenly remembers Aiden and Sofia. The look of confusion on Sofia’s face clearly says she had been in a completely different world for the last ten minutes.

“Er…I think I’ll pass on the shopping, Liam, Zayn,” Aiden says dramatically, “I think I’ve just promised to take Sofia out for dinner.”

Olivia and I look at each other and I see she shares my look of shock.

Obviously I’m over the moon for Sofia… but they’ve known each other ten minutes. Yet it’s been nearly a year since anything’s happened between Harry and me?

Then again, I guess Sofia isn’t stupid enough to giggle and walk away…

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