Gabriel's Charge

By hyperactivegigglefit

56.4K 2.2K 275

He was dead but now he is back. His task? To take care of a reckless young hunter named Katherine Mackenzie... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chatper 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 19

1.3K 59 11
By hyperactivegigglefit

I know this one is a whole lot shorter, I apologize for this. Hope you enjoy anyway!


Chapter 19


Gabriel stared at his brother. What he had just suggested was ridiculous and not to mention stupid. It was dangerous! How could even think for a second that he would go through with this? Further still, this was Castiel who was suggesting it! Since when did he go for the dangerous spur of the moment plans?

“What do you think?”

“I think you’re nuts!” Gabriel replied shaking his head.

His brother shifted from one foot to the other. He looked vulnerable and even scared himself. The fact that he didn’t have a confident face on for his own plan made Gabriel wonder if the plan was even his. In fact, the plan more like something that crazy angel Lauriel would do. Looking up at his brother he nodded his head. Yes, this was definitely that new angel.

“Castiel, we don’t have to do this you know.” Gabriel said reaching forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. “You don’t have to do what the young bitch says.”

His brother looked behind him and said “She isn’t as young as she makes herself out to be.”

“What are you talking about?”

Again Castiel stood as if someone were manoeuvring him. He looked uncomfortable and lost. The poor guy looked...young. “I can’t tell you Gabriel; you’ll just have to trust me that this is what we need to do.”

Gabriel shook his head, “No. No I won’t do it. I have come way too far to give up now. It’s not happening okay?”

“I was afraid of this.” Castiel replied looking down at the ground “Don’t make me force you brother, cause you know I will. You have to put your family first. You know it’s the only way to save everyone!”  He paused for a moment “You have to kill her Gabriel.”

Gabriel looked up at him, his eyes burning with a new found hatred “Not everyone will be saved if I do this. And you know it too Castiel. You are asking me to sacrifice happiness for a destructive and non-functioning family!”

“I’m not asking that at all.” His brother replied looking up with shocked eyes. “I’m telling you that if you don’t do as I say, then you will die and so will everyone in this town. You can’t win Gabriel, you know it too.”

He shook his head “No, it’s not happening. I won’t do it.”

And he left.

He ended up in front of the high school. He didn’t know how or why but he accepted the fact that his subconscious was being an obvious douche.

Heaving a sigh he left the school and began walking up and down the streets of the small town. There was nowhere to go here. How did Katherine survive this torment of seeing the same scenes every day?

It must get exhausting and incredibly boring.

That gave him an idea. They could run away now, why wait for her to finish school? It was summer anyway and there were no ties for her here now. No parents anymore (Oops.) and it wasn’t like they had to sell the house. They could use it as a summer home.

Live together in a city where hiding from his brother would be much easier than here. They could have a whole life together and be happy, kids and white picket fences, the whole charade.

And then reality slips in its two bits. That could never happen, they would always be hiding and it would be best if he did go through with Castiel’s plan. At least then he would live to see another day right? But that was the old Gabriel. The new one cared about people, he cared about the fact that he died for people before and he had no objections to doing it again.

After walking back down the street for the tenth time, he decided he would be more productive to going and clearing out the house. There was, after all, a demon in the basement. Now that the parents were gone, it was time to get rid of it.

The door was still closed and he could hear the scratching of chains inside. The demon, Karl, was trying to escape. Gabriel opened the door and saw him pulling the chains, trying to detach them from the wall. He watched him for a few minutes in amusement and then he spoke up, “What’re you doing there Karl?”

“Trying to get out, what does it look like I’m doing? I heard you guys talking upstairs a few days ago. I could be free if I wanted to. The parents are gone and the daughter has no idea I am down here.”  He replied pulling harder on the chains.

“Karl there is a devil’s trap on the ceiling and the floor. You aren’t going anywhere.” Gabriel replied with an exasperated voice.

The demon hissed at him and gave up on his struggle, “Then I guess the chains are pointless aren’t they?”

Gabriel shrugged, what did he know about hunter tactics?

Karl leaned against the wall and shook his head laughing, “What have you come here to do Gabriel?”

“Kill you. I can do it faster than any hunter and you won’t feel a thing.” He replied curtly walking forward, he raised his hand and placed it on Karl’s forehead. “Any last words?”

“Yeah, I have one.” He said with a manic grin.

“Speak then.”

Karl spat on the ground and said “Well more like several words.” He paused and Gabriel waited, almost impatiently. “He’s going to win.”

Gabriel gave sneer and then let his energy out, exhaling the demon from the human.

A bright light filled the room, engulfing the two of them in purity. He heard Karl scream and then he was gone. There was only an empty shell left over, a broken body with empty red eye sockets. It was never nice to have to rid the world of demons that way, but then it was the easiest way he knew how.

Plus, Katherine could not know about the demon. She didn’t need that memory of what her parents did.

He let the demon fall to the ground and stared at him for a few minutes. That was that then, now to get rid of the body.

Pulling the chains off the wall, he hoisted the dead man over his shoulder and flew to the forest. He found a patch of fairly soft ground and began digging it with his hands. Why he hadn’t brought a shovel with him was a mystery. He began swearing under his breath about being so stupid. When the hole was deep enough he tossed the body in and then began to fill the hole back in.

Dirt fell around the body, framing it and then on top of him. Slowly, he was covering up a mistake made by hunters. Wasn’t that what angels always seemed to be doing? Cleaning up after the flawed, yet favourite race of Father?

Flattening the dirt so that it didn’t look raised, he cast one last glance at the grave he flew off. He arrived back at the house and began cleaning away the blood on the walls and redoing the devil’s trap. He took the one off the floor, but left the one on the ceiling. You never know when that may come in handy. The room didn’t take too long to clean, especially with his angel speed.

When it was spotless, he left the room locking it tight behind him.

He wandered down the hall, looking through all the other rooms. There were no other tortured souls, just equipment rooms and training rooms.

He checked the clock in one of the training rooms and sighed. He still had a few hours before Kat was home.

What to do in those few hours?

It turns out he had nothing better to do then sit on the couch and stare into space. After a few minutes of boredom he flipped on the television and watched some reality show about dresses.

Wow humans could be whiny.

He sat there for three whole hours until he heard a key in the door and the sound of boots coming down the hallway. He turned around and saw Katherine enter in with her hair in a sporty ponytail, jeans, a graphic shirt and ankle boots.

“How was school?” He asked.

She jumped a little and glared at him “Fine.”

Gabriel smiled at her. She looked dishevelled and tired, but still managed to look annoyed at his sudden appearance.

“Did you not see the TV on?” He asked with a mischievous grin.

Katherine looked confused for a moment and then shook her head and said “No, I didn’t.” Paused walked a few paces into the living room and then said “And could you stop reading my expressions?”


“Thought not.” She said with a sigh.

Gabriel grinned and patted the cushion beside him, “Come sit.”

She sighed and sat down beside him. She rested her head against the back of the couch and said “I saw Tom again today.”

He immediately perked up and listened “What happened?”

“Well, he seemed nervous around me. He didn’t say anything but he gave me a glare when he left.” She replied with a shrug.

“Good, he knows to stay away then.” Gabriel said with a nod of satisfaction.

Katherine gave a snort and stood up walking away.

Gabriel watched her walk away and gave a frown “Something wrong?”

She turned around, running her fingers through her hair “Yes, no... I don’t know maybe?”

He stood up and walked over to her “Why don’t you tell me?”

Katherine looked down and then laid her head against his chest. He smiled down at her and pulled her close, “What’s wrong Kat?”

She shrugged in his arms “A lot is happening right now. I guess... I don’t know.” She sighed and pulled closer. “What are we going to do about Lucifer?”

Castiel’s plan formed in his head and he shook it away. No he could not do that! He couldn’t and he refused to believe that that was the only option in this situation.


“Kat, I am going to protect you. We will figure out what to do. I promise.” He said it, more to convince himself than her. The plan was the last thing he wanted to use.

She nodded against his chest and pulled up to look at his face. “Gabriel I...”

He smiled and gently bent down toward her. He kissed her lips softly and then pulled away with a grin “I know Katherine, me too.”

She blinked up at him and then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. 


You all saw this coming. Sorry for the obvious! But I hope you liked it. Please comment and vote! It means a lot!! Until next time!

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