chapter 20

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Next chapter is finally ready. Now I am going to say now that ALL the places mentioned in this chapter are true and do exist. I have been to all of them which is why I can describe them for you. I cannot take credit for creating them. Anyway I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 20:


Katherine kissed him softly, but with an urgency that she’d been feeling for awhile. She loved Gabriel; that much was plain to her. Ever since he told her the truth and the first night she’d fallen asleep on his chest.

He was in all her memories now, her past memories. The ones she’d been having forever but always put off as just strange dreams. She now knew the truth; the truth about herself and about the dreams of her childhood. They were her deepest secrets.

Gabriel pulled away first looking down at her with fondness shining bright in his eyes. He didn’t say anything but she knew that look in his eyes. She’d seen it enough in others to know what it meant. He didn’t have to say anything to her. She could read him fine without them. She knew he could do the same with her as well. He’d done it often enough.

He brushed his fingers along her jaw line and sighed.

There was a pain in his eyes that made her bite her lip worriedly. What was he not telling her? Was there some new update? 

“Gabriel?” She asked worriedly.

He traced his fingers around her hairline with a content smile on his face “What’s wrong Kat?”

“I could ask you the same question.”

“Nothing is wrong with me. I’m perfectly happy.” He smiled down at her “Aren’t you?”

She nodded “Well yes of course.”

“Then let’s not worry.”


He kissed her forehead and then picked her up as if she weighed nothing and carried her up to her room. 

She clung tightly to his neck as they bounced up the stairs. Her hair bounced in its ponytail making her smile as it lightly tapped her back each time.

They entered her room and he gently tossed her onto her bed. She smiled up at him and he stood there leaning against the door frame.

His composure was cool and nonchalant. As if nothing in the world could ever get to him.

It frustrated her how calm he always seemed.  How relaxed and distant from the rest of the world. Yet there was always a part of him that was affected. That always cared and tried its hardest to do what was right for everyone. One part of him that was always at war with itself; never truly winning but taking life one battle at a time.

Gabriel looked away from her and toward the window, outside the sun was still shining brightly. “Not really time for you to go to sleep yet.” He said thoughtfully.

“I could stay up all night if I wanted.” She replied with a playful grin “It’s the weekend after all.”

He hummed in amusement “Maybe but don’t you have tests to study for?”

“Since when do you care about school?” Katherine joked.

Gabriel gave a half hearted shrug “I am just trying to be responsible here.”

“Well stop it.” She replied with a laugh “You’re freaking me out with it.”

“Am I now?”

Gabriel's ChargeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin