My New Familia ||o2l.|| B.2


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book 2 More

☀️ o n e ☀️
✨ t w o ✨
t h r e e
☮ f o u r☮
f i v e
✔️s i x✔️
s e v e n
12|| characters||


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I woke up and got dressed and went to the flower shop and a to toys r us and bought her a teddy bear and then went to a glasses store and bought her some sunglasses she liked and bought some twixs and sour patch kids and put them in the sunglasses bag at the bottom and it was around 12:30 and she would be on her way to the house so I drove back.

"Hi burnie" I hear a girl says.

I set my keys down and ran upstairs to put the stuff in my room and turned on you now
"hey guys I have a surprise for a special someone I'll be right back" I say and ran back downstairs.

"Emma?!" I say

"hi Matty" she says standing up.

"what are you doing here. my ex is gonna be here an-" I say and the door opened

"Matt?" I hear Maddie say.

"get out of here" I say

"no I wanna meet her, WE'RE IN HERE" she says.


"fine" Maddie says turning around.

"not you her" I say grabbing her hand.

"why?"she says

"okay enjoy" I say and turned and kissed Maddie I felt her smile into the kiss and she wrapped her arms around my neck. and I grabbed her butt and she gasped and Emma stormed out the house. and we broke apart and she smiled

"who's that?" I say

"my ex when I came here while you were gone I dated her but she cheated so I broke up with her." he says.

Burnie jumped on her.

"hi baby boy." she says rubbing him.

man I missed her.

"I have to show you something upstairs." I say picking her up and running upstairs.

"what is it" she says.

"close your eyes." I say setting her down and I opened my door and went behind her and guided her to the bed.

"what is it Matt?" She says laughing.

"open" I say holding the flowers bear and the bag.

she was amazed and stood up and kissed me.

"I'm sorry for all the time I've wasted on not asking to be your and the last time. we broke up I'm sorry I love you and miss you so much" I say

she smiled and hugged me.

"I accepted your apology but you don't have to this all for me. cause I'm nothing special" she says taking the stuff out of my hand

"all I want is you" she says kissing me.

"but your my queen and I want to keep her looking like Royal" I say.

I took our picture.

@matthewespinosa: 👑my queen🌹🔥

she walked to the computer and sat in front of it

"yes this was the meeting I was talking about" she says laughing. I walked behind her. And sat on top of her.

awe goals
#Madtie is back YES!
mom and dad aren't getting a divorce anymore!!

we both laughed at the last comment.

"we were going to get a divorce Matt?" she ask

"I guess we where" I say she laughed

"we're gonna get off and we'll see you guys at Woodbridge Mall" I say closing off.

"so what's now Matthew" she ask.

"what do you wanna do Maddison" I ask.

she smirked at me and leaned back in the chair.

"your adorable"I say and she stretched and laughed.

"no I'm not stop it" she says covering her face.

"yes you are" I say taking her hands. and kissing them.

"you got new tatts?"I ask

she nodded and I pulled up her sleeves and I saw one that says

n s m With a flower

"what's this?" I ask

"oh it's for skate were not dating it's just -" she says cutting her off

"a tattoo that you got for him cause you still love him" I say getting up.

"what are you talking about" she says getting mad and turned the chair looking at me.

"you still love him don't you Maddison" I ask.


"I'm such a fuck up" I say sitting on my bed and pulled on my hair.

"Maddison, Wait" I say running downstairs and closed the door and stood in front of her.

"What!" she says trying to open the door.

"I'm sorry. it's just my jealousy is getting stronger and stronger cause I am deeply in love with you and I hate not having you by my side" I say.

she sighs "Matt you need to calm down I love you and yeah me and Skate kissed a few times but we never dated but I know that your still mines and would I be here if I didn't care about you." she says.

I shook my head.

"exactly. I love you Matt a lot and I want you to calm down and call me later" she says kissing me and I ran upstairs and gave her, her bear and roses. and I gave her a hug she left to Maggie's house.

"I have to go to the hospital" I say leaning on the door

I grabbed my keys and drove to the hospital and checked in

"hi Matthew what can u do for you" the doctor says

"um I might have HIV.?" I say embarrassed.

"let me check" she says leaving and getting the test.

a few minutes passed and she came back.

"well Matthew you don't have HIV" she says

I let out a breath

"really thank god"I ask

"yes and take antibiotics for three weeks" she says

"thank you" I say getting up and changing and going home.

I gotta call Maddie


"so how did it go" Maggie ask.

"hard" I say.

"what!" she says stopping the car

"yeah hard, it's his jealousy it's bad and he saw the tattoo of Skates initials and he went all ape shit. and stuff" I say

"Oh. well did I tell him about the HIV thing?" she ask

"yeah, he didn't look to happy about it." I say and my phone ringed.

Matchew🔥🌹😏🎩: c-can you c-come over please.?
Me: yeah is something wrong?
Matchew🔥🌹😏🎩: yes but I wanna say it in person.
me: okay I'll be there in a minute.
Matchew🔥🌹😏🎩: okay I'm so sorry
he hung up.

"we're going back let's do this Maggie" I say looking at her and she did a u-turn.

she stopped the car"I'll be at the plaza down the street" she says

"okay thank you Maggie" I say hugging her

"no problem" she says and I jumped out and ran in

"Matt?" I say

"LEAVE ME ALONE" he yells and I ran upstairs

"oh are there for me?" a girl say

"no they're for my girlfriend"he says I smiled when he called me his girlfriend.

"then they're for me." she says

"GET OUT" he yells

I opened the door

"you heard him get out"I say.

"ugh" she says storming out.

"come here" I say hugging him and we laid down.

"I have something to tell you and you may leave me." he says

"never" i say.

"I-I-I have chlamydia"he says crying

my heart dropped.

"Matt I'm not leaving you I'm gonna help you with it" I say.

"r-really?"he says.

"of course like you said I'm your Queen and you're the King but I'm gonna keep
my King feeling Royal" I say he smiled.

"thank you"he says

"no problem so what's the cure for it?" I ask.

" I have to take antibiotics for about three weeks" he says. handing me a pill bottle.

"take one every 12 hours" I say reading the bottle.

I looked at the time.


"take one when you wake up" I say handing him one and he had a water bottle and set the pill bottle on the side table.

"are you scared?" I ask

"yes, cause one day I may not have a child from you cause I wanna be by your side till the day I die" he says taking the pill.

"you will maybe with me someone else or anyone."I say grabbing his hand.

"you should probably get going to your meet up babe"he says kissing me.

"okay I love you" i say

"love you too"he says and Maggie was outside.

"what happened"she says

"he has fucking chlamydia"I say hitting the dashboard.

"are you fucking shitting me" she says

"yes it's that fucking slut Megans fault" I say

"hey calm down I'm sorry I wanna kick her ass for making catch this" she says

"it's fine but let's go" I say getting out the car. I put on my sunglasses and walked in. I bumped into someone and fell.

"oh sorry" we both say

"it's fine" I say and he helped me up.

"Dylan" he says

"Maddie" I say smiling.

"see you around"he says writing his number on a piece of paper

"wow you actually carry around this stuff" I say laughing.

"you never know when you'll see a pretty lady around" he says putting it in
my butt pocket and walking away.

"what the fuck Dylan O brien just touched your ass" Maggie says

"I fucking know"I say

"let's go meet some fans" we both say walking to the food court.

@maddisonrose: come find us hint: we're in the food court. come on down my Virginia girls🤘🏼

"I'm hungry"I say walking to McDonald's and Maggie ordered and I found us a seat.

"boom I'm back"she says with our food.

"they found us" I say laughing. and standing up.

"AYEEE" I say hugging them and I took pictures

"can you say I love you Allie she's at a soccer game right now" a fam says

"I love you Allie beat whoever your playing against kick their asses" I say laughing.

"thank you"she says

"you're welcome" I say hugging her.

we finished the meet and greet with a big family picture.

@maddisonrose:my Virginia girls are lit and hype asf 😏🤘🏼🔥💁🏽.

we left and walked out to the car and there was letters and boxes by our car.

"whoa"we both say putting all the boxes in the backseat and drove to her house and went upstairs I put Dylan's number in my phone as


I texted him.

Dylan🔥😏🌹: heyyyy
me:what's up
Dylan🔥😏🌹:in a group chat with Tyler Colton and the other Tyler.
me:cool beans.
Dylan🔥😏🌹: 🤔 I think I'm gonna add you and your friend in it.
me: but u don't have her number.
Dylan🔥😏🌹:that's why you're gonna give it to me.
me: ha ha no
Dylan🔥😏🌹: pwease😕
me:just add me then I'll add her.
Dylan🔥😏🌹: okay ! cool beans!

898-***-***: AYEE ladies
me: don't you have lives¿
702-***-****:ye but not rn
-maggs💁🏻🔥😈💙-: we see.
842-***-****: rude
Me:okay so who's so
898-***-****: Colton😏
702-***-****: Posey👋🏼
Posey👋🏼: hiya
Hoechlin🤘🏼: wassup
Me: hi and nothing.
Dylan🔥😏🌹: sooo
-maggs💁🏻😏😈💙-:how's life...?
me: idk.
Hoechlin🤘🏼: your mean
me: awe thanks says the one who called me rude 😂😈
Hoechlin🤘🏼: u may be
me: AHHHH u don't know though 🤔
Colton😏:ooooooo she got you Tyler. 😂😂
Hoechlin🤘🏼: shut up 😒
me: pew pew 🔫🔫 SHOTS FIRED.
Posey👋🏼:hahha 😂 she coo fam
Dylan🔥😏🌹: ye duhh you guys should join the teen wolf pack.
me: nah I'm not Gucci for that fam.
Hoechlin🤘🏼: she's right she's not
-maggs💁🏻🔥😈💙-: HAHAH 😂😂 but nah we're not going to pass. right maddie🤔😈?
me: MAGGIE!😡
Hoechlin🤘🏼: awe your name is Maddie!
Dylan🔥😏🌹: please do it?'🙏🏼
Me: fine. 😒
-maggs💁🏻🔥😈💙-: yes!
Dylan🔥😏🌹: but the shooting is in California
-maggs💁🏻🔥😈💙: Maddie lives there and I visit there.
me: ye gotta blast I'm tired.
-maggs💁🏻🔥😈💙-: ye same night 🤘🏼.

"I don't wanna do this Maggie" I say setting my phone down.

"come on we're gonna do it when you guys come on Maddie" she says looking at me.

"whatever." I say plugging in my phone and changing into some sweats and going to sleep

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