Cardcaptor S

By YumiGoddess

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On Sora's 13th birthday she received a gift she could never give back. Her once ordinary life took a wrong tu... More

☆1: The Zoo & Dreams☆
☆2: Happy Birthday☆
☆4: The Unlucky Boy (1)☆
☆5: The Unlucky Boy (2)☆
☆6: The Boy and Thunder☆
☆7: New Rival☆
☆8: The Spooky Shrine☆
☆9: A Festival to Enjoy☆
☆10: Potential Teammates☆
☆11: A Day with Naomi☆
☆12: The Hot Air Balloon trip☆
☆13: Dance Practice☆
☆14: A New Enemy☆
☆15: The Random Storm☆
☆16: Skai's Very Long Day☆
☆17: Sora's Dream☆
☆18: A New Teammate☆
☆19: The Loyal One☆
☆20: The Labyrinth of Erase☆
☆21: The Mysterious Note☆
☆22: The Fish of Ice☆
☆23: The HeartRacing Truth☆
☆24: Sora and the Nutcracker☆

☆3: The Very Cloudy Day☆

172 6 2
By YumiGoddess


The only thing I could hear in the darkness were the whispers surrounding me. I couldn't see anyone around me but I could hear the voices nearby. It was as if I was forced to see nothing. My eyes were open but nothing came to view. There must have been more than just one voice too. It was a conversation between two people, maybe more. This was an unsettling situation. I don't like being in the dark, but I also don't like ghosts. Please tell me these aren't ghosts! I thought to myself as I clenched my shoulders.

"The wand almost rejected her too." The closest voice said. I tried to look in the direction where I heard it but no hope. I couldn't see the owner. I heard something from the other side of me sigh, and maybe a grunt. Not sure if they were speaking or not, it was very inaudible. The first voice spoke up again, "Worry not. It accepted her! We should be happy!" It seemed to try to cheer the other person up. Though I heard another grunt so it obviously wasn't working.

"It just means her trials have begun.." The grunter finally spoke, or should I say, I could finally understand their words. I closed my eyes, even though I was already surrounded by darkness, it actually made me feel better. This is just a dream...

      I woke up from that last thought. I was anticipating sunlight, but instead I got the opposite. I turned to look at my clock on my nightstand next to my bed. It was midnight according to my clock. I couldn't believe I woke up during the middle of the night. My head spun a bit from sitting up too fast. I looked around to see anything odd or suspicious. Nothing. I was worried about who the voices belonged to and if those people were still in the room with me. I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head. There's no such thing as ghosts! I told myself. After thinking about yesterday's party I finally calmed down. I laid down on my pillow with a bit of relief. It was all a dream. Slowly but surely I managed to fall back asleep.

      This dream was even weirder than my last. It was the beady stuffed toy smiling at me. "You're a Cardcaptor." It's voice was deeper than it was last night. "You're a cardcaptor." It repeated over and over. I covered my ears to shut the voice out, but that didn't work. It seemed to be yelling it now. It was unbearable. I screamed for it to stop. The voice got louder and louder. I cried with the same amount of volume as the voice. That's when something slapped me.

"Sora!" A voice other than my parents called out. "Sora!" Another soft fluffy slap. My eyes cracked open, sunlight greeted my eyes. I squinted instantly to block out most of its rays. "Oh! Goodie! You're ok!" It was the stuffed toy from last night. Keroberos?

"Ahhh!" I reached out for him and threw him. This time he was ready. Since he flew half way then stopped. He posed like superman, smile and all. He flew back to me with a smile.

"I thought you'd do that again!" He chuckled on his way over. I was frightened and confused.

"It wasn't a dream!" My eyes locked onto Keroberos with fear. Everything that happened last night was real! He just confirmed it by being here with me. Just by simply waking me up. I panicked. That means I still have dad's book! I looked to my night stand and sure enough, there it was. The "Clow" Book I stole from my dad's study. It was truly a real magical book, that held cards that I lost. I grunted, I am so screwed. I thought while staring at both the book and Keroberos. "Keroberos why am I the-"

"Cardcaptor? I've already told you! You have magical powers! I can sense it and so can the cards! The wand accepted you. So now you have no choice! You're a cardcaptor, Sora!" Keroberos crossed his arms. "Why do you call me Keroberos? No need to be formal, though I do like formality. But it does sound like a mouth sore! Just stick to Kero for short." He proclaimed. He seemed pretty happy though whenever I called him Keroberos. Though he was right, it was a mouth sore! A knock on my door makes up both jump. I pretend to go back to sleep, while Kero freezes up to mimic a stuffed toy. The silhouette of my mother comes into view. I get up slowly with a few fake stretches and a fake yawn.

"Good morning Mother." I greeted her in a not so sleepy voice.

   "Good morning Sora." My mother smiled as she walked in. Her stomach was three times bigger than it was a few months back. I was starting to worry that my baby brother would grow in her stomach for the rest of her life. The thought made me tear up a bit. My mother became worried and came up to me. "What's wrong?" My mom was finally at the edge of my bed. Her hand was on my forehead. "No fever... Hmm was it something you ate?" I shook my head to dismiss her worry.

"I'm fine, it must be from all the excitement from yesterday." I tried to lie. She didn't look convinced but she didn't push it. "I do need to get ready to do chores." My mother got up from my bed. She nodded and walked out, her hand on her stomach. Kero unfroze when the door shut. He gave out a huge sigh. "Kero, how long is it going to take for me to finish being a cardcaptor?"

"Until you capture all fifty two cards." Kero crossed him arms like he did when lost in thought. "You already have one." The book glowed and opened on its own, I'm guessing it was his magic that made it happen. The card illuminated then floated into my hand. "I'm surprised you had her though. It's like deja vu for me! Then again, she is a very gentle spirit. She's not one to go out and do much unless told so." He laughs as if I were suppose to understand the joke. I didn't take the cue, but I did give him a polite smile. A thought occurred from yesterday. I haven't given my mother the letter! I reach into my school uniform and took out the letter Naomi gave to me.

"Mother!" I called out. I got up to get dressed quickly. Kero sat down on my night stand awkwardly. He sighed. He figured that our conversation was done. Which meant he could now do what he wanted which wasn't much anyways. What was there for him to do? I combed my hair quickly, thankfully it was short. Perks to having short hair! I ran out my room to find my mother. She was downstairs in the kitchen, man did she walk fast or was I that slow? "Mother! I have a letter for you!" I walked over to her with the letter in my hand.

"From who?" Her eyes were focused on the pot that was cooking. She was getting ready to make breakfast for her and I.

"Naomi's aunt." I handed her the letter, which she grabbed. "She said it was confidential." I gave her a playful wink. She laughed instantly.

"Thank you." She read the letter and gave a soft smile. It was a gentle yet sad smile, as if she was longing for something. "You don't need to do chores." She spoke up once she put the letter down. I was half way putting on my apron when I stopped.

"Huh? Why?" I looked up at her in complete confusion. My mother gave me the same smile she did for the letter.

"Aren't you meeting up with Naomi?" She asked and I nodded. "Then go. I'll be able to do the chores on my own. It's not that much to clean anyways." She looked around with a soft grin. She was examining the area for possible cleaning spots. I gave her an 'are you sure' type of look. "Yes yes. I'm sure. Your dad will be home soon so he will help me out. It's been a while since we had alone time." My mother giggles and blushes at her own thoughts. That was definitely my cue to leave. I ran up to my room happily.

"Kero are you going to want to come with me?" I asked him as I got ready to go to the park. He gave it a little thought. Once he had a good stretch he gave me a smile.

"Sure. It's been a while since I've gone out." He got into my small shoulder bag that was hanging on a chair. I chuckled a bit from excitement. Normally mother wouldn't let me leave early. I wonder why today is an exception.

》Penguin Park《

I looked around for Naomi, though I was very early. So I was surprised that she was even here. I waved at her and she waved back. I walked over to where she was sitting. A huge Penguin was stationed in the middle of the park with small penguins surrounding it. The huge Penguin was nicknamed the King Penguin by a few friends and I. Then again it did have a crown on its head so it was the only nickname it had. The trees near by danced with the wind. It was a great day to go out. The sun was out too. A great day for a picnic too. I should have brought food just in case. When I approached her she held something in one of her hands. I walked up to her to see what it was. She raised it up so I can get a better look.

"I planned a picnic." Her voice was so gentle and cute when she said that. I couldn't help but hug her. She completely had heard my earlier thoughts. "Huh? What's wrong?"

"I was thinking of a picnic and you completely read my mind!" I was super excited, today was really a special day. She laughed.

"Well I am your best friend." She looked up, "And it looks like a perfect day for a picnic." She smiled. Though it hit me that I didn't bring anything, which made me feel guilty. Well I did bring Kero and my only Clow card but that wasn't relevant to food.

   "I'm sorry! I didn't bring anything for the picnic! You should have told me!" It felt like I was the worst friend in the world. She chuckled.

    "No need to worry Sora-chan." She showed me the basket. "I brought enough for us both." I smiled and we went to find a good spot under a tree. "Well it's not your fault. I didn't think it would be a good day for a picnic. It was something I planned last minute." She laid the blanket down for us to sit. I helped her expand it so it was even for us both. Once she placed the basket in the middle we both sat. She opened the basket to take out paper plates and some napkins. I put my shoulder bag next to the basket. It looked out of place but I didn't let it bother me. I was just excited for the pastries I was about to eat. Naomi was really good at baking and cooking. So whatever she made, I knew I would be full for the rest of the day. I'm such a horrible friend. Here she is making a picnic yet I had nothing to return to her or confide in. My shoulder bag moved a little bit. Catching both of our eyes. That's it! I reached for the bag and unhooked it.

     "SORA!!! HOW COULD YOU!" Kero gasped for air. Naomi jumped back a bit but caught herself. She looked at both of us. Kero saw her and instantly froze up. "Uhh... Oops?" We all stayed silent for a few seconds. I felt really awkward, though I was wanting the two to meet.

     "Naomi, this is Kero. Kero, this is Naomi." Kero instantly unfroze, he must have realized that it was no use. Naomi reaches out for Kero to shake his paw. She gives him a soft smile and they shook hands.

    "Hello Kero." Naomi acted as proper as she can be. I liked how calm she can be during a very weird situation like this. She saw it as completely normal. "What might you be?" She asks him.
   He flexes his stubby arms as if he had muscles to show off. "I'm the Guardian of the Clow Book! A book that she-" He pointed at me with his stubby little paw "-opened." Naomi glanced at me when he pointed and then looked back at Kero. "I don't usually look like this. But alas, I can't go back to my true form until my elemental cards get caught." A tear fell from his eye, obviously it was forced to go with the scene.

"Yeah its true. I accidentally opened a book from my dad's study." I admitted, it was painful to admit but it was the truth. Naomi gasped.

"But I thought you weren't allowed in there! What did he say?" She asks in worry. I shrug. "He doesn't know, does he?" I gave her an awkward smile and nodded. "I'll take that as he's in the dark and you're doing this alone." Her eyes become watery. "I don't want you to be alone in this." She grabbed my hands. "Whatever I can help you with I'll do it!" Her eyes were glossy due to them being watery and a new flame of inspiration gleamed from her.

Kero thought for a bit then something clicked for him. He looked at Naomi with a bright smile. "Can you make costumes?" His question was completely odd and random. I wasn't expecting that, but what was the use of costumes? And for what? Naomi nodded with a smile on her face. "Great! Well you can make Sora some battle costumes to get the cards in the mood for a fight!" Kero smiled. I panicked a bit. Costumes to battle?! "The old cardcaptor had a best friend who did that. She would make all her costumes." Naomi didn't need convincing, she was already hooked.

    "Anything to help! Oh my! But I want to be able to remember these moments." Naomi put her hand on her face in worry. She looked a bit bummed.

    "You can be our camera person too!" Kero gives a small smirk. Her eyes shined even brighter.

    "Yes! My costumes in action! My best friend in action!" She clapped twice in excitement. The thought of me wearing costumes was a bit awkward, I mean, why would I need a costume to catch a card? Then something Kero told me felt a bit off.

    "Wait, who was the old cardcaptor?" I asked curiously. So there was someone before me. Not much of a guardian is he? Kero gulped at the question and tried to play it off as if it wasn't important.

     "W-well it has been what? Almost twenty five years? Who cares!" He laughed nervously really trying to not pursue the conversation. He scratched his head in awkwardness. "Ha-ha but don't worry! I'll protect Naomi during card captures!" He shifts the conversation. Naomi agreed but I didn't pay it much attention. I was curious on who the previous cardcaptor was. Twenty five years ago? That was before I was even born! I took a bite of one of the sandwiches she made for the picnic. It was  delicious. I could taste the different flavors she had put into them. She likes to go all out when it comes to cooking. My mind was still focused on the subject of the previous cardcaptor. All I know was the previous one was a female... And it was twenty five years ago.. Man I really do wish I could meet her, maybe she would be able to help me capture the cards. I thought. 

    "Weird weather. It was sunny a few seconds ago. Where did all these clouds come from?" Naomi's voice and words snap me back into reality. I didn't notice the weather had changed nor that it had all of a sudden became dark. I glanced upwards to see the clouds. They had appeared out of nowhere. There wasn't a cloud in sight but now they covered the whole sky.

    "It might rain! Let's just hurry on to my home!" I helped her pack up her pack up the picnic blanket and Kero put the food away. Once everything was packed we ran straight to my house since it was the closest. It really is strange weather...

》Sora's House《

  We looked out the window in my room. The clouds were still covering the sky yet no sign of rainfall. It was odd that the clouds came out of nowhere basically. My mother and father weren't home either. They left a note on the table saying they were going to have dinner with my unlce. My mother is always trying to find ways to get my father and uncle to get along so it wasn't really a surprise that they went off. I just hoped they would come home soon. I didn't want them to get caught up in a rain storm. Kero and Naomi seem to have been in the middle of a conversation, so I decided to walk into the kitchen. I began to make a few quick meals for dinner. Just in case Naomi decided to stay later than expected. If not, Kero and I would have dinner for later. I looked over and Naomi had her phone to her ear. Her aunt is probably asking where she is. I continued to cook just as Kero flew towards me. He gave a weird expression but had his eyes locked onto mine.

"Sora, this might be a Clow card! I've seen this pattern before." He pointed outside. This time the clouds were even lower. I didn't even notice how low the clouds were! He looked over to Naomi, she was looking out the window as well. When she turned with a smile, Kero smiles at me. "It's cardcaptor time!"

》Penguin Park《

"Why must I wear this?" I blushed a bright shade of red. Naomi was glued behind her smart phone. She had flash on so I could tell she was recording me. That made me feel even more embarrassed. Though Kero wasn't fazed by the camera, instead he seemed to be happy about it. He flew in front of the camera showing off some of his poses. He was an obvious camera hog. "Hello?! Why must I wear this?" I waved my arms trying to get their attention.

"You look so cute in it! I'm glad they fit! My aunt had these remade, so unfortunately its not my design. Next time it will be!" She didn't put the phone down for even a second, I was the main focus. "You're right Kero-san! This is fun!" I could see her eyes sparkle from behind the screen. "Someday I can make a movie out of this!" She giggled. I smiled nervously. This is really going to be a new hobby for her.

  "Sora! You need to seal that card. But which card is it. There's a few that uses clouds..." Kero began to think. The clouds got even lower which began to frustrate me a bit. He looks over to me. "Hey! Get the sealing wand out! You'll need it!" Kero points to my chest. The key was tucked inside. I didn't even notice it was there, I didn't even put it there. Whoa! When did that get there?!

I took the necklace off. The key floated in front of me and my arms spread to the key's side. A magic circle appeared underneath my feet. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This is it. Just chant the words. Someone whispered in my ear. It wasn't me but she sounded just like me.

"The key that holds both the power of darkness and stars,
Reveal your true form to me.
I, Sora, command thee under our contract!

The key expanded with the wind that formed in front of me. I reached out to grab the wand. This completed the transformation of the sealing wand. I spin it a bit out of reflex. Naomi was excited, she had first hand view of some supernatural activity. Plus she was capturing it all on video. I had to admit this was really exciting. I can use magic!

   "Sora! Fly over head to find the darkest cloud! That should reveal what card it is!" Kero suggested. "After that I can't help you out much! You got this!!"

I looked down at the Windy card. I had so much pressure placed on me. I was confused as to how to use her to fly. I was trying to remember the things I learned during a wind presentation. I have to capture this card. I don't want my father to find out I took the book!

I could use Windy to clear up the clouds! I don't need to fly! I thought about the ways to use the card. I could use that method! "Wind, blow away the clouds!" I threw the card in front of me. The magic circle appeared again below my feet. The card came back like a boomerang. I spun the wand and the tip of the sealing head met with the card. "Windy!!" The card then came to life. The woman who was pictured in the card came out of the card along with some huge gusts of wind by her side. She managed to blow away the clouds that were near the ground. But it just wasn't enough. Ugh! And as soon as they were gone, they were reforming just as quick.

   "That's it! Sora! That's the Cloud card!" Kero called out. "No other cards can reform a cloud that fast! You need to get above these lower clouds! She's going to be above all these lower clouds!"

The card came back to my hand. Get above? Well with the power she showed me she just might be able to get me above. "Wind, push me off this ground!" I threw the card to the floor and once again the sealing head met the card. "Windy!" I was then blasted upwards about two floors above the ground. "Ahh!" I screamed as I felt the wind blow between my hair. I opened my eyes, I knew I only have a few seconds before I started to fall. I looked around. Where is this card?! I began to panic a bit but then I realized panicking won't help. Darkest cloud.. I looked behind me and found what I needed. The darkest cloud. Well that was easy, I guess. A girl poked her head out of the cloud. That's it?! "Wind, become a binding chain," I repeated the steps all over again. "Windy!" There were so many ways to use wind. Windy wrapped itself around Cloud. Kero was flying by my side.

   "Sora capture it! Hurry!" Kero then grabs my dress from the collar to keep me afloat. Thank goodness he can fly.

"Return to the first true form you were made in," I raised the wand and then struck in front of me. The sealing head facing against the binded Cloud. "Clow card!" The wand hit the air and a glowing card started to form in front of me. The two cards got vacuumed into the glowing card. Once the two powers were caught in the card, the clouds all disappeared. Naomi was waving from down below.

    "Good job Sora!" Naomi cheered. Kero lowered me down to the ground. Naomi reached over to help me catch my balance. Once I was finally on the ground, Naomi handed me a pen. "Kero told me you would need this." She smiled. She truly was prepared for this. I grabbed the pen and wrote my name on the bottom of the card. The card flew upwards. First it shined in a light pink color then burned up quickly to reform in it's ashes back to a golden brown color. Kero gasped and freaked out. Once the card reformed he gave a sigh.

    "Sheesh that really scared me." Kero pretends to faint in Naomi's arms.

    "So I'm guessing that's new?" The card lands into my hand. Kero nods with a bit of sweat running down his round head.

    A car beeps in the distance. "Oh my? Is it that late?" Naomi looks at her phone to check the time. "Sora, Kero. Excuse me I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow Sora!" Naomi runs to, what I assume is, her Aunt's car.

    "Wait what about the costume?!" I signal at the outfit I was wearing. It was actually so comfortable I had forgotten I was wearing it.

    "Bring it to me tomorrow at school!" Naomi smiles back at me. She got in the car and they drove off.

Kero and I were left alone now at the park. He pats my back. "Good job Cardcaptor! I'm surprised you were able to use Windy in many ways." He congratulated me. I blushed a bit. I was proud of myself for doing a good job on the first day of being a cardcaptor. "Uh.. well we should start heading home now. Don't you think?" He pointed to a light post turning on.

   "My parents are going to ground me!" I shout out in fear. I ran as fast as I could back home. I was thrilled at how well that card capture went. Now I know I really need to pay attention in class now. In order to be able to capture cards. Kero kept bragging about how well he probably looked on camera. I laughed. This was a marvelous day for me. I don't regret being a cardcaptor now! My smile grew brighter. "Now I just have to get home on time!!" I cried out loud in worry.

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