How to deal with Gryffindors

By LemonPeach

744 34 37

A Harry Potter fan fictionof dealing with my least favourite house-I am a slytherin. More

Using your skills
Charmed and Alarmed
The Fake Duel

Dealing with the Gryffindors

366 13 12
By LemonPeach

Gryffindor’s  are pushy people. They’re a group of sure know-it-all’s that are teachers pets. At the same time Gryffindor’s need to be dealt with and here is how.

When encountering a Gryffindor that is extremely annoying (aren’t they all?) that plays quidditch you’ll know what to do. Before many play quidditch it is known to have a power drink. Around a month before prepare a large cauldron full of polyjuice potion with a piece of Hagrid’s hair. His beard is so bushy it shan’t be hard. Let that brew for a month. On the morning of a quidditch match (an important one like the finals) drop a teaspoon of that potion into the victims pumpkin juice. When emerging onto the field the Gryffindor will abruptly transform. Being so huge it will be difficult to stay on his or her broom. And Bingo!! Humiliation and a match won.

Though, not all Gryffindors play quidditch. A fake note would be more effective for those non quidditch players.Here is an example letter:

Dear H.P.

Please meet me in the commonroom at 12:00  for a m.n. feast. I have prepared the worlds finest butterbeer and scones. I hope you do show. I have a particular book that may give interest to your current studies of N.F.

Please come d.m.

Now a know-it-all would usually mis-translate the meaning of a couple words. For starters the top is signed H.P. indicating Harry Potter but really in the end make up it was for your friend Henry Poliat. "commonroom" would generally mean the Gryffiindor common room because that is Harry Potters house. But when caught say I meant the Slytherin Commonroom not the Gryffindor room where your set up prank was held. Then in the Slytherin commonroom set up a large array of cakes. Nextly the note says: at 12:00 m.n. That would interpreteded as Mid (m) Night (n) meaning after curfew. But is easily defendable to say it meant Mid Noon. As in lunch. Then the entire letter would be belivable by saying I have a book on N.F. as in Nicholas Flamel. Again easy to deny as saying you meant "New Fantasys" a book about the evoulotion of wizards. Lastly the parchment is signed by D.m. Now Gryffindors are kinda out of it so they could infer it meant don't  miss. When it is really signed "Draco Malofy." Gryffindors would asume it couldn't be from him because how could he get into the commonroom?? Although it seems hard to put together it all fits. The final question the teacher who is asking you would say is: "Why all the code??" Your reply:"I didn't want anybody else coming". and ta-da!!


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