Ours For The Taking

By KayOhDee

4K 153 6

Lily is 23 just graduated from college, lives with her best friend Anise and currently job hunting. She is ju... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Filler)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thanks for Reading

Chapter 17

124 6 0
By KayOhDee

I didn't edit so excuse my mistakes

Enjoy xo


Blood was everywhere in the living room.

Melissa stood there crying and her body was trembling. I assumed she was in shock of what she had just done.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" she said shaking and grabbing at the strands in her hair. "I I I didn't me to." she said.

"You bitch!" I shouted at her. I kneeled down to hold Shawn head in my hands. "Get out of my fucking house!" I shouted with tears coming down my face.

"I'm sorry." she said again and through the gun on the floor. "I didn't want to hurt him, I wanted you dead you. YOU! You mess up everything!" she shouted. She bend down and pick up the gun. "Your a dead bitch." she whisper yell through gritted teeth and opening her eyes wide.

"Nooo" Shawn whispered with pain laced in his voice.

Melissa pointed the gun at me. I was crying and praying for Anna's safety. I got on my feet and held my hands in the front of me to try calm her down.

"You don't want to do this.... I'm sorry.... Just let me live for my daughter... I'm honestly sorry." I said through sobs and trying to inch away.

"Stop moving!" she shouted and wipe tears from her eyes. "You made me shot him, I shot my cousin and your going to pay. You made me do this." she said with raging eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I cried. She held the gun tighter and placed her finger on the trigger.

"You ruined everyth-" her sentence was cut short and she drop to the floor landing on her face.

I looked around to see the guy from next door standing there with a plastic gun. He walked in the house and went straight to Shawn and started examining his wound.

"Are you ok?" he asked and I was speechless. I've never seen anyone die in the front of me before so I was stunned.

"AHHHH!" I screamed loud.

"Calm down. Lily is it?" he asked and I nodded. "I didn't killer, it's just a tranquilizer. She going to sleep for awhile and I have already call the police." he said trying to calm me down.

I started to get dizzy and I went to walk in the room to Anna but everything was blurry and then it just went black.


Anna, Anna are you OK? Mommy loves you!

"Anna" I whispered then pitched up.

"She's alright, baby" my mom hugged me.

"Where's Shawn? What happened to Melissa? What happened to me?" I asked in a rush after a while and taking in my surroundings. I was home in my bed.

"Shhh" she rubbed my back and held me tighter. "Shawn is in the hospital he had surgery to get the bullet out and Melissa is in the mental ward there." she said.

"I have to go see him mommy" I let her go to get up to get Anna. As soon as I stood up I lost my balance and fell back on the bed. "what happen to me?" I asked.

"When you fainted you hit your head. The doctor said your fine, you'll just be a little lite headed for a few days. Greg made sure you and Anna was safe until the paramedics arrived."

"Greg?" I asked confused.

"Your neighbor" she said.

"Oh he shot Melissa with some type tranquilizer gun right before she went to shoot me. He saved me mommy." I smiled at her

"Yes he did."

"Can you pass me Anna?" I asked my mom. She got up took her out her crib and passed her to me. "I'm so happy that mean lady didn't get to you." I cried holding her tight and placing kisses on her fat cheeks.


"Hey baby, how you feeling?" I asked Shawn while sitting beside him in his hospital bed. I had let my mom take Anna home with her and asked Anise to drop me off here.

"Hi" he tried to speak but his voice was sore.

"Shhh" I placed my index finger over his lips. "You don't have to speak. I'm just so happy your alright. I was scared shitless baby." I cried and held onto him. "I love you."

"I love you" he whispered then kissed the top of my head.

I sat there with him for awhile just staring and thinking how I almost lost him last night. Tears started to run down my face and I was so thankful that he was alive and recovering. I kissed his forehead a left him to rest I knew it was soon time to feed Anna.


"See you later and Thank you!" I said to Anise when she dropped me and Anna home.

Home didn't feel like home no more. This place was my peace away from everything. Now that Anise is now gone and what happened last night it had a bad energy about it. It was just an apartment, my mom had cleaned the blood from the floors and wall and put a cover over on the couch until I got the fabric changed.

I placed Anna in her crib for a nap and laid on my bed replaying the events of last night. Thank God for Greg and I have to thank him when I see his truck is home. I wondered what he does for a living to even have a tranquilizer but thank God he did.

I reached over for my phone from the night stand and decided to call my mom.

"Hello?" my mom answered.

"Hi mommy."

"Is everything alright?" she questioned.

"Yea we're fine. Can me and Anna spend the night with you I'm not comfortable here." I told her.

"Of course you can, baby" she said. "Your father said he's glad your alright and he'll be back from his business trip tomorrow."

"Thank you! We'll be over shortly." I squealed.

She chuckled "See you in a few" she hung up.

I grab two bags and packed for me and Anna. In about twenty mins I think I had all that I needed. Little did mom know I was staying there until I found a new place.


"Ma!" I shouted as I knocked.

"Coming!" she screamed. She open the door and took Anna from me. "Hi nana baby, I missed you!"

"You just saw her earlier today." I said dragging two bags inside.

"That's an awful lot for a night." she said eyeing my bags and I smiled a wicked smile at her.

"Welllll......" I stretch it and she laughed.

"You can stay until you find a new place." she said.

"You know me so well." I smiled

"You are your mother's child." she said and kissed my cheek. "Go rest, I'm keeping my grand baby tonight."

"Thank you. I'm so exhausted." I told her

I made my way to my room that literally still looked the same. My pink throw pillows thrown on my bed. My mahogany bedroom set still laid out the same and I still had clothes in my drawers and closet. Felt it had been a decade since I stopped living here where in reality it had only been 4 years.

I laid across my bed then called Shawn.

"Hey babe." he answered on the second ring.

"I miss you. How are you feeling?" I asked

"Well giving that I was shot in the leg... " he chuckled "I feel alright. How is Anna?"

"Shes better than the both of us Nana took her and told me to rest but I couldn't sleep without knowing how your doing."

"I'm good, baby get some rest. Doc just gave me some meds and I'm getting sleepy. I love you, Lily. Goodnight" he said

"I love you to!" I made a kissy sound and hung up.


"Ma, you going anywhere today?" I asked my mom when I came downstairs and she was in living room watching the 'Today Show'.

"Nope. Your father is coming back today so I just have to get from the airport." she stated.

"Can you watch Anna for awhile? I have few errands to run today and I don't want to carry her up and down." I asked my mom

"No problem we will just pick up papa at eleven thirty"

"Thank you. I just breast fed her and she's taking a nap when she wakes you can warm her bottle and let her eat. She'll play for awhile then take a next nap. She like when you play with her feet and she like..." I stop talking because my mom was giving me the 'tha fuck look'. "Happen?" I asked her.

"If you don't get with all that. I raised you, right? I am perfectly capable of taking care my grand baby." she said then pushed me back upstairs to get dress.

I had looked at a few apartments online last night a realtor was meeting me to show me around some of them. Although my mom wouldn't have a problem with me being home I just wasn't comfortable there with my baby. I'm grown for heavens sakes.

We looked at five different places today and none of the screamed 'Live here'. They were just dull places although they had the potential to be more with the right decor I still wasn't feeling it.

After looking at places it was about two in the afternoon and I was headed to the hospital to see Shawn. I parked my car and went inside to see Shawn but he wasn't there.

Where is he? I asked mysed

After standing there dumbfounded for awhile I went the desk.

"Hi nurse.. "I peaked over at her name tag. "Sands would you be able to tell me if Shawn Jolly had been moved to another room?" I asked her.

"And who are you to the patient?" she asked sweetly.

"His girlfriend"

"I'm sorry dear but that information is only disclosed to family." she said with a frown.

"Is there anyway you can make an exception for me?"

"I'm sorry but I can't." she said and I walked away to the waiting area.

I pulled out my phone and called my dad.

"Hello?" he answered

"Hey daddy, I'm at the hospital to see Shawn but he's not in the room but the nurse wouldn't give me any info because I'm not family." I sighed

"I'll call you right back." he said. I sat down staring at the wall and the people who walk in and out of the room. Ten minutes later my phone rang and I see its my dad.

"Hey daddy." I answered

"I'm sorry, baby girl but... " he started to say and I started crying. "Are you crying?"

"Yes." I sobbed


"You said your sorry but." I said and wiped under my eyes.

"Oh no sweety, Shawn is fine and recovering well they just won't tell me which room he's in. I'm sorry if I scared you." he said.

"Thank goodness. Thank you, daddy. I love you."

"Love you to dear" I said.

I sat in the waiting a room awhile longer trying to come up with a plan to get someone to tell me where Shawn was located. After about twenty minutes I spotted Sierra or atleast I think it was Sierra it could be Sia but I really need to learn the difference.

"Sierra!" I shouted and she spun around.

"It's Sia" she said with attitude then realized it was me "Sorry I thought you were someone else. How are you? I heard you faited" she said.

"I could be better. Where's your brother I've been her about an hour now and no won't tell me anything."

"Oh, sorry about that. That's because mom moved him to a private room and his whereabouts are only issued to family. We were going to call you but no one had your number and Shawn's on some wacky meds that has him in and out. He's funny tho." she said.

"Thanks." I told her as she led the way.

"How's Anna I can't wait to see her." she said.

"She's awesome maybe after visiting hours are over I can take you to see her and drop you back off to Shawn's house." I told her.

"Awesome I'll check with Sierra to see if she wants to come to." she said excitedly walking through the doors.

"No problem." I said walking in behind her.

"What's no problem?" Mrs. Jolly asked and came to hug me. "How are you and Anna?" she asked.

"She's awesome and I'm OK." I told her as she let me out her embrace. "how's he?" I asked nodding towards Shawn on the bed smiling with his eyes close.

"They gave him a stronger dose of pain killers because he was complaining and the doctor said that his wonderful is healing find but they will put him a cast to protect it and to help heal the fractured bone. He should be out here in about 4 days." she said.

"That's a relief." I sighed. I walked over to Shawn bed side. "Hi baby" I rubbed his head.

"Lilly Lilly Bo Billy I Love you." he sang lazily and Sia laughed.

"I told you he was funny." she snickered.

"I love you to." I kissed his nose.

"Hey, Lils" Sierra said walking in the room with a bottled water.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Lilly Lilly Bo Billy I lov..." he stared snoring and we burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" a lady asked walking in. The room suddenly got silent and awkward. "So cat gets yall tongue now?" she asked with attitude.

Who is she? I asked myself.

"Why are you here?" Shawn mom spoked.

"So I can't see my nephew?" she asked throwing her hand on her waist.

"No or did you forget what that syco path you call a daughter just did to him." she said and I started to walk out the room but Shawn held my hand tight and shared his head no.

"I came to apologize so no need for the attitude." the lady said.

"Miranda, attitude brings attitude and your apology is accepted. Now what did they say about Melissa?" Mrs. Jolly asked.

"She's still sedated but when she wakes there going to run some times and see whether she will be charged or sent to Sandilands."

"Oh" Mrs. Jolly said.

I kissed Shawn head, told him I loved him and hugged Mrs. Jolly and the girls and left before the lady had a chance to ask me anything. I drove straight home, fed Anna and took a nap.


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