A strange awakening. (boyxboy)

By christysaur

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A strange awakening. (boyxboy)
Chapter two continued
Chapter three
Chapter 4
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter eight
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

Chapter 12

3.5K 17 1
By christysaur

Chapter 12

Olivers POV

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath of Jaiden's cologne in. I with him tangled. He had his arms around my torso and our legs were tangled. I yawned and turned on my other side to face Jaiden. He opened his eyes and kissed me lips. "good morning handsome" he smiled. I smiled as well. Jaiden had been living with us for about a month and I was absolutely loving it. I wasn’t in school because of my burns so basically we get the whole house to ourselves all day. We have spent many hours kissing in the hot tub and playing in the pool, laying in bed, and watching movies cuddling on the couch. I didn’t want it to end. He took care of me.

I looked over at the clock. "11:35" I looked back at him. "We slept in later than usual today." Jaiden inhaled and sat up. I didn't bother getting up. He looked down at me and swung his arm over so his body was hovering over mine. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, then my nose, then my lips. This was something he did often. Every time he did I got the same tingly feeling in my heart and it always made me smile. "You’re cute." he said softly with a half smile. He took his hand and tapped my snake bites one at a time. Then he stood up. He was looking extremely sexy with his shirtless self. He had sweat pants on and his hair was ruffled. I pushed myself up with my arms and sat up. Jaiden stretched. Then he turned around and smiled at me. “Let’s go swimming.”

“Okay baby” I smiled back at him. We both put our swim trunks on and held hands as we ran down stairs to the pool. My pool was a rather large one. It went down 13 feet and had a diving bored and a big rock that is used to jump off of. The hot tub was on a higher level than the pool and it had waterfalls that ran into the pool from the hot tub. The water was crystal clear you could see everything even if you were under water and you didn’t have goggles. I sat on the edge and dipped my feet in the water. It was freezing so I was trying to get in slowly. Then I heard a loud “rawr” and the next thing I knew I was under water struggling to get to the surface. Once I got up and I could breath I saw Jaiden laughing with his wet hair covering his eyes. “Jaiden you bitch!” I said jokingly and I splashed him. That bastard pushed me in. He flipped his hair to one side. “I'm freezing!” I shivered in the water.

“Awh I'm sorry Oliver.” He smiled and swam closer. “Let me warm you up honey.”  He backed me up against the wall of the pool and I put my elbows up on the ledge for support. He moved my hair out of my face. Then he looked in my eyes. Then at my lips. Then in my eyes again.  He took his hand and put it over our eyes closing them for me. Then it was probably the most romantic kiss I have ever had. His left arm was around the back of my neck and his right arm was on my side. He must have kissed me for at least 10 minutes.

Jaiden’s POV

I sat there kissing that irresistible boy forever. When I pulled back I felt the urge to drop the “I love you” bomb. But something inside me was telling me “No you will just get hurt again.” But Oliver is so sweet. He would never hurt me. At least I don’t think he would. I mean its been over a month already and we haven’t fought not even once.

            A few hours later we were back inside watching a movie in the home theater. We were laying on the couch and I was spooning Oliver.  I heard the door open upstairs.

“Toris home” I said to oliver. No response. He was asleep. I smiled. that cutie. I hugged him tighter and closer to my body. Tori came downstairs and looked at us. I looked over at her and smiled. She shook her head.

“Is he asleep?” I nodded in response. “OLIVER GET YO LAZY ASS UP!” Tori screamed and I cringed. Oliver jumped and I had to let go of him.

“Tori? What the fuck?” He sat up.

“I'm home” she smiled and ran back upstairs.

“I swear that one…” Oliver said as I sat up. I smiled and kissed his forehead, nose and lips.

“I’m going to make dinner.” I said.

“Ill help!” he said standing up. But I sat him back down.

“Nope its time for you to take your pills and rest a little more.” I winked at him. Oliver frowned and pulled a bottle of pills out of his pocket. I chuckled at him and went upstairs.

As I was frying some chicken in so olive oil I heard the door bell ring. I wondered who it could be and I strolled over to the door opening it. There was a young girl, probably in her early teens, holding flowers balloons that said “get well” on them and chocolates. “Hello.” I said “Can I help you?”

“Hi I’m Jeika.” She said. “Is Oliver here?”

“Yes would you like to see him?”

“I would!  May I come in?” her eyes were gleaming. I held the door open and let her in.

“Hes downstairs, be careful of his left side.” I pointed to the door that led downstairs and she nodded and ran off. I went back to my cooking. Oliver had never mentioned a Jeika. In fact he said he didn’t really have any friends at all… weird. I decided to blow it off.

Olivers POV

I heard the door open and footsteps come down the stairs. Assuming it was Jaiden I called out. “Hey sexy pants!” Then the person who was making the footsteps rounded the corner so I could see him… no her?

“ahh shit.” It was Jeika. This girl has had a crush on me since 8th grade.

“Baby!” She squealed running over to me. “I have missed you so much! And did you call me sexy pants? Aha Olipop you are such a silly goose.” She dropped everything and hugged me.. well more like strangled me. She squeezed the left side of my torso and I flinched in pain. “Oh my goodness! Oli I am sooo sorry!” I put my hand on her mouth to stop her rambling.

“Jeika. What are you doing here?” I asked in a low tone.

“taking care of my boyfriend duh!” She smiled. Ughh I sighed.

“Jeika, how many times do I have to say it before you get it through your fucking head. I'm NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND.”

“Hahaha very funny Olipop!”

“No seriously. I'm gay.”

“Oh shut up you stupid boy” She winked and leaned in to me. I backed up as far as I could on the couch but I couldn’t avoid it. Her blubbery fish lips were pressed up on mine and I was trying to push her off when my heart froze.

“What the hell?!” Jaiden was standing in front of us and there was a spilled bowl of popcorn all over the floor.

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