
By vechkinfan1

257K 6.1K 1.1K

What if you were one of the reasons the world ended. That your actions have caused the dead to walk among the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 33

4.4K 112 23
By vechkinfan1

So I decided (due to popular demand) to do a rated R chapter. This is my first time writing this stuff so bare with me if its not that good. But I did have some help!

So I hope you enjoy, and tell me what you think and if you think future chapters should be rated R! Again if you don't like this kind of stuff, you don't have to read. Nothing majorly important occurs!


~Warning Sexual Content~

I sat quietly at my spot at the dinner table. Pushing around some of the food that was still left piled on my plate. My eyes glazed over as I listened to Andrea talk about how tough it was being on watch today. Her voice droning on and on about how there was nothing for her to shoot. So all she did was sit there in one of Merle's tree stands all day. Real tough if you ask me...

"Ye gonna eat Had?" Form beside me I heard Daryl's quiet whisper. Making sure not to draw the attentions of the others who were engrossed in Andrea's stories.

Tilting my head I met his gaze, his eyes staring at me intently. Concern seemed to riddle his face, because of this situation. But it was unnecessary, my stomach just didn't feel up to eating squirrel again tonight.

"Not really hungry." I softly said, giving him a smile.

He stared at me for a few moments, searching my face. I guarantee he knew I was lying. We've been in each others company to long, for us not to be able to read each other. But I was thankful when he just nodded his head and took my plate. Splitting the rest of my food between Carl and Sophia who were next to him.

They were more then happy to finish it, which was good. I didn't want to waste food, especially when it was so hard to come by.

Once he was finished he set my now empty plate down in front of me again, catching the eyes of a few people sitting close by. But they quickly returned their attention back on the person talking.

"Ye sure ye ok?" Again Daryl's voice lowered as he talked.

This time his body moving closer to mine. So his shoulder was pressed against mine. Letting his warmth pass into my body. Closing my eyes for a few moments I enjoyed his closeness before I opened them to the feeling of his hand gently squeezing my thigh.

But as if right on que, Merle quickly rose from the table grabbing people's plates. Letting the moment I was having with Daryl end abruptly.

"Best if y'all go to bed now. Lock up them windows and wait till morning." He stated, obviously answering someone's question. One that I didn't even hear. But how could I? I had Daryl's hand on my thigh, just the sheer act had my temperature rising and my core heating up.

"What about watch?" Rick asked as he stood up and wandered over to the windows and quickly closed an locked the shutters. Darkening the room significantly.

All the light we had was from the few candles that were lit around the table. The flames dancing around, casting shadows onto the walls as people started getting up.

"I got first watch." Daryl said as he let go of my leg. "Be out in the tree stand by the road. Ain't want no horde barging their way in." He said before picking up his crossbow that was laying on the wooden floor beside him.

"Sounds good." Rick nodded his head in agreement. "Had you want to take second watch? I know you have good aim." Coming around the table, Rick ran a hand through his hair before looking at me.

"C'mon now, she's hurt officer friendly. Ain't got to make her work." Merle spoke up from the kitchen.

"I'll do it." I quickly jumped in. "I have to earn my keep."

I could tell Daryl wasn't happy about this but it was going to happen one way or another. There was no way I could last another day doing nothing. It wasn't in my nature, and shooting doesn't require two hands. If I used one of our pistols I would be more than ok.

"Ye earn more than ye fair share 'round here. Don't fool ye self." Merle yelled from the kitchen again. But I just ignored him.

"I'll be out around two to change shifts with you." Gently patting Daryl's back, I have him a smile.

Watching as his grimacing face finally broke and a tiny smirk tugged at his lips.

"What ever ye say Had." Daryl coyly smirked before leaving me standing alone with Rick.

Once I heard the screen door close, I turned to Rick. Knowing he wanted to talk about something, given the fact he was still hovering behind me. I was never person number one to come running to when people wanted to talk. Frankly I wasn't the easiest person to talk to in general. So Rick really must have something important to say.

"Can I talk with you really fast?" He finally asked, his boots gently shuffling along the warn out wooden floors.

Judging by his tired sunken eyes, I could tell he need to get this off his chest. So he could go rest up some for what ever he had planned for tomorrow.

"Sure." I shrugged, fixing my sling carefully as we walked out onto the porch.

The night air was muggy, and it was dreadfully warm. But the sky was clear as could be. No a single cloud littered the sky.The stars shining down lighting the yard just enough so you didn't need to use a flashlight to see in front of your face.

"I want to say thank you." Rick said as he walked to the end of the porch. His back to me as he gazed out into the darkened landscape.

My brow quickly raised in confusion as I wondered what he was talking about. I defiantly didn't do anything to be thanked. I've done more things to be thrown out rather than be thanked.

"For what?" I quickly asked, as my body leaned up against the porch railing. My eyes held in the direction where Rick was standing.

"For taking charge while... While I was sorting things out." He breathed out a breath. "I know things with Shane weren't exactly calm. So thank you, I really appreciate all that you've done for us." Turning on his heels he found my gaze. Letting me know that he was being genuine.

"Someone had to do it." I smiled. "Anyways you guys are like my family now. I can't just stand back and not do anything."

Giving me a simple understanding nod he placed a hand on my shoulder. Gently patting my skin before he started towards the door.

"Hadley." He said just as he reached the door. "You should get some sleep before you take watch. It looks like you need it."

Standing there I nodded my head silently. Refusing to acknowledge his last statement. First Glenn, now Rick, these people sure knew how to get on your last nerves. But what did I expect, they were family.

By now most everyone in the house had gone to bed. The noises had died down from the bedrooms and the hushed voices had trailed off. Telling me they had finally fallen asleep.The small flickering of lights that emanated from the candles inside, peeked through some of the tiny cracks in the wall. But nothing big enough to get the attention of a walker.

Figuring I had nothing better to do, and I probably wouldn't be able to sleep for a two hour period, I decided to head out to the tree stand. My feet carrying me quickly across the lawn as I hurried off in the direction that Daryl had went in.

My eyes and ears were on high alert, listening for walkers roaming around in the blackened woods. But all I could hear were the soft chirps of crickets.

When I finally saw the tree stand, I slowed down. Trying to make my movements unheard so Daryl wouldn't shoot me. But as if right on queue, an arrow came whizzing past my face. Sinking into the tree next to me.

"Hey asshole." I called out, slightly amused with the situation. I could only picture Daryl if he really did end up shoot me. He'd probably be a wreck for a couple weeks. "I'm still alive." I yelled again.

Turning around I grabbed his arrow, tugging it from the thick bark of the tree before rushing over. I didn't feel like chancing my luck for a second time.

Climbing the small wooden ladder, I saw Daryl's head peeking down the hole. His face a mixture of horrified and shock.

"Shit, sorry Had. I thought ye was a walker." He mumbled out, and reached down carefully pulling me up the rest of the way.

Once I was safely on my own two feet I handed him his arrow back. He took it from my hand skeptically. But he soon let it drop to the floor, letting his now empty arms wrap around my body.

"I'm fine Dare." I smiled, allowing my hands to run up his back. "You didn't even come close to hitting me." I reassured him, but it didn't seem to help. His grip on me grew tighter.

"What if I hit ye? What then?" He pulled my body away from his a bit, so he could look down into my eyes.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been shot, now would it?" I let a chuckle escape my lips. Thinking back to one of our very personal encounters. When Daryl pulled the arrow from my leg, that Shane had put there.

"Ain't funny Had." He grimaced. I just rolled my eyes and pulled us down to the floor together.

My fingers lacing with his, allowing his thumb to gently stroke the back of my hand. His eyes locked with mine and I just smiled again. Enjoying the closeness. I had enjoyed it earlier, but Merle cut it short like always.

"Is... Is it all clear around here?" I casually asked. As my brain went on overdrive. Instantly thinking about us being alone in a tree stand together. No one around to walk in on us, no body.

"Yeah, ain't been any 'round here." He said, as his free hand came up and gently tugged at a loose strand of my hair. It seemed to be a something he enjoyed doing, because he did it a lot lately. "Why?" He asked, as I watched his brow raise.

Breathing out my held breath, I looked into his eyes. I think it was somewhere between the moment he surprised me with the box of condoms and dinner, I finally made my decision. It was also another reason to why I wanted to take second watch with Daryl.

"Does that offer still stand?" I nodded my head in the direction of his pants pocket. The one I knew he kept the box in.

It seemed to take him a few moments before he finally got what I was referring to. But when he did, I felt his body shift next to mine. His hands pulling my body onto his.

"Of course it still stands." He grinned. My body shivering when I felt his hands slide onto my back. "Ye still want to? Ain't want to push ye into something ye ain't want." Laying us down on the floor of the tree stand, Daryl stared at me. Searching for the answer I didn't say out loud.

Instead I pushed my lips against his, letting him know my answer. I trusted Daryl and I knew that one of these days he could be gone. That it was most likely going to happen sooner rather than later. So I didn't want to wake up one day and realize that me being nervous ruined a chance at happiness.

My lips moved with his forcefully, as I gently laid myself down on top of him. As I felt his tongue aggressively trace my bottom lip wanting my permission. With a soft moan I open for him, allowing his tongue to meet mine. But before long Daryl was pulling away, leaving me gasping for my breath.

My worried eyes staring down at him, wondering if I did something wrong. Or if he thought this was a bad idea now.

"Dare.... Did I do something?" I cautiously asked. Not really wanting to know the answer.

He just shook his head and gripped his hands around my waist. In one fluid motion he had me pined to the ground below him. His body hovering over mine, with lust filled eyes. Something I defiantly wasn't used to seeing on Daryl.

He smirked at me and leaned down, pressing his mouth against mine in a heated kiss again. His body was pressed against mine, the heat from his skin radiating through out my entire body. While he ran his hand slowly down my right side over my ragged shirt, grazing over my waist and hips finally landing on my thigh. My thigh that was exposed to the night air, do to the fact Carol was doing my laundry.

He gripped it tightly squeezing my flesh, before loosening his grip once more and merely lifting my leg up and bringing it against his body. The new position allowed his calloused hands to work up and down the back of my leg gently. Playing with my exposed skin, that he rarely every gets to see. Let alone touch so intimately.

Daryl's tongue was massaging my own slowly, as his fingers slipped under the waistband of my shorts. By now my heart was beating through my chest, and my nerves were fast approaching. I've never been with a guy by choice, so it was weird having Daryl's gentle but caressing touch on my body.

Shaking my head of those thoughts, I tried my best to focus my attention on just him. I lifted my hands up and placed them on his neck, lacing my fingers in the hair on the back of his head as I brought him even closer and deepened the kiss. We seemed to be in the heat of the moment for quite awhile before I felt his hands snake around my waist and to the buttons of my shorts. His skilled fingers made quick work of them, because with in seconds I heard them popping open.

Finally he pulled away from me, resting his forehead against mine as he broke our kiss. His eyes staring down at me, as he silently thought to himself. I couldn't tell if he was unsure if I was ok with this or if something off in the distance caught his attention.

Soon his eyes softened and he pressed a light kiss to my lips.

"I was ye first kiss." Daryl confidently stated, obviously proud of himself. "I know I ain't ye first now, but I would like if ye thought it that way." Just hearing his words made a smile paint across. It was so strange seeing Daryl all romantic, that it was almost surreal. Lets just say, when I first met Daryl, this situation didn't even seem in the cards for us.

"For all I care, you will always be my first." I grinned up at him, giving him the answer he was looking for.

As if my words were his queue, his head nuzzled against the crock of my neck. The scruff of his chin, rubbing against my sensitive skin as he pressed small kisses to my neck. Well he was keeping me semi distracted his fingers hooked into the sides of my shorts and pulled them down my legs slowly.

He sat up and pulled away from me, moving in front of me. Using both of his hands to pull my shorts and panties down the rest of my legs in one quick motion. I couldn't help but feel a blush rising to my cheeks a little at being even more exposed to him then I had been early. When we had that moment in the shower together. Daryl's eyes scanned my body, and then snapped up to my eyes again. A crystal clear smirk spread on his face as if he just won the lottery.

My blush only seemed to darken when his hands slowly worked their way up my stomach, tugging at my shirt. Lifting my body, I helped the best I could. Finally he pulled it off me and threw it haphazardly across the small area.

His head dipped down once again this time, kissing the skin between my breasts. As his hands messaged up and down the sides of my chest. His fingers gently caressing my scared skin where he could.

My breath was rugged at this point, from just laying there with his lips working across my body. His skilled fingers made quick work of my bra, throwing it somewhere. I wasn't thinking all to clear to really notice where it fell.

"Daryl..." I moaned out, getting slightly impatient with all his teasing.

When my pleas reached him, he pulled away looking down at me again. At this point his eyes were dark and he just nodded at me.

In a few seconds Daryl was stripping his shirt off, tossing it in the darkened room. My eyes silently roaming his toned chest as he worked at his belt. An amused smile tugging at my lips when I saw he was having some difficulty.

"Fuck it." He growled and gave up on his attempt to undo his belt. Instead he just gripped the waist of his pants and pulled them off aggressively, leaving him in just his pair of boxers.

Satisfied with our current state, he turned his focus back on me. His hands reaching out and running up my thighs gently. He applied pressure on my skin with his calloused palms, pushing my legs apart roughly. Before I had time to feel self conscious about me being full on naked in front of him, Daryl had already pushed two fingers inside of me. I whimpered in surprise not used to the feeling, and his eyes met with mine instantly. He never broke his gaze with me as he lowered himself down. My breath caught in my throat as my heart started beating through my chest. At that moment I was questioning my decision about finally giving it up to Dare. I mean I fought off zombies and crazy ass people, but none of those situation made my body shake nervously like this.

Sensing my sudden change in mood, Daryl removed his hand, and placed it on the side of my right thigh again. His head lowering down slowly before pressing gentle kisses on the inside of my left thigh. He was trying his best to ease my worry.

"Had ye ok?" He asked between kisses, never once stopping. "Ye shaking like crazy." His hand gripped onto my thigh tighter, using his thumb to gently rub patterns into my skin.

Normally I would have had some witty remark regarding my current state. But no words where forming, it was like the connection between my mouth and my brain had been severed. With my lack of response, his eyes slowly gaze up into mine. Seeing that he had me frozen beneath him, as he trailed his kisses up my skin, before hesitating as he reached between my legs.

"Ye beautiful Had, ye ain't got to be nervous. Its just me." He breathed out a rugged breath.

My breathing was a mess at this point, only getting worse as he gently pressed the very tip of his tongue against me. I gasped out loud and I felt him breathe a laugh against my skin. I'm glad he found this funny.

Laying my head back, I focused my attention on the ceiling. Trying my very best to enjoy this moment and not let my nerves stop him.

Daryl's fingers slipped inside of me once more, moving into me slowly as he flicked his tongue over my most sensitive spot. I could barely breathe at this point. My body starting to actually enjoy what he was doing yo me.My breath caught in my lungs, unable to leave. I couldn't deal with this, especially as Dare pulled away from me. Keeping his fingers inside of me but refusing to move them.

Closing my eyes tight, I suppressed my moans. Knowing all to well Daryl was waiting for me to break. Making me ask him for more. He knew that'd if I really wanted it, I'd ask. So he was patiently bidding his time.

"Dare..." I weakly pleaded. My body wanting his touch and movement.

"What ye want Had?" He coyly asked against my skin. Moving his fingers again.

"I want you." I leaned up on my elbows. My eyes probably full of need now. "I just want you." I breathed out again.

"Thought ye never ask." He quietly chuckled, as he leaned up and positioned himself beside me. His lips quickly finding mine in a hungry kiss.

I kissed him back just as hungrily, pulling his face close to mine using his hair as leverage. Which only caused a deep groan to leave his throat. Using his hands he gripped my waist and pressed my naked body against his. I could feel how hard he was as he crashed my lower half against him and his arousal pressed against my thigh through the thin material of his boxers. I wasn't going to lie, all it did was turn me on even more. Making my core heat up allowing the heat to radiate across my whole body.

Once again, he pulled away from my body. Standing to his feet as he walked over to where his pants fell on the floor. Lifting them up rather quickly he searched the pockets before finding what he wanted. The box was in his hands as he opened it up, pulling out one of the foil packets.

In a few very long moments, I watched as he strode back over to me. His hand sinking into his boxers quickly, pulling out his hard member. Just seeing him like this had my cheeks burning again, but I didn't have much time to think about it when he slid the condom over him and laid back down next to me.

His hands roaming over my exposed skin, paying attention to my breasts.

"I love ye Had." He whispered against the skin of my back.

"I love you too Dare." I groaned loud as Daryl slid himself inside of me. I gasped and looked up behind me at him. He began to move into me slowly, taking his time. Judging by his face he was trying his hardest not to get to rough.

I hopeless clung to his body, and he enveloped me with his large arms. Keeping my body still as he moved in me. An unfamiliar feeling growing in the pit of my stomach the more we moved together.

I moaned quietly almost to the point where it was inaudible as he started to pick up his pace. He moved into me harder refusing to keep this moment soft and gentle. Which was fine by me, only because the rougher he got with me the more turned on I became.

Turning my head so it was close to his he began kissing the side of my mouth. He no longer looked like the same Daryl I started with. This was a side to him that was animalistic and he was living in the moment as he ran his hand down my arm and laced his fingers into my own. My thoughts along with my senses were running ramped through my body, not being able to focus on anything other than the way he was making me feel at this very moment. I couldn't understand how he was making me feel this good, but how ever he was doing it all I knew was that he should keep it up.

Turning my body on him, I moved so my chest was pressed against his. So my hands could wrap around his strong shoulders, allowing me to hold on for dear life. He seized this opportunity to burry his head against my neck, kissing my tender skin. Scrapping his teeth back and forth, enjoying the moans that escaped my lips from the movement.

I held him to me as I ground my lower half down against his. Taking control of this situation, which he seemed to please him because his breathing was getting hard against my skin. Which only made him move into me harder and faster then I thought was possible. There was something about the way he was doing this though. He was still struggling to be gentle with me as if he went any harder he'd break me apart.

So I ran my shaky hands through his hair, yanking on it hard bringing his lips to mine more. Just the simple act seemed to make Daryl understand what I wanted. Because the next thing I knew, his hands gripped onto my waist roughly, helping him pull my body onto his harder.

My chest was heaving up and down harshly as I gasp for my breath. Thinking that this moment couldn't get any more better but I was pushed over the edge as Daryl's hand moved up my stomach his fingers hesitating as they crossed my scars riddling thr skin but they continued up and cupped my small breast tightly in my hand. Squeezing it with his fingers, causing a loud moan to slip through my lips as my orgasm hit me. My vision went dark as I felt like everything in my body had exploded in a firework of feelings. Feelings that had my body withering against Daryl's hopelessly. I could barely breathe, my body was gasping for a decent sized breath. But I couldn't do anything other than cling to Daryl's body and bury my face into his shoulder, as I cried out again, as another wave of extreme senses passing over me.

"Fuck Dare," I whispered against his sweat soaked skin quietly, between my moans of sheer pleasure.

My moans and actions appeared to be enough to send Daryl over the edge too, as he gripped me tightly and moved into me even roughly than before. His movements soon came to a abrupt stop when he came inside of me without warning. With only a deep growl of a moan against the skin of my neck to indicate he had reached his climax too.

We lay there silent for the longest time, our bodies covered in a thin layer of salty sweat as we tried to catch our breath. Daryl's hands were still laced around my waist, his fingers rubbing against my skin softly.Our foreheads were pressed together and he leaned down and kissed my lips softly. I just pulled him close to me, relishing the moment.

"That was amazin' Had." Daryl quietly whispered against my ear once he pulled away from my lips.

"You thought so too?" I coyly smiled. Causing his grip to tighten around me.

A few more moments passed as we laid in each others arms. The distant noises of the woods creeping into the tiny tree stand.

"We should actually pay attention to our jobs, I guess." I sighed, knowing eventually this would have to happen.

But Daryl just shook his head and reached over his back. Pulling his discarded shirt off the ground, and covering my naked body.

"Ain't got to worry. We trapped this place pretty good, em' geeks ain't gonna get close." He smiled and I nuzzled my head against his shoulder.

"Can we just stay like this then?" I asked, my eyes still closed tight.

"Yeah, maybe ye actually might get some sleep." He chuckled, softly.

I inwardly rolled my eyes, and just shook my head. But once he quieted down, his low breathing started to lull me to sleep.

In that moment I knew what Daryl and I had was more then just a apocalyptic romance. It was deeper then that. I also knew that if anything happened to him, I'd be devastated. Unable to recover, if I lost him.

Deep down I knew I was, there was just this feeling that overwhelmed me telling me that I wasn't going to have him for much longer. That in a blink of an eye he'd be gone and I'd be left with nothing again.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the sexy tree stand time! Hahaha. This took so long to write and sorry for the delay, I just hope it's good enough for you guys!

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