I'd Be Lost Without My Blogge...

Da 53_8_92_IOU

1.5K 102 102

NAME: John W AGE: Legal Place: Mariana's Trench (Sherlock's cheekbones) Fan of: William Sherlock S... Altro



118 12 6
Da 53_8_92_IOU

Ladies, gents, and peasants:

I know you want me to update more about my fabulous existence, but I have a life now. Sherlock Holmes is now following me on Twitter and replied with three kisses in his tweets to me so that is basically means were dating. You can't expect me to update every time you please because well, there are more important matters now.

Oh who am I kidding, just look at the fabulous picture where Sherlock stares right into your soul. It was sent by shutupimaddictedto221B and I couldn't stop staring for hours.

Anyways, I'm going back to my interesting life now. Which of course does not mean stalking my boyfriend's Twitter and Instagram like a maniac while eating cookies and chocolate.

Amongst the lovely people who like me for who I and are genuinely happy for my Sherlock follow, there are few hateful comments as well... Someone said I should delete my blog because it's embarrassing and that I don't stand a chance over Sherlock because he isn't actually gay.

What I actually do is called wishful thinking. I know that Sherlock has a reputation for having a way with ladies and there are millions of people wanting to be his other half but a boy can dream! And I'm very pleased that some people are dreaming about it with me.

I laugh at a comment from jawns_little_babe (someone seriously dedicated an account to me! How great is that!) saying: To be honest, I know a better thing to do than staring at Sherlock Holmes... Staring at John. That's just a bit freaky though; I'm used to be the starer not the staree.

I called Mary yesterday after I came down from my high and I'm quite sure that after a while she stopped listening and started doing other things. As in she actually put the phone on the table while I ranted about my Sherlock freaking Holmes follow. Yes, Sherlock Holmes, the Sherlock Holmes.

"Why is it such a big deal?" She asked, her voice a little bit annoyed. "I mean he follows thousands of people and you're just one of them."

"Two thousand two hundred and ten people actually and exactly! I'm one of them now! I can send him private messages and I'm on his timeline and he knows that I actually exist, THAT is why it's such a big deal." I explained excitedly, voice a little too high-pitched for a grown man.

"Do you actually think he reads his timeline or messages? They're all from hormonal teens who are so obsessed with him that they stalk him night and day and send him rude messages."

I huffed, did she just described me? "Did you just call me a hormonal teen?" I heard a sigh from the other line.

"No John, I did not. Congratulations on your follow, I've got to go now. Are you going to be at the park later?"

"No can do sorry!" I said even though I wasn't really sorry. I would see her on Monday at work anyway so why should I waste my time in the park while I can stay inside and explore Tumblr some more? That site sure has a damn load of good pictures and fanfictions.

"Ofcourse not. See you on Monday, John." I heard the beeping tone as she hung up on me. I bet she's just jealous that I got a follow from Sherlock Holmes and she didn't.

Now, today, the day after the day I'm contemplating tweeting Sherlock. Now he's following me, I'm suddenly a bit embarrassed of tweeting him the things I usually tweet because what if he sees my tweets and think that I'm a creep? The truth is ; I might be somewhat of a creep... But he isn't allowed to know that until our twenty-first wedding anniversary.


@SHolmes_221B Still very grateful that you followed me. I love you xxx (sent 6 minutes ago)

Was that too much? Should I have gone with a casual pal or mate and left kisses out? Suddenly I'm insecure and I don't know what for.

Ten minutes after I sent my tweet. I got a shitloads of notifications that my tweet has been retweeted and favorite by hundreds of people and I'm taken aback. My mentions start to come alive again and I see loads of messages about me being cute and again they are happy for me because I got a follow. Loads of people are asking me to send their usernames to Sherlock and ask him to follow them as well. They want a follow (I don't see why) and want one from Sherlock. I'm not freaking Harry Potter or something, I'm not a wizard. It actually took me two and a half years to get a follow from Sherlock in the first place.

Besides, why should I help those people to get a follow from Sherlock? The less people he follows, the more chance I have at getting him to notice me again, the more chance there is to have him realize that I'm the man of his dreams, the lover of his life, the cherry to his cake.

There are rude tweets as well and I try to ignore them, but it's hard. People are telling me to either get a life or rot in hell. I know they would prefer the first but luckily I'm an emotionally stable person. When I'm not looking at pictures of Sherlock Holmes, that is. It hurts though, that people scold at me for no reason at all.

I should've known that there is a downside to getting a follow from the most-eligible-bachelor in the world, but I shouldn't forget that I'm a lucky boy and that they're just jealous because I had something they don't; Sherlock Holmes' attention for at least one minute.

A tweet catches my eye and I cringe. Ouch!


@John_Watson Telling him you love him doesn't make him gay and you shouldn't be gay either. It's disgusting. Go die.

I've never been attacked about my sexuality. People always seem to accept it and after I told my parents, they were just happy that I could actually be me instead of hiding. I know that not everyone is in places with the fact that there are homosexuals in their precious world but the hate has never been directed to me.

I want to come back with a witty remark, a comment that would leave the girl weeping on the floor because she nearly had me in tears but I can't think of the words. So instead, I trun to the one person that never fails to put a smile on my face.


DM @SHolmes_221B So a follow from you means getting hate from others. A lot of people are happy for me but there are few negative comments


DM @SHolmes_221B They seem to think that me being gay is contagious and that I will rub it off you on you.


DM @SHolmes_221B I hope you don't get any trouble with your fans by following a gay boy because you don't deserve the hate.


DM @SHolmes_221B You don't deserve any kind of hate actually. Anyway, sorry for my rant. xxx

It feels good to get it off my chest. He might not read it or even delete my messages right away but it's just nice to pretend he cares.

The sun is shining and I thought about going outside, to catch some fresh air or get a little tan. Since my last Skype session with my sister, Harry, she keeps texting me and nagging me about how pale I was, that I should get a little color or at least take some Vitamin D. I could run through the park or maybe Mary is there playing tennis... but then again, why should I exercise? I can eat whatever I want and not out on any weight. I thank my parents for giving the fast metabolism gene. Is that even a gene?

I look up from my laptop, casually chilling on my bed next to the window and sigh. It's one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I put on my shoes without bothering to tie the laces, my sister was right though; I do look quite pale for an Englishman, even looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I walk down the stairs and open the door to the outside world, the real word. The heat (yes in England) hits me hard and I turn around. I'll try again when the English weather decide to be normal.

As I open the door, my eyes find my forgotten phone. I instantly lunge forward to get my precious off the counter top and kiss it a few times. "How are you precious? Sorry for leaving you, it must've been scary." I mutter kissing it again. "But I'm here now, it's okay. I'm here." As if it actually hears my words. The screen lights up; it's a tweet from Sherlock. Yes, I get the notifications when he tweets.


It still upsets me how not everyone can accept people who they are. Never send hate, it can mark people for life. (sent a minute ago)


Nobody deserves that. Respect each other #loveislove xxx (sent 2 seconds ago)

I can't help but think he read my messages, and if he did, did he stick up for me to the entire world?

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