The Ghost Keeper

By Vanessa_M1997

88 1 2

Ellis Hans, Elizabeth Manor and Toby Azur are ghosts trapped in a little town called Vancouver Beacon along w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 part 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5A
Chapter 5B
Chapter 6A
Chapter 6B
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Last Chapter

Chapter 2 part 1

8 0 0
By Vanessa_M1997

6 o'clock it's time to wake up"
"6 o'clock it's time to wake up"
"6 o'clock-

Throwing a pillow at the stupid alarm clock I groan as I drag my body out of bed-literally- I'm not a morning person.
After the episode with my dad concerning incense, ghosts and all things unholy, I indeed did sleep with my lights on, which was a nightmare considering the light was shining in my freaking face the whole freaking night!

After showering for 15 minutes, I put on what I would normally wear at home, black lace shorts, a white vest, a black shawl jersey and black ankle boots. My hair was short, it didn't even reach my shoulders, so I just curled it an left it at that. I hardly ever wore make up, I was a knockout without it.
My eyes were different colors though, one green and one blue. I know. Weird.

-"Oh there's my ray of sunshine" my dad beamed at me as he finished making bacon and eggs, which is everyday considering I hate pancakes. Or anything sweet, chocolate, sweets, cheese ew, milk, yoghurt omg, who created these??

-"So are you looking forward to going to school?"
I guess the glare I gave my dad did tell him that was a dumb question, a person is NEVER and I mean EVER ever ready or looking forward to a new school. It's like reinventing yourself over and over. What if the teacher asks me to introduce myself? I suck at making conversation.

"But dad , do I really need to go to school? I can just look for a job, plus do you even have the money for school fees?"

-"Well, you let me deal with my money issues, and I'll let you deal with your school issues alright? Now let's go."

The school here starts at 7:50, but my dad thought it would be nice to get here early so I could familiarize myself with the place. The drive to school was very unsettling to say the least, he kept asking me about my visions and if I got any, and he made me swear I'd say anything if I started getting them again.

After getting dropped off by my dad, I headed inside the school
'Vancouver Beacon' was in big bold maroon letters, the school was normal looking . Nothing fancy, after all it's just school, nothing's ever fancy with school.

I headed to what would be the reception, and asked for my class schedule.
"Aurora Grace Hastings"
-"there you go sweety"

The lady handed me my timetable with my locker keys and smiled, I nodded and went hunting for my locker, just kidding. I just walked normally .

-"Hi, Aurora Grace right?"
"And you are?.."
I let the question trail off , looking at the guy suspiciously , he had pure white hair and deep green eyes. He looked handsome, but strange, almost mythical .

-"I'm Ellis, sorry I overheard you telling the receptionist your name, didn't mean to"
"I'm sorry, did you dye your hair?"
The smile on Ellis' face disappeared and he looked at me as if I'd just eaten his cat . Ew.


I couldn't understand why she was looking at me like that, like I was some mystical creature, I mean I know my good looks are a killer but she must have known. I mean surely she must've seen me in one of her visions. This was the Aurora Grace Hastings that was meant to break the curse. Why was she acting like this?

-"I'm sorry Ellis, I didn't mean to offend you or come off as rude , your hair is just really nice"

I shrugged my shoulders, whatever.
"Um, your first class is math right? I'll walk you there?"

She looked surprised, as if she was wondering how I knew where she was meant to go. But truth is I not only knew that. I knew a lot about Aurora Grace, since she was pretty much a baby, she likes chewing on her lip when she's scared or thinking, and she has a habit of tapping her foot, sometimes even when she's sleeping .

I'm not a creep okay? I was just assigned to keep her safe so she could be able to perform her tasks when it was time. But a few months ago something seem to have happened. Aurora just happened to not have visions. But I know what's happened. However I can't tell her, it's something she has to figure out on her own, part of her journey.

I wish that journey would hurry though, this town has been stuck with the same people for over a century. Same freaking people .
Yep, we're ghosts.

Humans that have tried to come inhibit the land, we've drove them mad, to their own deaths. Humans are honestly stupid, careless and it's very easy to read their minds, always so vulgar, so explicit.
But something was different with Aurora, she was human too, though a visionary, but still human, yet I couldn't read her mind. However hard I tried .

-"so have you been to the school for a long time?"
I shrugged, I was a ghost, I couldn't lie. But I didn't want to tell the truth either, if I said yes, she might ask how long.
But why would she?
"You could say that."

We stopped at a coffee shop before continuing to her class, we still had 15 minutes before first lesson.

-"is it nice? Living in this town? It looks very strange"
"Okay first you criticize my hair, and now my town, do you always act this snobby?"
-"are you always this fucking rude to people you don't even know? Thanks for your kindness but I think I'll find my class myself"

I watched her walk away.
To say I didn't like her would be an understatement, she's always been so bossy and snobby and because she'd mostly gotten everything given to her on a silver platter, she always thought she was better than people .
And don't be fooled, this isn't one of those times where you think I'm gonna fall in love with her because I'm not.

I'm dead, she's alive. The minute the curse is lifted, this town will be jovial again and colorful and every single one of us in this town will finally be set free. And gone. Forever.

I heard footsteps behind me and a smell of bullshit, ahhh Toby.

-"Wow, we finally get someone who can help and you treat her like how you treat your shoes, not great. And considering by the look of them now, I'd really say like crap. Come on buy new shoes, what's it been? Only a century?" I knew he was smirking at his sarcastic question. This idiot.

"Oh good morning Tobias"-I watched the smirk disappear from his face, he hated that name, despised it-
"I thought I smelled bullshit and here you are"

-"Ellis, always the ray of sunshine, and how many times must I tell you to not call me that?" His eyes turned a shade of white.

-"boys, must you always fight over the same thing every single morning? I heard we have a new friend, where's she?"

Elizabeth was the only one I'd really warmed up to, she was very sweet for a ghost. And although she sometimes went a bit overboard with her actions I'd pick her over Tobias anytime.

-"And what are you thinking about Ellis"
"Nothing, just Tobias and his antics"

Elizabeth laughed out hard as Toby struck me with a key chain, shit that mutherfcker hurt. Joke. No really it did.

-"So Ellis why did Toby accuse you of treating the new girl bad?"

Oh well, where do I begin?

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