Children of the Moon

By IzzyJackson

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**Revamped Description** So let's say history has a bad habit of repeating itself. Charlotte Blake has suff... More

Chapter One: Party Of The Year
Chapter Two: The Woods
Chapter Three: The Girl
Chapter Four: The Answers
Chapter Five: Actions of Impulse
Chapter Six: A Girls Night Out
Chapter Seven: Leap of Faith
Chapter Eight: Company
Chapter Nine: Bite Will Link
Chapter Ten: Winter Secrets
Chapter Twelve: Tea Cups and a Little Paint
Chapter Thirteen: Broken Bonds
Chapter Fourteen: Our Numbers Are Down
Chapter Fifteen: A Father's Daughter
Chapter Sixteen: She Was Like The Moon
Chapter Seventeen: Wishing Well
Chapter Eighteen: Unchartered Territories
Chapter Nineteen: And So the Moon Disappeared
Chapter Twenty: The Prisoner
Chapter Twenty-One: His Will
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Breaking Point
Epilogue: Finally Home

Chapter Eleven: Truth Beyond the Lies

185 5 4
By IzzyJackson

March 23, 1504- Full Moon

**the afternoon of the first spring full moon**

I slowly slid my hand against the soft cream cotton sheets of the bed I was sitting on. It was a small single twin pushed up aginst the wooden wall in the corner. My bare feet dangled off the side, not touching the floor.

I was dressed in a thin piece of solid white fabric that went to my ankles like a gown. It was designed to show as little amount of skin as possible, but it made this procedure harder than it should be.

I sighed and turned to look out the window once more. The sun was almost to setting position in the afternoon, and if they didn't hurry up, Benjamin would know I was missing soon. I quickly shoved the idea out of my head to what he might do if he found I wasn't home at the house.

My heart was going a hundred miles an hour, and I couldn't seen to calm it no matter what I did. Suddenly the door opened revealing the pack doctor.

He was a man in his mid twenties. He went by the name of Dr. Parker, and I'd only seen one other time in his office due to my lovely werewolf bite, I had surprisingly lived though. He was very interested in the fact that I had, so I had seen him on the side dozens of other times for some research.

Benjamin had never known this, and I didn't plan on telling him. Knowing Ben he'd probably blow things way out of proportion, resulting in having the poor doctor banished from the pack for even being in the same room as me with out him present. In all honesty, this was probably the best doctor in all of the area.

But this time I was here for different reasons. Reasons so far only my best friend, Samantha, and I had known. Now I suppose we could include Dr. Parker seeing as how he now has the answer to one very important question I was dying to know.

He closed the door with a click, making everything feel surreal and pulling me back down to earth.

"Elizabeth I have good or bad news, depending if you have changed your mind since I left to get the testing results." I shook my head no back and forth, and now I was positive I knew the answer. Something inside of me begged that he might be joking, but the serious look on his face said otherwise.

"Well a doctor doesn't say this in these hard times and not usually to a beta's mate, but I regret to inform you that your pregnant."

For the longest time I just sat there stunned for the fact it had finally been said out loud. Tears had become my best friend ever since I suspected I was pregnant, and now I couldn't form a single one. I just sat there unmoving as my world came crashing down. This could not be happening.

"Elizabeth, if I-" The doctor began shattering every wall of thought I had conjured up.

"I need to get dressed. Benjamin will be at the house soon, and I have to be home when he gets there." I said as I tried to regain my composure.

Dr. Parker didn't move, he was watching me carefully. He knew just as much as I did, and at this point, it wasn't enough to satisfy either of us.

"I'll send a nurse in to help you with your corset." He said softly. I watched him walk to the door and leave.

I slipped off the bed as quiet as I could. My bare feet hit the hard honey glazed wooden floor, and I quickly began to slip into my layers of clothing. Finally I pulled on the actual gown.

It was a sharp pink rose that fell to the floor, hiding every inch of skin I had except for my hands. I was smoothing out the wrinkles and creases of my dress when a small thin girl walked in the room.

"Miss Blake or would you prefer Mrs. St. Clair?" She asked. She was young, very young. She had to be around the age of twelve, but then again most nurses were that age now.

"Call me Elizabeth, please." I said with the best warming smile I could pose. She gave a short nod and began to pull my corset strings.

"Is it too tight Elizabeth?"

"No it's good, snug. Thank you." I said, handing her the gown I previously wore. I started to walk out of the room when she called,

"Wait Elizabeth," I turned on my bare heel towards her. "Dr. Parker wanted me to tell you he will have clearer results in a few days. He said then he could tell you more then. Also he wanted me to tell you that everything will be kept a secret until you are ready." She paused lightly before adding, "I don't even know what your here for Miss Blake, I mean Elizabeth." She quickly corrected herself.

She was very young indeed. "Thank you again Miss. Tell doctor I will be back to see him on the day after tomorrow." I smiled at her once more before walking quickly out the door.

I crossed the small waiting area to the front door. I reached it and pulled the door open in haste, showing the fast paced world outside. The dirt road was crowed with people left and right. After the war ended, everyone felt more safe to get out on the streets and return to their normal lives.

I slipped into the mass wave of people hiding my face from the curious on lookers. If I was spotted here there was no way I was going to be able to keep my new found secret from Ben.

I walked silently in the crowd of people until I saw the familiar road up ahead. I took the cut off on the main road through the trees leading to my home. I walked over the large hill to see the small house in the distance.

It was made completely of wood, a two bedroom house. Ben and his brother, Alpha Nathan, constructed by hand last summer. It took the entire summer, and in that time I got to know the woman Nathan courted, Samantha Bayne. She became my best friend, and we have been inseparable since.

I sighed and lifted my dress a little to continued walking to the small cottage house. As I neared the house the soil became more damp. Most of the trees had been cleared out from around the house, and in return we got more rain around the yard.

Once I arrived to the house, I opened the front door to reveal a very anxious Samantha.

"What did he say." She asked quickly.

"Really Samantha could you at least let me get in the door or make sure Ben isn't with me." I said as I closed the door.

"I'm sorry this is just frustrating." She mumbled.

Frustrating for you, think of how I feel.

"Well?" She pressed after a minute of just standing there.

"I'm pregnant." I said flatly. She stared at me wide eyed.

"And you're sure that-"

"Yes! For the last time, I'm sure." I said sternly cutting her short. "Our last time was a week before the fight. So no matter what, I was pregnant during the war." Samantha looked forward pressing her folded hands against her mouth.

I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. I know what it might seem like, but I wanted this child more than anything. He was the only thing missing from the jigsaw puzzle I had as a life. There was just one problem, and one thing I was positive about. I had fought in the war with it.

"Well maybe he made it though. I mean werewolves and hunters are really strong, and he's half and half. Maybe..." Samantha said as if she had read my mind.

"No baby, werewolf or hunter, could have survived that." I whispered.

"What did the doctor say?"

"He will know more in a few days. Samantha what am I suppose to tell him." I asked in a weak voice. There was one more thing left out of the equation, Benjamin.

"Nothing. Not until we know for sure." She said as she stood up.

I walked over to the sink. I placed my hands firmly on the edge and tried to maintain my breathing. It had grown accustom to coming and going unevenly.

"He said a few days, don't worry so much. It will be okay. I promise." She said trying to reassure me, however it made me more uneasy.

"Who said a few days for what?" A new voiced asked, and my body went ridged. He was home.

I quickly turned around to look at Samantha, but for once she had put on the perfect façade. "Dr. Parker, I went to see him today about my headaches, and he said he'd have the results in a few days." She replied calmly.

Ben only nodded at her before looking away around the room. He was searching for something, and that something just happened to be me. When his eyes met mine, I was frozen in place. It was crazy he still had this affect on me, but he did.

"Well I must go, Nathan will be looking for me." Samantha quickly said and hurried off to the door.

It was just like her to leave me on that note, but I couldn't say I blamed her. The door slamming shut brought me back to earth, and Ben had crossed the kitchen now.

"I missed you." He said as he ran his hands slowly up my arms. His body was just a couple inches away creating an electrical shock between us.

"I missed you too." I mumbled. "How was work?" I managed to force out a sentence, but it was shaky.

"It was the same. Still some patrols and stuff." He replied as if nothing had happened. I nodded and looked away around the room, anywhere but at him.

I was finding it harder and harder to look at him and not come clean. I wanted to say everything, to get this enormous elephant off my shoulders, but I couldn't. This news would break him.

"Did you go into town today, to the doctor?" My breath hitched as if I couldn't breathe before. I became stone in front of him and slowly turned to meet his gaze. "With Samantha? I saw your footprints outside." He explained.

I let out a small sigh. "Yeah, I did."

"I'll never get why you don't like shoes honey. I could buy you a million pairs... Are you okay? You seem tense." He said as his hands found my waist, holding me tightly.

"Yeah, I'm okay. A little tired I guess." He nodded and slowly pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was always sweet and soft. It was completely irresistible, and I found myself snaking my arms up around his neck.

Time slipped though every crack in my mind, disappearing into every crevasse to be lost.

He slowly pulled back, still holding me closely. "Are you hungry?"

I shook my head no. "Not really, but if you are I can make something..."

"No I'm fine. I'm tired, I think I'll just go to bed with you."

"Okay." I whispered.

* * * * * *

I faced the window as I laid in bed quietly. It was the middle of the night, and though the glass I could see the circular full moon perfectly. There were no clouds insight, and it was truly a crystal clear night.

I felt completely exhausted as if I'd been running for hours. All I wanted to do was sleep, but my brain refused to let me rest peacefully.

Ben had instantly fell asleep when we laid down and has been sleeping soundlessly since then. A sigh slipped though my lips as I gently picked up his arm from my waist. I placed it next to him on the bed and carefully stepped out.

I paused, turning back around to make sure I didn't awake Ben. He slightly adjusted himself, and I ran my fingers though my wild wavy hair. As I pulled the tangled mess free, I walked over to my dresser in the poorly moon lit room.

My fingers drifted across the top of the smooth wood and hit a soft piece of fabric, my dress. I lifted the piece of clothing up and walked into the living room. I didn't want to risk waking Ben up putting it on in the room, so I brought it out here.

I pulled on my dress, and did my best to tie the corset strings myself. They were slightly lose, but I wasn't going to be out long. I just wanted to take a small walk, and maybe stop by my parent's house. I'd be back before Ben even realised I was gone.

I turned the door nob and pulled the squeaky door open. I took a deep breath and stepped out into the brisk air. The ground was cool and soft beneath my feet.

A layer of fog had settled along the woods, hiding my feet and everything else including the path. But I'd taken this trip so many times, I didn't need the path to find my way.

Ben has always wonder why I never wear shoes. I just didn't like them. My feet always felt squished and hot inside them. If I went bare foot, I was free to do as I pleased. I was faster and more skilled without shoes, so I found no use for them.

I was finding myself deeper and deeper within the woods as the trees got thicker. I stopped walking and sucked in a long deep breath, inhaling the scent of all the woods among me.

All the night animals were out rustling in the trees and on the ground. I hung my head back to look at all the stars cluttered around the moon, and a smile turned onto my lips.

My parents house wasn't far from here, a few minutes walk. I began to walk once again, and I took in another breath to smell the woods.

My nose was instantly struck with the smell of burning wood, and my head whipped from side to side, looking for the forest fire. I came up empty, not seeing the flames anywhere, but that smell was very precise and had to be wood burning.

I turned my body in the direction of the smell and prepared myself to follow it when I heard them. The sound of people screaming and yelling muffled words. I froze in my path. It couldn't be...

I started running as fast as my legs wound carry me. Nothing in the world mattered more to me than reaching that house. As I neared it, the flames came into view and became more distinct. I ran out into the clearing before the burning house and stopped dead in my tracks.

Orange waves of anger swallowed the house from the bottom to the second story, leaving nothing untouched and blackened. The shrill screams and cries of my parents came from inside the house.

My feet unwillingly drug me forward into the crowd of witness, circling the house gate. One person stuck out among the rest, and she could not have been missed by me.

Samantha turned around meeting my gaze and instantly ran towards me. "Elizabeth... Your parents are trapped. We can not save them." She was shaking from her crying, and she had placed her hand in my shoulder.

"No..." I whispered. "No! We have to save them! Where is my uncle? Where are the other hunters? Somebody! We have to save them!" My voice had grown to a frantic yell.

"No one is going to go in there." Samantha whispered.

"After all they did for this town." I bellowed. Everyone from the crowd turned away from me or hung their heads in shame. The deafening sound of howls shredded though the air. The crowd fumbled over each other as they fled the scene.

Samantha latched her hand around my wrist tightly and began to pull me. "Come on Elizabeth! They are coming!" The sight of hundreds of wolves running in our direction snapped me into realisation. They weren't apart of our pack.

I uprooted my feet from there standing position and ran with Samantha. I could head their paws gaining on us, and I knew we weren't fast enough to out run them.

I cloud feel their breath on the back of my neck as they got closer. I quickened my speed to match Samantha's, but she crashed to the floor making me fall with her. I jumped to my feet as my nerves bubbled in the pit of my stomach. My shaky hands reached for hers, but I was too late.

A large red rusted wolf had clamped his jaws around her right leg and began to tote he backwards. She scream was high as she panicked and tried to get away.

Her hands became sweaty and were slipping from mine. Her green eyes were fixed upon mine begging for me to save her. She was ripped from my grasp, and I fell onto my knees.

Her small body panicked and her hands clawed the floor for anything to grasp. My vision was flooded, and I almost missed Nathan. His giant brown wolf body tackled the rusted red one as they began to rip at each others necks.

Samantha was laying face down in the dirt, and I struggled to get to my feet. I ran towards her limp body. I had almost reached her when a wolf hit my side.

I was thrown into the air and clashed against a tree. There was a loud crack as my body met with the trunk. A moan escaped my lips as I rolled over to face my attacker.

My vision was shaken up, and now everything was tilting side to side. I could only decipher muffled sounds as screams and howls.

My attacker took a few steps forward towards me as his eyes were locked in mine. He prepared to lunge but was tackled by a familiar blue eyed wolf. Benjamin.

I sighed and began to sit up. A sharp pain in my lower abdomen and rib cages gave me dreadful news. My week body collapsed back to the ground. I watched everything I had worked to protect shatter with chaos.

The fire blazed claiming everything in its path as giant wolves battled for the upper hand. My eyes looked everywhere until they fell upon Samantha. She wasn't far from me, but she hadn't changed positions since the last time I'd looked at her. Then it dawned on me. She wasn't breathing.

Nathan didn't know because he circled her body protecting her from any harm, but the worst had already fallen upon her. I began cry as I curled into a small ball.

Everything was gone. My parents. My best friend. My baby. I had lost it all. I was even losing myself.

Tears rolled out of my eyes down my cheeks as I sobbed on the floor. Benjamin came running to me. He was drenched in blood and only had on a pair of grey breeches.

"Elizabeth!" He called my name as he slid on his knees to me. I didn't move, I just continued to cry, and he wiped away my tears.

"Elizabeth it's me, Benjamin..." He spoke softly, and I flinched at his touch. "Elizabeth please..." He pleaded as tears formed in his eyes.

I didn't want anyone to touch me, not even my mate. I was dying, and my entire body knew it. Every system was shutting down one after another, and even my hunter inside couldn't save me. I wanted to die right there and leave the world. Leave all my pain and quit suffering though this long death.

He pulled my body into his lap against my wishes. "Elizabeth please... I love you. Don't leave me now." I pulled in a shaky breath and laid against his chest. My lungs were burning in furry as they were crushed by my collapsing rib cage.

He brushed his lips against mine and kissed me. This kiss was different, it was soft but urgent, desperate. He knew I was dying. He was probably in the same amount of pain as I was in right now, but he wouldn't show it.

"Don't leave me Elizabeth... Don't go yet..." He whispered as his tears fell down his cheeks. My pulse was slow and faint as my lungs gave in. This was it, this was the end.

"I'm sorry, I love you." I forced out, and it was barely audible.

"Elizabeth..." He breathed. I closed my eyes, and the blackness captured me.


A/N: Hey you guys!!!

This chapter was different, I know. I haven't wrote in the historical times in awhile, so I'm kinda rusty as you can see. This will be the only chapter of the past, and I only wrote it because I wanted to tie up some lose strings with Elizabeth, like why she didn't fight back? She was pregers! *holds hand over mouth with shocked face* Gasp!

I've already started working on my next chapter because this one wasn't apart of the original story plotline.

This lovely chapter is dedicated to my wonderful best friend, JesusIsMyMan, for the awesome comment, "Oliver is absolutely. PERFECT. AND. Cereal doesn't go in the fridge."

Haha so there's a funny back story with that. My family keep our box cereal in the refrigerator. Don't ask me why because that's how its been all my life. Everyone thinks it weird, but hey that's me! So by force of habit last chapter I wrote Charlotte getting her cereal out of the fridge with the milk. Haha oops...

Well guys that's it, but my next chapter will be up soon due to this short, blast from the past. Thank you for reading, I freaking love you guys!(:

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