Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

By dokyeomdotcom

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It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... More



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By dokyeomdotcom





Trying to get out of the Slytherin common room was harder than I thought. Right as we were about to step into it, someone can through the wall into the common room. Andromeda, Remus, and I quickly hid behind a tapestry, careful not to make any noise as we listened to the people.

"He's angry with you Regulus. You let the blood traitor get away from us, you had one job to do."

My jaw dropped and Andromeda shoved a hand over my mouth so they wouldn't hear me. 

It was Lucius and Regulas, but who was mad with Reg?

"I know that Lucius, it's not my fault Kelsey is stubborn. You know she won't come willingly and I didn't want to push any of this on her in the first place. Now that the Dark Lord knows her and that Lupin's fellows' prophecy and he will stop at nothing until they're both dead." He sneered at Lucius.

I felt like dying. which is probably what everyone wanted right now. Remus looked confused as ever and I keep forgetting about that stupid letter Slughorn gave me for us both.

Remus looked at me and I gave him a look that said I would tell him later. 

Regulas was working for the he-who-shall-not-be-named. My best friend was a Death Eater.

I looked at Andromeda and she looked close to tears, but now Remus had a black expression.

"What about Narcissa's, plan?" Lucius asked.

"I don't think she's asked yet. According to her, Kelsey has been MIA recently." Regulus responded.

I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from sobbing out loud, and luckily we were behind a fairly large tapestry. Remus grabbed me and pulled me into his arms and I started to cry silently into his chest.

"Kelsey?" Andromeda asked me after I had calmed down. 

I looked up at her, Remus was looked out from the behind the tapestry.

"We've got to go now, they left." She was being stung too after finding out her cousin was a Death Eater and her little sister is dating one too.

"Right," I wiped my eyes. "Let's go."

We quickly left the Slytherin dormitories and hurried up the hallways to the entrance hall where we looked both ways and I saw Remus take something out from his hoodie pocket.

"What's that?" I asked him and he smirked.

"You'll love this." I took his wand and put it on the over and whispered.

"I Solemnly Swear That I'm Up to No Good."

Writing started to show up on the front of it and I read it.

"Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present, The Marauder's Map?" I looked at him and he opened it.

My eyes widened, this map showed all of Hogwarts.

"Here we are." He showed us.

"We've got to get here, there's a secret tunnel that'll lead us to Hogsmeade." He showed us, and Andromeda and I nodded in understanding.

"We've got to watch out for Filch though," he pointed to him. 

Filch was in the area by the Transfiguration classroom, a hallway down from where we have to go.

"You both ready?" he asked us.

"Thank you both so much for doing this. I didn't think it would be this hard though." Andromeda told us.

"Dromeda, you're one of my best friends. There's no way I'm letting your family harm you or your possible baby, okay?" I told her and she nodded smiling.

"I'm ready," she told Remus and he looked at me.

His dark eyes stared into my light ones.

"Ready." I nodded at him.

"Follow me."

We rushed down corridors, pausing at their corners to look and make sure the coast was clear. We were nearly there when the worst possible thing could've happened, Sirius and James were coming down the adjoining corridor talking quietly. Fear crossed all of our faces, the statue which the passageway was behind was ten feet in front of us, but if we ran James and Sirius would see us. I looked over Remus' shoulder with difficultly, even in heels, and looked at the map.

Flitch was coming up the corridor in front of us.

I stepped back and looked around.

"There!" I whispered to them.

there was another tapestry in front of us. we all rushed towards it, but Remus tripped. Causing his broom to smash against the floor with a sickening crack, but luckily it didn't break. The Marauder's map slid five feet to the right of him, smack dab in the middle of all four corridors. he looked deathly pale.

"Who's there?" We heard Filch roar out.

I grabbed Remus' arm and yanked him up, grabbing his broom on the way we hurried behind the tapestry.

"Who's there? Peeves, is that you?" We all froze and then something dawned on me.

James and Sirius. 

Did they hide, did they see the map? What happened to them?

"What's this?" I heard a flutter of parchment and I knew he picked up the map. 

Then we heard a bang in a corridor.

"James!" I heard Sirius shout at his friend.

"Stop right there!" Filch shouted and I heard him hurry off towards them, but we stayed where we are.

Soon we heard footsteps coming back up the corridor towards us.

"Students out of bed, and Gryffindor's too! Professor McGonagall will have a lot to say to you two."

"Honestly sir, we were looking for our friend! He didn't come back to the dorms after dinner!"

I felt Remus tense up next to me. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, he squeezed back.

"Excuses, excuses. Take it up with your Head of House." Filch replied and we heard them walk past us.

We didn't move until we were sure they had left then we hurried to the statue.


"We've got to go now we can worry about them later," he spoke and left us behind the tapestry.

I could tell he was guilty, not only had he lost the map but now he's going to have to explain to his friends where he was. 

I sighed.

"Come on, Dromeda." we grabbed out brooms and moved to the statue.

"Okay, you'll have to squeeze through," Remus spoke to us from the passageway.

"Hand me the brooms first." I handed him mine then Andromeda's

"You first Andromeda."

She put her back to the wall and shimmied until she was out of sight, in the passageway. I did the same and was halfway there when I heard footsteps.

Remus had my hand and was getting ready to pull me through.

"Wait, I hear someone." I froze and he gripped my hand tighter. I inched towards the opening.

"You're sure Miss Black?" I heard Professor Slughorn ask.

Shit, which Black?

"Yes, I'm telling you Kelsey had a Gryffindor boy in her dorm room with her."

Remus' hand gripped mine tighter, Bellatrix had seen me with him but clearly didn't know that Andromeda was there too.

"Go back to bed Miss Black, I'll deal with them both in the morning. see if you're telling the truth."

"Yes, sir." I could've sworn she looked right at me when she smirked but I couldn't tell the next moment I was in the passageway on top of Remus who had fallen over pulling me in.

I blushed.

"Sorry," I got off of him. "This it?"

"Yeah come on, the quicker we're in the air, the faster we get back and clear our names."

We rushed onward, hurrying through the store in Hogsmeade that I couldn't tell which one it was. Remus raised his wand to the door handle


"No!" I stopped him.

"What? It's locked." he looked at me through the darkness.

"We can't use magic outside of school." I reminded him. 

Instead, Andromeda pushed past us and pulled a bobby pin out of her messy ponytail.

"Move, have two sisters, and being underage gives you time to learn this, muggle way of picking a lock." she stuck her bobby pin into the lock and jiggled it around a bit until we heard a click and she pushed it open.

"Let's go," she whispered to us. we rushed outside and mounted our brooms then took off into the night sky.

"You've got muggle cash right?" I yelled at Remus over the wind.

"Yeah! Don't worry!"

But I was worried, worried that all of this would fail. Worried we would get caught and expelled and worried that Dumbledore wouldn't understand the letter I left him explaining why we wouldn't be in class tomorrow.

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