To Pieces (boyxboy)

By TheLYProject

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(It Takes Two Sequel) Gage and Levi have been taking it easy, what with almost being murdered they've had eno... More

Chapter 1: Twist and Shout
Chapter 2: Peace and blessins
Chapter 3: Safe and sound
Chapter 4: Tell me something I don't know
Chapter 6: Back to Black
Chapter 7: Kicking and screaming
Chapter 8: Pillars of salt
Chapter 9: Ice cold burning
Chapter 10: Child's play
Chapter 11: Reckless
Chapter 12: Urges
Chapter 13: Fix you
Chapter 14: The elephant in the room
Chapter 15: Blonde Proverbs
Chapter 16: Nightingale ~Fin~

Chapter 5: Eye out

7.2K 329 62
By TheLYProject

----------Sup fools? Hope you like the chapter :D Mini-announcement: This sequel isn't going to be overly long, not as long as the first. About 16-20 chapters, alright? DON'T YOU DARE BITCH AT ME I'm just informing you :) some crazy shiz will happen, don't worry bout that. Read and enjoy and comment because it makes my soul shine bright like a bald mans head in the sunlight ~(-_-~)----------

          "As long as i've got my suit and tie...." I heard Gage humming to himself, and I cracked one eye open to watch him sing to himself. I smirked in amusement, trying desperately not to laugh despite the situation. I felt myself about to yawn, and tried to stop it but it came anyways. 

"Levi, you're awake!" I opened my eyes all the way, smiling slightly at Gage. 

"Sure am. did I fall asleep again?" I blinked, trying to remember. Gage sat beside me on the bed, pulling me into his arms and sighing. 

"You had a seizure, Levi." My eyes widened in shock. 

"What? But I don't even remember panicking!" I said, ironically getting panicky. I lifted my hands to eye level, and groaned when I saw them trembling. 

"What's the last thing you remember, Levi?" Gage asked worriedly, his grip tightening on me. I tried to think back. I remember coming here, meeting his extended family, having lunch...then it's blank. I told Gage that, and he pursed his lips. 

"That's not good. After we had lunch you went to the bathroom, and next thing I know you're having a seizure i'm having a heart attack and everything's a mess." I rolled my eyes, trying to mask my discomfort. I had a seizure? And I had forgotten about it? I know the last time I had a seizure my memory was iffy, but I also had a concussion and other injuries. This is not good.

"How did you find me if I had a seizure in the bathroom? Wait, was I in a compromising position?!" I said. What if one of one of them found shivered at the thought, and realized Gage was shaking with laughter.

"N-No, no you weren't in any compromising positions. You were actually just outside the bathroom, and my uncle found you. He thought you were epileptic at first. I had to tell them, Levi." I flinched, focusing my attention on my legs.

"I figured you'd have to tell them eventually. They have a right to know what kind of danger they're in." Gage rubbed my arm, and ran his other hand through my hair. I sighed, letting the familiar action comfort me.

"Nothing is going to happen to them, Levi. We'll be safe. How would he-who-shall-not-be-named even know we're here?" I snickered at the reference.

"You're right, i'm pretty sure Voldemort has no knowledge of our existence. Wiggins, on the other hand..." He winced and put his fingers in a cross shape, making me laugh and nudge him.

"Don't say his name! It'll probably taint the air." He grinned. I was about to respond when Peace walked in, hands in his pockets. He shot a glare at a smirking Gage before his expression became neutral again.

"Hey. So, you're not dead. I totally thought you were gonna die, so I guess that's good." I watched in amusement as the weird boy sat at the edge of the bed, toying with his lip ring.

"Uh...thanks, I think." He nodded, completely missing the sarcasm.

"No problem." Gage sighed at his cousin, raising his eyebrow.

"Peace, do you need something? Levi needs his rest."

"What, is my mere presence causing him so much distress he's going to implode?" I chuckled, then snapped my mouth shut when Gage gave me a look.

"No, but your presence causes me distress. So leave." Peace shrugged, and I thought he was going to leave when he laid back on the bed, his hands together on his stomach. Gage scowled at him.

"Peace! Leave, or we'll have a repeat of earlier."

"What happened earlier? How long have I been out?" I asked, but was ignored completely as Peace blew raspberries at the ceiling.

"Nope, not leaving. Just try it. Won't it cause Levi distr-Ow!" Suddenly Gage shoved him off the bed with his foot, Peace landing on the floor with a thud. I tried not to laugh, but when Peace's head popped up and only his glaring eyes were visible I lost it.

"G-Gage! Why did you do that?!" I said between giggles. His arms tightened around  me and he rested his chin on my shoulder as he smiled innocently at Peace.

"It was only an accident, I have no idea what you mean." I hit his shoulder as Peace huffed and stood up, giving Gage the 'I'm watching you' sign. He backed out of the room, and then I heard another thud along with a small shriek. Then there was a groan and an "Oh god no" before all hell broke loose.


"Ow! Quit it Joy! OW! That's my shin! Are you trying to break both my legs?! I'm sorry! Get off me you demon spawn!" I bit my lip as I heard a few more thuds and groans, and then there was silence, besides Gage's laughter.

Seconds later, the floating little girl from earlier came in the room, a pleasant look on her face. Gage was looking at her with a grin on his face as she came over to me and took my hand in hers.

"Are you okay?" I nodded, confused. She smiled, reaching forward and patting the top of my head. 

"I'm glad. My name is Joy, it's nice to meet you." 

"You too." I replied, an amused smile on my face. 

"Joy, what did you do to Peace?" Gage asked, shifting so he was sitting up with me in his arms. She grimaced at the mention of her brother, huffing in disdain.

"Peace is such and idiot. I handled him. You are lucky you don't have to live with him." I shook my head. What a weird kid. 

"Yeah, he is an idiot." Gage agreed. I rolled my eyes at him and Joy smiled in approval.

"See? You understand. I better go, Chloe will be looking for me. Ta ta!" She waved and gracefully made her way out of the room.

"....Gage, are all your cousins this weird." He laughed and nodded.

"I'm afraid so. Now, are you hungry or anything? You should rest, but you hardly ate anything and it's  already four." My stomach rumbled at the mention of food, and I blushed. 

"I guess that answers that. Let's go feed the beast." He held my hand and got off the bed, helping me up. I glared at him, and he smiled sheepishly.

"You know I hate it when you dote on me, Gage. Don't start." I snapped, and he looked down.

"Sorry. I just got so worried. You don't know how bad it looks when you have a seizure." My gaze softened and I wrapped my arms around him tightly, resting my head on his chest. 

"I know that. I'll try not to be so short tempered." I sighed. He pulled away, keeping hold of my hand. 

"Don't worry about it. You have a right to be as short tempered as you like." We left the room, and I kept my disagreement to myself. I had no right to be angry. All of this was my fault anyway. They had to deal with my problems. 

When we got downstairs, his aunt and uncle looked up at me, scrutinizing. I plastered on a fake smile. I had no idea what I was supposed to say. I'm sorry I had a spaz attack on your carpeting? Where do I even start? 

Gage's dad gave me a sympathetic look as I sat on the couch near him, and Jenny just looked away from me seemingly unconcerned. I sighed, trying to put it out of my mind.

Looks like it's going to be a very, very long day. 


After dinner that night, I was ready to flip a table and tell people to stop worrying about me. I forgot that normal people don't take seizures as lightly as I have begun to. They kept asking me if I needed anything, if I was feeling okay, if I wanted them to get my damn food for me. His aunt nearly had a coronary when she saw my hands shaking. 

They're all concerned and I get that, it's sweet. I'm just not used to having anyone but Gage hover around me annoyingly, and it's bad enough when he does it. 

So, when his Uncle Jack offered to go to the store and get some ice cream, I jumped like I had sat on Pikachu. 

"No no, don't you worry about it. I'll go, just make a list." They all looked at me like I had turned into a Peacock. I blushed.

"We couldn't possibly ask you to do that." His aunt said, watching me with concern. 

"You're not asking, i'm offering. Really, I need some air anyways." 

"There's enough air in the house." Gage grumbled, making my eye twitch. 

"Gage will come with me, so it'll be fine." They relaxed a little at this, and my hopes raised. 

"Damn right i'm going. Like hell i'd let you go anywhere without me." I rolled my eyes as he got up and took my hand. 

 Soon, a list had been made of everyone's favorite type of ice cream, and we were ready to go until Joy and Chloe were begging to come with us.

"Can we go PLEASE? We'll be good and we can help carry the ice cream!" Chloe begged, and Joy nodded enthusiastically.

"That's what carts are for you twerps." Peace said tiredly, earning a kick to the shin from Joy. He winced, shooting her a scowl. They both gave their parents puppy dog eyes, and soon they were agreeing. 

I didn't mind them going at all, i just wanted to get away for a little bit, even to go get ice cream. 

Minutes later we were off, after Gage and I finished arguing over who got to drive until he reminded me I had a seizure just hours before and I relented. Chloe and Joy were giggling in the back, watching the sun go down. It was about six thirty, so I wasn't surprised it was almost dark out.

When we got to the Safeway nearby, Chloe and Joy nearly ran into the street in excitement, so Gage hauled Joy over his shoulder and I tucked Chloe over mine. They squealed and kicked their legs, giggling. I smiled as Chloe pounded her little fists on my back futilely. 

I set her down inside at the same time Gage set Joy down, and they instantly came together like magnets and clasped hands. It was funny, because Gage and I sort of did the same thing, our hands coming together almost subconsciously.

We made our way to the frozen section in the back, and there were surprisingly few people here. Even so, I had an odd sensation. However cliche it sounds, it felt like I was being watched. I didn't like that feeling. 

I held Gage's hand tighter and looked behind me, seeing no one of course. I shook my head, trying to stop worrying. What's going to happen to me when i'm right with Gage? Nothing. 

Gage stopped for a second and I looked up at him. "Crap, I forgot a cart. I'll be right back." Aw hell naw. 

"No way, i'm coming with you." He raised an eyebrow and smiled at me. 

"Why?" I pouted. 

"Cause I feel like it! Damn boy, you don't need no explanation." He rolled his eyes, smiling, and beckoned for Chloe and Joy and we all went to get a cart. That's right, I am so not turning this into one of those stupid mistakes that gets me killed in a parking lot because I wasn't careful. Nope.  

After we got a cart, we went back to the ice cream and got about six different tubs of ice cream. Cookie Dough for Chloe and Joy, Mint Chip for Zack, Cookies and Cream for Jack, Sherbet for Jenny and Pistachio for Leilani. I got chocolate and Gage got Vanilla. How boring, he didn't even get chocolate syrup. 

"How plain, you would get Vanilla." He stiffened, and suddenly he was glaring. At first, I thought he was over reacting about Vanilla ice cream, but then I notice a large figure disappearing around an isle. I gulped, feeling the blood drain from my face.

I don't know how, but he's here. I knew he'd be here. I felt it, I had just been ignoring it. My fists clenched tightly on the handle of the cart as he grabbed Chloe and Joy's hands without a word. 

We didn't even need to say anything to each other as we speed walked to the checkout. How could he have followed us? Is he staked out in front of the house or something? 

When we had paid for everything the trip to the car was rushed. I kept glancing back at the exit, expecting to see Wiggins bolt out after us but seeing no one. 

We got in the car and locked the doors, and I let out a sigh of relief. I grabbed Gage's hand next to me, and he held it so tightly It hurt, but I didn't care.

"That's why you went with me to get the cart?" He asked, and I nodded. "Did you know? That he was there?" I shook my head this time. 

"No. I had this...feeling, but I always have that feeling. I was just being cautious." His jaw clenched as we peeled out of the parking lot. 

"Good thing you did." His voice was strained, and a wave of guilt washed over me. Great, now he's going to worry himself into an ulcer over me. The car ride back seemed to take longer than the car ride here. We finally got back and got out of the car, taking the groceries all at once, Chloe carrying one handle of a bag and Joy carrying the other. Even that sight couldn't bring a small smile to my face.  

I got goosebumps as the feeling of being watched came over me again, but I shook it off. He can't get to me while i'm safe in the house. I'll just have to make sure not to go anywhere alone. But even that can only last so long.

Eventually i'll be caught alone, and what then? Would he actually do something to me? Is he even here, or are Gage and I just paranoid? I doubt it, I know he's here. Watching me, watching us, waiting for the right moment to strike. My hands shook harder and I stuffed them into my pockets. 

If he isn't caught, he'll kill me....or i'll end up accidentally killing myself.

----------Here ya go, angst salad for you XD Leave a comment and you can have some ice cream with a...Gerard Way on top?-----------

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