Envy (Niall Horan Fan-Fic) Bo...

By urbangurl123

229K 5K 1.1K

[COMPLETED] Book 1 of 'Puppetry' ❁Eli is an 18 year old girl that works as a maid at a five star hotel. Her... More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
Part sixteen
Part seventeen
Part eighteen
Part nineteen
Part twenty
Part twenty-one
Part twenty- two
Part twenty-three
Part twenty-four
Part twenty-six
Part twenty-seven
Part twenty-eight
Part twenty-nine
Part thirty
Part thirty-one
Part thirty-two
Part thirty-three
Part thirty-four
Part thirty-five
Part thirty-six
Part thirty-seven
Part thirty-eight

Part twenty-five

4K 101 21
By urbangurl123

HEYYYYYYYYYYY GUYSSS! This chapter is kind of fillery so please forgive me! 



I'm so excited! Today I get to finally leave this god damn hospital. I have felt trapped in this hell hole for too long now, and I don't think I've ever felt so happy to leave a place.

Even though I still have to stay in a wheel chair for a while, I still feel super giddy. Niall and Harry are going to pick me up later from the hospital, and are going to take me to get a cheese burger. Thank. The. Lord. 

I've really missed greasy, mouth watering, fatty food and of course Harry and Niall, and the combination of that is just pure perfection. Harry gave me his phone number a couple of weeks ago and we've been texting each other every day. The only time we didn't text each other was when he visited me and the thing is that I think I like him. I know it's a little fast and all, but I can't help it. He's so sweet, funny, caring, and just Harry. I don't think his feelings are mutual though, I mean my appearance is horrid. The back of my head is shaved off and I must be super pale looking. I can't help but sigh at the thought. Besides, I am just a poor girl that works at a hotel and he could get so much better, like a model or a pop singer. Why would he ever fall for me?

Sofy knows about my crush on Harry and says that he would be stupid not to like me. I know she's just saying that because she's my friend and she doesn't want to be mean. I haven't told Niall though... I feel like he will find it weird or even worse...he will tell Harry. I doubt he would do that, but I still don't want to risk anything. Well at least not yet. 

Right now I'm in the hospital room by myself and I'm sitting in a wheel chair next to the hospital bed I've been in for months. I've been staring at it for a while and even though it's not alive, I feel like it's been staring back at me. We're like two arch foes that both finally surrendered and called a truce. The doctor and nurses came in earlier, gave me my last dosage of medication, helped me out of the bed, and helped me get into my clothes Sofy brought in yesterday. It feels so good to not be in a hospital gown anymore, I always felt naked and uncomfortable all the time, especially when Harry visited me.  I'm here all alone though.

Niall had to go to a meeting with Harry and the rest of the group which I'm guessing has to do with their second album or something. It's been about an hour and half since the last time he texted me so I decide to text him. I look at his contact name and chuckle a little. He always changes it to something stupid.

To: Eli's favorite person in the world

Hey! How's it going? What did the boss say?

I send it, and wait. I begin to braid my hair out of boredom until I get a text.

From: Eli's favorite person in the world

We need to talk.

I feel my heart stop at that moment. I wonder what happened. I hope he's okay. I quickly reply.

To: Eli's favorite person in the world

Are you okay? What happened?

I'm now kind of afraid. Why am I worried? I bet it's nothing. He's fine...right? I stare at the dark screen on my phone and wait for it to light up. 

A sudden knocking sound enters my ears, causing my head to turn toward the door. My assumptions of the knock being cause by a nurse who is entering are proven wrong when Harry and Niall both enter the room.

I wheel myself to them anxiously.

"Are you okay Ni? What happened?" I ask with concern. 

Niall stares at me for a while. I see his deep blue marbles observing my wheelchair and then Harry. Harry stares back and slowly nods while patting him on the back almost in reassurance. Now I'm scared.  

"What's wr-" 

"We have to leave." Niall interrupts as if he just wants to get things over with. 

I stay completely still, not knowing how to respond. Sadness as well as frustration explode inside me, trying to burst out of my body, but I try to hold them back.

"Simon told us that the tour starts in two months, which means that....we have to leave next week to get to the first state." Harry states a little sad himself. 

Silence begins to pollute the air and I feel like I'm suffocating. None of us can say anything more to each other and that's the thing that is one of the things that is killing me the most right now. Niall and Harry are both staring at me for my reaction, and I'm just staring at my hands that are placed on my lap, trying to hold back my emotions. My best friend and my crush are leaving.  

"How long i-is the t-tour?" I practically whisper. 

Niall sighs. 

"About a year El..." He replies. 

I slowly feel my heart deteriorate from sadness and I bite my lip to hold back the tears. 

"Not again." I whisper before turning my head away from them as tears release from my eyes. I can't hold back much longer.

As I hear footsteps walking towards me, I close my eyes shut. Not wanting to see any of them sad, that will just make me break down.

I flinch a little as I feel two arms wrap around me in a soft matter and a kiss being placed on my forehead. I open my watery eyes to see two baby blues staring at me with sadness and regret. Niall bends down in front of me and puts both hands on my shoulders. 

"Eli, I can't leave you again." He mutters with glossy eyes. 

"I don't want you to."  

"I don't know what to do El. I-I" 

"Why doesn't she come with us?" 

Niall and I both turn our heads to Harry as he begins to walk closer to us.

"Ya, why doesn't she just come with us?" He repeats with hopeful green eyes. 

Niall's head turns to me quickly with hope appearing in his eyes as well. I sigh. 

"I'm sorry, I can't." I reply. 

"Why?!" They both ask in unison. 

I wipe my tears and take a deep breath.

"I have to work guys. When I run out of money for food and such on the tour, what am I going to do? I don't want to depend on anyone for anything. I need to work. I'm sorry I ju-"  

"Why don't you work for us then?" Niall asks. 

I look up at him with curiosity.  

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Well since the whole security guards thing happened, Simon fired a load of people from management. Maybe he could give you a job." He replies. 

I bite my lip and begin to think. Maybe that could work. If Simon can give me a good paying job, I could go on tour with Niall and Harry, and I won't lose touch with any of them. I feel myself smile and I nod. 

Niall smiles and Harry just smirks, obviously proud of himself for fixing the whole situation.

"But only if he has a job for me." I add. 

They both nod.  

"I'll call Simon now if you want?" Harry asks. 

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'll ask him myself later. Why don't we just go eat lunch and celebrate me being a free woman?" 

Niall laughs and then goes behind me and begins to wheel me out the door. 

After Harry signed me officially out of the hospital, we began to head to the elevator. 

As we're walking down the hall, I see several people staring at me, some with teir eyes in awe and some their eyes filled with pity. I then remember that half of my hair is shaved off and I quickly cover the spot with my left hand, feeling very insecure. Harry is walking next to me and even though I can't see him, I feel Niall's eyes burning through me.

"What's wrong?" Harry questions. 

Niall stops wheeling me and walks around to face me. 

"Are you okay?" He asks as well. 

"I just...Can we just go back to the hotel. We don't have to go out to eat I me-" 

"We're not going to go anywhere until you tell me what's wrong." Harry commands.

"I...My hair... I look like a freak. I don't want to embarrass you two..." I reply with my hand still covering the spot and my eyes darted to my lap.

After a few seconds of continued silence, I slowly lift up my head and my eyes meet Nialls.

"Niall, I know I look bad j-" 

"I see nothing wrong with you. You're per- you look fine." Niall replies, his cheeks flushing slightly.

"Here." Harry comments while taking off his beanie and putting it on my head.  

I take out my phone and observe my appearance through the reflection of the screen. I can't even see it anymore. 

"Thanks guys." I comment. 

Niall gives me a quick hug and then goes back around to wheel me again. 

I smile a little as I turn my head to the right to glance at Harry who is typing something in his phone with a foolish grin plastered on his face. 

I feel my phone vibrate in my hands and I quickly glance down to see that I got a message.

From: Hot Stuff  

I got a text from Harry. Harry put his contact name as hot stuff. I seriously need to stop letting people pick there contact name. I raise one eyebrow in curiosity. Why did he just text me if he's right next to me? I decide to open it. 

From: Hot Stuff 

You look really good in my beanie Xx 

I feel myself blush furiously, which Harry notices because I hear him chuckling beside me.  

"What's so funny?" I hear Niall ask. 

"Oh nothing." Harry simply states. 

A few hours later 

Lunch was kind of awkward. So they wouldn't get caught, we all had to wear disguises so no one would recognize us. I'm not talking about simple, hoodie and sunglasses disguises. No. We we're full on disguised with wigs, outfits, and even different color eye contacts. It was a little over board, I think. Anyway, the whole time, Harry was texting me how cute I looked. It looked like I was sunburned because I literally could not stop blushing. Second, I couldn't even eat how I wanted because I didn't want to seem like a complete pig in front of Harry, and third, Niall didn't talk the whole time...  

All he did was eat with no expression on his face at all. I don't know why he's so down. I decided that I was going to ask him about his change of mood when we're back at the hotel in private.  

We're in Harry, Niall, and Liam's hotel room and Niall is just lying in his bed on his phone. Harry is on the phone with Simon, to ask about the possibility of me getting a job on tour. He wouldn't let me call Simon because he said that he wanted to handle it and that he can easily convince him. He's outside the room and I can't help but be nervous. 

"I'm so nervous." I tell Niall. 


"I really hope he has a job for me." 


"What do you think Ni?" 


I feel really aggravated right now. Why has he been so silent? Is he mad at me? I wheel up to Niall, I get out of my wheel chair, and sit at the edge of his bed. 


Nothing. His eyes are glued to the screen of his phone and it's quite annoying.

"Niall." I repeat.


I huff and I quickly take his phone out of his grasp, causing him to finally look at me.

"Look at me Niall! Look at me!" I plead. 

He looks completely pissed.

"Give me back my phone." He states. 

"Not until you tell me why you have been ignoring me since lunch." 

"Give me back my phone." He repeats. 

"Nope." I say popping the P. 

"Eli give me back my god damn phone!" He says with anger in his voice. 

"Tell me first." I say standing my ground. 


"Fine then you are not getting it back." I reply.  

"Want to bet?" 

What is he going to d- 

"Get off me Niall!" I beg while he begins to tickle me. 

"Give me my phone back!"  

"Never!" I reply dramatically. 

I begin to laugh like I've never laughed before and I'm losing my breath. 

"Niall stop! I can't breathe!" I say in between laughter. 

"Then you better give my phone back!" 


He then tickles me faster and my face is beginning to turn red from lack of oxygen. 

"Fine I surrender!" I yell. 

"What?" He says with an evil smirk. 

"I'll give back your phone if you stop tickling me!"  


"YES! Now stop my ribs are hurting!" I reply. 

He quickly stops. 

"Oh I'm sorry Eli I fo-" 

"Niall I was just kidding." 

I take a deep breath and I look at him to see him let out a breath of relief. Both of our eyes meet and a soft smile creeps on his face, making his face seem brighter. This is the Niall I like. Happy Niall.

I hand his phone back and throw a pillow at him. 


"I'm glad! You deserved it." I comment with a chuckle. 

"You left me no choice Eli. You took my phone."  

"That's because you have been on that thing the whole day ignoring me." 

His smile fades and he begins to put his hands through his hair. 

"Niall what's wrong?" I ask concerned. 

"Nothing Eli I....it's nothing." He states while looking down at his sheets. 

I scoot closer to him and I lift up his chin so he could look at me. 

His eyes pierce into mine. 

"Tell me."  

He sighs and begins to think. 

"Um I just... It's the fans..." 

"What about them?" I ask. 

He then passes me his phone. 

"Read what's trending." He says while looking back at his sheets. 

I see how in the top of the screen it says Twitter. What's twitter? I then look down and see a word that says trending. I press on it and see ten statements in a list with the # sign on the left of each one. 

The first one says #KimKardashianScandal. Who the hell is Kim Kardashian? I shrug and continue reading them. I then see three that break my heart. #NiallUglyHoran, #NiallsCrookedTeeth, and #NiallWorstSinger. I look up at Niall and see how he is playing with his fingers. 

I put his phone to the side and I hug him. He softly wraps his arms around me and burries his head in the crook of my neck. He's so vulnerable and I can't help but kiss the top of his head and rest mine on his. 

"Niall, this twitter doesn't know what they or it is talking about." I whisper. 

He lets go of me and looks at me. 

"Eli twitter is a social website, where people write about what they think and can see what's popular in the world right now. If something is 'trending' then that means that many people are talking and agree with a certain topic. Those statements about me were trending Eli. I just-"  

I hug him tight again and he clings on to me almost in desperation.

"Niall, you are worth more than you think. Those people aren't real fans. They are just bullies who have nothing better to do with their lives so they try to torment others." 

"Eli but th-" 

"Shhh. You're worth so much Ni, you don't understand." 

He then let's go of me and stares into my eyes deeply with his lips slightly parted.

"Eli I lo-" 

"Guys I have great news!" I hear Harry say while walking in. 

Niall puts his hands through his hair and gets off his bed. He then helps me into my wheel chair.  

"Thanks." I say. 

He nods. 

"What did he say?" I ask curls. 

"Well he said that he has a job opening for you!" 

Niall smiles and looks down at me. 

"You get to go on tour with m- us." He states. 

I smile back but then look up at Harry.

"Harry, I kind of didn't finish high school. Am I qualified for this 'job opening' he has?" I ask embarrassed. 

Harry then thinks for a second and nods. 

"Ya, it's not really hard and it has a good salary." 

"What is it?" 

"Well Simon wanted you to be the 'bag person', which requires you to carry our suitcases and stuff but I told him you we're in a wheelchair. He said that for now you can just be there 'social advertiser' until you heal and then you can be the 'bag person'." He retorts. 

"Great, but what exactly is a 'social advertiser'?" I ask. 

"Well it's a person who just advertises us on the internet and you get all our social media accounts like twitter and facebook and you just write statuses and tweets pretending to be us." 

"Why don't you guys do it? I mean, it is your guy's accounts?"  

"Since we're going to be on tour, we're not going to have enough time to do those things. So we need someone to do it for us." 

I nod in understanding. 

"Well, I guess I better go tell Steve." I state. 

"You're going to do it?" Niall asks happily. 


Niall's POV: 

I just finished wheeling Eli down to Steve so she can talk to him about her new job. I'm so relieved I don't have to leave her. After today, I realized that I truly need her in my life.  I love her a lot and I can't help but wishing that she knew.

I was even about to confess my love for her until Harry barged in. But at least he had a good reason. I sigh at the thought. I can't believe I was about to do that, especially since she got the job. 

Imagine if I told her and she didn't feel the same back. The whole tour would be really uncomfortable for me and her, as well as the fact that my heart would probably shatter. Ya, I don't think I should tell her any time soon. I'm so confused though. I mean, I don't want to tell her I love her because I love her...Ya it doesn't even sound right to me.  

I'm taken out of my thoughts when I hear my name being called. I'm back in my room with Harry. Liam, Louis, and Zayn went to the mall earlier today and there still not back. So it's only me and Harry. 

"Niall." I hear Harry say. 

I'm lying in my bed right now and I turn my head to see Harry standing right next to me. 

"What's up lad?" I ask. 

"Can I ask you a personal question? Well not personal to you but personal to me." 

I sit up straight and I nod my head in curiosity. 

"Do you think... well you see..." 

Wow. He seems really nervous. 

"Harry you can ask me anything, don't worry." 

He nods and scratches the back of his head. 

"Do you think Eli likes me?" he asks. 

What. Does Harry like her too? Does Eli like Harry? What do I respond. 

I'm frozen to the spot. 

Harry then fake coughs. 

"Sorry, I-I um I don't know mate." I reply honestly. 

"I'm kind of in to her and I think she's in to me too. I think I'm going to ask her on a date." He replies almost questioningly. 

If he asks her on a date then that's the end of me. She's going to say yes of course. No girl ever denies Harry. I'm going to lose her to my best friend. 

"You should." I reply. 

Wait what! What did I just say? No! Don't go out with her! What is wrong with me? Damn I'm such an idiot.  

I mentally face palm. 

"Cool. I think I'm going to ask her after she talks to Steve." He states confidently. 

"Mhm." I mumble. 

I have no words. 

What if she says no? Ya Niall she might not even like him! Who am I kidding... I'm done for. 


Hey Guys!!! I told you this chapter was kind of fillery... What do you guys think is going to happen? 




Other...ya I don't know what other would be either haha XD If I get 5 comments by tomorrow afternoon I will update on friday. Maybe even tomorrow..... Okay well I love you guys and thank you sooo much! <3

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