Because You Love Me

By thegirlwhowrites11

891K 30K 5.7K

Alaina Evans was considered dangerous and locked away...until the Death Eaters came for her. She was saved b... More

1. There's Something Wrong
2. Welcome Home
3. Meeting Harry
4. The Last Stand
5. Dead and Gone
6. A Night at Spinner's End
7. The Boy Who Lived
8. Arrangements
9. Number 4 Privet Drive
10. The Funeral
11. Sirius Justice
12. Finally Eleven
13. An Old Friend
14. Muggle Studies
15. Welcome to Hogwarts
16. The Hogwarts Express
17. Sorted
18. First Classes
19. A Lesson in Flying
20. Potions
21. Late Night Talks
22. Suspicious Minds
23. Midnight Adventure
24. Halloween Blues
25. Troll in the Dungeon
26. Jinxing the Broom
27. See Me After Class
28. The Mirror of Erised
29. Christmas
30. Their Deepest and Most Desperate Desires
31. The Sorcerer's Stone
32. Detention With Hagrid
33. Something Wicked
34. Fluffy's Secret
35. The Trap Door
36. Two-Faced Villian
37. Hospitalized
38. Points for Gryffindor
39. Going Home
40. Blissful Summer
41. Dobby
42. Meeting Malfoy
43. Another Year Begins
44. The Elf's Warning
45. Second Year Classes
46. Mudblood
47. Enemies of the Heir
48. What Lies Within
49. Rogue
50. Dobby Returns
51. Moaning Myrtle
52. Parselmouth
53. Petrified
54. Christmas Revelations
55. The Diary
56. Wrong Place, Wrong Time
57. Into the Chamber
58. Tom Marvolo Riddle
59. Reborn
60. Voldemort Has Returned
61. Dead or Alive
62. A Marked Man
63. Free
64. Escape
65. Big Black Dog
66. There's Something Out There
67. Out in the Open
68. Everything's Changed
69. Outcast
70. Lupin's Request
71. Buckbeak and Malfoy
72. Sighted
73. Severus and the Boggart
74. A Shocking Revelation
75. Trouble in Hogsmeade
76. The Doctor and Sirius Black
77. The Fat Lady
78. Freefall
79. The Marauder's Map
80. The Firebolt
81. Return of the Black Dog
82. Seeing the Impossible
83. A Rat Among Them
85. The Truth About Scabbers
86. Attack of the Wolf
87. The Stag
88. Cleared
89. Preparations
90. Nightmares
91. Haunted
92. A Wedding at Hogwarts
93. The Message
94. Seven
95. Burning at Both Ends
96. The Exchange
97. The Death of Harry
98. Shattered
99. Reunited
100. New Beginnings

84. The Whomping Willow

4.2K 161 12
By thegirlwhowrites11

 Winter gave way to spring and the sun started to come out more and more, warming up the castle grounds. The search for Peter Pettigrew had darkened. No one had seen or heard from Ron's rat in months. Alaina's theory was that he had gone when he heard they had figured it out and that he was back at Voldemort's side now. They would never be able to catch him.

Things at the Ministry were in an uproar. Dumbledore had tried hard to convince Cornelius Fudge that Peter Pettigrew was alive and that Sirius was an innocent man. The Minister of Magic wouldn't hear of it. He was just as adamant in denying that as he was the fact that Voldemort was back. Albus had never succeeded once in getting the man to listen to reason.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had taken to devoting themselves to their classes. They still hadn't figured out why the search of Harry and Ron's room had taken place and they tired of trying to guess. It didn't seem possible that it might be something they could research, so that was completely out. Lately they hadn't really thought much about it. Their main concern at the moment was school and getting through it. Harry and Ron was a little worried about Hermione though. She seemed to be grumpy and frustrated all of the time and she was falling asleep in the oddest places. It seemed that she was constantly exhausted and they had no idea why.

"Hermione," Harry whispered.

The three of them had been sitting in the common room one evening after classes. They had all agreed to just chill out and rest. By some miracle, not one of them had anything they had to do, homework included. Hermione had fallen asleep against the side of the arm of the couch and she looked extremely uncomfortable hunched over like she was. Harry shook her gently.

"Hermione," he whispered again.

She stirred a little, but she didn't move. Harry sighed. He didn't want to have to yell at her or anything.

"Maybe you should just pick her up and move her," Ron suggested. "Seems like it would be easier. That's what Mum would always do when Ginny-"

Harry looked up at the mention of her name. He hadn't heard it in such a long time. Ron's face reddened.

"I'm always doing that," he confessed, "mentioning her like that. It drives Mum crazy."

Harry smiled sympathetically. "It doesn't bother me, mate. She was a friend to me. I know you're bound to miss your only sister."

"I do. A lot sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if she would have lived if things would have been different. Fred and George seem the same, but Mum and Dad are different. They fight a lot. But I don't think it's because of Ginny. I think it's because of Voldemort. The Order isn't having much luck in convincing people. It's just too soon."

He nodded. "I know what you mean. It is too soon. I only wish I had been able to stop him. Maybe Ginny would be alive and things wouldn't be so chaotic."

Ron laughed. "Things are always going to be chaotic, mate. That's just your life."

Harry smiled. "I guess so. I reckon I should be used to it by now." He reached over and gathered Hermione up in his arms. She had been sitting beside of him when she fell over, so he just sat her back up. Her head rested against his shoulder now and he put his arm around her to secure the position.

"There," Ron said. "That's better. Wake her up."

"What?" Harry said. "I just-"

"I want to go for a walk or something and I don't want to go by myself. We can't leave Hermione here alone asleep, so wake her up."

Harry shook his head. "Sometimes you beat all, Ron," he said with a chuckle. He turned to Hermione and moved her hair from around her face. "Hermione," he said loudly, "wake up."

Hermione's eyes fluttered open and she looked up. Seeing Harry's face so close to her, she jumped, startled. "How did I get-" She looked around. "Did you move me?"

"Yes," Harry admitted. "You didn't look comfortable where you were. Ron wants to go for a walk. Are you up to it?"

She gave him a weak smile and then she turned away to yawn. "Sure. Just let me change out of my robes first."

Harry and Ron stared at her strangely.

"You already did," Ron said. "Before you fell asleep."

Hermione looked down at her outfit. "Oh. Right. Let's go then. Where did you want to walk to?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe down toward Hagrid's. We haven't seen him in a while, have we?"

"No, we haven't," Harry answered. "I think that's a great idea."

"Me too," Hermione agreed. "Let's go."

The three of them walked down to Hagrid's and knocked on the door. He opened it right away, his mouth curving into a smile.

"Great to see you lot. Haven't seen yeh in a long time 'cept fer classes. Come on in."

The trio gladly went inside as Hagrid stepped out of the way to let them by, and he closed the door. They made themselves comfortable as they often did in Hagrid's home, and talked to him about their classes. He seemed genuinely interested in what they had to say, asking them questions along the way, and reacting to the things that surprised him or fascinated him in some way. They told him about the search of their Harry and Ron's room and asked him if he knew anything about it. He told them that he didn't.

"I've lost Scabbers," Ron said sadly. "They asked me about him when they searched mine and Harry's room. I don't know why they would be looking for my rat."

"They were," Hermione said, stroking her chin thoughtfully, "but why? That's what we can't figure out. What would Professor Evans and Professor McGonagall want with a rat? They acted like it was urgent."

"Mum practically yanked me awake," Harry added. "The only time she's ever done anything like that is when she thought I was in some sort of danger."

"Why would you be in danger from Scabbers?" Ron asked. "That's silly."

Harry shrugged. He had no idea what the answer to that question was.

"I don't know why they would want 'em, but I can help yeh find yer pet," Hagrid told them.

He got up and walked over to, what looked like some sort of cookie jar, and took off the lid. He dipped both hands inside and lifted up a small creature.

Ron's eyes widened in surprise. "Scabbers!"

"You should keep a closer eye on yer pets, Ron."

Ron kept a tight hold on the rat as he petted him affectionately.

"What about that business with Buckbeak, Hagrid?" Hermione asked. "What happened at the hearing?"

Hagrid smiled proudly. "They didn't have sufficient evidence to sentence him to death so he's a free Hippogriff."

"That's great."

"Yeah," Harry agreed. "Such good news."

The three of them stayed a little bit longer and then they left. It was nearly sunset when they said their goodbyes to Hagrid and went on their way. They made it to the top of the stone steps and Hermione stopped. She was gazing off into the distance, staring in the direction they had just come from.

"What is it?" Harry questioned.

"Nothing," she answered. "I just love to watch the sun set. It's beautiful."

"Yes it is."

Ron made a face. "You two are disgusting."

Harry and Hermione burst out laughing. After a few seconds, Ron joined them. They were about to go forward when Ron suddenly cried out.

"Ouch!" Scabbers dropped to the ground and started running. "He bit me! Scabbers bit me!" There was a huge drop of blood on the finger of the hand he had been holding him in, but he didn't seem to care. He took off after the rat anyway. "Scabbers!"

Harry and Hermione stood by helplessly, watching as Ron chased his rat. There was nothing they could really do for him. Ron finally got a hold of him, coming to rest at the base of a very large tree.

"Harry, do you realize what tree that is?" Hermione asked. Her eyes were on Ron.

He followed her gaze. Harry did recognize it. It was the Whomping Willow. He ahd to warn him away before he got hurt. The tree was starting to move a little.

"Ron, run! That's the Whomping Willow."

Ron looked up in his direction and his face suddenly twisted in fear. "Harry and Hermione, run! It's the dog!"

Harry and Hermione whirled around. The dog was snarling, it's teeth bared, and it's eyes straight ahead. The dog wasn't looking at either of them. Hermione got as close as she could to Harry. He saw that the dog was ready to pounce and he moved her out of the way in hurry. The big black dog jumped over them, growling menacingly. It went straight for Ron and grabbd him by the pant leg. The dog then started to drag him toward the Whomping Willow. There was a small opening that Harry hadn't noticed before and that's where the dog seemed to be heading with Ron.

Harry hopped to his feet and ran forward, trying his best to catch up with Ron, shouting his name and telling him to hold on every breath. Ron was crying out for Harry and reaching for him, knowing that if the dog was allowed to take them that he would probably be killed. There was no doubt that he was scared out of his wits. Harry dove and tried to grab his hand but he was just short of reaching him, by inches, when he disappeared inside of the hole.

Hermione got up off the ground. She had been frozen there, not knowing what to do. She got to Harry just as he stood up again. "We have to get down there," she breathed.

"I won't let him hurt, Ron," Harry vowed. "Let's go."

She nodded and took his hand. They went forward, dodging hits from the tree as best they could. It was using it's branches to try and flatten them. After a long battle with them, Harry was thrown by Hermione into the hole. He landed with a thud inside. Hermione was tossed in a few seconds later, right on top of him.

"Oh I'm sorry," Hermione apologized.

"We have to stop meeting like this," Harry said. He had meant it as a joke, but it was bad timing and he knew it.

Hermione blushed and smiled, but it faded as quickly as it had came. She got up and dusted herself off and Harry did the same.

The passageway they were in was dark and damp. There was a musty odor to it, but it looked like it had been there a long time.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" she asked.

The more Harry looked around, the more his stomach did flip-flops inside of him. "I think I might have an idea."

He had seen the area on the Marauder's Map, but he hadn't paid much attention to anything else except the fact that it lead out of the grounds.

Suddenly it made sense. Sirius Black had gotten into Hogwarts somehow and it abruptly occured to Harry he might have used this path they were taking now. And if he had been using it, he would need some place to stay, and the only place Harry could think of that no one would be using was a very old, and very haunted, Shrieking Shack.

 "I just hope I'm wrong."

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