Meeting Prince Charming <3

By CharminglyFearless

838 25 22


Meeting Prince Charming-

Meeting Prince Charming

626 17 20
By CharminglyFearless

Hiya! Ash here! This is my second story, hope you read it! You'll probably love it! SPECIAL THANKS TO lacoco for helping me with everything! In this story. Please check out her stories!

~Ashy <3

Haha. I thought about that nickname all by myself :P


Scarlet's POV

"Stop it!" I said getting annoyed with the jocks, they won't stop teasing me, and, bothering me. The jocks laughed along as I said my word. I turned back to my direction hoping that they wouldn't bother me again.

But, unfortunately, they still did it, I once again turned to them and made an annoying look on my face. If they ever do it again..Well I don't know what I might do. I turned to my direction again.

Just then, someone kept touching my shoulder, the jocks! I hate them! Won't they ever stop?! I said slapping the jocks who was touching my shoulder. And I slapped him hard enough.

I gasped. That was definetely not the jocks. It was someone new. 

I turned back and ignored him. Stupid me!

"Um, Miss, Hello?" he said waving his arms at my face.

I looked away, ignoring him.

"Hello?" He once again said. Oh no. He's seated behind me. Sounds like I have to deal with this. 

"Good Morning, students." Mr. Johnson greeted.

"Good Morning, Mr. Johnson." I stood and walked towards Mr. Johnson to talk.

"Mr. Johnson, I am ready to recite the sonnet." I informed.

"Then please do, Scarlet." He said.

I clearly recited the sonnet 26 of Shakespeare:

O thou my lovely boy, who in thy power

Dost holds Time's fickle grass his fickle hour;

Who hast by waning grown and therein show'st

Thy lovers withering, as thy sweet self grow'st.

If nature, sovereign mistress over wrack,

As though goest onwards, still will pluck thee back,

She keeps thee to this purpose, that her skill,

May time disgrace and wretched minutes kill.

Yet fear her. O though minion of her pleasure!

She may detain, but not still keep her treasure.

Her Audit, though delayed, answers must be, 

And her quietus is to render thee.

I finished.

The jocks yawned along with the others. But Mr. Johnson and that  guy was clapping. 

"Thank you, Scarlet. That's a double A+ for you!" Mr. Johnson grinned.

"Thank you, Mr. Johnson." I thanked.

I went back to my seat to get on with the lesson.


The bell rang! Wow. Time flies fast. It's already lunch break.

I sat down to my table with my best friend, Cassy.

"What happened? You look problematic and...guilty." She asked.

"Yeah, I slapped someone. And he was a new student. Oh and I almost forgot that I freakin' ignorede him!" I confessed.

"You mean those guys?" She said pointing to the table where all the girls are surrounded.

"Uh huh. Pretty much." I nodded slowly.

"Though, honestly, he's good looking" Cassy raised an eyebrow.

"The worst part is..he's seated behind me!" I said in a shaky tone.

"That's good!" Cassy smiled.

"Good?! Freaking good?!" I said in shock with my mouth gaped open.

"Okay, then it's pretty bad." She took back.

"What am I gonna do, Cas?" I asked.

I began eating my lunch when suddenly "that guy"..Okay, let's just call him "the-guy-I-slapped".

So, he was totally looking at me. I broke our eye contact. Well, that was awkward. 

"So, you like him?" Cassy said out of the blue.

"What do you mean? I do not!" I gasped.

"Come on, he probably likes you!" She said excitedly.

I punched her by the arm.

"Hey! Now you're punching people on purpose?" she joked which made me laugh. Of course, the canteen was filled with chatters, most came from the-guy-I-slap's table. With the girls and everything. 

I wonder what he wanted to say to me. I thought with a pondering face.

I finished my food and went upstairs, to the library. I have got to forget about everything that happened. I want to read.

I went inside the library and greeted Ms. Hase, the librarian.

"Good Morning Ms. Hase! It's a beautiful morning to read." I greeted.

"Good Morning, Scarlet." she smiled.

Cassy really doesn't read much so she was just sitting at the table. I grabbed books and read them. When someone suddenly interrupted me from my reading. 

"Now who would bother to-" I whispered in a mad tone.

My mouth formed an "o" as I saw him standing there before me.

"Um, Cassy, I think it's time to go." I grabbed Cassy's arms and led her outside but-

"Wait." A voice, sweet voice for exact that sounded british grabbed my hand.

"Yes?" I faked a smile. But in the inside, I am so panicking. What am I going to do.

Silence was there indeed.

"Uh, look, I really have to go" I ran outside along with Cassy

 "He's really cute in person! You should go for him!" Cassy squealed.

"But, I so do not like him." I said.

But then, a man interrupted us.

"Hello, it appears you may have met my best friend." the man said.

"What, that guy?" I said pointing to the-man-I-slapped.

He nodded.

"So, what's your name?" Cassy smiled.

"I'm Kalvin." He said handing out his hand.

Cassy shaked his hand quickly and smiled at him.

 "Let's go, Cassy." I gritted my teeth pulling her away from him..

We walked away..

"Wow, that guy was hot." Cassy said daydreaming.

"You mean, Calvin?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah..." She sighed in happiness...

I walked with Cassy to our last period. Spanish Class. 

"Buenos dias, senora Kas" I greeted.

And she greeted me back.

"Buenos dias, Scarlet." She smiled.

And we all seated.

"¿Alguien recuerda lo que hicimos ayer?" Mrs. Kas said in spanish.

Translation: Does anyone remember what we did yesterday?

"La señora Kas! Vamos a tener un examen hoy, ¿verdad?" I said raising my hand.

(Translation: Mrs. Kas! We will have a quiz today, right?)

People stared at me in dissapointment.

"¡Ay! Se me olvidaba! Gracias, Scarlet" Mrs. Kas thanked me.

(Translation: Oh my! I almost forgot! Thank you, Scarlet.)

She distributed the papers to us and the-guy-I-slapped was ,looking at me.

But I ignored him and just answered my paper anyways. DONE! Wow. This was too easy.

"La señora Kas, estoy acabado." I grinned.

( Translation: Mrs. Kas, I am finished.)

The other students also passed their papers.

"Good Job, Doofus." One of the jocks said in a sarcastic tone.

The bell rang...

I just kept a straight face hoping they won't do any pranks with me anymore.

Just when people started to get out of the room, I was fixing my things. All of a sudden, somebody went near me, I felt it.

I turned to see who it was. And it was him. Not again! 

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